Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When black and white make Grey ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Wufei paced back and forth in his room. The prisoner was still unconscious. After capturing the demon he had brought him to the castle and chained the demon to the wall in his room where he could keep an eye on him. What a demon was doing in dragon territory was beyond him. He thought that Heero had taken care all of them. He knew that the demons were evil but he still refused to kill them himself. He didn't like to fight and refused to join the other dragons in eradicating the demons. He should kill the one that was captured but it would be dishonorable to kill him while he was unconscious. Plus, if he could somehow befriend the demon maybe he could learn something useful from it.

There was definitely something odd about the demon. Its wingspan was much larger than that of a normal demon's; the wings were almost as big as a small dragon. It looked to be in its teens possibly the same age as himself. Its body was slender with long slender legs and arms. Its face was heart shaped, with large eyes giving it a slightly feminine look to it. It even had long chestnut hair pulled into a braid that curled up into a pile at the demon's side. The demon was obviously male for its attire only consisted of a pair of black leather pants (2) that left nothing to the imagination.

Not that he was imagining anything, he told himself. A moan filled the air, interrupting his thoughts. The demon slowly stirred awake, its large wings stretching, nearly spanning the entire length of the wall. He slowly walked up to the demon so that he would not surprise it. He wasn't worried about being harmed by the demon for the shackles around the demon's wrist were made out of a special made to contain beings that could use magic. If the demon used any magic of any kind the shackles would drain the magic from his hands.
The demon groaned again and slowly sat up into a sitting position. It blinked and opened its eyes and Wufei was instantly lost into pools of violet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Duo groaned, his body ached all over, even his wings hurt. He slowly stretched his wings trying to get his muscles into some semblance of order. He managed to sit up though it hurt like a bitch. 'Where am I?' he wondered briefly. He wasn't dead and he didn't feel any wounds. He knew his muscles hurting were just a side effect of being hit by the levin ball. He opened his eyes and blinked at the bright light. Once his eyes had adjusted to the bright light he opened them and found himself staring into dark eyes, eyes so dark that they looked like an black abyss. An abyss he would willingly fall into. Mentally shaking his head Duo stared at the boy in front of him, silently studying him.

Duo had not known that the dragons were capable of morphing but the evidence was standing right in front of him. The boy before him wore pristine white pants and a long loose white shirt. The boy and his clothes looked Chinese. Another clue that the boy was the white dragon that had attacked him earlier. The eyes were the same. The boy's skin wasn't white though it was a tanned color and his hair was pulled back so tightly into a ponytail that it looked almost painful.
"Doesn't your hair hurt pulled back so tightly like that?"
Duo was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that was the first thing out of his mouth. Of all the things he could have said he had to ask a stupid question like that? He mentally smacked himself. He knew he acted like an idiot to fool people but sometimes he wondered if he sometimes went a little too far. The dragon just blinked at him. He could tell that it was shocked and possibly even speechless. Duo mentally chuckled to himself maybe asking that hadn't been so bad after all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Wufei couldn't believe it, first he had let himself be enamored by the demons eyes and then he was made speechless by its question. He briefly wondered if demons could cast spells with their eyes, then he put the thought away. If they could do that then they would have already tried that. He thought back to the question the demon had asked. What kind of question was that anyway? How tight his hair looked was not a important issue at the moment. Out loud he asked, "What is your name, demon?"

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Duo stared at the dragon waiting for an answer to his question. After a few minutes the dragon finally spoke but it did not answer his question. "Do you have a name or should I just call you Demon?"
Duo was miffed. The guy didn't have to be so rude.
"You know you don't have to be so rude."
"I asked you a question. I don't care if it was rude or not. You are a prisoner and you cannot escape," the boy said with more than a little anger.
Duo tried not to laugh but he couldn't help himself. "Did you know that when you get angry a little vein in your head starts throbbing. It's really too cute." He laughed.
The boy sputtered with indignation. "How dare you."
"What?" Duo asked. "I was only giving you a compliment. I've been totally reasonable, the least you could do is be polite when asking questions."

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Wufei took a deep breath. 'Iwillnotkillhim, Iwillnotkillhim, Iwillnotkillhim.' Once he got his anger under control. He once again asked the demon what its name was but with a more polite tone. The demon looked at him and smiled. Folding its wings on its back the boy held out one shackled hand and with a cocky grin said. "My name is Duo what's yours."

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The dragon didn't take his hand but replied, "My name is Wufei."
"Okay, Wufei, what are you going to do with me? Most of my kind had already been killed so if you're going to do the same then kill me now and get it over with." Wufei looked mildly surprised. He walked over to a chair that was in the room and pulled it to over in front of Duo. "I don't want to kill you, Duo," he sighed. "Then what are you going to do with me?"
"Well, you're going to be my new slave."

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Wufei blinked in surprise, he could not believe what had come out of his mouth. He had been about to tell the demon that he did not know what he was going to do with him. Heero had suggested torturing the demon. Wufei didn't sit well with that. Heero was head of his own clan and was as ruthless as they came. However, the blue dragon had a caring heart when it came to his friends and his lover. His lover, was the reason Heero wanted the demon's blood. Apparently, Trowa had managed to grab the demon but the demon had shot him in the face. No real harm had come to Trowa but the emerald dragon had been temporarily blinded. When they had found Trowa they had to lead the dragon home to take care of his eyes. That was also the reason the demon was chained in his room and not in the dungeon where the other prisoners were. Wufei was afraid that Heero would go down there and tear the boy limb from limb for hurting his lover.

He still couldn't believe he had said that he would make the demon his slave. Though, that would ensure his safety from Heero and allow him to try to get information from the demon. Deciding it wasn't such a bad idea and a rather sound plan Wufei turned his attention back to the demon. " I'll have some of my other servants to come and clean you up and give you some decent clothes. I don't know how you could have worn those pants especially in that weather."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Duo was pissed he couldn't believe what he was hearing. First, he was told that HE was to become a slave to a dragon! Then that same dragon insults his clothes. "If I had any other clothes I would wear them but because of you and your race all I own is what I'm wearing. I don't even have a family anymore because they were murdered. A dozen orphans were burnt on stakes by the dragons. Orphaned because the dragons killed their parents. We never did anything to you but we are hunted down and killed." Duo hissed. Wufei's eyes widened in shock. Obliviously, Duo continued on." Do you know how it feels to watch helplessly as everyone you know and loved is killed before you? Well, do you? I still hear their screams at night as they were burned to ashes. So tell me. Do you know how that feels? I swore then that I would kill those responsible for their deaths and I will. I run I hide but I NEVER tell a lie," He bit out savagely. As Duo yelled at the obtuse dragon he slowly got to his feet and spread his wings out. " I am Shinigami and when it's your turn to die I will be there to take you soul to hell." He glared at Wufei. Wufei's mouth hung open in shock. 'Well, he's in for another shock, literally,' Duo thought.

Duo concentrated on his energy but instead of focusing it into his hands, he focused it into his wings. It was an ability that only a few could do and as far as he knew he was the only one still alive who could do it. Duo's wings began to glow a bright green. The energy made a crackling sound as little green bolts of power jumped from wing to wing. Duo imagined a ball forming between his wings. The power in his wings stopped jumping from wing to wing, instead it formed a bright green ball that floated between Duo's wings. Duo mentally flicked the ball at the shocked boy in front of him.

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Wufei shocked at the demon's words took a step forward. Were his people really killing innocent people? At the end of Duo's speech Wufei looked at the demon's glowing wings. 'How the hell can he do that? Thought Wufei. The shackles should be draining his energy.' Wufei looked at the demon's hands. They weren't glowing. A crackling sound filled the air as a green ball began forming between its wings. 'How the hell can he do that? Not even dragons can channel energy through their wings.' The green ball flew out at Wufei so fast that all he saw was a blur of green coming towards him. It hit him in the chest, all he could feel was pain. His muscles screamed in pain as Wufei and the chair he was sitting in fell over backwards. He soon didn't feel the pain as his vision clouded over and his world went dark.