Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Where Sunrays can't reach you ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10.

As so often there was Mobile Suit practicing going on outside. And as always Milliardo was a part of it. One of the Mobile Suits was reacting faster and cleverer than the others, so it was easy to recognize it was his. His fighting seemed more brusque and angry right now than at other times. Treize stared at it as if in trance. It was apparent that his fighting skills pushed against the limits of what the Mobile Suit could do. It reacted a lot slower than Milliardo could have. How more magnificent you would be in a better suit. He felt desire growing while he looked at the passionate way he made his Mobile Suit glide through the air. It had been a while since Milliardo came to his room. He sighed and pushed away his pride. If you're not coming to me, I'll have to go to you.

The hangar was filled with different types of Mobile Suits and the smell of oil penetrated Treize's nose. Like every inch of his domain he knew the hangar by heart. Therefore he knew exactly which hallway Milliardo would have to pass once he had dropped of his Mobile Suit. While he waited for him he took out the letter from his pocket.

Dear Treize,

I really hate this boarding school.

You frowned at that last sentence didn't you? Thinking I should be more graceful and less out-spoken. But not everyone can have the same equanimity as you. The people here are so dull, talking only about the art of diplomacy and more like that. We also learn etiquette, which is indescribably boring. I have never seen such a bunch of affected girls together. The only thing nice about it is that they have a fencing class. First time there I beat them all without effort. But instead of praising me they were praising you for teaching me well. Don't the people around you ever get bored with your perfection? I used to. Dear, you were so annoying. Always scolding me for climbing in trees and stealing candy. But I do miss you. Strange actually. Maybe it's because you were the only one who understood how I felt about war. The beauty of the fight, of laying down one's life in battle. Do you still feel that way? Or did you ever? I never could tell what was true with you. I do miss Khushrenada-castle, but then again everything is preferable to this dust-trap.



Treize sighed amused and folded up the paper. He liked getting those little letters of Dorothy; she was always so frank about everything. She had never been inhibited in expressing her views, unlike himself or Milliardo, and he wished more people could grow up to be themselves like that. The aversion against his so-called perfection was a favorite topic of hers and she always found different ways in which to bring it up. He was grateful that she had made him realize his effect on others. What disturbed him a little was how she doubted if he really saw war as she and her grandfather did. It had seemed both she and duke Durmail believed his view had been the same, that's what he had hoped for at least.

The letter was put back in his pocket as he planned to write her back soon. Noise was coming form the hangar and he knew Milliardo had finally completed his training. He took position behind a big fern so he would not be directly visible from the door. It was best to get him of guard.

"Fuck it."

!?!? That's Milliardo's voice! But he couldn't be swearing like this, could he?

The door opened. It was he all right. Frustration shone on the visible underside of his face as he hastily approached with angry steps. Reproaching himself for mistakes in his training? But where did he learn to speak like that? Another mystery.

The young man walked past Treize without paying attention to his surroundings. So easy...

The duke grabbed him from behind and forcefully pushed him against the wall. Milliardo's eyes widened as his hands were pinned against the concrete and warm, wet lips were forced on his. But he didn't let Treize's tongue slip in and turned his head away.

"Something wrong, Milliardo?" Treize asked concerned.

He removed the mask to see what was happening on that pretty face of his.

"No, not really, I am just tired," he replied, trying to avoid Treize's gaze.

Tiredness has never disturbed him before, what's really going on? He narrowed his eyes and lifted Milliardo's chin.

"Is that all?"


"Then you won't mind a little kiss, do you?" he said and once again his lips claimed Milliardo's.

He was still hesitating to let him in, but let him eventually. Something was obviously wrong. Why is he so reluctant? Treize felt how Milliardo was fighting against giving in to the kiss. He opened his eyes to stare in those of the prince. They were cold as always, but burning with something. Fear? Anger?... Hatred?

Treize broke the kiss, wanting to ask for an explanation. But Milliardo quickly took the mask from his hand.

"I think it's best I go to sleep now sir," he said as he turned away.

"Good evening."

The second time he had kissed Milliardo was meant to find out if his mood had something to do with him. Now he knew that was definitely the case.

A new sergeant had come to the castle. Normally this wasn't anything special to Treize, but the man was older than other recruits, even if they were not prodigies like Milliardo and Miss Noin. When he met Otto Hofenstach, the man had told him he had worked as a medical expert for several years, but now had a desire to be trained at Treize's castle. This wouldn't have disturbed him as well, if Milliardo hadn't seemed unusually close to this officer. Treize had always seen how the prince had kept a polite distance to the other officers, but since this Otto had arrived, they rarely had been separated. One time he had seen them talking to a houseguest of his. The man was old and therefore deemed harmless by many of Treize's superiors. But the colonel knew he had quite a lot of qualms with how things were going with the Alliance right now and he doubted not they were trying to find out in what ways he could be useful to him.

It hurt that Milliardo hadn't come to him with whatever he was planning. But the only things that made it apparent he was still in the castle were disappeared reports and traces of hacked computer files.

When he was about to leave for an opera performance, he had walked past a room intended for Lady's assistants. To his surprise he had seen Milliardo sitting behind one of the computers, with Otto standing behind him. It was very suspicious; they weren't supposed or allowed to be there. What had really annoyed him however was how confidently they were whispering. And above all: Otto's hand resting on Milliardo's shoulders.

Treize looked out of the carriage as it rode towards his castle. He hadn't found much joy in the opera performance. It had been good, that was undeniable. But his thoughts had been with Milliardo all the time. The prince hadn't come to his room in weeks and it wasn't just his body that Treize missed. Am I replaced with this old sergeant now, Milliardo? He frowned at his thoughts. It's ridiculous to think like that, why would he suddenly do something like that? But he knew Milliardo could change his behavior in an instant if he felt there was reason for it. Even if no one else would understand his motivation. We were getting closer and closer, but now I am the victim of his whims again. Bitter feelings came to the surface.

What troubled him most was his imagination showing him Otto with Milliardo constantly. Caressing him, bowing over him, taking him. It made him want to strangle the sergeant like he had wanted to strangle De La Ferre when he touched Milliardo. To the outside world these feelings were concealed of course, but within him they burned a hole. Treize was determined to find out what Milliardo and this man were up to.

Once he reached his castle he thanked the coachman and went for the same room he had seen them in earlier. He logged in under Lady's name and went searching for traces of recent activity. ERASED

Of course, Milliardo wouldn't leave obvious traces. It surprised him that despite everything he still admired Milliardo. Still it was obvious they had done something compromising or else they wouldn't have erased their movements. He looked up the data on the officers. He overruled many placed obstacles, which would have deterred someone with less access than Lady had. Someone had swindled with Otto's data a week before he had arrived. Milliardo.

He changed Hofenstach's record, so these two already knew each other. He typed commands, getting angrier and angrier at each pressed button. It was apparent he was not going to find more than traces of erasing. Frustrated he logged of. It wasn't just his jealousy or the rejection of the last couple of weeks that made him like this. It was a deep sense of betrayal. In all his life he had never cared enough about someone enough to want to share his life with. But with Milliardo it had been different. He had even talked to him about his views and had felt the young man understood him even better than Lady did. But apparently he had been wrong. The young lieutenant had simply thrown him out of his life without even an explanation. Did I really mean so little to you? Treize smiled bitterly. And that after all the plans I have made to help you.

He stood up from his chair and went out of the room. With every step he made he became angrier, if there was one thing he had always learned to hate it was ingratitude. Sparks of his rage almost made him fly across the hallways leading to Milliardo's room. As always it was empty when he intended to see Milliardo there. They're probably enjoying themselves in the woods or somewhere. Treize clenched his fists. He reached for the wooden chair and sat down on it. It was a far cry from the comfortable seats Lady ordered for him from Russia, but he didn't care. He crossed his legs, straightened his back and started waiting.

To be Continued.

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