Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You're The Hunter ❯ Club Seduction ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Vampire Gundam Boys, what could be better? And think of all the things they can get away with, it boggles the mind.
WARNING: NC-17; Yaoi, Yuri and Boy/Girl content.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own Gundam Wing.

When You're The Hunter
Chapter 2: Club Seduction

Written by: Scandalous Behavior (

~ ~ ~ ~

When Relena woke up, in her mind she didn't realize or recognize where in fact she was. Laying up, from her sprawled position in the middle of a bed with no clothes on her body was just registering the coolness of the room and goose bumps broke out on her flesh. Twisting her aching body, mainly in the lower region of her body, she slid off the bed and bent down to retrieve her clothes from the tossed every which way they had been scattered earlier. Now, she realized what she had done and who she had done it with.

Was she so taken in by Heero that she would allow him to do all those depraved mind-altering things to her that made her succumb so easily and that last part with that other guy…

Was there something wrong with her that she would allow that to happen, and even more so that she enjoyed it. Just the thought got her a little wigged out, gathering the remainder of her clothes, she moved towards the door and opened it to find the object of all her normal rational thinking going straight back towards to bed as her soft blue eyes met those of hardened steel.

Again, with a hand just barely touching her cheek a thousand bursts of sensation raked her body with unimaginable pleasure and she leaned forward, her clothes falling to the ground as he came into the room and again shut the two in a world of there own.

The last thought in her mind was that she had to be at the club with the girls and then when his mouth descended closer to her chest area, her last coherent thought fled to make room for the intensity of emotion flooding her mind and body.

~ ~

Kestrel was in the locker room, employee room was what it was labeled but a room with one couch that had all it's springs broken and two walls of lockers wasn't in her mind an employee room, of the National History Museum she worked at. Her blue blazer, the attire of her tour guide status, was put on the small hook in the metal locker and she pulled out her jean jacket the sleeves rolled up a small ways, she slid her arms into it. Shutting the locker, she grabbed her small bag that contained all her money, her small notepad, and her cell phone. She walked out of the locker room and into the quiet corridors of the nearly skeleton crewed Museum.

She hadn't meant to stay so long, it was nearly eight as it was and she had to be at the club at nine. But two of the other guides had called in to say they couldn't do their shifts and so being the sucker she was, her boss gave her the tours to take over. She had to wing her way through the new on loan Egyptian exhibit, one of the big attractions for the past two weeks.

Pushing a strand of wayward hair out of her eyes looking through her glasses, a trendy pair that were barely there thanks to Hilde and Cathy's advice on getting the necessary pair that was needed for school and for the Museum, it corrected only the minor of problems with her eyes and she didn't really need them. Better safe than sorry, was what she had told her friends. It made her look less like the teenager she was and the sixteen year old everyone swore she was.

Getting to the main doors, the guard on watch named Randy, nodded to her passing as she headed out the doors and down the flight of stairs to the parking lot on the side of the building. A shadow crept out of the darkness and startled her as she kept her walk casual not giving away the three years of karate and few self-defense classes she had taken as a precaution, she lived in New York after all.

When a hand came out to touch her shoulder, she moved back into the person behind her and brought down her elbow with all her upper body strength adding her other arm to help with the amount of impact. It was shoved straight into the chest of the person, who instantly went to the knees gasping for air.

As instantly she realized that she had just brought down one of her childhood friends and as close to a boyfriend as she had ever come to, the reddish-blond haired and brown eyed Logan McRy.

"Oh god, Logan, I am so sorry I thought you were an attacker." Kestrel apologized, as he looked up to her with a grin on his lips.

"No sweat, Kes, I'm not hurt just winded."

Kestrel frowned at his comment, as he got to a straight standing position still gasping every now and then for breath.

"I'll have you know that was one of my best elbow jabs."

"You'll have to work on it, if that's your best, Kes."

She glared at him, as he smiled at her.

"Why are you following me, all stalker like?"

"Maybe I am stalking you?"

She gave a look to him that told him she didn't believe that for a second.

"Okay, fine, I was trying to get to you cause Cathy called saying that they moved the club meeting to eight-thirty."

Kes looked at her watch and groaned.

"It's already five after eight. How I am supposed to dress and shower to meet them there."

"Thought I'd follow you there, since Hilde dropped off your dress at the apartment earlier and then you could catch a ride with me."

"Since when do you go clubbing?"

"And turn down having the most beautiful girl in town on my arm, making all the other guys jealous? Why wouldn't I?"

She laughed and the two went to their cars.

Ten minutes later she was at her apartment, letting Logan close the door behind him as she grabbed her dress and ran into the bathroom, shutting the door. She emerged, still slightly damp from the shower, in a silky gray dress that came to just above her knees and short sleeved with a mesh white wrap. Her hair up in a French twist, and white ankle boots on her feet.

"I wasn't joking either, you look great, Kes."

She only shrugged getting the small beaded purse off her bed and shoving her wallet and cell phone in it. She then saw that Logan had on slacks, a sports coat, and a button down shirt.

"So what are you going to do while all us girls are playing up to male attention tonight?" Kes asked as she locked the door behind her, dropping the keys into her purse.

"Be one of the males you're playing up to."

"So being Sir Lancelot was only an act earlier?"

"I am a guy, aren't I?"

"No argument there."

~ ~

Hilde in the mean time was tapping her foot impatiently as she stood on the magnificent porch of the mansion, which was what the club was. Club Haven, as it was called, was remote away from any complaining neighbors or city life in a place all by itself on a small hill ten minutes out of town. It was this gorgeous mansion, with the whole Southern Plantation look to it with pillars and grand stature that left all the other buildings around the area seeming petty and over done. This club was mainly an upper class type social thing, being mainly for the more wealthy people of New York. From ages 18-28 were allowed only in the club, so it wasn't an older person hang out. It had from the latest trying to make a name for itself band to the biggest names in the business which made the club's admission invite only and was extremely hard to come by. Thankfully, Cathy had gotten them all passes as she worked for a friend of the owner of the club as a bonus for her help in one of the society last-minute parties.

Again she glanced at the slim gold watch around her left wrist that matched her gold purse and gold shoes that went with the embroidery on her dark blue strapless dress with gold shimmer to it. Beside her was Cathy, who was coming back and forth inside and outside the club to make sure that she wasn't ignoring the club seeing as how the owner, a guy who never was around, was there. Relena had shown up five minutes ago in a limo, no less with one of the most drop-dead gorgeous males Hilde had ever set eyes on, followed by another male with a long braided chestnut ponytail and eyes to kill for, a mix of blue-violet. Then another guy that she recognized as the guy that Miss Innocent had run into earlier that day, with soul-searching green eyes. Then the only blond male came out of the car, he looked barely over eighteen and as sweet and innocent as Kes was. Following them was a light blond with dark eyes and a calculating smile sheathed in a red dress that left nothing to the imagination, if you could call it a dress. The top of it stopped a hair's inch above each nipple and was just long enough to cover her sex it was so short. The other sandy-blond had on a simple black dress that was long sleeved, off the shouldered, and fell in a straight line to her ankles. Wondering how in the world Relena could get to know such obviously wealthy and top class people, Hilde had talked to the girl who only could smile and mouth 'Later' as they passed by. The only thing that kept the impetuous Hilde from following was the wink she had received from the longhaired guy, making her heart stop and then speed up.

Now she stood waiting for the last of their group to show up, as she looked up from her watch, which read 9:02, she saw Logan's Mustang park and the two get out.

"I thought you told him 8:30?" Hilde asked as Cathy looked at the two.

"She did, but Kes was working late and we still had to get her changed and here, didn't we?" Logan smoothly answered, his usual casual grin on his face.

"Don't do it again, Rich Boy. I hate missing a party and this is one for the books. Come on, Kes," Hilde took her friend's arm leading her into the Tiffany glass front doors to the inside where music was heard but not deafening, "Didn't I say that dress would look hot on you? Doesn't it look good, Cathy?"

Cathy only raised an auburn eyebrow at Kes and Hilde, her own dress was of a simple green heavy satin.

"You do have a good eye, Hil. Come on, Kes I want to introduce you to our host." Cathy said, leaving Hilde and Logan only watching the two best friends walk off.

~ ~

Trowa was at the bottom of the flight of stairs that led down to the ballroom where the band, Lifehouse, was playing. His attention wasn't on the music or even the girls surrounding him and his friends. All his attention was grabbed the minute the golden haired siren had entered the mansion. That she had come in with her friend and that he had been by the window seeing her come with that blond kid only added to the fact that he knew he had wanted to see her so desperately that he had almost caught himself going outside when she came and taken her away with him the minute his eyes laid sight on her. It was so unlike him, he was startled.

Maybe what Heero said before we came is true, Trowa thought distractedly, I should just screw her and move on. This constant need to see her and be around her was making him nuts and it wasn't something he needed.

Then when he saw his niece take Kestrel's arm and lead her off to a room that was the owner's lounge, he almost smiled. As sure as the rest of the humans that littered the inside of the grand and elegant club didn't know, she didn't that this was a vampire haven, thus the name. Where vampires found quarry, food, or toy for an evening of entertainment. With so many choices it was the favorite of the elite, and so it was a place most of the vampires came to for diversion. It was owned by a vampire, so who else would know what intrigued the leeches of the world more than a leech himself.

It worried him, deep down, that meeting the mastermind of the mansion would cause problems. Trowa knew as anyone else did that Treize Khushrenada, of the First House of Nosveratu, which means he was born a Vampire, was fascinated with virgin human girls. Not obsessively but it intrigued him to play with them and use them, he had at least three at a time all the time around him. It was a joke to him to have innocence around him, when he himself was the farthest thing from.

His body was already moving towards the private office before his mind caught up with what he was doing.

~ ~

Quatre watched his former lover head in the direction of the office of Treize, his cat-blue eyes narrowed as he saw the object of the kept to himself vamp. The girl that Trowa watched with such avid interest with that delicious red head of Trowa's descendent. Now there was a girl he'd like to get alone, for some reason having red in your hair was an attraction that the blond couldn't quite understand why he liked it. Maybe because it reminded him of life giving blood, that warm succulent substance that tasted like cherries and made his entire being in a sedated state.

He went, quite as a mouse, up the stairs and watched the red head introducing the blond Kestrel to Treize, an equally blond man who was over a thousand years old and one of the first born vamps. Then with a wave of his pale hand, Treize dismissed Cathy leaving Trowa who was determined to stay. Grabbing at this opportunity, Quatre waited outside the door to get Cathy alone.

She came out of the door, without looking where she was going and he made it looked like she had bumped right into him. Instantly her eyes widened in shock, as she came in contact with his shoulders to steady herself on her heels.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention…"

"No apology necessary, I just wandered up here to get away from the party for a while and was not giving much attention to my surroundings either," Quatre lied innocently, "I'm Quatre Winner, a friend of your Relena's boyfriend."

"I saw you come in with her, you had the blond girl Dorothy, I think her name is, on your arm."

Quatre gave his innocent grin to her, watching the emotions play on her unsophisticated face that hid nothing from him. She was aroused, almost painfully from the first contact with him. He could sense it, feel it as if it was something alive. She was delightfully eager, something he should have known given all the boyfriends he had heard Trowa talk about. This was going to be much simpler than he had anticipated.

He offered her his arm, which she took lacing her own ivory colored arm with his and he led her to a secluded room where a pool table was the dominant feature in the room, with red velvet as the covering.

He ran his hand, unlacing it with hers gently over her skin, causing pleasure to race through her. He leaned forward, using his other hand to close and turn the gold keyed lock in place before guiding her to the pool table, the back of her thighs touching the mahogany wood. Stimulating her already overloaded senses with liquid fire pleasure, as he easily lifted her body onto the top of the pool table as if she weighted nothing more than a feather and with a blink of an eye her underwear and nylons were in his hand pulled away as he set her on the table his hand under her dress. The green satin pooled around her waist and her bottom felt the coolness of the velvet, heating her skin rather than cooling it.

Her hands did their own fair share of pulling and unbuttoning on him, on his belt and then sliding the zipper till she gasped as his member stood erect and throbbing under her hand unprotected by underwear and she could feel herself flooding with anticipation at having that perfect spear inside her.

He leaned forward, taking her satin covered nipple into his heated mouth and sucked ever so gently on it, till she could feel the echoing sensations between her legs, where his hands were currently playing. A single finger outlined her red curled sex, finding her pleasure button and circling it without entering her, making her hips move which he stilled with his other hand.

"Not so impatient, my pet." His whispered against her hardened nipple.

She moaned and he thought it might be time to give this over-hot pussy what it was so desperately searching for. He pulled himself up, his knees on the table and moved her back, then with almost instant reflexes thrust himself into her snug channel, instantly making her climax.

"So eager, my pet, soon you will screaming for me to end your torture. You will submit everything and only then will I end it." His voice harsh yet seductive, making her clutch at him with the tiny muscles inside her and he smiled.

"That's right, want me and only me, my dear sweet pussy-cat."

He thrust back and forth, slowly and tormenting seeming unaware of the girl frantically searching for her piece of heaven within reach but out of it and that was how he kept her, until she had cried out to him that she would be his slave if only he would end this and so he did, thrusting so deep inside her she thought they were permanently going to be one and then climaxed over and over till she laid exhausted under him.

~ ~

Treize, short haired blond and all-seeing blue eyed, watched the look that entered Trowa's eyes as he continued to converse with the young girl that held such interest in his rather detached otherwise friend.

"So, how do you like the club, Kestrel?"

"It is overwhelming, nothing I've ever seen. Like something you'd find down south, almost."

"Yes, part of the appeal is to escape the ordinary, wouldn't you say?"

Kestrel shrugged, making an eyebrow lift.

"I live in the ordinary and that's fine with me. To tell you the truth only because Hilde, Cathy, and Relena wanted me to come here did I. I'm not what you'd call the most social of people. I'd prefer a good book, a warm bath, and a descent night's sleep to clubbing. No offense."

"None taken. I understand perfectly, there is no need to apologize. Some people are just not cut out for this sort of thing and I can hardly disagree with your preference."

Kestrel couldn't tell if that was an insult or a compliment so she didn't say anything, only smiled.

"I know you've met my friend, Trowa Barton."

Kestrel noticed Trowa in the corner of the room, in the shadows.

"I um….bumped into him earlier today."

"Come, Trowa, show Kestrel downstairs and let her dance, I think she'll enjoy the rest of the night when music is in it."

Kestrel stood up from the Victorian chair she was presently sitting in, gracefully and Trowa nodded to her, as he opened the door and let her out.

"Oh, Trowa," Treize called out, the hunter in his voice, "this quarry might be even too much for you to leave your heart out of it."

"My heart died years ago," Trowa told him emotionlessly, "you saw to that."

With that, he closed the door and took Kestrel down the stairs to the music and laughter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

More to come soon, I promise. More Club scenes. Trowa and Kestrel will finally get to know each other better and Hilde's intrigue with the vampire joker will prove worthwhile. Review, Review, Review!!

AN: Logan McRy, the last name being borrowed from my youngest sister, Raven's fic. Just to let you know.

April 10, 2001