Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When We Were Young ❯ Changes ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies….::yawn::….-_-


Things at the Academy had been going good…real good, in fact. Zechs' and Noin's scores rose to the top, far outdoing their fellow classmates. The two quickly became the most-talked-about subject in all Lake Victoria. Rumors and exaggerations grew, but the duo just laughed them off easily. That was what they did best…laugh. They were always seen joking with one another, keeping their moods light. While the other cadets slowly grew into hardened trainees, Cadet Merquise and Cadet Noin remained unaffected. That of course, was before…

"I can't believe I've already been here for six months," Noin thought with awe, switching her bag to her other shoulder to rest her sore muscle, "Time has just flown by…"

And with that time, went memories. Noin found that her dreams were occurring less and less often. She wasn't sure whether to rejoice at the loss of the nightmares, or feel guilty that she could forget so easily. Her parents had died for her, after all. She couldn't understand why the nightmares had stopped either. Thinking about them was still difficult, so what explained her subconscious's lack of sadness. She could only shrug it off as she took a seat. Time for her favorite class (note the sarcasm): Computer Code/Hacking class.

Instructor Fatel, much to Noin's delight, had retired, but in his place was a thin bony woman with blonde hair she kept tied in a bun. Instructor Sitahn, and she was a bitch and a half. Noin would always crack jokes with Zechs, saying her name should be Satan and not Sitahn. That one always got Zechs to smile.

Today Sitahn was being especially bitchy, and Noin's patience only lasted so long. To try and knock some boredom out, Noin began mouthing sentences to Zechs, questioning him on their homework.

Zechs just shrugged…like he knew what it was! Noin was always the organized one…atleast most of the time. Seeing that Instructor Sitahn wasn't looking, Zechs made devil horns atop his head, and then pointed to the teacher. Noin snorted, face vaulting. Instructor Sitahn whirled around quickly, gray eyes piercing through Noin's violet ones, trying to get the young cadet to break. Noin, however, was in no mood to be reasonable and just glared right back.

"Pay attention, Cadet Noin!" Satan demanded, slapping her hand on Noin's desk, causing Noin to wince at the close call. Of course, the Italian's patience only lasted so long…

"Yes…Your Honor…" she said with mock sweetness, trying her best to look innocent. Instructor Sitahn was mean…but not stupid. Before Lucrezia could react, the woman cocked her hand back and slapped Noin hard across her cheek. The snap ricocheted across the room and she heard Zecs draw in a deep breath. The young girl finally gave in, looking at her desk rather than countering Satan's glare. The instructor turned and continued her lesson as though nothing had happened.


After class Noin filed out of the room quickly, but was stopped by an all-too-familiar angry voice.

"Cadet Noin!" The blonde instructor shouted. Noin turned back and stood in front of the woman, ready to face the consequences of her sarcasm.

"Soldiers…" she began coolly, "do not have time for things as trivial as sarcasm or laughter…or other such emotions. Especially in class. If you know what's good for you you'll learn to respect and obey your teachers, cadet."

Noin saluted crisply, before taking off out the door again. She turned and saw a familiar figure leaning against the wall. She wondered if he had heard everything… Noin gave the boy a nod, but didn't say anything. She knew he might offer sympathy, but that was unlikely. It wasn't his style, and Zechs knew she hated people pitying her.

"Satan strikes again…" Noin said, trying to make a joke of the whole incident.

Zechs merely grunted, continuing to walk stiffly towards the mess hall for lunch. Noin fell into line behind her best friend, wondering at his sudden aloofness. Taking her tray, she followed the blonde boy as he sat at a corner table. Sitting across from him, Noin struggled to read his expression, but the damned mask was in the way. Always hiding his emotions. It was quite strange, she knew he hid his identity, he had told her that much. But now it seemed as if he was trying to hide his emotions as well.

Zechs' coldness continued through the rest of the afternoon, which baffled Noin beyond reason. Afternoon classes were always their favorites. They had more physical training in the air-conditioned gym. They also had strategy and tactics classes, which Noin specifically excelled in.

The feeling that he was hiding something grew on Noin all through supper, and as they were about to split to go to their separate dorms when she grabbed Zechs' arm to stop him. The teen stopped, turning to his friend questioningly.

Noin looked at him seriously, her expression grim.

"Just what are you hiding, Zechs Merquise?" she asked firmly, although knowing she wouldn't get an answer. As she expected, he merely turned from her, continuing down the hall. The raven-haired cadet stomped her foot as Zechs walked away. She knew it was childish but she didn't care. What did she do to earn Zechs' attitude?

Noin walked away quickly, but if she 'd stayed she would have seen Zechs collapse before he opened his door. His breathing laborious, he placed his helmeted head in his hands, trying to regain his composure.

"It's my fault…" he whispered roughly, pounding his fist against the door…

A/N: that last sentence has more than one meaning…in case u were wondering. Review please!!! Merci beaucoup!!

Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami