Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When the Heart Overrules... ❯ Success and Decision ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When the Heart Overrules…

By Tygerlilee

Chapter Five

Success and Decision

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing doesn't belong to me and never will, and thank you for rubbing it in. Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it while you're at it!!

/ denotes thought, yadda, yadda, yadda. You know the drill. (don't forget that * can also mean sound, not just Flashback)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~

Relena fished through her suitcase, looking for something different to wear, but she wasn't excited or giddy as she had been with Heero. /Why is this happening? /

That afternoon, Dominique had asked her exactly what her relationship with Heero was. She had looked at him uncomfortably and swore they were friends, but that was a lie-and she knew it.

Well, maybe it wasn't a lie by definition, but she was dancing around the question and not answering it.

Relena loved Heero and would never deny that, even if she said they were friends. That was being a politician, not saying what you mean. But she would never admit that she was in love with him out loud either, it would forever remain her secret. She would keep his memory safe in her heart, and she would move on. She may love him, but she had more sense then that.

Heero would never love her, not the way she wanted him to. He had willfully left her that afternoon with Dominique, and had done so with every appearance of indifference. They had made many wonderful and beautiful memories together, but that's all they would ever be.

Heero was free now. Before he had been chained in by responsibility and a need to be needed. That was why he fought in his Gundam years earlier. But he was a caged bird, and longed for freedom. Now he had that freedom. He disentangled himself from his past and made a future.

He had left, she could see now, in order to not attract attention, and to live freely. He had especially cut ties with Quatre and herself, they being to most publicly recognized. She would never force herself on Heero. He would just rebel anyway, that was why the engineers became his target when piloting Wing Zero for the first time. She hadn't been there, but Quatre had told her all about it.

No, Heero was her hopeless romance and she would be a sensible girl and stay with Dominique. He loved her, she knew that, and even though she loved Heero, she also loved Dominique. Maybe the love was of a different type, he was secure with a clean past and would be an excellent husband for a politician, and he would take care of her. She needed that security.

She had always despised class distinctions, thus she did not care that Dominique was from a common family. He loved children too. At one time he had wanted to become a pediatrician, but then was drafted into the war as a navigator and pilot to serve and protect his country. He had discovered that he loved flying and airplanes fascinated him, so he switched majors after the fighting ended.

He would love her and stand by her, so she would return the love. He would be a good husband. And Heero, she would have to say goodbye to him...

She picked up the telephone, dialed the number of Heero's hotel, and made the extension to his room number. She heard a click--the phone had been picked up. The whole scene seemed surreal in the back of her mind. As if it were just a play, and she was watching even though she was actually in it.

Her mind was swirling, and her heart hurt at what she had to do. Memories swam unrestricted through the stage of her mind.

It was one of those situations where you weren't sure if it was really happening and by the time it was over, you finally noticed.

"Hello," was Heero's curt greeting.

"Heero, it's Relena," she told him.

Heero didn't say anything.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I should have told you that I'm engaged and my behavior has been inexcusable."

Heero still was not saying anything.

"You have every right to be furious with me and I accept that. But, I am going to stay with Dominique and I wanted to tell you that," she finished.

"I would never make you do something that you don't want to, Relena," Heero told her quietly.

There was a firm knock at the door. /Dominique's here! / Relena realized.

"Heero, I have to go. I'm going to dinner with Dominique, and he's here to pick me up. So, I guess that this is...this is goodbye," her voice was firm-too firm, as if she was trying to convince herself of her own words.

"Goodbye," Heero said and hung up.

Relena stood as if frozen in time, the receiver still in her hand. /Did I just do that? Did I really say 'goodbye' to...Heero, / she thought sadly.

/Relena, snap out of it!! You made the correct decision. /

/But did I really? /

/Yes, you did. You love Dominique, so what's wrong? You may be madly in love with Heero, but a marriage would never work, and that's what you want. Not five minutes of happiness here and there! Heero can't give you that, not what you really want, what you really need. /

And then, Relena opened the door to let Dominique in.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

Heero put the receiver down on the hook. /Relena. You're making a mistake. I know that you don't think that I could make you happy-but I could./

Heero slumped down onto his bed, memories swirling unfettered through his mind. That first day on the beach /she wanted to help me so much then, and she has now. /

That first day at school with her, /she wanted to befriend me and I ignored her, she tried and I pushed her away. /

When she interrupted the fight in Sibera with Zechs, /she tried to save me and I told her to get lost. /

/I'm an idiot! It's no wonder she's decided to say with Dominique-I've been pushing her away ever since we first met, / Heero thought sadly.

/But I couldn't reciprocate her feelings at first, and we were only fifteen anyway! No love could be considered real love at that time, not without a follow up. That's just reckless and you're lining yourself up for heartache and unnecessary pain. /

Then he remembered Libra and Peacemillion. He always thought of those two ships-he would never forget the look in Relena's eyes in both places, how she cared about him and his survival. /You're always like that Relena, you don't worry about yourself-only others. That's why you're so good at your job. That's why I'll never be anything compared to you. /

Suddenly a memory of a shy kiss streaked through. Heero looked up at the ceiling and smiled in the privacy of his room. /It's not my fault. She knows that I care back. She knows that I admire her...I almost spelled that out on Libra. And before the Barton incident I promised to protect her, but right now it's not physical protection that's needed. A kiss wasn't needed to seal that promise...she knows that with all the care that I have...that I love her...everything about her.../

Heero's smile faded as he thought about what he could be losing when she married another man. His heart ached. /But there is nothing I can do right now, so I have to get to work and worry about it once that's finished, / he thought resolutely. /Relena, I'll have time to think about you later, but now's not the time./

Then he banished her image from his mind. /I have to get this plane investigation cleared up. And soon. I can't be in their way, and I don't want to make her unhappy-do I? Am I angry? Do I want to--Snap out of it! Work now, personal life later. I'll think of something after this annoying project is out of the way. She's not getting married tomorrow-if she was, that would be another story. /

Heero sat down to his laptop and clicked several files until he brought up the blue prints of the standard NT-67. /But all planes are custom-built, so maybe they changed something. /According to this blueprint, he was just lost and floundering. /They must have to actual blueprint of the plane in their files somewhere. I'll just have to find it. /

Heero loaded up a canvas backpack with everything he might need. /Screw driver, flashlight, multimeter, crow bar, empty disks, string, gloves, credit card, pick, pocket knife, fishing hook, gun-just in case.../ Heero smirked as he loaded his gun and hid it in his jacket pocket. Then he loaded a spare set of clothing.

He went down to lobby and told the receptionist to disconnect his extension. He wouldn't be in and to take any messages.

Then he casually and calmly found a near by restaurant. Heero went into the bathroom and changed into blue jeans, a green tank top, and a denim jacket-something no one at Marseille had seen him in. If they saw his back, they wouldn't recognize him. And he could be arrested for unauthorized entry for this night time escapade, so having anonymity was essential.

Heero walked unsuspectingly down along the sidewalk until a large meat truck passed. He grabbed onto the back and pulled him self under it. Keeping an eye on the street signs, Heero rolled out from under the truck as it reached a street two blocks away from the airfield. He calmly walked the remaining distance and waved to an old lady along the way.

At a chain-linked fence surrounding the airfield, Heero took a running start and jumped it, easily clearing the height and barbed wire along the top. At the main entrance Heero pulled out the credit card, pick, and hook. He wedged the card at the main lock, the hook inside a tiny hole at the top of the door (Heero had to jump to reach it), and the pick at the door's hinge. He strung them all together and knotted the ends together in one tight thread, then turned. The door opened and Heero removed his tools.

He next had to disable the alarm system and cameras. /No problem. /

Heero finished that in two minutes flat, then sprinted down to the main control and executive rooms. He read the labels on the doors until he found M. Mathieu's office.

After picking the lock, Heero put on a pair of gloves and switched on the computer, one hand flying. He hacked into the actual computer-programming language and found the 'only if' statement containing the password. /Fille!! That's his password!! /

After backing out and entering the password, Heero had the computer completely open to him. /Blueprints...blueprints. If I were a blueprint where would I be? / Heero silently wondered.

Heero clicked on a file called NT-67 and scrolled down to 'Internal Components.' /Real creative M'sieur. You might as well spoon-feed me, / Heero thought as he found the file called 'Blueprint' and examined it carefully.

/I knew it! / Heero quickly logged off the computer, relocked the door and left and quickly as he had come.

The airfield was enshrouded with thick silence as Heero pulled himself up onto the plane. He turned on his flashlight, climbed into the cockpit, and crouched down on the floor under the co-pilot seat. He pulled out his screwdriver and removed a one-foot by eight-inch panel to fully reveal several neat rows of orange panels resembling circuit boards. But they weren't. They were solar panels.

Heero had to look long, hard, and carefully to find what he was looking for, but eventually... /Bingo. /

The panels were supposed to be connected in a parallel circuit, thus distributing the power and not to create a system overload. But the wires were damaged, not the panels, just the wires. Two wires had been broken and bent, so that when they touched, they formed a series circuit instead. /They experienced turbulence just before the G-forces kicked in. That must have forced the wires to touch, making a power surge. The power surge surprised the pilot and he pushed to steering down, accelerating even more. /

Heero smiled to himself in the privacy of the dark.


Heero's ears snapped into alert, his body tense. He flicked off his flashlight and replaced the panel by touch.


Heero worked faster, tiptoed to the door, and jumped off of the plane on cat's paws. He ran to the main door, easily dodging various equipment. He had practically lived in this room for two weeks and knew it well, even in pitch-black darkness.

He pushed the door open and paused when the crunching suddenly sounded at his feet. Heero was startled when a cold nose pressed his hand, but did not act on it. /A dog. / Heero smirked at his own nervousness and squatted down to pet the stray.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~

M. Mathieu was reviewing the latest reports on the NT-67, when Heero entered his office. "Mr. Yuy, what can I do for you?" he asked pleasantly.

Heero kept a steady gaze as he handed him the accident report that he had typed last night--well technically this morning.

M. Mathieu looked a little disarmed as he began to read, then paused to look at Heero. "How did you know that it was solar powered?" his voice was icy.

"So you admit that you purposely hid that fact from me?" Heero's voiced was equally dangerous.

M. Mathieu's mouth dropped slightly. Heero could see the wheels turning, and smirked.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

It was eight o'clock and Heero was packing his bags and a knock sounded at the door. Heero was going home, he had discovered the cause of the crash and supremely impressed all of the higher-ups of the Marseille Airlines, as well as several others involved in the incident.

Heero opened the door, Relena's smiling face greeted him. "Um, hello, Heero. May I come in?" she asked timidly.

Heero shrugged and walked back to his suitcase, leaving Relena to shut the door on her way in. "I heard all about how you 'solved' your incident," Relena was trying to sound light hearted, Heero could tell.

After a difficult silence ensued, Relena finally said, "Heero, I really am sorry, but I know that I'm making the correct decision."

Heero paused and looked up at her-he had been anticipating this meeting. /Please let her understand what I tell her, / Heero pleaded silently to no one in particular.

"Who's doing the talking?"

"What?" Relena looked confused.

Heero forcefully zipped up his suitcase and began, "I was given the best advice I've ever heard when I was very young. I've lived my life by that, and it has served me well. I told it to Trowa once, I'm not sure he exactly understood me, but I think it helped him in the end. " Heero paused and looked Relena directly in the eyes. "Now I'll share that advice with you. 'Act on your emotions. That's the only way to live a good life with no regret.' " Then Heero continued, "Relena, if this is what you really want, then go ahead. He was here first anyway. But I want you to say it to my face. Tell me that your heart tells you stay with M. D'Adamo," Heero said the name with no malice, forcing his face into an indifferent look-he wouldn't push her, he wanted what she wanted.

Relena took a deep breath and said very confidently, "This is what my heart is telling me. This is right. I'm staying with Dominique. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially not you. I'm sorry."

Heero nodded. "I have to leave. My flight is in forty-five minutes."

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A/N: Thank Chris for the pointer! And you, Pahra Pahra! You guys are wonderful!!! I don't know if I followed your advice very well, but I did try and I hope that this was better =) . Also, thank you all you other reviewers! Hmm...let's see if I can name you all...(reviewers are from more that one source!) Qiana Peacecraft-Yuy, Smiley (), gohan (), Polka Dot, mariel4000, kat (), Ley (), Heero Yuy, Andi (), deathangel (), diamondgirl, Silver Wing, gem (), redfire, Pinkmoon, Caitie (), Mike, and Sai (cool name!)!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!

If anyone is wondering why it took so darn long to get this out...I was isolated from a computer for several weeks! I'm so sorry for leaving you like that, but it wasn't my fault. Also, there is still one more chapter to go. Please be patient, I'm getting there!

Also, an 'only if' statement is a segment of a computer program where the computer is instructed to do something only if a certain word of action is input by the user. It makes sense to me that a pass word would be in a statement like that. If you're wondering my reference, I had a semester of C++ computer programming last fall.

PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEE review me!! I know I've already got a lot of reviews, but I'm greedy!! I also need advice and constructive criticism!! I absolutely LOVED the advice Chris and Pahra Pahra gave me, mostly because no one has been telling me what I should do to write better! You don't have to mean or anything, just give me suggestions! Pretty, pretty please, with sugar and maraschino cherries on top! (bats eyelashes).

Thanks for being patient and sticking with me on this! Tygerlilee =^.^=