Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When We Were Young ❯ Revelations and Demons of the Past ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: This takes off where chapter 6 left ya hangin…

Btw: italics symbolize flashbacks and such…you get the idea…

Disclaimer: the characters are not mine…Gundam Wing is not mine…and that's the truth, or my name isn't Minerva McGonnagol…and it's not…no really it isn't…O.O * blink* STOP LOOKING AT ME!!

"Revelations and Demons of the Past"

"Pay attention, Cadet Noin!"


Zechs stared at the plaster ceiling of his dorm room. His ice blue eyes refused to close, and he was starting to get frustrated with himself. Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't close his eyes, but whenever he did he would relive those moments he tried to forget. Those awful bloody images that danced beneath his eyelids, cursing his waking and sleeping moments.


"What's going on...?"

Zechs grunted, turning in bed so he rested on his side. These demons of the past never failing to haunt his mind. He could have saved them. He should have…or died trying like his father. He was such a coward.


They had been hurt, all because of his carelessness. His weakness. Now it had almost happened again. Someone he lo-…er…cared about had almost gotten hurt.

Instructor Sitahn had been right. Emotions were no place for the battlefield. He'd have to concentrate harder than ever. That might not make Lucrezia too happy, though. But she was an understanding person; she would know that emotions would interfere with their training. What was she becoming a soldier for anyway?

That's when Zechs sat up bolt right in bed. He knew nothing about his Italian friend. At first he felt terrible, because he realized he had told her nothing about himself, either.

"Where's Relena?"

Perhaps it was for the best, though. If they knew little about each other, then their friendship wouldn't be so hard to push away. Zechs knew that's what they had to do. He didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. He was tired of being the cause of everyone's pain. It would be better if Lu were gone. He could keep the pain to himself. That's where it belonged, anyway.

"Take your sister out of here…"

"But what about you?"

That's what being a soldier was about, after all. Learning to keep your emotions from interfering with an order. Nothing could guarantee that him and Noin were always on the same side of a battle. Lo-…caring for her too much would only get in the way.



Satisfied with his conclusion, Zechs attempted to rest his weary body and even more exhausted mind. He was so close to sleep, and unconsciousness was just a moment away, when Zechs felt something strange. It felt like he was falling. His body was floating back into an endless dark void…

"Miwwado…where did mommy go…"

"Close your eyes, we have to go, Relena…"

Zechs jerked upright, reaching out for something to stable himself when he realized…he wasn't falling at all. Attempting to stable his breathing, he clutched the side of his bed, cursing his stupid weakness. Getting revenge on the Alliance was the only thing that could save him from these nightmares. If doing that meant no friends, then by God he would go through the Academy friendless. The only obstacle…

"Noin…" Zechs choked, clutching his head in his hands and preceding to curse himself in every way he knew possible.

A/N: Sorry if the flashbacks got confusing…this was supposed to be sorta introspective and I hope you were able to follow it. Mostly it's the former queen of the Cinq Kingdom and Zechs (er…Milliardo) talking…but Relena says one thing. I hope that helped.

FYI: yah, this was a lil short *gulp * really short…but its basically a Part II to chapter 7 (which is why I got it out so fast) ^_^ hehehehe

Review please!!!

Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami