Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Shooting Stars Fall ❯ BLURRY ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 3- BLURRY
/…/ =Thoughts
*…*= Emphasis

The gunshot echoed in the small room. As Quatre fell Duo thought about rushing Po, but thought better to aid his friend first. Getting down on the floor next to the gentle Arab he ripped a piece of his gray prisoner uniform off and tried to bind up the wound in Quatre's chest. The wound bled profusely and showed no signs of letting the platinum blond live.
/ NO! / Duo screamed inside of his head. / Quatre! This can't be happening, not to Quatre. Why do all the important people in my life always die around me? Other people shouldn't have to get killed, especially people like Quatre/
Trowa rushed to Quatre's side, a look of despair across the normally serene face. Duo applied as much pressure to the wound as possible. Gently Trowa brushed Quatre's hair off of his face. Quatre began to shake violently.
"It's getting blurry, Trowa," he heard Quatre say.
/ Quatre can't die! / The braided Shinigami thought wildly to himself. / He's got so much to live for. Quatre, no, this…this can't happen to him /
Duo watched as Trowa brought his head down to his lover's face. The silent boy held Quatre in his arms and Duo heard them whisper to each other for a minute, maybe less, then Quatre stopped shaking. Trowa's tears fell to the silently floor and mixed with Quatre's blood. More tears joined those, and Duo realized that they were his.

/ Oh God no! /
Trowa watched in horror as Quatre jerked back from the impact of the bullet. Millions of thoughts ran across his mind. He felt as though his heart had been twisted in agony. Quatre fell to the floor. Trowa rushed over where Duo was already kneeling, furiously attempting to stop the blood flow. Trowa reached out and brushed back the platinum blond hair with his hand. He held Quatre in his thin arms and felt as the warm blood released onto him.
"It's getting blurry, Trowa," Quatre choked out.
Sally Po grinned and reholstered her pistol. She turned to the two guards and quietly ordered, "Get the body and dump it somewhere. I don't care where."
She turned to face Nichol who suddenly realized how loud his outburst had been. He shook his head and stared Sally straight in the eyes. "Let him have this, at least let him say goodbye," he managed. "When they're done then we'll take the body."

He grimaced as a hard blow to his face drew blood from his nose. He steadied himself and heard Sally coldly say, "Ok Nichol. We'll 'let him have this'. But don't you ever do that again! You seem to be forgetting that these are our enemies." She turned to the other guards. "I'll be in my quarters if you need me, Lt. Nichol will tell you when to remove the body." They saluted and walked out.
"Fred's sick at the infirmary so I'll be giving you your food today," the black man told Heero as he placed a tray of food next to his bed. "I'll untie you but only if you promise not to kill me. I don't have the key to the door anyway. We're both locked in here."
Heero solemnly nodded and whispered through parched mouth, "I won't kill you. It wouldn't do me any good to."
The guards flashed a smile and then undid the shackles and restraints that held Heero down. Groaning slightly Heero stood up and tried to walk. He staggered slightly but put his hand out against the wall and steadied himself. It had been almost a month since he had been captured. Almost every day and sometimes twice a day he heavy set guard would come in to "check on the prisoner". Heero had forced himself everyday to become more callous and unfeeling, even more so than Dr. J's training had done.
He looked into the metal plate the food was sitting on and stopped. A stranger stared back at him with cobalt eyes flashing. He was considerably skinnier; he had even lost some of his muscle. His hair was ragged and dirty and he had bruises on his arms, neck and face, all courtesy of the guard, Fred. He no longer had that aura of a Perfect soldier about him. To a passerby he would simply be a juvenile criminal, a dangerous punk maybe. Hungrily he ate as the black security guard stood at the door, keeping his eye warily on Heero.
"Going to interrogate Barton again?" the blond OZ colonel asked as Nichol walked down the hallway. "He still won't talk, neither will Maxwell or Heero Yuy. It seems that the death of their comrade had no effect on them."
Nichol turned and looked with dislike at Sally Po. "But remember that his Excellency Treize was quite upset that you so brutally killed the Winner boy. He does respect those pilots. "
"Hmph. And you do too. I see no use in keeping the pilots any further. Its clear that they won't talk and they still are a threat even without their Gundams. Oh and Lt. Nichol, do remember to try and hold your tongue. I can't imagine that you'd want me to send you back to special assignment at the animal testing lab for a month again."
Nichol shut the interrogation room door, still with the image of Sally Po's smiling face in his head. God how he hated that bitch. Then he saw Trowa, sitting at the table and gasped.
Trowa had lost incredible weight since he had last seen him. His brown hair which normally hung over the right side of his face was dirty and unorganized, though it still obscured the right side of his face. His one visible emerald eye had a haunted look deep in it, even more so then usual. It was obvious to Nichol that he had taken the death of Quatre in a very bad way.
"It's been what? A month since I last saw you?" Trowa engaged in conversation almost right away. "Duo told me what you did the day," his voice caught. "The day Quatre was killed."
"I'm terribly sorry for your loss," Nichol said. A hint of sadness in his voice. "I didn't know that Col. Po was going to kill him. It won't happen to any of you though; his Excellency Treize won't allow it."
"None of that matters anymore," Trowa quietly said. "Nothing matters now that my Quatre is gone." He looked up at Nichol, no tears in his eyes but visibly upset. "I guess you'll want to start the interrogation now," he said.
"No," Nichol replied as he finally sat down in a chair opposite Trowa. "I just wanted to apologize Nanashi."
Trowa gave a soft intake of breath.
/How does he know that name? How could he possibly know? /
"Nanashi, I never told you my full title<" Nichol stood again. "I'm Lt. Russell Nichol. I was born on L1 and lived out most of my teens and early 20s on L3."
They never did keep enough lights on in the kitchen. Not in that apartment, that place of so much pain and suffering.
"Shut da fuck up Nanashi an' get me somthin' t drink! Worthless piece of shit!"
"Not true! He's a good fighter, and a great fuck! Hahaha!"
"Yeh he's real tight, but cuz he's so young dat should be expected. Hey Russ! You didn't get any of dat ass tonight did ya?"

"Do you remember me, Nanashi?"
"Russell is 'too moral' for that kind of stuff! He's gonna wait until he's married before he gets his nuts off!"
"Hahaha! Yo Nanashi! Get the fuck back in here with my fuckin' drink will ya?!?"
"It's just that I don't think we should be doing this to a kid!" a quiet voice said from a corner of the apartment. "He's just a kid. We could use do the same with some prostitutes."
"But dat wuld deplete our cash Russell! Where da fuck wuld we gets our supplies with?"
"We'd figure something out I'm sure. I just don't like this." A soft spoken tenor, Russell again.

"Spent some time with a rebel mercenary group on L3. That's where I got most of my battle training actually." Trowa looked at Nichol. "Didn't stay too long though."
/ He's the mechanic that stayed with us. Russ, wow, he's changed a lot since then. /
"You used to bleach you hair then," Trowa softly said, remembering an often out spoken young man fixing a car so it would break down after 10 minutes of driving it.
Nichol just nodded.

"Did I ever tell you that you have the nicest face?" Fred the jail guard asked Heero as he pulled up his pants. "It would help if you at least played along sometimes. You ain't able to do nothing about it so you might as well enjoy."
Heero gritted his teeth as Fred roughly put his prisoner uniform back on. The large guard had come back from the infirmary and had been eager to have his way with Heero. Although Heero had to admit that he was gentler today than in many days past.
Heero was just wishing that Fred would at least wash the semen off of him after he raped him when the door to the cell opened, startling both him and the guard. A black man dressed in OZ uniform entered holding a submachine gun to his side. Quickly he glanced at Heero lying on the bed.
"Good, this one's still here," he said, panting for he was out of breath. "Prison break, C Block. One of them was killed trying to make a break for it. The other ran off, he fucked up a few people and we can't find him anymore. Col. Po is pissed and I thought he might have come here to try to free his friend."
/ Prison break? 'His friend'. Trowa and Duo must have made a break for an escape! /
"You need me?" Fred growled roughly. Staring at the black soldier.
/ One of them was killed, shit, shit, Duo. /
/ Get a grip on yourself Yuy! You have to take this chance and manage to get out of here. Try to get the guard close to you, then kill him. I'm sure you'll be able to do it some way or another. /
/ Fuck you! / Heero screamed at himself, to himself. / I *love* Duo! There! I said it! I love that braided baka more than anything else in the world. I don't care about the mission or being a Perfect Soldier/
"If there's any trouble here just hit the alarm got it Fred?"
/Just lay low and wait for the opportunity. /

"Hey Trowa,"
"Hey do you believe in God Trowa?" the American asked. It had been almost an hour since Duo had stopped trying to converse with Trowa. The silent boy stood in a corner of the cell; arms folded and eyes shut. Then the one visible green eye opened.
"What brought this on?" he asked the boy with chestnut hair.
"I just wanted to talk to you! Get to know you a little better." Duo put his manic grin back on. "It's hard when I just tell stories about how much ass Deathscythe can kick compared to your Gundam."
Trowa shifted his weight and ceased leaning on the wall. For a moment it appeared that he wasn't going to respond. Then he finally said, "No I don't believe in God. Never really have. I used to wish that there was a God but long ago I concluded that all that was pointless."
"Yeah, know what you mean," Duo sighed. "Only real thing I believe in is Death. Closest thing to a God. Ha! Death claims everyone eventually…everybody goes straight to hell."
"I don't think so," Trowa began slowly. "I think that when we die we go someplace better. Not like heaven…but whatever place our mind thinks is closest to that."
"Ch'!" Duo spat. "A place like Heaven! Nobody knows that for sure! All I know is that when you die everything gets blurry and fades to black."
They both stopped talking for a second as a guard slid their food tray into the room. Both sighed for a moment and then Duo glanced hungrily at the tray.
/ Yes! That potato mashed gruel stuff! Better then…what *is* that thing on the tray? /
He slowly walked over and picked it up. It was a keycard. Trowa came over and examined it carefully. "It unlocks the storage room, it cant' help us get out."
/ Damn! / Duo thought. / Or possibly…/
"Oh shit!" a voice yelled from the hallway.
"Hey what happened?" another voice asked.
"Shit! I dropped my fuckin' keycard somewhere! Shit, must be on that goddamn food tray. Yo Jason! Open that cell door so I can get my card!"
"I don't know man," a third voice said. "Those prisoners are pretty dangerous, watch your ass while you're in there."
Two sneering eyes looked through the door at Trowa and Duo. "They're just kids!"
/ That's what you think buddy! / Duo thought to himself. Wildly he gestured for Trowa to move away from the door. Then a clicking sound came as the door slid open and a red headed OZ officer walked in, gun drawn. He surveyed the room and gave another glance at Trowa and Duo. The door was still wide open!
/ Oh yes! We're going to get out of here thanks to this idiot! /
"If I were you guys I wouldn't try anything stupid," the guard nervously said glaring at Duo who was grinning like a madman. "I'll shoot you dead in a second!" He walked over to the food tray only to discover that his keycard was gone. He turned to Trowa, who was standing propped up against a wall near him and asked, "What'd you do with my card?"
Trowa jerked a thumb at Duo and all too helpfully replied, "He's got it."
The guard turned with a snort of frustration towards Duo. He was about to speak when Trowa stabbed his neck with a fork from the food tray. He let out a quick cry. The guard was shocked as Trowa stabbed him again, finishing him off. Outside Duo could hear people talking, obviously they thought something was wrong.
"Let's go Tro-man!" Duo yelled as he sped off towards the open door.
Trowa nodded as he picked up the automatic machine gun the guard had dropped. Simultaneously they poked their heads out into the hallway, the first time they had been out of the cell in ages.
/ Fuck me. /Duo thought as he quickly jumped back into the jail cell. / They all got to eat lunch outside of our cell on *today* of all days! /
Trowa opened up with his machine gun, sending three of the eating OZ soldiers into the next dimension. He turned to fire on more as he realized with a sinking feeling that there were *alot* of guards there. One ran to sound the alarm, he was quickly mowed down by gunfire.
"Come on Duo!" Trowa yelled as he made a break down the hallway, turning to shoot at the OZ soldiers who were finally recovering from the shock and drawing their guns.
"Shit!" Shinigami yelled as he made out in a mad dash after Trowa.
/ Escaping used to be *soo* much easier than this / he thought to himself. / I wonder how I'll spend the first night out of jail? A club or host a party? Or…/
BANG! …(Actually more like the "ratatatatat" sound machine guns make)
Sharp pain ran through Duo's body as an OZ soldier found his mark. Duo crashed to the floor, skidding some on the floor before coming to a stop against a wall.
/ Shit! Come on, get up and run! / Duo screamed to his body.
He reached out with his arms to pull himself up but with a sickening realization found that his legs wouldn't move. Then another sharp pain shot through his leg as another OZ soldier's bullet hit him.
/No./ Duo thought with disbelief. / I'm paralyzed! Shit this is the end…funny…never thought it would end like this. Didn't even get to self detonate or anything cool like that. /
"Aah!" Duo cried as someone shot him repeatedly. He slumped over to his side and stared up at the ceiling, pain running through all of his body.
"Enough! He's dead already!" he heard a voice shout.
Turning his head he saw a young man dressed in OZ uniform lowering a gun, his hands were shaking as another soldier came up beside of him. Then Duo realized that the pain was beginning to leave him, he felt relaxed but ungodly tired.
/ Got to sleep for a bit / he thought to himself as he lay on the floor, his life slowly slipping away. His vision became suddenly very blurry. / And it ends like this /
/ I wish…I wish I could have told Heero how I felt b, before…before I…/
He coughed, blood appeared. Gunfire sounded in the background, but of course Duo could not hear it…
-end part 3