Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Shooting Stars Fall ❯ EXECUTION ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

/…/ = Thoughts
*…*= Emphasis
= flashback

"Please Barton just cooperate with us and nobody will be hurt," Nichol told the silent circus performer. "You know your situation is bad so why keep fighting?"
"Look Barton I'm not going to torture you or abuse you but someone is going to get hurt if you don't start talking! I respect you Gundam pilots but you're still my enemy."
"If we give you the information OZ desires then we will be executed," Trowa replied, keeping his face steady. "You seem to be a decent man Lt. Nichol, it's too bad that we are enemies."
"What kind of person I am doesn't matter," Nichol snapped. "All that matters is that I'm an OZ soldier and that comes before anything else. The same holds true for you as a Gundam pilot, or at least it should."
Trowa simply showed a hint of surprise on his face and Nichol continued, "It's obvious to me that you have a *thing* for that blond boy, Quatre."
"Ha," Trowa gave a sarcastic laugh, "How'd you manage to figure that out? By watching us fuck in the jail cell?"
Nichol reddened a bit but replied, "Actually I shut down the security cameras when I saw what you were up to. I do believe in respecting people's privacy, even if it's an enemy's."
Trowa simply stared at the OZ lieutenant in front of him. Nichol got up from his chair and walked to the door. He glanced outside of it and then said, "Listen Barton. All I'm trying to tell you is that if you don't start talking soon then something might happen to your loved one."
Trowa kept his composure although his heart began to beat wildly.
/ Maybe he's bluffing. Maybe he's trying to come off as a nice guy but all he wants is the information /
"Barton all we at OZ want to know is where we can find the people that give you orders. They are slippery and we have not been able to get our hands on them. Just tell us how we can find them and…" Nichol stopped speaking.
"And then you'll execute us all anyway," Trowa gravely said. "That is the way it'll be anyway."
Nichol sighed and faced the green-eyed boy. "The choice is yours Barton," he said.
/ Quatre wouldn't want me to disclose any information/ Trowa told himself. /He'd be disappointed in me. We have to get out of this somehow. I told him that…I'd protect him, always. But it turns out that I have no ability to do that at all /

"We're really fucked up a creek now huh?"
Quatre nodded to his braided friend as they sat in the dim cell. He was worried about Trowa, the interrogation had been going on for awhile and he just hoped that Trowa was alright. In the mean time he was racking his brain for a possible escape plan. Then a thought struck him.
"We could break out of here," he began. Duo looked at him. "If…if one of us was able to fake a sickness then OZ would be forced to transport him to another area. When they do that all three of us could make a rush for the door and…"
"Most likely we'd be gunned down in the process," Duo darkly commented. "Look Quatre, I may be the cheery Shinigami, but I know when we're fucked. And this time we're really fucked. While we're being held here we have no choice but to sit and wait for an opportunity to arise."
"And what if that never happens?" Quatre asked. "What if the cards don't end up in our favor this time?"
Duo lay back and looked up at the ceiling. He'd never have guessed that it would turn up this way, with two of them already in bodybags and the others caught and rotting in jail. For a moment as he looked up at the ceiling he seemed to see the faces of all the people that were dear to him.
/Solo, Hilde, the other pilots, Wufei…damn I'm sorry Wu-man. Heero…Heero can't be dead. It just seems so unlike him to have been taken down while on his own. You'd have thought he'd have at least blown up half the base with him /
"Thinking about Heero?" Quatre asked.
/ I sometimes wonder *how* the hell Quatre does that / Duo thought. / Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier. He's so cold at times but I can't ever stop feeling attracted to him. /
Quatre coughed again and muttered a curse under his breath. Had he a mirror he could have seen that his usually noble composure had been lost. His hair was out of order and dirty; his face had brown dirt streaks in some places. He had lost weight and was dressed in ugly brown prison suits; the one he was wearing was much to big for him and drooped off of his small figure. Then the door to their cell opened.

And Heero Yuy was roughly thrown inside of a dimly lit cell. He looked up hoping to see signs of Duo or Trowa or Quatre or Wufei, but mostly Duo.
"Don't get your hopes up," the guard that had brought him in sneered. "You're in solitary confinement 01. They all think you're dead so we can't brighten their sprits by having *you* suddenly appear. It would make us look silly."
The guard roughly grabbed Heero by the neck and threw him into a corner of the room. Heero felt a large hand smack him on the back of the head. The guard shackled his arms to the bed so that Heero was able to lie down on the bed and not much else. Then the guard brought out another pair of shackles and grabbed Heero's legs. Roughly pulling them apart he forced the rusty metal shackles to close around Heero's ankles. Heero kicked at the larger man but all in vain as the mammoth guard gave him a sharp blow to the head. Heero felt a ring cut him across the cheek.
"That oughta do for now," the guard grunted as he snapped the shackles into place. Heero was now completely restrained with his legs spread apart in a very suggestive manner. "Unfortunately I gotta go do work some place else," the guard mocked, standing up and heading for the door. "But just don't move and I'll be back before ya know it."

Quatre wrapped his arms around Trowa tighter and whispered in his ear," I'm so glad you're alright." He gave his lover a kiss and hugged him again, tears beginning to form in the corner of his crystalline eyes.
Duo made a small sucking noise while the two lovers held each other. Finally as the two turned their attention back to Duo he found his voice again.
"You guys are…are GAY?!?!" he bellowed at the top of his voice. His Prussian eyes grew wide and Shinigami looked very much like a fish with his mouth wide open.
Quatre reddened in the face but Trowa stepped in front of the small Arab and glared angrily at Duo. Duo caught the full effect of Trowa's 'deathglare' before bursting out into laughter and falling to the floor.
"I didn't think he'd take this way," Trowa said softly as the boy called Death rolled on the floor holding his stomach.
"No no no no," Duo laughed as he regained some of his composure. "It's not that I think it's a *bad* thing that you guys are gay. It's just a shock cuz I thought I was the only one that was."
Now it was Quatre and Trowa's turn for their jaws to hit the floor. Trowa stared at the boy garbed in priest clothes with a once in a lifetime look of absolute awe. Quatre felt himself blush but felt a small hint of anger towards the braided pilot. Then he began to laugh to himself quietly, a soft chuckle.
"I always knew you had it bad for Heero," he laughed as Trowa helped Duo get off the floor. "But I just thought that…well I don't know exactly what I thought about you, but I know Heero is…"
The blond Arab suddenly lost his good spirits. Shinigami faced him with a look of sadness in his Prussian eyes. Quatre could see that Duo was thinking the exact same thing he was."
/Heero is dead! / Quatre's brain screamed. / He's gone and there is *no* chance that he and Duo will ever be together! /
/But! Maybe…/
/ Buts and maybes all pale when faced with reality / he thought bitterly to himself. /And the reality is that Heero is dead, and that's all there is to it really/
The Deathscythe pilot walked over to Quatre and put his arm around the blonde's shoulder. Quatre looked up into the ever-dancing violet pools of Duo's eyes. Tears were beginning to form slightly in the corners. Then Quatre felt his own eyes water. But his tears did spill.
/ God, he really did love Heero. Why do things have to happen this way? Why the fuck does people like Duo and Trowa always end up being hurt? Why? /
Trowa walked over to where his lover stood weeping and took him in his arms. The silent clown squeezed the smaller boy to his chest and kissed him on the top of his head.
The rickety bed clanked noisily in the small dark jail cell. Heero gritted his teeth and braced himself as the guard thrust into him over and over again. The large slob grunted in pleasure as he did so, not caring that he was causing Heero great pain. There was "no time for little details" so Heero had been forced to bear the pain of the large man's erection tear into him without any lubrication. He had almost cried out for the pain was so sharp.
/ Just stay calm / He thought to himself as the guard brutalized him. / Don't give any reaction, don't think about it. Don't think about it/
The larger man then began to bite on Heero's shoulder and twist one his sensitive nipple roughly. In sudden anger Heero thrust up at the rapist but only succeeded in making the big man laugh.
"Glad you're getting into it honey," he cooed into Heero's ear as he bit down on it. Heero felt blood flow down his body from where the man had hit him.
/ Damn him! / Heero cursed. /You bastard. Omae o korosu! You'll pay for this I swear you will! /

The cell door opened and Trowa watched in anger as two OZ soldiers walked in keeping their machine guns trained on the 3 Gundam pilots. Trowa glanced and saw that more soldiers were standing outside, standing at attention. He wondered who it was that was going to pay them a visit. Then two more figures appeared in the doorway.
"No way!" Duo yelled in disbelief. He put his hands to the sides of his head and cursed again. "No fucking way!"
Quatre let out a small gasp as Col. Sally Po chuckled. Behind her stood Nichol, who seemed as if he was very unhappy. Trowa felt Quatre tighten his grip on Trowa. Trowa merely stared at the traitor before him, eyes showing no emotion.
"Hahahah," Sally laughed. "So surprised Shinigami?" she mocked the braided pilot. "You do know that this is war don't you? Well of course then spies are a vital part of wars."
Trowa released Quatre from his grip and gave Po a dark look. He heard Duo mutter something under his breath but kept himself focused completely on Sally. Something wasn't right; there was something wrong. Trowa just *knew* that there was a dark mood in the room at the time.
"What business do you have here?" he spat at the blonde OZ officer.
"Hmph. Never beat around the bush eh Barton?" she said, a hard, serious tone in her voice. "Well as you already know OZ wants some information from you pilots, and we want it soon." She began to pace the room and walk closer to him, the guards seemed to tense their grip on their weapons. "I don't think that you understand that right now you're all quite lucky to be alive. You don't seem to comprehend that we mean business and that unless you answer our questions, you will die."
"You can't expect us to give you information," Trowa said softly tensing up as a premonition grew inside of him.
"Oh I know that! But now only 3 of you remain, without your Gundams. Both that arrogant snot Wufei and "Mr. Perfect Soldier Heero Yuy" are now feeding worms."
At the remark about Heero Trowa saw Duo clench his fist and lunge at Sally. It would be impossible to escape but Trowa knew Duo was simply angry and couldn't control himself. Luckily Quatre ran to restrain Duo and held him back.
Sally Po smiled as she pulled out a pistol and aimed it at the two. "Now don't do anything harsh Maxwell. I'd hate to kill have to kill you too…"
/ What the hell does she mean? / Trowa asked himself. The burning premonition inside of him grew. He turned to Sally and then something in his brain clicked. / Oh God no! /
/ Kill me too? / Quatre wondered as he relaxed his grip on Duo and stepped to the side of the American. / What the hell does…/
/ Bitch! She won't get away for this! / Duo thought to himself. Quatre released him and he brushed his large chestnut braid back. He looked and saw Trowa face Sally.
The world seemed to slow down then. The loud report from the gun startled Quatre for just a second. He heard Trowa scream and wondered what it was about. Then there was an incredible pain welling up inside of him. He felt his legs give out from under him as he fell to the concrete floor. Duo came to his side quickly followed by an incredibly shaken Trowa. Blood trickled on the floor, his.
-end part 2