Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When We Were Young ❯ Deja Vu ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Finally, it's the third chapter!!! I'm still not sure what to call this…but I think I have a few ideas…I'm gonna call it "When We Were Young" for now…but I may change it later. In this chapter, Zechs and Noin decide…well…just read it…I'm not gonna drag on with long boring authors notes…blah blah blah….hehehehe!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing nor am I making any money off of this fic. So please don't sue me unless you like pennies……...and Twinkies…

"Déjà Vu"

Once again, the annoying monotonous alarm clock awoke Noin from her fitful slumber. She couldn't believe how much she overreacted yesterday. <My parents died almost a year ago…I should get all teary whenever they are mentioned. I will never be a soldier that way.> She cursed her weakness and hardened her resolve to become a good soldier. She also decided it would be better to apologize to Zechs rather than ignore him like she had originally planned. She smiled, happy with her decision.

Noin stumbled out of bed, grabbing her uniform and stripping off her nightclothes. As she brushed her hair, she stole a glance at her alarm clock. <Good, I won't be late this time.> Running a last minute check over her room, Noin grabbed her bag and was about to open the door when she heard a knock from the other side. Noin frowned, confused at who could want to see her. She threw open the door, her expression perplexed.

Noin looked surprised and, stealing a glance around the hall, she dragged the boy in, "Zechs, you're not supposed to be in the east wing, this is the girl's dormitory hall," she hissed frantically.

Zechs chuckled, amused at her frenzied attitude. "It's not funny," Noin fumed, but she smiled slightly. Zechs tapped the tip of her nose with his finger.

"I came to say I'm sorry I upset ya yesterday," he told the young Italian truthfully.

"Oh," Noin managed to choke out, before quickly brushing it aside, "That's alright…actually I overreacted. It happened almost a year ago and if I want to be a good soldier I have to learn to shrug aside certain emotions." Zechs looked at her skeptically, before finally concluding she was being honest.

"You're right, actually," Zechs mused, "Soldiers should be able to let their emotions take a back seat while they are fighting or performing other duties."

Noin nodded, glancing over to her bedside table where she saw her alarm clock.

"SHIMATTA!" Noin yelled, grabbing Zechs' wrist as they ran to get to class on time.

Zechs glanced at Noin as they ran with a small smirk, "This seems to be our choice of transportation, ne?"

Noin chuckled, "Déjà vu, all over again," she muttered.

Once again, the duo was able to slip in practically unnoticed. Noin vowed never to be late for another class again. The running wasn't too good on her knees, she thought jokingly.


Noin groaned, leaning against her bed's headboard.

"It's only our second day! I can't believe we have a test tomorrow," Noin complained loudly to Zechs, who sat beside her. They were both attempting to study a complex Mobile Suit manual. Noin could not bring herself to care how much velocity it took for a Leo to use its laser gun.

Zechs sighed, "Its not that hard," he told her superiorly.

"I know," Noin replied, "But it's sooo boring."

Zechs nodded, unable to argue with that.

The two continued to study, and the night wore on. Noin rubbed her eyes, which caused her pounding headache to make itself known. She mumbled something incoherent, massaging her temples. Zechs chortled softly at her, before standing up and stretching his long legs.

"The test shouldn't be hard," he reassured her, packing up some of his books so he could sneak off to his room.

Noin grinned, despite her headache, "Whom are you trying to assure?" she asked amusedly. Zechs gave a half smile, before opening the door to Noin's room.

"G'night, Zechs," Noin called.

"Mata ashita, Noin," Zechs replied, closing the door. Noin smiled at the closed door, before curling up in a ball on her bed and falling fast asleep…without even putting her things away.

A/N: Ugh…that's shorter than I intended…oh well. Btw…mata ashita means see you tomorrow…or something along those lines. Gomen nasai for the severe shortness. The next chapter will be longer, you have my word! =D Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami (plz review!)