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"When angels die. . ." Reviews/Comments [ 12 ]
 Reviewed By: articuno13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2007 13:37 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
oh wow! nice!
 Title: OMG! OMG!
Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 23, 2006 14:53 CDT
I wondered if you were ever going to write more on this. It's so sad that Quat's dead. q.q But, then again, I seen it coming. These two chappies were just teasers, right? The guys acted as I expected them to. And Une...that figures. I hope Trowa snaps her like a twig! Waiting baitedly for more, Neku ^_^
 Reviewed By: Codan  On: January 19, 2006 15:21 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Where the HELL is the next chapter?! I'm actually gonna die if you don't save Cat. Poor Tro.
 Reviewed By: Bombayoni [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2005 14:13 CDT
 Title: Another chappie Please!
Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2005 09:02 CDT
UPDATE! Update PLEASE!!! With a cherry on top? :D *Hopeful grin* Anyway, waiting for your next deeply disturbing chapter and the consequences of Dean's actions biting him in the ass! Till Then, NekuYasha :)
 Title: Yes! Another chapter!!!
Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2005 09:30 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
O.K., so the sh*t-ith hath hitt-ith the fan.ith. (Sorry, a fave quote.) Anyway, Trowa is one pissed off dude! Do NOT get in his way! Whatever Dean does to Quatre better be good, because it sounds like it's gonna be the last thing he EVER does! Can't wait for more!!!!
 Title: Yea! Updates!!!
Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2005 12:41 CST
AWESOME!!!!! Gods, but I love this story! O.k. Quat's kidnapped, The gang'as getting answers, and Trowa is finally seeing what's going on to his beloved...YES! And no, the multiple personality disorder doesn't scare me-I think it's cute! Loved it! Can't wait for more. *Waves g-bye to Melody and Angel both* :)
 Title: Ooooooh!
Reviewed By: Nekuyasha :)  On: February 10, 2005 14:10 CST
OMG! Awesome!!! Finally some answers! And Mucho Kudos to Trowa for giving that hooch what she had comin'! Should've had Heero shoot her, but then you wouldn't have her for a recurring villian, huh? *sighs annoyedly* Keep it up! BTW, I love your titles! They just reach out and grip your heart in a vice even before you open the chapter!
 Reviewed By: priscel ---  On: February 09, 2005 16:47 CST
*snickers* nopr you didn't scare us away well atleast not me *big grin* i may have scared people away with my stuff though *shrugs* anyyyy way I'm glad you continued and now we know a bit about what happen, A tINy bit *smiles* i'm so happy he's not holding it in and pushing Trowa away!!! And Duo man he's so affected by this, and the way Dot was talking (i'm glad Tro socketed her one) Dean isn't dead... so i have to be concerned for Quat still and prehaps Duo if he gets wind of who this person is and goes after him... There was a bit of problem with formatting, other than that continue!
 Title: ????
Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2005 06:17 CST
3 words: What the F***? Don't get me wrong, I Really like the story, and I REALLY want to read more! I'm just reeling with Questions: What happened almost a year ago? What could possibly tear Quatre away from Trowa? What could be so bad that HE of all the G-Boys would commit suicide?! And just what does Dorothy and Une have to do with everything?! So many Questions, so few answers! I really like 1x2 & 3x4 stories, romance with a touch of angst and a happy ending, and this has all the earmarks of a story I'll LOVE! I've written one similar, not suicide, but an almost death-fic, which isn't my typical either, so I understand what you meant there. Well, I'll stop rambling now. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: priscel (^_^) [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 01, 2004 04:25 CST
wow, i treally love the chapter titles they are beautifully mellow but assertive in a way. Is hmm so prehaps a mission went wrong, horribly so... or Quat found out something about his pop that he couldn't understand? or prehaps some important to him told him he was worthless and caused his mom's death in some way that he accepted that he had killed her by his own hands?? Maybe his family is responsible or a decision he made is responsible for a whole string of deaths... OHH i dunno, i have no way of knowing but to continue to make end;ess guesses. *smirks* glad you updated! so Heero and Duo aren't together.. interesting, is they respectively with Relena and Hilde? if they were wouldn't they have come along too? maybe i should just go reread everything... more please!
 Reviewed By: Priscel *Oi*  On: August 02, 2004 16:46 CDT
that's deep even if its a short chapter. This is good! Poor Tro and Duo... when Duo faultered in his, just before Heero/Hiiro grounded him with that hug, seemed to being getting depressed and numb... sort of like quat. I wanna know what happen to quiet *has an inkling of what happen to depress him that much but zips lips* Oi update again real soon 'kay?

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