Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When black and white make Grey ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Part 4

Duo was warm. It had been a long time since he felt this warm. He snuggled closer to the heat. His cheek rubbed up against something warm and smooth. He snuggled closer and heard a faint heart beat coming from his pillow.

His eyes snapped open at the thought. Pillows didn't have heartbeats. He looked up.

'Oh my God.'

He was draped over Wufei. One arm was wrapped around the dragon's waist with his leg wedged in between Wufei's. Duo folded his wings closely to his back and slowly moved backwards. He didn't want to wake the sleeping dragon; for all he knew, Wufei might not be a morning person. Once he was certain he wouldn't wake up Wufei, he rolled to his left to get out of the bed and stopped when his head was jerked back. Turning around, he found his braid in Wufei's hands. He grabbed a hold of his braid and gently pulled on it.
It didn't budge.

He crawled over to Wufei and gently pried back the fingers from his braid. When he was finished he got off the bed and was about to walk out of the door when he heard a voice from the bed.

"Where do you think your going?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Wufei chuckled. He had been awake long before the winged boy awoke. He had tried hard at not laughing at Duo attempts to get his braid from his clutch. It had been a spur of the moment idea to grip the braid as Duo rolled off the bed. He had been content to lay there with Duo in his arms and had hoped that Duo would snuggle up to him again if he couldn't leave the bed. He knew he shouldn't feel this way. That it was wrong to feel this way about a boy and a demon was even worse but he couldn't help it. He had liked having Duo in his arms. It felt....right somehow.

He'd known the boy for less than twenty-four hours and he was already having strange feelings toward the boy. It couldn't be more than attraction. Know one could deny the fact that the boy was beautiful and sensual. Just looking at him made his body react. The boy was definitely attractive, he would have to keep an eye on him to make sure nothing happened to him. As his personal slave, Duo would have to attend to him all day. Especially, at dinnertime. However, the nobles and princes of the other clans may try to hurt Duo solely because of what he was. Some would even try to take the boy.

Wufei scowled at the thought. Duo was *his* and his alone. He wouldn't allow anyone to harm him.

Wufei looked up at the boy standing by the door. Duo seemed to be in shock, Duo just stood there staring back at him.

"Well," he prompted.

"I was leaving." Duo said

"Obviously," he said with a smirk.
"Do you know what necklace around your neck does?"

"It drains magic." Duo said putting his hands on his hips. "I'm not stupid."

"Yes, but it also has a spell that acts like a homing beacon." Wufei got up and headed towards Duo. " If you escaped, we would be able to find you in seconds. the necklace can only be taken off by me because I'm the only one who knows where the unlock mechanism is."

Wufei took Duo's arm and led him over to a chair in front of the table in his room. Duo sat down in the chair, not saying a word. Wufei walked to the door and opened it. He briefly spoke with the guard standing outside the door and asked for breakfast to be brought up. He closed the door and sat in front of Duo. As soon as he sat down the door opened and two servants carrying trays of food walked in. The servants set the trays on the table and with a bow left the room.

Wufei gestured towards the food for Duo to eat. Duo picked up a fork and tried each of the assorted foods on the trays. He had never eaten any of this stuff before. Mostly what he ate was whatever he could scrounge up in the forest or steel from the markets. That was before he lost his cloak. It had been a special cloak; equipped with hidden pockets and extra cloth to hide his wings even when the cloak shifted as he walked. He had used the pockets to put whatever he had stolen in and none were the wiser. Unfortunately, in one of the many encounters he had with the dragons, he had lost his cloak.

He had to keep himself from moaning in pleasure as the first bite of eggs hit his mouth. He hadn't had eggs since he was younger and they had been plain. These eggs had cheese and spices in it, it was wonderful. He noticed Wufei watching him but he decided to think about that later, putting all his attention into the food.

As he ate, Wufei talked.

"You're going to be my personal slave," Wufei began. Duo opened his mouth to say something but Wufei held up a hand and continued on. "I know you don't like that idea; I found that out yesterday when you hit me with that levin bolt. I'm doing this more for your protection than humility. It's either this or the dungeons. In the dungeons you would be chained to the wall and given a small meal twice a day. You being a demon, you would be lucky to get even that from the guards. They would kill you and say that it was an accident or that you attacked them." Wufei stopped for a moment and let the thought sink in, then he continued.

"You won't have to do much. As long as you behave and do what you're told you'll be fine. I don't beat my slaves unless they need to be disciplined and only when it is disobedience. A personal slave has more freedom than other slaves. You will only have to attend me, getting something I need, pulling out my clothes, small menial tasks. You will have to follow me around most of the time. That way I can keep an eye on you."(1)

Duo was seething. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He would have to follow this guy around as a slave and in front of other leaders. He could see them now, gloating at having a demon for a slave and how his people needed to be eradicated.

As though reading his mind, Wufei spoke. " I know you don't like that thought but it's better than the dungeon. Around me you can act normal, which will be most of the time. I don't like parties and only go to the ones I have to go to. When in the company of others you will have to not look so defiant. If you don't look anyone in the eyes and keep your head lowered a bit then maybe they won' t notice you as much."

"Yeah right," Duo said sarcastically. "Like they won't notice a slave with two black wings on their back. Give me a break, I can waltz into a room and they'll start staring instantly."

Wufei sighed and pushed back a stray lock that had come out of its ponytail. Duo was right. He might as well where a neon flashing with ~I'm a demon come get me~, written on it. "Nonetheless, you need to learn how to act like you've been broken. That's what they'll want to see and I particularly don't like to break the will of my slaves."

Duo scowled. He had no choice but to go along. Not that he had much choice. Either this or the dungeon, at least here he wouldn't be beaten or killed. He only had to sacrifice his pride and dignity. He couldn't escape, not with the necklace. It should really be called a choker, he thought wryly. The thing was only slightly bigger than a regular choker. He tugged on it absentmindedly. With the necklace on they could find him and if he found any others of his kind they would be put endanger. He couldn't do that to them. Life was hard enough as it was.

"Fine," he said. Though, Wufei's expression didn't change relief showed in his eyes. 'Had he been worried?' Duo thought. Duo mentally shook his head. No, he couldn't have been worried. It must have been something else.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Duo stared at the mountain of clothes on the bed. After breakfast Wufei had told him that he would start his 'slave' duties at lunchtime. Apparently, Wufei had a luncheon/meeting with the heads of the other dragon clans. He had asked Duo to wear something that was more appropriate for the meeting. Which had resulted in a snide comment from Duo, proclaiming that he had no other clothes. Which had got him to where he was now. Wufei had instantly acquired clothes in his size in an hour.

Wufei confused Duo. He had been expected to be killed within moments of being caught but here he was rifling through a pile of clothes given to him by a Dragon. Wufei had no reason to be nice to him. He suspected that Wufei only wanted to find out more about his people so that he could destroy them. It wouldn't work, though. He hadn't been in contact with another of his kind since the fire.

Duo sighed and looked at the pile of clothes again. He had already picked out a pair of black pants with a black tank top. Duo had also found in the pile of clothes a black buttoned down shirt that could hide most of his wings without being uncomfortable. It looked like a black version of Wufei's shirt but he didn't really care. Since his clothes matched his wings the other dragon leaders would be less likely to notice his wings coming out of the bottom of his shirt.

The door opened and Wufei walked in. He was dressed in all white, like usual.

"Do you always wear white?" Duo asked. "It wouldn't hurt to add some variety to your life."

"No, I don't always wear white. When meeting with other leaders it is necessary to wear the color that a dragon takes on in it's dragon form."

"Yeah, but I've seen a bright pink dragon before. Don't tell me that whoever that was has to where that color most of the time." Duo winced at the mental picture. When he had seen that dragon it was from two miles away.

Wufei chuckled, "That must have been Relena. She is the only *bright* pink dragon. The ugliest color I have ever seen. And yes, she does wear that color. She actually likes the color so she wears it all the time; even more than I wear white."

"She's not going to be there is she? I kind should I say this....put a whole through her wing and knocked her unconscious, while hundreds of feet in the air and let her fall and hit the ground."

Wufei's eyes widened. "No, she won't be here she's still recovering from that fall. She broke both of her wings and a leg in the fall."

"She's lucky she wasn't killed, with her coloring she shouldn't be out hunting at all. I saw her two miles away. She might as well as have a sign saying 'come kill me' on it."

Wufei sighed, "Come on, it's time to go to the meeting. Remember all you have to do is make sure my glass is always filled and take away my dirty plates when I'm done eating and don't look anyone in the eyes."

Duo nodded and followed Wufei out of the room. They walked down several hallways before reaching a pair of double doors. Two humans stood by the doors dressed in fine clothing opened the doors as Wufei approached. They bowed as he walked through the doors; Duo following closely. The room was huge, with large stained glass windows. Sitting at a large, round table in the room were the other leaders.

Duo almost laughed at the different colors sitting next to each other. All the different shades of one color sat together; it almost looked like a kaleidoscope. Some of the colors worn had to be neon, they were so bright. Some of the colors weren't as bright and actually made the wearers more sophisticated looking. Duo felt sorry for one girl. It wasn't the color she wore that was so bad but her eyebrows were forked at the ends. They were so long that when you looked at her from behind you could still see the forked ends of her eyebrows.

There were only two empty seats at the table. One, Duo assumed, had to be Relena's because it was in what he had dubbed 'the pink section.' Wufei sat at the table, next to him on his left sat a man with dark hair and blue eyes. His eyes matched the color of his outfit and Duo realized that he was the one who had attacked him the night he was captured. The person on Wufei's right had the oddest hair Duo had ever seen. His bangs were so long in the front that they covered half of his face. He was the green dragon that had grabbed his foot.

Duo stood quietly a few steps behind Wufei with his head slightly lowered. With his bangs covering his eyes, Duo could easily observe everybody in the room. Servants came in bearing trays of food and set them on the table. Various types of wines were set on the table. Each noble's personal slave walked up and poured the wine for their master. Duo at first had no idea what to do. He had never opened a wine bottle before but he managed to figure it out by watching the other slaves. He deftly poured the wine and went back to where he was standing.

"I see you got yourself a new slave, Wufei," a man across from Wufei called out.

"Yes, I just got him yesterday, Lord Keeven," answered Wufei.

Lord Keeven leered at Duo. "Yesterday, I could give you a servant already trained and broken in for him. He would be an excellent addition to my collection."

Wufei had to suppress his anger. Lord Keeven like to collect 'pretty' things. However, he only collected humans. Wufei knew that Keeven couldn't tell that Duo wasn't human, which he was glad for. The man had a harem of males and females ranging from the young to old; as long as they were beautiful he wanted them. The man was a lecher. He didn't blame the man, though. Duo was a beautiful creature. With that long hair and large violet eyes, he was every man's, or woman's for that matter, dream come true.

"I'm sorry Keeven, but I am quite happy with him and have no need to trade him."

Keeven pouted, "It's a pity, he's beautiful."

Wufei resisted the urge to turn around and look at Duo. "I am well aware of that, Lord Keeven."

"Now, now you two. We have more important matters to discuss," said a smooth alto voice. Everyone turned towards Lady Catalonia." With Lady Peacecraft not here I will act in her stead," she continued. "As you all know that she was hurt while hunting for one of those winged creatures. She insists that we stop hunting them down. Her fall having opened her mind" She held up her hands for silence as protest came from some of the others. "Her reason for this proposition is that we have no reason to kill them. Think about it, do any of us remember the reason why are ancestors started killing them?" Silence filled the hall. "No you don't, none of us do. The only ones who still might know are the 'old ones'. And they want to rule over us. They are the only ones still insisting to kill them, yet they want to rule us as well. I suggest we stop killing them and point them towards the old ones for revenge."

"Excuse me Lady Catalonia, but I think I might know the reason why the killings started."

"Go on Lord Reval."

"As you all know," he began. "My grandfather is one of the 'old ones'. When I was younger and before he allied with the other old ones against us, he would tell me old stories. When I was ten I went on my first hunt and we found one Demon. It got away; but later I asked him why we hunted them down. He told me it was because of an old prophecy. I don't remember how the it went but it was something like:

When black and white make gray
When Dragons are Demons
And Demons are Dragons

The world that is known will fall away
The great powers of the world will cease to exist
Leaving nothing of themselves left behind (2)

"I don't know what it means but are ancestors believed that the Demons would find some way to switch bodies with us or something. They agreed that the Demons should be destroyed." Reval shrugged and sat down that's all I know.

Duo couldn't believe it. His family was killed because of some old geezers were afraid of a stupid prophecy. He could feel the hot tears on his cheeks but he didn't care. He spent his entire life running because of something so trivial as an old prophecy. He lowered his head lower than it had to be so that know one would see his tears.

He continued to listen as the meeting continued.

Lady Catalonia stood up. "If this is true," she said. "Then we've been taught to hate the Demons over the insecurities of old men. I say we stop killing them."

"Just a moment Lady Catalonia," Lord Flax stood up. "The Demons kill us just as much as we kill them. Why should we stop; they would continue to attack us."

Wufei spoke up at that. "That's where you are wrong, Lord Flax. They don't hunt us down and kill us. They only attack us when we're hunting them down. The Dragons hurt or killed by Demons in every case were on hunts. If we stop going on hunts they won't attack us." Lord Flax sat down. Wufei knew that Flax had nothing to say that would counter the truth.

Through the entire meeting Wufei's closest friends, Trowa and Heero had been completely silent. Trowa stood up, "I suggest," he said, "That we all take time to think about this. We should have another meeting in a couple of days and decide what we will do then."

"I agree with Lord Barton, does anyone object."

Wufei suppressed a laugh. Heero always agreed with Trowa and vice versa. No one, of course, would object to Trowa's suggestion because anytime he agreed with Trowa he would glare at anybody in the room, daring anyone to object to his lovers idea. Everyone but Heero's friends was afraid of him. Heero was one of the best fighters out of all the clans. The only one who could match him was Wufei and they were evenly matched. Neither one could defeat the other.

Everyone agreed and the meeting was adjourned everyone was getting up to leave when there was a loud crashing sound.

Five Garaus crashed through the stained glass windows. They were vicious animals used only in hunts. They were three feet high on four legs, but they were capable of walking on their hind legs. They were ugly animals, similar to dogs except their teeth were bigger and hung out of their mouths. Their paws were equipped with retractable claws, sharp spikes stuck out of their backs, and they had no pupils. Their eyes were completely red, they had no whites, no pupils, just an eerie glowing red.

Two of the Garaus stood up on their hind legs and headed towards the Dragons closest to the exit. The other three jumped on to the table snarling at the nobles if they tried to get up. No one moved. If they moved to quickly then the Garaus would rip out their throats. The room was too small for one of them to transform into their dragon form without hurting the others in the room.

Wufei glared at the Garau in front of him. It moved closer until it was only a few feet away and growled low in its throat. Wufei refused to be cowed by the animal. He looked out of the corner of his eyes and saw Duo on his right slowly slipping of his shirt. Wufei hoped that the necklace didn't drain the magic from Duo's wings or they would be goners. Consequently, their only hope of surviving rested in the hands of a Demon. Wufei mentally chuckled, if they survived this, the nobles would have to stop the hunts.

The two Garaus on their hind legs herded the few standing Dragons to the table. Periodically extending a claw and taking a swipe at someone to get him to move faster. Wufei realized that they were rounding them up and waiting for something. Someone had to be controlling them; Garaus weren't that smart. They were about as intelligent as the common dog.

A woman screamed, Wufei jerked his head in the direction of the noise. The Garau in front of Wufei growled and leaped for Wufei's throat.


(1) I know Wufei seems to be nice at one moment and a little stricter at the other. I wrote Wufei's personality as an all around nice guy but he puts up the tough act for other clan leaders and in front of Duo so that he doesn't come off as weak or that they think he can be easily manipulated.

(2) writing mysterious prophecies is not my forte. Can't you tell?