Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You're The Hunter ❯ Meeting of Prey and Hunter ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Vampire Gundam Boys, what could be better? And think of all the things they can get away with, it boggles the mind. So here is my latest story.
WARNING: NC-17; Yaoi, Yuri and Boy/Girl content.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own Gundam Wing.

When You're The Hunter
Prologue: In the Beginning
Chapter 1: Meeting of Prey and Hunter

Written by: Scandalous Behavior (

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Prologue: In the Beginning

When you went to bed at night, you thought nothing of shadows. What lurked in those shadows were fairy tales, stories your parents told you to keep you quiet and good. They never let it become something that might actually be real, always making sure you knew when you woke up in the middle of the night that it was only a story. So why, when you're little, didn't you even question them? Ask them why they told those stories if they weren't true. A simple answer came to mind, because somewhere sometime that story had truth in it. That those things that lurked in shadows were in fact as real as anything else. That was what was the scariest thing about them. That the fact that monsters and demons existed without you even knowing about it consciously. So when you walk down a shadowed, darkened street you always look behind you. When you find yourself standing in a shadow with no one around, you automatically shiver as if someone has touched you with a cold hand. Those things exist. So why not a monster? Or for that matter why not vampires?

This is a tale about what happens in those shadows. About another world that exists right along with that of the human world. Why it is never good to fall in love with your prey and the reason behind why those worlds must always stay separated.

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Chapter 1: Meeting of Prey and Hunter

The window to her room was open half way, the way it was every night. She just couldn't sleep without hearing the night sounds that would drift into the medium sized two-bedroom apartment she shared with her roommate. Even if they lived in New York City, said to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world and no single female should open her window at anytime of day. She was tired of listening to the rules that society dictated since she had enough of them as a child in her Long Island home. She was free of those rules and determined to do what she wanted, not what other people wanted her to.

Kestrel McKenzie was still awake at two in the morning. The small battery operated black clock beside her bed with big digital red numbers on it glared at her, as if to say what was she still doing up. It wasn't like she was worried about anything. She was a first year student at the University of New York in New York City, which was located two blocks from the very apartment she lived in. Kestrel had a full class load and was lucky enough to have gotten a scholarship to pay her tuition for all four years, if she needed money for anything else like the essential textbook she was on her own. Which was why part time she was an assistant tour guide in the National History Museum as well as a bookkeeper for the museum. She helped the department heads with work when they needed it and they paid well. So why was she still doing up? Even she didn't know. All her work was done, no real major challenges just two essays that she finished at ten o'clock last night.

She was a night person, always had been since her mother was rarely home at night. So being a teenager, she had done everything she wanted at night and therefore became more into star-filled midnight skies rather than brilliant sunshine blue ones. Taking classes in the early morning, then working from after lunch classes to between six and seven depending on how busy it got at the Museum and then home to do her class work and then have time to herself. She had been good, going out only after her work was done, caught a movie she had been meaning to see with her roomy and her roomy's two sorority sisters.

Cathrine Bloom had been her best friend since junior high on Long Island. Cathrine was sweet, kind, and motherly and fit into the University sorority life at the only sorority that didn't have a thing of parties going on every weekend. She had shoulder length wavy deep auburn hair and violet eyes, with the slim build of a ballerina. Kestrel had just past shoulder length golden haired, which was always pulled on each side of her head by a golden clip away from her face and stone-gray eyes. Kestrel's figure was more seductive and feminine which was always under baggy pants and a shirt, comfortable clothes is what she called them.

She turned on her side and kicked her comforter and flannel sheets to the end of her queen size bed. She sat up and placed her feet on the thin brown carpet that was in every room of the apartment minus the single bathroom and kitchen. She got up and walked to her window, pulling away the dark curtain that kept all daylight out of her room and let the light of the moon fill in the small space that was her room. The fire escape did little to hinder the moonlight and she sat on the small stool chair she kept next to the window and just stared out, placing her folded arms on the window seal and slowly drifted off to sleep with the moonlight on her face.


Across from the apartment building, on top of the rooftop was a shadowed figure in a long flowing black cape that concealed its figure. Only piercing eyes were seen, of an undistinguishable color that watched the girl sleeping in the window.

She was whom the figure had been watching for almost two months now. Originally he had not intended to visit or even look up his relative but when he had accidentally run into the girl who was his niece, a great-niece since she was the descendant of his human half-sister back in the early sixteen hundreds. She was the roommate of the girl he was currently watching sleeping in the very unsecured window. Cathrine Bloom and Kestrel McKenzie were the two girls he had interest in. A very unhealthy interest in considering who and what he was. You didn't form attachments with the thing you considered food, but he couldn't bring himself to think of anyone who was blood related to him as food and that girl….the one he watched as her chest rose and fell in sleep, the one with the unmistakable ability to draw male attention without realizing it.

He had sat on this very building from the time he had run into his niece and then saw her roommate. He felt obligated to watch over Cathrine, she was the last of his blood family. Everyone else had passed away and with her being an only child it made it more clear that he needed to make sure she would be okay. Everyone in his world knew about his need to find his family and that they were most definitely off limits for the food chain unless they wanted to meet the demon inside of him. Even his own cousin thought he was mentally off balance about the whole thing, but he didn't have human ties so he couldn't understand. To all of his clan, humans were good for either food or making into one of them. As black and white as all that.

He felt the thirst again, felt it pulsing against his throat. It was a fever he could no longer deny as much as he tried to suppress it. It pounded in his mind, demanding to be fed. He put his left hand to his temple to calm down the temptation of going over to that window, reaching in and sinking his fangs into her lightly tanned skinned neck. Realizing where his thoughts were heading, he drifted back into the shadows more determined to find a more reasonable meal that wouldn't cause so much conflict in his mind.


The four hundred year old vampire known as Trowa Barton entered the mansion that was owned by his clan right after four that same morning. He tossed his cape on the coat hook next to the front door and used the back of his hand to wipe off the small red spot at the edge of his mouth, licking it off his hand.

The main hallway was like the entire house. Classic with modern touches, with rare paintings hanging on the walls and hundred year old artwork. Marble flooring, chandeliers and anything that cost more than a thousand dollars were the things that filled the twenty-five-room mansion. He walked to the living room that had weapons from seven different centuries hanging on its walls, with a massive fireplace that a person could walk into and leather furniture mixed with mahogany tables made in the 1800s. The huge screen television sat on the right wall, where it had the latest news on it. Sitting in the two chairs that faced the T.V. were a long braided chestnut haired boy with startling violet eyes and a shorthaired blond boy with innocent blue eyes. Both looked no more than eighteen years old, which was how old they had been about two hundred years ago.

"Since when are you two up this early?" Trowa asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"You're home, good." Came Quatre's reply, standing up with a smile playing at his lips.

"Thought you'd still be mooning over that luscious golden haired chic at this time," the other replied, "since you never come home before six anymore."

"What I do with my time is my business, Duo," Trowa told the long-haired boy, "and I suggest you remember that unless you want to be separated from my cousin for the rest of eternity by meeting with the end of a stake."

Duo rolled his eyes before flipping the television off and with cat movements got up and walked to put his arm around Quatre's shoulder, taking the tip of his tongue and tracing the outline of Quatre's left ear. Quatre's eyes closed at the sensations Duo's tongue caused and with a movement, Trowa disappeared.

"Do you realize he is becoming more and more distant lately?" Duo asked, stopping his tongue movement.

"Everyone has noticed it but Heero refuses to even talk about it, you really should ask him to look into it." Quatre told Duo, turning to move his body in closer contact with that of the mischievous thief.

"Heero won't do anything, he's got his mind on a little pussy piece that is a friend of that golden girl of Trowa's. If he does anything to Trowa, those two will be at each other's throats and those throats that the other has proclaimed as theirs."

Duo's body was rubbing against Quatre's as he spoke, his groin tightening at the contact his blond lover was giving him as Quatre's hand made it's way down to that area and a hiss of air left Duo's mouth. Quatre's mouth moved over Duo's and with a blink of an eye the two of them closed the living room door's to continue the passionate motions in private.


Kestrel woke up a half an hour before her first class started and with a curse under her breath ran to the bathroom to take an extremely quick shower. She was pulling on her clothes while her body was still half-wet, the jeans plastering themselves against her legs and her top that was usually loose was wet thanks to her quick drying off job was now sticking to her skin making the top look provocative rather than casual. Kestrel combed her wet hair and placed the two clips in it, before grabbing her backpack with her car keys and slip on shoes locking the apartment door as she ran down to her small Jetta and taking off like a bat out of hell.

No time to waste, she had barely turned off the engine in her parking spot and slammed the door shut when she was halfway across the lawn to her Folklore class and without looking where she was going came right into a brick wall. Or rather what felt like a brick wall, when she glanced up to see she had run into a guy with amazing green eyes one of which was hidden by his brown-red toned bangs on the one side of his face.

"Geez, I'm sorry." Kestrel said, looking at his face.

"You didn't do any damage, so I wouldn't be too sorry." He said back, his eyes seeming to take in everything about her appearance, "A little late this morning?"

"Kinda, gotta go or I'll be even more late."

She went to go around him and he stepped out of the way.

"My name is Trowa."

"Kestrel McKenzie. See you around."

As she disappeared inside the building, a smirk came across his face.

"Oh, you will."


Kestrel made it into class, by sneaking into the empty seat nearest to the door where her three friends happened to know she always sat and was almost always late. Kestrel caught the grins that came over their faces and slid into her seat just as the Professor turned around the begin talking to the class.

"Perfect timing." Hilde Schbeiker told her friend, with a glint in her dark blue eyes.

"Hey, when don't I?" Kestrel teased, setting her backpack beside her and pulling out her laptop, setting it on record mode to record the lecture.

"Someone didn't take time to dry off from shower this morning?" Cathy told her roommate seeing wet areas on the light blue t-shirt with a metallic silver star on the center of the top.

"Didn't have time."

"Maybe you should try going to bed at night instead of staying up all night, Kes, then maybe you wouldn't be so late all the time." Relena Peacecraft told the golden haired blond.

"If you ladies are through talking, maybe I could continue my lecture or do you have something stimulating you would like to share with the class?" the Professor asked addressing the four of them, who all blushed at being made the center of attention.

"No, that's okay, Professor." Kestrel told him, as he eyed the four and then started lecturing again.

After class the four met in the hall, all with embarrassed looks on their faces as the fellow students in the class came out making remarks about the Professor centering them out.

"You'd think he would have done that to those two chatterboxes that always sit behind us and not the four of us." Hilde said.

"It's not like we were laughing or talking loud. Our voices were barely a whisper."

"Who wanted to listen to his boring lecture anyway? He always says the same thing day in and day out." Relena added.

"Some of us are majoring in that area and some of us need to listen," Kestrel pointed out.

"Then some of us should show up on time and not sit by our bedroom window staring out at the moon like a weirdo." Hilde told her and Kestrel glared at Cathy.

"And how do the two of them know I sleep by the window?"

"Hey, Kes, if you want to keep your sleeping habits to yourself say so. But it's just funny that you find sleeping in that small metal stool more comfortable than a queen size mattress." Cathy told her roommate.

"Oh, go hang out with those airhead sorority girls." Kestrel said in a huff.

"Alright, I'll see you later at the club right?" Cathy called to them heading to the sorority house.

"Maybe, if I can tear myself away from the window." Kestrel yelled sarcastically.

"Well, it is strange, Kes, and Cathy just mentioned it the other day when she came home after that date with the jock and found you at your window." Relena defended.

"Can we just drop it?"

"Oh, and whose the hunk we saw you run into when you were on your way to class? Lena and Cathy could barely take their eyes from the classroom window." Hilde asked, nudging Relena who glared at Hilde.

"Like either of the two of you have men problems you need to inquire about the men I happen to run into?" Kestrel told them, changing the subject.

"Run over more like it, I saw you practically fall on your face from the impact of those well defined shoulders and chest of his." Relena laughed.

"Keep your mind on that guy you've been seeing without letting us meet him, Lena. The one with the 'eyes you can get lost in and hottest body ever created'." Kestrel said quoting Relena's words from the other day.

"Back off the quoting me to me, Kes."

"Well, Miss Perfect is finally interested in the opposite sex it's something to be curious about." Hilde told Relena.

"For a while we all could have swore you were border lined lesbian."

"Oh, thanks a lot guys. Nice to know my friends think so highly of me."

"Don't take it serious, Lena. Even though Hilde here was a little upset about that fact."

"Can I help it if lesbians give me the creeps? I'm only human."

"Like you wouldn't totally be into that girl in Lab if she wasn't taken."

"What girl in Lab? And since when is Hilde bi?"

"You haven't noticed her checking out other girls? It's like clearly stamped in her forehead that she is bi."

"Enough talk about my sex life like I'm not even here, if you please."

"So you are bi, Hilde?"

"Better bi than a full out lesbian. I have a craving for that certain part of the male anatomy," at Relena's raised eyebrow, "don't worry, Lena, I don't go for goody-goody's though I hear you guys are a dying species with all this prime male around."

Kestrel laughed as Lena punched Hilde in the shoulder, sending the blue-black haired girl into a fit of giggles. They headed to their next classes as the bell rang and agreed to see each other at the club later.


Trowa stood by the tree that the three girls had passed, listening to their conversation, which he found to be very interesting. They were very different personalities and seemed to get along great. He found he was intrigued about the girl Heero was watching and she seemed to be a close friend of both Kestrel and Cathy. He found the light-brown haired girl a little too perfect for his taste and considering that was what her friend's called her he knew his attention was defianantly placed on the right girl. The one with dark hair, Hilde, was one for the books. She was outgoing and not the least upset about her sex life being discussed so openly, she seemed someone that the fun-loving Duo would go for. He watched as Heero seemed to materialize out of nowhere right in front of the Relena girl and the two of them head to Heero's Jaguar. She was under Heero's thumb already and he had a funny feeling that Heero was getting attached to her since he had not slept with any of his creations in two weeks. Duo was getting a little jealous and that was why he was screwing Quatre, to get back at Heero. If only he knew Heero like Trowa did, the vampire from the 1200s didn't play jealousy games and hated when others did, so Duo was wasting his time. That Quatre was with Heero's childe made Trowa no difference; Quatre and him had been growing apart for some time.

He had heard those girls talking about whom Kestrel had run into and inwardly grinned that she was so reluctant to share information since it was obvious her friends were all with or had someone in their lives at that moment. Since he had begun watching her she had not dated at all, which was unusual since most of college was a huge keg party where everyone was doing someone. Kestrel didn't fall into that group, even if his niece did. He hadn't planned to meet her yet but after watching her last night he gave into his urge to see her and talk to her. He had felt the entire motion of her body running into his and her intake of breath and curiosity. She looked good, the material clung to her that morning and her hair was more of a spun gold since it had not completely dried yet and played on her neck and shoulders. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts now remembering that he had somewhere to be. One thing he reminded himself was that he was going to go to that club and see her again tonight.


Relena had been walking to class when she saw her dream man come into view and with a movement of his curved finger she went to him without a single protest that she would again be ditching class because of her craving for him. She had met him only two weeks before but she felt like their meeting was predestined. His deep blue eyes held hers in their depths and his dark brown hair was rakishly tossed and he looked too good in the black from head to toe.

Going to his mansion that she didn't know he lived at since most of their getting physical contact was at her dorm in his Jaguar all he had done was keep one hand on the wheel and other on her shirt, or should she say under her shirt. He was massaging her breast making her breath come faster and her eyes close at the magical sensation it caused to run through her veins.

When he pulled into the darkened garage that automatically shut after him, she could have sworn his eyes turned a shade of red-yellow like a cat's in the dark. He took her hand and led her into the door that connected to the house and into the dinning room which could have fifty people sitting at the long empire table in it and then up the private back stairs next to the kitchen and into a darkened room.

She felt his presence behind her now and his hands wondering over her body, marking her as his without really doing anything. She let her head fall back into where his shoulder and neck connected as he moved his hands over her clothes and down her legs until she opened her shut eyes and saw that she was naked without realizing how she got that way. One of his hands moved down her chest, pausing at each breast to use his pinky to circle to nub of a breast until it hardened and ached for his touch when it moved south, over her flat stomach and curve of her hips to the curls that protected her femininity. She felt him gently tug on the curls, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through her. One nimble finger stroked where the two lips of her sex met and felt how wet she already was without him having done much to her. He had taught her well in the past two weeks that she responded instantly to the slightest touch.

She heard the door to the room open and sensed someone whispering to Heero rather than actually hearing the words used her mind focused on the sensation between her legs. Then the finger giving her so much pleasure without even entering her yet was gone and she felt another pair of arms take her in their hold and brought her to the bed. The new male, she was sure of the muscles she felt, turned her on her stomach so her body was on the satin sheets that stimulated her already stimulated body. An arm went under her to get her on her hands and knees while she felt a presence made its way to her cleft and seeking entrance and when she felt the hard yet soft member enter her body she sighed in welcoming.

She was hot and slick inside, making it easy to go all the way in without a problem and a smug smile crossed Duo's face at the prospect of fucking himself to death in the sweet little hole she had. She pulsed around his dick, stroking him on the inside until it was all he could do not to spill himself then and there inside her tight snatch. As he laid perfectly still inside her, another person crawled onto the large bed and Duo moaned as he felt the member he had been denied go into his own hole and begin pumping making Duo move his hips and pleasure the girl under him. It was such a workout for all three and so pleasurable that the girl on the bottom was tearing at the satin sheets with her nails as she sobbed and moaned in unison with that of Duo and Heero. And at last when the three could take it no more Duo let his seed flood her womb and caused Relena to scream her release and lose consciousness. Heero jerked Duo back so that he was even tighter on Heero's member and Duo yelled his encouragement to his lover, as both guys fangs dropped from their hidden areas in their mouths at the intensity of feeling and then felt all the muscles in Heero tighten as he let loose his control and orgasmed.

"I can see why she folds such interest for you, she is a really good fuck." Duo said, as Heero moved himself off the longhaired vampire.

"Since when haven't I chosen well?" the vampire prince asked coldly.

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Even though I wrote this back in February, I am going to finally work on the second part tonight and get it up in the next day or two. I took it off cause I thought I wouldn't be able to get around to working on it. I realized that I had some mistakes in it to fix as well. I did so love writing this. Took some time off of the Digimon story I am currently writing as well as the Card Captor one with my sister, Fairy Empress, to work on this. Comments? Review if you please.

Revised: April 5, 2001