Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ When angels die. . . ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Angels Die. . .

warning: RATED R This fic contains is extreme violence, language, shounen
ai (might even be yaoi) if this bothers you either don't read or keep your comments to yourself.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or it's characters. I just like to
torture them and make their lives miserable. I'm not getting rich off of this, so please don't sue me. I have no money
for you to take.

Comments and Critisims are welcomed, but please don't be nasty about them.

I am the self-nominated Queen of Sap
(though in this fic I might be the Queen of something else. . .)

A/N: This is a much darker fic than what I usually write.
I'm honestly not quite sure as to why I wrote it or as to where it came
I just sat at the computer and started to type
and this is what came out.

Please let me know what you think. I haven't decided as to weither this will be a chaptered fic or a one-shot.
You're comments will help me decide.
anyways. . .

Timeline: AU Before Endless Waltz

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When angels die. . .

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"Quat! Come on, open the door! We can talk about this!" The braided boy pleaded, as he tried to pick the lock to the blonde's bedroom door.

"There's nothing to talk about. . ." came the meloncholy response.

"Quatre! Please, don't do this!" Duo begged, knocking on the door.

"I can't do this anymore, Duo." The smaller teenager whispered through the closed door. "It just hurts too much. . ."

"What ever it is, I can Help, Quat! Let me help! Tell me what's wrong!"

The blonde tuned his friend out as he leaned against the window pane, fingering the knife's edge with a bloody finger. It had gotten to a point when the boy didn't even feel pain anymore. The sticky blood that streaked down his hand no longer freaked him out. It was just. . . there.

With a depressed sigh, the boy placed the blade to his wrist. It started as a small cut. Not serious at all. But it did nothing to relieve the pain that filled his heart, and threatened to consume his soul. So, he pressed harder and the small cut grew to a large slash.

Blood flowed from his veins, dripping from his wrist and staining the cream carpet below. He watched it with mild fascination, comparing it to other cuts that had already healed into ugly discolored scars.

A small chuckle, void of any joy, escaped his throat, as he took the knife to his other arm. Another angry red slash, larger than the first, began to weep the blonde's life essence.

"Quatre, please! Answer me!" Duo shouted through the door.

The blonde threw a half smile towards the locked door. "What was the question?" He asked hazily.

The knife fell from his hand, landing with a thunk as it embedded itself into the floor. Dizzily, the boy stumbled towards the door. Reaching out, he unlocked it, and turned away from the boy who stepped inside, carefully hiding his wrists from view.

"Quatre. . ." The braided boy sighed with relief. "I was worried there."

" 'bout what?" The blonde whispered, his words slightly slurred. He glanced down at his shirt. the entire front was soaked with his blood. He found it rather amusing, and he chuckled quietly.

"About you!" Duo scowled, "I don't know what your deal is! You've been locking yourself in here, refusing to come out for days! You don't eat, barely sleep, won't talk to any of us. . . I mean. . . come on, Quat! Something's got to be bothering you! Why won't you tell me what it is? I want to help!"

"I'm fine, Duo. . ." The boy shrugged, leaning against his dresser to steady his wavering body, "I eat when I'm hungry, and as for sleep. . ." He threw a dark grin over his shoulder, "I'll be sleeping much better soon."

The braided boy's violet eyes went large and a horrified gasp escaped him, as his friend's apperance caught him off guard. The boy's face was gaunt, with dark circles under his listless eyes. His hair lacked any shine and he was way too thin. He looked like the living dead. "Q-Quatre. . ."

The blonde turned his back once more, "Go away, Duo. You're not needed here."

"I'm not leaving, Quat." Duo said sternly, "You need help!"

Another, humourless chuckle eminated from the frail teen, "You have no idea." Came the ghostly whisper, before the speaker crumpled upon himself and collapsed in a heap on the velvety carpet. His blood quickly seeped into the fibers, forever staining it.

"QUATRE!" The braided boy screamed, rushing forward and rolling the unconcious boy onto his back. "Q-Quat. . ." Duo gagged, his lunch threatening to resurface, as he viewed the bloody shirt and the mangled wrists, "Oh, Quat. . ." He shook his head, "HIIRO! TROWA! WU FEI! SOMEBODY! CALL AN AMBULANCE! QUATRE'S GONNA DIE!" He screamed, his voice carrying the panic that filled his soul. Tears filled the braided boy's eyes as he tried to stench the blood flow, "Quatre, please. . ." He prayed, "Don't leave us. . ."

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A/N Let me know what you think.