Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You're The Hunter ❯ Vampire's Epilogue ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
All Disclaimers and Warnings Apply.

Thanks again to all my loyal reviewers for the high number of reviews I have on this story. I appreciate your input.

When You're The Hunter
Chapter 8: Vampire's Epilogue

Written by: Scandalous Behavior (

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Kestrel guessed that deep down it wasn't so bad being a vampire; she could be dead which would be worse. Staying in the graveyard she glanced down at the grave marker that held her three best friends names on it.

When Midii Une, Treize's right hand had been questioned, she was filled with information and didn't much care that Treize was dead. His using, plotting and revenge had sickened her to him. He wanted to destroy Kestrel's life along with making Trowa into his companion again and that was why he wanted her friends.

Her friends that were innocent, who were the best friends a girl like her could want laid dead because of a selfish vampire who hadn't learned that you could force someone to love you and sacrificed her friends to that.

The only human friend she had now, using that word human still got to her, was Logan. He was a part of her and the only one she talked to about her feelings of what it was like to experience all this vampire feelings of want and a blood thirst hunger that at times seemed like the worst curse she could have given herself.

Logan still didn't get along with Trowa, that was to be expected but he was the only human allowed to know about their world without having to fear it. Trowa was possessive without being obsessive with her, showing her a whole world of the night that she could only dream about now that she realized she was in her element. Night was her sanctuary and when you got down to it, if anyone belonged to it she did. Being a vampire enhanced all her senses and made her see things for the first time in a whole new light. That being ironic considering that light was her enemy, real sunlight, though she had never been real fond of it in the first place.

Duo, Quatre and Heero were like brothers to her although she was quickly learning about their pasts and what made them so unique from other vampires. They were playful, masterful, dangerous, and mature without losing their predatory instincts that made them the Hunter and the world their Prey. Duo and Quatre had honestly admitted they missed Hilde and Cathy, having gotten to know the girls on levels besides the purely physical though Duo admitted he missed that more.

The being sick and dying that had turned her from a human to a vampire made her remember that it had been her choice to change, to become the Hunter. Trowa and Zechs, now that she was one of them were if it was possible even more protective of her than when she had been human forbidding her from doing things in the night without them since she was still new to the concept that although they were Night Creatures they weren't the only ones. That Werewolves, Fairies, Shapeshifters, Familiars, Witches, and a hundred of species of things that belonged to the night were actually real and she began to write to work on a project that would translate all the little things about each 'culture' into stories that she would pass on, much like Grimm Fairy Tales but unlike Grimm's hers would be true and would bring knowledge of their world to others, though as Zechs told her it must be kept in their world never allowed to escape. He was such a killjoy.

Pictures, songs, truths all came into her leather book with an elaborate picture of all the creatures on the cover to gift her child.

Yes, her child. Who knew that vampires could get pregnant and it had shocked everyone else just as much as it had her. That a vampire could give birth was unheard of but as Trowa told her, they were bound to start new traditions because if a vampire could fall in love with and find his soul mate their was nothing they couldn't do, much to Heero's disgust.

So now her life was even more perfect, having finished college and now stood on the gravesite that was empty with only the marker that spoke of her three best friends who would never again be with her to help her through this.

"I miss you guys. I wish things could have been different and I wish you all were here to watch my child be born."

"Talking to them again, Kes?" Logan's voice came from behind her.

"Why not?" Kes hissed, a trait she loved cause it sounded so fierce but everyone teased her that she hissed before she was a vampire, part of her kitten trait.

"I didn't say it was wrong, did I? You are so easy to provoke."

"So says the philosopher of Witches."

"Who knew?"

Kes rolled her eyes. Finding out that Logan was an actual Witch didn't surprise her, since his family was Wiccan. He did have 'powers' if you could call them that and was a major help to the Vampire Clan that she lived with when it came to erasing people's memories about being bitten so as to keep things under wraps.

"Are you going to be this wise when my child is born?"

"A vampire child, still hard to imagine."

"Three more months."

"And then beware world…" Logan said with a spooky tone and she rolled her eyes.

Life was going to be okay, un-dead life that it was and she had Trowa to thank for that. She loved the night and now she had a reason to live it to the fullest even more than before.

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The End. Voila!! All done, hope you guys enjoyed reading it!!

May 1, 2001