Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

NOTE TO ALL READERS: I have just noticed something that may be a little off-putting - the tense of my story in this chapter only is very archaic. This is because it is only a prologue. If you do not like this chapter, please don't let it stop you from reading the rest - as it is written…err…more normally, which means it is one helluva lot more understandable, and probably better quality.

Also, there is a little - or quite a lot of swearing at the start of this chapter, and very little or even no more in the rest of the story that is up so far. So before you read, this is your warning - don't let it stop you, please?

And as always….PLEASE READ AND REVIEW ^v^………

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"…Fucking hazardous! Don't be a fool, Maxwell! Don't believe everything you hear! I knew you were a gullible baka from when I first met you, but even -," the cool voice was cut off abruptly as another speaker swung in, challenging the other just as icily. Frost and blizzards could have formed on the edge of their tongues, as they fought each other verbally, not far from the physical.

"Fuck you, Yuy! I know what happened! Jesus, if you weren't so damn self-centred and so fucking self perfect…" the voice trailed off, a tense pause occurring evidently but for the heavy lack of din. The mouth opened, and spoke again just as loudly, voice clogged with leaking, forcefully withheld emotion.

"…Self important…damn asshole…"

Dim, indescribable figures through an isolated window, so separated from the world around them stood vaguely opposite each other in the small one-roomed building; the one with short, spiky, messy and unkempt hair leaning almost casually against an old wall. Almost casually perhaps, if it weren't for the unusual tightness in the facial features. Almost casual, if it weren't for the jump at the words; the stunned widening of the eyes; then the common and definitely spontaneous deadly narrowing of the cobalt depths.

From outside in the cool of the night they could be heard, the angered voices rising, shouting vainly in the dimly lit house, echoing unheedingly in the stark wilderness around it, overpowering the cool, frost bitten wind. The house could scarcely be heard creaking, as if indeed it were stretching out its ears in an eavesdropping gesture, or perhaps, indeed retracting its flaps from the great baritone that rung throughout. Thus it truly seemed as if the very earth was listening, for so silent and tense it was around the screaming, tumultuous centre of events. Then so very suddenly, the voices stopped. And then…then there was silence. Clipped, toned, and as icy as the words beforehand. Cold, incomprehensible silence, that rung and sounded louder and louder, beating even the disagreement of the fierce yells that had blared so viciously a few seconds before.

The small, broken-down building, which was the centre of these angered circumstances, could almost have shaken apart with the serious booming of the voices. There came no reaction from the neighbours, from the public, simply because there was none. Nothing but pure wilderness.

The building in contrast, sat alone at the crest of a small hill, surrounded on all sides by intense foliage; large pines, and various trees forming cover for those who needed it. Solemn, and subdued now, little lighting streamed out of the only visible window; years of accumulated dust and grime blocking the only source of light, until swiftly, with more power than necessary, a door slammed open, revealing a slim figure standing silhouetted in the now bright-golden streak of artificial sunlight.

The slender figure, clearly upset by the mad gesturing he made, turned one more time in the doorway, toward the other supposedly calmer member in the room, before leaving altogether. Running out of the room fully paced, and out of the house, the outlined figure slammed the door behind him, moving hastily and carelessly into the leafy cover not fifty metres away, but not before shaking his head, violet eyes closed. Not before muttering harshly spoken, barely audible words to the other in the room, though they were not really intended for his ears, or anyones.

But the other had heard him. The other had atuned his very senses to the one whom he spent his greatest moments with. The other had heard him, and in turn been hurt. And as the definite sound of Deathscythe's engines roared to life in his ears, and the shape of his companion's suit moved off into the growing night from the shelter and safe enclosure of the trees, his inner ear still held the unwanted and loathing reverberating words of the second before, as they would forever. And for the first time ever in his life, Heero Yuy wanted the ability to cry.

"….I hate you…"

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Authors Notes: Okay, I'm now starting this story, which shall be a small action/adventure/drama, and which will hopefully be reasonably okay…except for one thing: I have NEVER watched an episode of Gundam Wing, and decided I should take up the challenge, (care of my cousin), and write a fic. Now, I know you're probably all thinking "THIS IS GONNA SUCK!" but just wait and let me write it, okay? Cause although I know practically nothing, I have heard an excerpt of Waltz…which is, according to my cuzzie, only slightly differing - if at all. Don't ask me when during / after the series that this is set, as I'm not quite sure yet, but all I can say is that it will develop…and yes! I even know the names of the Gundams and the characters…wow! Lol…anyway. I'm just using this to take some time off my other two fic's…which I need a break from at the moment, so this is me signing off. Please review, as I could with corrections…(I'm only allowed to read other peoples fanfic's about G/W, not summaries etc…), but not too much as to screw my bet up with Mya, (My cousin).

Wish me luck, and tell me how it's going so far…though this is only a prologue of sorts, (it will be finished sooner than my LotR ones most likely), I hope to have it done really soon.

Love Skaara!

Ps: To all those waiting for my two LotR stories to be updates, they will be fixed in the next week or so as I have a lot of assessments to catch up on. Have fun go mad!