Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When We Were Young ❯ I'll Show Him ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: ok, I got this out sooner than I expected…probably because my last chapter was so short…gomen nasai about that…hehe…in this chapter Zechs and Noin take the test…and get their scores…

Disclaimer: Once again it has been brought to my attention that, although this fanfic is coming out of my imagination, the original characters, setting, and basic plot did not. They are copyright of a bunch of rich companies and people whom I do not know the names of at the moment. Of the multiple things I included in my story thus far, I do not own the following: Zechs <as much as I'd like to…>, Noin, Leo Suits, Lake Victoria Military Academy, Africa, Lake Victoria, Oz, Italy, Northern Europe, or Europe. I do, however, own the rights to the empty bottle Noin knocked over, the train, Noin's nightshirt, their textbooks, the check-in table…blah blah blah blah….hehehe! basically, I don't own Gundam Wing…

"I'll Show Him…"

Noin sat at her desk apprehensively. She tried swallowing, but discovered that her throat felt thick and her mouth was dry. She looked beside her where Zechs was seated at a similar desk, and gave him a helpless look. Zechs offered her a small smile. Noin silently cursed the blonde boy. How could he be so calm when their first test was coming up in less than 5 - no, wait…4 minutes! Noin had no idea how hard this test was going to be, or what kind of questions would be on it. She decided to expect the worse, that way she would be prepared if it was horrid, or blissfully surprised if it was simple, although this simple choice was causing her to fret terribly. She glanced at Zechs again, and he mouthed the words "Don't worry so much…", which she responded by mouthing, "I'm expecting the worse." Zechs gave an exasperated sigh and Noin chuckled, causing the worry to lessen. Zechs grinned; glad she had loosened up to some extent. Zechs was about to say something when the instructor walked in.

"I hope everyone studied, because these tests will evaluate you," the instructor said, glaring at them as if he already knew that none of them had studied, though all had.

"These evaluations will decide what skill level you will begin at," the instructor continued, walking down the aisles between desks. He halted at Noin's desk, and glanced around the room, "I hope certain individuals have taking the liberty of studying ::extra:: hard, as some of you come to us with…handicaps."

A couple of the boys snickered, and Noin glared openly at the chauvinistic instructor. Was he implying that because she was one of the only girls, she was pre-set to fail? Oh, Noin would show him. No one discriminated her and got away with it. Noin raised her hand crisply, waiting with an air of annoyance for the instructor to call on her.

"Yes, Cadet Noin," the instructor said boredly. Leaning against his desk at the front of the classroom.

"Excuse me sir," Noin began, trying to sound technical, "but I thought recruits were not permitted at the Academy if they possess handicaps that would hinder them on the battlefield, sir." Noin spat out the word "sir" as though it were distasteful venom. The instructor looked at her incredulously, astounded she had the nerve…the stupidity to second-guess her commanding officers.

"If you don't learn to hold your tongue," the instructor said through gritted teeth, "and not be such a smart-ass, you will be given hindering handicaps, if you take my meaning, Cadet."

Noin sat in her seat rigidly, just barely holding back a rude comment that would have surely got her expelled. She still was unable to believe that the instructor had not only openly discriminated her, but threatened her. Noin sighed inwardly, realizing that she should probably get used to this sort of treatment. She would have to harden her emotions even more than she already had. If she wanted to see space she would have to put up with stuffy instructors. Noin purposely avoided Zechs gaze; knowing he would probably disapprove of her outburst. She couldn't help it that she was an emotional person. It was just her nature, which is why she would have to try extra hard to be a soldier. She had twice as many emotions and twice as much intensity so she must try twice as hard. Noin allowed herself a small smile. This would prove to be difficultly enjoyable…not to mention complicated. Noin loved complications.

Zechs sat staring at Noin's profile, waiting for her to turn to him but she never did. He could not believe she had talked back to an instructor. It was kind of brave, but incredibly stupid. Zechs smiled mentally, glad that some good things had come out of Noin's outburst. 1) The instructor looked awfully flustered and 2) Noin was no longer worrying about the test. In fact, she seemed to be looking forward to it. Zechs shook his head. When he first met Noin he thought she had seemed…more levelheaded than this. Emotional maybe, but levelheaded.

The instructor passed out their tests and the evaluation began.

~*~*~2 ½ hours later~*~*~

"I am soooo glad we have the after noon off," Noin confessed to Zechs, as the two walked lazily around the Academy grounds.

"Well after a two hour long test, I'd say we deserve the afternoon off," he replied, putting his hands in his pockets casually.

Noin chortled, nodding in agreement.

"Noin…" Zechs began, deciding to say something that had been bugging him.

But Noin interrupted him, "Don't lecture me, Zechs. I know I deserved to be slapped for back talking that oppressive instructor, and I'm glad he was too surprised to get too vicious," she added, looking up at Zechs and grinning. Zechs returned her smile; glad she knew what he was going to ask her, because he wasn't sure what he wanted to know. He guessed he just wanted confirmation that she would never do it again. He didn't want to lose his only friend. Although it may be easier to face the life of a soldier alone, he had to admit it would be a lot more enjoyable if Noin and him tackled the experience together.

Noin clasped her hands together, "I can't wait 'til the test results are up, I want to show that instructor that I can get just as good of marks as any guy cadet."

"But do you really think you did that well? Miss-I-Expect-the-worse?" Zechs asked teasingly, punching her in the arm.

Noin glared daggers at Zechs, crossing her arms over her chest, "Did you just mock me, Zechs Merquise?" Noin asked dangerously, and Zechs gave out a mock yell of fright.

"I would never do something so rude," Zechs said, hurt that she thought he could be so cruel.

Noin raised her eyebrows, "Really now?" she said sarcastically.

Zechs took the warning and began to sprint away from Noin, his long legs carrying him far from the stunned Italian. She recovered her wits and began to chase after him.

"Give up, Merquise!" she shouted.

"I never give up!" he replied, smiling and still running just out of her reach. Noin finally was able to tackle Zechs to the ground, and both let out choked laughter as Zechs was able to sputter, "You should be a football player."

This caused them to erupt into another fit of laughter, which was slow to die down.

A/N: awww…I liked how this chapter ended…so sweet! =D in the next chapter you will find out the scores Zechs and Noin received on their evaluation. Will they be in the same skill level? Well….if ya review the next chapter might come out sooner…* wink wink * Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami