Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When We Were Young ❯ Starting Over ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Future chapters will be longer, I just wanted to add this to see if anyone was interested in it. Also, I have heard numerous ages that Noin was during the Academy, but in this she is 13 when she enrolls and 16 when she graduates. I know its incorrect, but it is what I'm using for my story. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters…but if Zechs or Duo are for sale I'll gladly oblige.

Chapter One: Starting Over

Lucrezia Noin shifted nervously in her train seat. The young girl clutched tightly to the handle of a small suitcase. It wasn't much, but she was too practical to need an excess of belongings. Even though she was only 13, she knew how to take care of herself better than a good number of adults. Lucrezia ran a tentative hand through her short raven-colored hair, grimacing at the obvious lack in length. When she had decided to enroll in the Lake Victoria Academy, she knew that her waist-length hair would only serve as a distraction. Somehow she had screwed up enough courage to cut her beautiful slightly wavy hair. Lucrezia knew it would take her awhile to get used to the short hair and unruly bangs.

As the train screeched to a slow halt, Lucrezia looked out the train window. The grounds were already littered with new recruits. It seemed the majority of the cadets flew in. Of course, Lucrezia didn't have enough money for a ship or plane. It took all the money she could find and more to pay for her admission; she had to scrape for the train ride. Lucrezia climbed out of the train car, her gaze wistfully turning to the sky. Even though it was three in the afternoon, her thoughts were constantly turning towards outer space. Lucrezia bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling. Would she ever get over it?

"Mom, what's going on?" a young 12-year-old Lucrezia asked, her big eyes filled with question and fear.

"Lu, go out the back door," her mother whispered frantically.


"Keep running," she continued, heedless of her daughter's objection, "and don't listen."

"But what about you?" Lucrezia cried anxiously.

"Don't stop!!!" her mother shouted, shoving the objecting child out the back door.

Lucrezia ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Her breath was coming sharply and her muscles felt as though they were on fire. But she wasn't fast enough. Tears clouded her vision and she stumbled on a tree root, falling facedown on the ground. She ignored the bleeding scrapes this caused. She covered her ears with her hands, tears streaming uncontrolled down her cheeks. But nothing could keep her from hearing her mother's terrified screams, her father's shouts of defiance, and the unmistakable sounds of guns being fired.

Lucrezia shook her head in a feeble attempt to jar the memories. She hadn't stopped hearing her mother's screams in her dreams since that day. Never once had she slept peacefully or deeply. She was constantly awakening in a cold sweat, or with tears flowing from her eyes. Sometimes she had nightmares and would awake screaming loudly and absolutely terrified. She knew this would not make the commanding officers happy, but it was something that couldn't be helped. She hoped they would be reasonable. Her mother's screams still echoing in her head, she approached a table labeled "Check-In."

"Name?" asked a gruff man seated at the table.

"Lucrezia Noin," Lucrezia stated crisply, hoping he wouldn't see through her mask of self-confidence.

"Alright then, Cadet Noin," he said decidedly, handing her a piece of paper with a map on it, a key to her room and two uniforms.

Unsure what to do, Lucrezia nodded, taking the stuff and, with a short salute, she headed to the east wing which, according to the map, was where her room was located.

A/N: so how was the first installment? Any suggestions are welcome…either in reviews or emails. I might make this a 6/9, but it mainly focuses on Zechs and Noin's Academy days. I'm also adding stuff from Noin's past. I wanted to do that so she had a reason to enroll in the Academy other than wanting to see space and stuff. Now she wants revenge for her parents. Please review and I'll update as soon as I can! ~KaT