Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When We Were Young ❯ Ready...Aim...Fire!!! ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: This takes place directly after the last chapter!!!!!!!! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own them….

WARNINGS: Violence!!!!!!! … you were warned…


Milliardo ran into the study, surrounded by red and orange flames. The heat filled his senses and smoke filled his mouth. He coughed, which drew the attention of his mother. Katrina crossed the room quickly, throwing her arms around her small boy.

"Milliardo!" she whispered frantically, pushing the blonde boy's hair out of his eyes.

"What's going on…" the young boy asked, and through the chaos around him, he appeared to be calm. On the inside, however, he was in shock. What happened to his perfect life? His peaceful home, now in flames. His father…the boy didn't know where he was. Or what condition he was in….

Somehow through the explosions and screams, Milliardo distinctively heard the clacking of boot heals. His mother stood, her skirts shielding him from the view of the Alliance soldiers.

"Mother…" Milliardo whispered worriedly, "Where's Relena…"

The sound was getting louder. The soldiers surely would not be fool enough to overlook this room. It was one of the rooms the explosives had been set to. That meant there were people there.

"Take your sister and run.." Katrina murmured to the young prince.

Milliardo turned and slipped out the back door to the study, but turned back and looked in at the last second. The soldiers were right outside the room now, near the front door.

"But what about you?" he asked, his small voice filled with childlike innocence.

Katrina didn't answer, just stood tall, her chin held up defiantly. She was so regal…so proud. Milliardo turned and stepped out the door and, seeing the young blonde princess, picked her up and held her against his right hip.

"Miwwado, where did mommy go?" she asked in her chippy baby voice. Milliardo planted a light kiss on his little sister's forehead. All of the sudden a piercing scream filled the halls, and Relena covered her ears, her light blue eyes filling with tears. The young prince pressed her face into his shoulder while rubbing her back soothingly, and then looked in the doorway of the study…where the scream had originated.

Katrina was sprawled on the floor, curled in a fetal position. Three Alliance soldiers were standing over her, their expressions cold and unwavering. How could anyone be so cruel? The young boy wondered fleetingly.

"Tell us where the prince and princess are!!" one demanded, and when Katrina remained silent, he kicked her hard in the torso. The queen choked a scream, but it was muffled by another guard's boot smashing into her fair face. Blood was pouring from Katrina's mouth, and Milliardo stood still, horror-stricken. He had to help his mom! They were going to beat her to death!

Katrina turned her face and Milliardo was able to see more clearly. Her nose was evidently broken, and one of her eyes was red and swollen. Yellow puss was seeping form her eyelid, and it was swollen shut. One side of her face look like it had just completely shattered. Her cheek sagged and for a moment her one good eye connected with Milliardo's.

"Run…" her mouth formed the word but no sound came out except a small croak. This, for some reason, enraged the guards and one dug the heel of his boot onto her wrist, resulting in a sickening crack. She let out another shriek that echoed through the mansion…and through Milliardo's mind…

Milliardo turned and fled, thanking God that Relena hadn't witnessed that gruesome scene. At the sudden bouncing, Relena brought her face from Milliardo's shoulder.

"Close your eyes, we have to go, Relena…" the young blonde was able to choke out, not realizing the tears that were streaming down his dirty face. In fact, he didn't realize much of anything…his mother's battered face kept looming in front of him. Katrina's once beautiful features…shattered. All of the sudden Milliardo came to a sudden revelation.

"She dies to save me and Relena," he thought, "and I let them hurt her…it's my fault…"

It's my fault…

Zechs sat up quickly, with sweat dripping off his brow. He was having trouble breathing, and it took him a few seconds to realize it wasn't from his dream. Smoke filled his room, and he coughed and choked, unable to draw oxygen. He looked around his room for the source of the smoke, and soon found the culprit. A fire had been brewing for some time, and it appeared to have started at his bedside lamp.

Zechs jumped out of his bed, walking swiftly to his door. He ran out of his room, forgetting he was only in a pair of sweatpants, and that he forgot his mask. He ran swiftly out of the west, hoping to get to the security offices before the fire spread. The cool night air felt good on his sweaty form, and he ran towards the main hall where the office was located. His stride slowed, however, when he realized he wasn't alone.

A shadow stood under a tree, staring up at the sky. He looked closer and immediately recognized the slight curve and shape of the figure.

"Noin…" he whispered to himself, causing her to turn her head around and stare straight at him. She put a hand on her cheek, her eyes wide.

"Zechs…your ma…" but the rest of her words were lost as Zechs sprinted off towards the main hall. She stared after his retreating form, violet eyes wide with amazement. She voiced to the air what she hadn't been able to get through to Zechs.

"He wasn't wearing his mask…"


Zechs had to sleep in a spare room the rest of the night, but he wasn't able to sleep, anyways. His mother's face kept appearing before his eyes. They hadn't been able to recover much of anything from the fire, except his mask. This Zechs found quite amusing, but didn't voice it. He was dreading the next morning at classes. Aside from minor smoke inhalation the medics had found nothing wrong with him, so he would be forced to go to classes in the morning. He had promised himself he would go through with his plan. He would try to brush Noin aside…but…with recent events he really needed a friend.

With a small smile, Zechs stood to put on a new uniform he had received. Right now he needed Noin. Maybe another day he would follow through with his idea…but not yet…

He needed her too much.

A/N: yippee! I got another chapter up!! * proud of herself *. I hope you liked it…and I'm sorry the part with the queen was a little gruesome. I wanted to make it evident that Zechs' childhood was NOT pleasant. I believe I got my point across, ne? Please review!!!!! ~Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami