Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Duo Gets Tied Up ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Duo Gets Tied Up

Warning: a 1x2 yaoi lemon, obviously

Disclaimers: Gundam Wing characters belong to Mixx Entertainment, Koichi Tokita, the SOTSU Agency, Sunrise, Kodansha and anyone I may have forgotten, not to me. I make no money off of this.

Duo flopped onto the couch and propped his head up on his hands, staring at the television as it flickered in the dark room. He cast one last wistful glance at the door before picking up the remote and flipping channel after channel until they blurred together. One of his long bangs fell into his eye and he pushed it aside.

"Where are you, Heero?" he grumbled, flipping faster. "You're supposed to be here by now." And I know the mission went all right, 'cause I would have been notified if not. He tapped his foot impatiently on the couch, kicking off his shoes in the process. Landing on a channel that didn't seem as bad as the rest, he dropped the remote on the floor and reached one hand back to get rid of the gun and holster on his back. Once that had joined the remote, he rubbed the sore spot absent-mindedly and wondered if a callous was developing there and if so, would it affect his love life? He sighed and closed his eyes, lowering his head to the cushion beneath him.

Without warning, a heavy weight dropped down on his back and pinned his hand there, holding it securely as a strong hand seized his other wrist and forced it behind him.

"Hey, what the--!" Duo yelled, but his face was pushed in to the cushion, muffling him before he could shout again.

Cord was wrapped around his wrists, binding them together with intricate knots. Duo smiled when he realized this person knew he could get out of just about anything and was using time-consuming knots out of necessity. Only a handful of people knew his talents as an escape artist, and of that few, only one of them knew where this safe house was.

If anything, that made him struggle harder, thrashing about with all his strength in an effort to throw his captor off. He kicked his legs about, but the other person was sitting too high up on his back to notice. Black cloth slipped over his eyes, blinding him, and Duo froze in surprise. His captor took the opportunity to reach down and tie his ankles together with the same cord.

As fast as it had come, the weight disappeared. Duo whuffed as he was flipped onto his back and immediately opened his mouth to begin yelling bloody murder, but unfortunately for him, that had been foreseen. Firm lips pressed on his, and another mouth devoured his own before he could react. His cheeks burned as the kiss was stolen from him.

"Not...fair..." he moaned when the other person withdrew. "No fair sneaking up on me."

"You shouldn't be so easy to sneak up on," Heero whispered.

"Well, you're the Perfect Soldier," Duo smirked. "And I know you like it when I fight back."

"And now you can't."

Duo felt Heero's hands slid beneath his back and knees, lifting him into his strong arms. "Don't drop me," he whispered harshly, pushing his face into Heero's tank top.

"I won't." His sneakers silenced his steps on the staircase and along the hall, making Duo wonder where they were until Heero suddenly tossed him into the air. Duo couldn't help his startled cry even as he landed on a soft mattress.

"Heero, that wasn't nice at all!" he griped, rubbing his face against the mattress to dislodge the eyeshade.

Heero sat down beside him and gently pushed the blindfold back into place. Frustrated, Duo made a few more token jerks against the rope as Heero drew him into his arms, wrapping him up in a powerful embrace. His fingertips lightly ran across Duo's cheek, down to his lips, and then along his jaw before following up with tickling kisses. He popped loose the band at the end of Duo's hair and unraveled the braid until he could run his fingers through the silky waves.

Duo finally slumped in surrender and lay his head on Heero's chest, soaking up the warmth radiating from the heated skin. "Was it a hard battle?" he asked.

"Mm," Heero nodded. He reached up to the collar on Duo's shirt and unfastened it, letting it slip away as he attacked the shirt, opening it down the middle. With a hidden smile, he lay one hand on the exposed skin, stroking down along Duo's abdomen until he reached the hem of his pants. Not bothering to wait, he slipped his fingers beneath the fabric.

Duo gasped and his arms flexed uselessly, fighting to tear the ropes off or wriggle out of them somehow. Nothing gave. The rope wouldn't even loosen. He tossed his head wildly, but he couldn't throw the blindfold off. Heero's hand came back out of his pants and caressed his face, teasing his lips with his fingers. Duo growled and snapped his teeth shut as he tried to bite him.

Heero only chuckled in amusement and continued touching him, running his hands over him as if he were his pet. He lightly brushed his knuckles over Duo's cheek before stealing another kiss. It was so sweet to torment poor Duo, make him know just how vulnerable he was. One more kiss, and he started undoing Duo's pants.


The Japanese pilot blinked as he looked down. "Right." He tugged Duo's legs up closer so that he could reach his ankles and undid the ropes holding them. The moment his lower half was loose, Duo fought to get free, but his lowered pants trapped him again. When those fell away, Heero bound his ankles one more time.

"I thought you were supposed to be an escape artist," Heero whispered in his ear. His warm breath made Duo forget that he was supposed to be struggling. He snaked his fingers over the edge of Duo's boxers, then pulled in opposite directions, tearing them from his body. "You're not getting away."

Duo smirked. "Always gotta be in control, huh?"

Suddenly he found himself on his stomach, sideways over Heero's lap. "Oh no, no, Heero! Don't you dare! Don't you--aiii!" his words melted into a loud cry as a fierce hot hand slapped his rear. Pins and needles spread over the stinging skin until another slap followed the first.

"You talk too much." Another slap came down.

"Ow! Quit it!"

Heero grinned, a manic delight creeping up into his eyes, as Duo wiggled and twisted around. His hind end was already turning red. He pulled his lover back up and forced a particularly rough kiss from him before throwing him back down on the bed.

"Heero, I'm not a rag doll!" Duo complained. "Quit tossing me around like one!"

"Duo..." Heero sighed, enjoying the way Duo looked, helplessly bound and mostly naked, unable to fight back. "You are my play toy." He loomed over the American and kissed him again, although this one was softer and allowed Duo the chance to reply in kind. "I love you."

He kissed him again, this time a little beneath his lips, then on his throat, then along his chest...Duo whimpered in anticipation, thrusting his hips up impatiently. Heero smirked and firmly pressed him down into the mattress. "Oh no. You must wait until I am ready." He bypassed Duo's length, already painfully hard, and kissed his way along his thighs, running his tongue over the smooth skin. Duo groaned again, not noticing when Heero untied his ankles and pushed his legs apart. Heero finally gave in to Duo's wordless pleading and lay one hot hand on Duo's cock, softly stroking it, wrapping his hand around it as he moved his hand. Duo hissed in agonized delight, involuntarily thrusting against Heero's hand.

Heero bent his head down and kissed the very tip of Duo's length, then sheathed it in his mouth, smiling when Duo yelled out. His tongue raced along the velvety skin, loving the taste of him, fondling him as he worked.

"Heero...Heero, more, please...Heero!" Duo writhed beneath him, straining desperately for more, for a faster pace, anything...and Heero responded, intensifying his ministrations so much that Duo could no longer use his voice. He gasped for breath and whipped his head to each side, trembling so much he thought his heart would stop. And then that thought was pushed away in aguish as Heero withdrew, leaving him at the edge of ecstasy and unable to step off.

"Duo, try to relax," Heero ordered, at last removing his own clothing.

"R-r-re...relax?" Duo breathed. "Gotta...b-be k-kidding!"

Heero ignored his shuddering and positioned himself over the bound body, spreading Duo's legs farther out.

"Heero...hurry..." Duo hissed. "Hurts..."

Gently, with unbearable slowness, Heero pushed his way into Duo, forcing himself in all the way until he felt himself hit something. Duo's scream was cut short in shock as Heero's hand returned to his cock, stroking it again. As the other pilot drove deep into him, Duo fought to stay conscious as waves of pleasure rammed into him from two fronts. He slammed his head back on the pillow, but it didn't help. Only one thing would help and it was getting closer, closer for both of them, but it was still so far away until finally--

Time stopped as both of them cried each other's names and their energies raced out of them, leaving them hopelessly exhausted. Heero pulled out and collapsed next to Duo, one hand fumbling at the knots around Duo's wrists. His eyes closed, and he managed to free Duo with his last bit of strength.

The American grinned in weary joy and forced himself onto his side, throwing one arm around Heero's prone body and hugging him close. His fingers loosely tangled in Heero's tussled hair, and he gave him a soft kiss. "Heero?"


"Good, you're...still alive," he said between breaths. He adjusted his head with a grimace, edging away from his tangling hair beneath him. "Ready...for a few...minutes...?"


"Okay...fifteen minutes...but that' long as I...wait."

"Fifteen?" Heero whispered, beginning to fall asleep.

"Y'eh..." Duo replied, his own voice hardly audible as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He fought to keep his eyes open, but after half a minute decided he didn't want to fight. "Or...'morrow morning?"

"Tha'ss better," Heero sighed.

Duo held the sleeping boy close, idly wondering if they'd left the television on. least after sex...we both fall asleep...

The End