Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Chapter 1

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes.

Trio sighed as she flew through space back to Quatre's mansion. Truth be told, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to act like Duo for two months.

'Maybe he'll cut his vacation short...' she thought. 'Yeah right.' Though Duo had known the other pilots for three years now, Trio had never met them. They didn't even know Duo had a sister. Trio wasn't sure why he had never mentioned her, but then again, she never told anyone that the infamous Gundam Pilot 02 was her brother either, though she often got funny looks from people, especially when OZ had captured him during the war. Taking one last deep breath, Trio said to herself, "Well, here goes." With that, Trio punched the intercom button in the shuttle before she could change her mind, dropped her voice a notch, and spoke.

"Yo! Guys! Hellloooo? Anyone there? I'm ready to land this thing."

"Duo!" Quatre's voice crackled over the intercom. "It's about time, we haven't heard from you in hours."

"Did you complete your mission?" said a flat, monotonous voice that Trio could guess was Heero's.

"Well!" Trio started, trying to imagine what Duo would say. It wasn't too difficult. "Thanks for saying 'hi'! You know, you could sound a little happy to hear from me. For all you know I could've gotten shot down or-"

"Did you complete your mission?" Heero asked again.

'Geez,' thought Trio. 'This guy's worse than Duo said. Mr. No Personality.' "Duh! Would I have come back if it wasn't completed? It was a piece of cake! No problem for the all mighty Shinigami."

"Hn," came the reply.

"Yeah well anyway, I'm landing now, so could you like, get things ready for my...landing?"

"Yeah, sure Duo. See you in a few," Quatre said, before signing off.

'Well, at least I know I can imitate Duo's voice. I guess that's a good sign. Hopefully Duo and I look as much alike as he says we do...' The shuttle finally landed, and Trio opened the door, wondering if all four of the others would be there. 'Apparently not,' she noticed. Only Quatre and Heero stood there, not that it really mattered. Taking a deep breath, Trio walked down the platform. "Luuucy! I'm hoooome!" Trio called out. 'Hey, this is pretty easy, it might actually be fun,' she thought.

"Welcome back, Duo!" Quatre greeted as Trio walked down the stairs. All was going well so far, they didn't seem to notice anything different. "We had the cooks prepare dinner so it would be done by the time you got back."

"Good, 'cause I'm starving." Quatre laughed.

"When aren't you?" he asked. Trio smiled. Quatre was pretty cute, and she'd always had a thing for blondes.

'Alrighty, better not hang out around him to much, or I'll be finding it hard to keep acting like a guy, or a straight guy anyway.' "Ok then, I'll just go wash up, and then I'll come eat."

"Wash up?" both Quatre and Heero asked, stopping in their tracks. "Since when have you 'washed up' before eating," Heero asked. Trio winced inwardly.

"Ahh, well actually I have to go to the bathroom, I could have just announced that if you wanted me to."

"Nothing's ever stopped you before."

"Yeah whatever. Look, I'll be right down," Trio said, and then walked off quickly towards the house. 'Ok, mistake number one,' Trio thought. 'Duo obviously does not 'wash up' before dinnertime. Ugh, that's so disgusting. Oh well, I better get used to it.' Trio was too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice that there was another person walking around the corner she was turning, and she ran right into him. She was a little shorter, and had run smack into a well-toned chest beneath a familiar green turtleneck, causing her to, with no grace what-so-ever, topple backwards and land on her butt on the wooden floor. "Itai, did someone catch the number of that bus?" she murmured before looking up into startling green eyes. Well, it was more like a startling green eye, because the other one was obscured by long brown bangs. 'Ah, this must be the hell does he get his hair to stay like that?' Trio thought to herself, unaware that she was still staring at the silent boy standing above. He finally spoke.

"Duo." Ok, so he said one word. Trio waited for more, but he obviously wasn't going to open his mouth again.

'Alright, when in doubt, do what you think Duo would do.' She waited for a few more seconds, before speaking. "Trowa." A few more minutes passed with them staring into each other's eyes, when Trowa blinked suddenly, giving Trio an idea. "I win!" she declared. Trowa smirked.

"I was getting bored."

'Oh wow, it worked. At least I know something else Duo and I have in common: a thing for staring contests.'

"I didn't know you were back," Trowa stated, offering a hand to Trio who accepted and pulled herself up.

"Yeah, I just got back," she said, flashing him a smile that matched Duo's. "Dinner's ready by the way, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna go eat!" Trio turned away, and walked back the way she came towards the dining room, totally forgetting about going to "wash up." Trowa watched "Duo" walk down the hall. There was something a little different, but he couldn't quite place it. Pushing the thought aside, Trowa followed Trio to the dining room.

'Holy crap,' thought Trio as she walked down the hall, peeking into each room along the way. 'This mansion is bigger than I had ever imagined. Thank God Duo gave me that map to memorize...Ok, I turn left here, and the dining room should be on my right...yes! Found it.' "Have no fear! Shinigami is here! We can eat now, since the important person has made his entrance," Trio announced, as she walked into the room. Quatre looked up from his conversation with Heero, and simply smiled. Obviously this type of thing happened often.

"Maxwell," grumbled Wufei. "Would you sit down already?! We've been waiting long enough." Trio smiled as she observed the Chinese boy across from her. Black hair pulled back into a short ponytail, a scowl on his face...yep, this was definitely Wufei.

'The one I get to annoy. Hehehe.' "Hey Wu-man! You know you could have just eaten something else; you didn't HAVE to wait for me. Though I know it always makes a difference at the dinner table when I grace you with my presence."

"It makes a difference alright. It causes us all too eat less in a short amount of time so we can get away from the disgusting act you think is 'eating.' And do not call me that!"

"Geez, you really need to get that stick that you sat on about five years ago out of your-"

"Duo!" shouted Quatre, as Wufei jumped out of his seat and next to him Heero snickered. Trio smiled semi-sheepishly and flashed Quatre a peace sign.

"Don't worry, I'll stop."

"Wufei, sit down," commanded Quatre, once again being the peacemaker. Reluctantly, Wufei sat, mumbling about injustices and braided bakas. Trio sat down and picked up her fork. She actually wasn't that hungry. Absentmindedly, she began swirling her food around with her fork, every so often lifting some to her mouth.

'I wonder...if I started a food fight, would Quatre get angry? Duh, I would. This place is too nice to do that. This is the perfect food peas, mashed potatoes, hell yeah. I won't though...I bet Duo would...' Trio picked up the spoon that was next to her plate, for no apparent reason by the way, since there was nothing to eat with a spoon, and she loaded some peas onto it. 'To throw, or not to throw...' she thought, and looked toward Heero, who was too busy eating to notice anything unusual. Trowa, however, did notice.

"Duo," he whispered, in a semi-warning tone. Trio shoved the peas into her mouth, grimacing when she remembered that she really did not like peas, and put on an innocent face.

"Hmm?" she questioned, swallowing. "What?" Trowa sighed.

"Nothing, never mind." Wufei looked up and towards Trio, who was once again loading peas onto her spoon. Wufei smirked, and nonchalantly scooped up some potatoes.

'Man, I have a serious urge to fling these at him,' Trio thought, looking back towards Heero. 'He looks like he could use something to change that expression on his face. Though it would probably just change from indifferent to pissed-off and angry. That'd be worth it though, or would it? This guy's a killing machine. Hm...I wonder if Heero can even change facial expressions, his face is probably frozen like that...well, it's now or goes.' Trio took a deep breath, and flung the peas across the table at Heero, making a little "whoosh" sound as they flew threw the air. In the split second that Heero eyes widened and then narrowed in anger as the peas hit him, a splat was heard that caused Heero to not yell at Trio. Halfway out of his seat, and mouth open to scream at her, Heero froze, and watched Trio's expression of bewilderment with enjoyment. Obviously she had not been expecting that. Heero looked across to Wufei who was still holding his fork, smirking, and had a smug "who's the man?" look on his face. Trowa was also smirking, and Quatre looked horrified.

Trio reached up to the side up her face, and slowly wiped the potatoes off. 'Why that little...' she thought, looking over to Wufei who still had a triumphant look on. About two seconds later, Trio was wearing the triumphant look, and Wufei looked downright shocked with mashed potatoes and gravy all down the front of his shirt.

"Just remember Maxwell," Wufei growled, as he loaded his spoon with anything from his plate, "that you were the one who started this." Trio ducked his onslaught of food, causing it to splatter on the wall behind her, before jumping back up and sticking her tongue out at him.

"Ha ha! You missed me-ahh!" Trio shouted, as she got attacked from the side by handful of pasta salad. Trio turned to throw a clump of meatloaf at Heero, but totally missed and hit Trowa instead. (A/N: Isn't it amazing how you always miss the person your aiming for in food fights?) Trowa's eyes widened and then narrowed quickly. Using his spoon as a catapult, he was about to fling the food at Trio, when he suddenly turned and hit the unsuspecting Wufei on the forehead.

"Barton," Wufei growled, and a four-way food fight started, with Quatre sitting in the middle of it all with a look of shock on his face. Finally coming to his senses, Quatre looked around at the mess the others were making of his dining room.

"Uh, guys?" he said meekly. They didn't hear him. He tried a little louder. "Guys, could you please stop! You're really making a mess of things..." They still paid him no heed. Once more he spoke, "Guys..." Finally getting fed up, Quatre shouted, "GUYS!" The others froze where they were. Trio was straddling Trowa who had been pushed to the ground, and was about to shove potatoes into his hair, and above them Wufei and Heero were just getting ready to hurl various foods at Trio. They all looked towards Quatre with wide eyes. Now that he had their attention, he didn't know what to say. Sighing, Quatre looked around the room, and then back to Trio and smiled a little. "Welcome back Duo," he said, and then followed up with, "You guys are so cleaning this up. I wouldn't make the maids pick up such a mess. Well, don't just stare at me, you all have kitchen duty!" Four groans were heard. "Hurry up!" Trio got off of Trowa, but not before shoving the potatoes into his hair.

It took them about two hours to clean up the mess. Every so often someone would fling food at someone else, and then everything would start up again, leaving a bigger mess to clean.

"This is all your fault, Maxwell," grumbled Wufei from his position on the floor where he was trying to scrub some food off.

"My fault! How is it MY fault?" Wufei looked at her.

"Well, since you've already forgotten, you threw food at Heero first."

"Yeah, but you didn't waste anytime hitting me, and I didn't even do anything to you."

"Just think of it as payback for when you put honey into my shampoo."

'Honey?' thought Trio. 'Wow, didn't think Duo had it in him.' "That was ages ago Wu-man."

"It was last week Duo," stated Trowa, looking at Trio oddly.

"...Oh yeah," Trio said, smiling sheepishly. "Well, I think we're done," she said quickly, and tossed her sponge into the bucket.

"Duo, we haven't even started over there yet," said Heero, gesturing towards the opposite side of the room. Trio looked towards the area he pointed at.

"Aw, that side looks fine to me. If you think it's dirty, then YOU can clean it up."

"Maxwell, Quatre would not like it if we leave he's dining room in the mess it's in," Wufei said, sitting back on his heels.

"Well, he doesn't have to find out about it."

"Oh? And just how do you plan on hiding it from him?" Trowa asked.

"We won't hide it, we'll just have the maids clean it up. They'll notice it's a mess, and then clean it without being told to," Trio stated, and then started walking out of the room. "I'm done. If you guys wanna keep cleaning it, then go ahead. And have fun!" Trowa, Heero, and Wufei all watched Trio walk out of the room, looked at each other, and got up and followed her out.

Trio walked down the one of the many hallways in the Winner Mansion that she was pretty sure lead to Duo's room. Turning another corner, she found herself next to a door that had a picture of a skull and crossbones, and various signs around it. One of them simply stated that this was Shinigami's room. Another said, "Do not enter, if you value your life..." Beneath that and in parenthesis was a sign that said, "Seriously, you never know what might fall on you, or you could pass out from the fumes, or you might even get lost, and never find your way out, etc." Trio chuckled. This was definitely Duo's room. She only hoped it wasn't as bad as his door made it out to be. Cautiously, Trio opened the door and stepped into the room. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Duo's room was...clean. Aside from a few shirts scattered about, and the unorganized clutter around his laptop on the desk, the room was pretty much cleaned. The bed was made, the furniture dusted, and Trio was pretty much shocked. She had always known her brother as a messy, unorganized... mess, basically. When had he changed? Looking around the room, her eyes landed on the bad, which looked very inviting at the moment, and the piece of paper that was on it. Walking over, Trio picked it up, and began to read. She read as far as the first two lines, and smiled. Well that explained things. Trio kept on reading.

Dear Trio,

Ok, before you have a heart attack or something, let me tell you
that my room is NOT always this clean. I did this especially for you, so that
you wouldn't have to live in my room that everyone else refers to as a
"garbage pile." I spent hours on end cleaning this place, so you'd better
appreciate it! Actually it wasn't too hard; some of the maids helped me. :)
Anyhoo, the reason I'm writing this is too give you some pointers on how too
act as ME. It shouldn't be too difficult. There are enough clothes in my
closet for you to wear, and they should all fit you. Your hair always stays in
a braid! Unless you're sleeping or something, and even then it has to be put
back into a braid when you go downstairs. I usually wake up late, well, I
don't consider it late, but everyone else is up a while before me. I get up
anywhere from 9-10 a.m. You don't actually need to get dressed until like 12
or something, unless something important is going on that day. Use the
shampoo that I have in the bathroom, not any flower or fruity stuff that you
might have. It's really not that hard to be me I guess. I'm trying to think of
more to tell you. I do eat a lot. That might be hard for you. We exercise a
lot though. Quatre's got his own personal gym thingy. I think you're in good
shape, so anything you do shouldn't seem to weird. Ok, now for some tips on
the other guys. First off, you must constantly annoy Heero and Wufei.
They'll probably threaten to kill you a few times, but they never will. You'll
just have to get used to their threats. You can't back down from Heero's
"death glare" either, and you'll see what I mean by that when he uses it on
you, and he will. When he does, you'll know that you did something right as
me. If you do something that really annoys him, he might even start to
strangle you. Don't get alarmed though. None of the others would ever
actually hurt you. They'll go for you braid a lot though, especially Heero,
and Wufei likes to threaten to cut it off with his katana, so watch out for
that. Back to the strangling thing. Heero often does this when you make fun
of him and Relena. They aren't going out or anything, though everyone knows
Relena would love it if they did, but he is very sensitive about her. Oh, and
speaking of Relena, whenever you see her, you have to give her a big bear hug,
as awkward as that may be for you. It's just something that I've always
done. Ok, let's see. Always call Wufei Wu-man. He likes to make fun of
women a lot, so don't let that get to you. Trowa's usually quiet. He and I
tend to have a lot of staring contests, simply because he usually wins and it
annoys me. Quatre's cool, he's nice and all; doesn't really like fighting and
what not. I guess that's all. If you happen to meet anyone new, though I
don't know who that would be, introduce yourself as Duo Maxwell, and say, "I
may run and hide, but I never tell a lie." If you see Zechs and Noin, just call
them...Zechs and Noin. And try to annoy Zechs a little, but not too much. Ok
then, when Hilde calls you, it means I'm at her house and I'm ok. You might
want to go somewhere by yourself when she calls if you want to talk to me.
I'll try to send you an email every so often until then. That's it now,
seriously. Good luck on any missions that might come up. Actually, good luck
with everything. I hope you don't fall in love with any of the guys or
something, because that would look really weird. (just kidding) See ya later!!

Love you,

Duo, aka Shinigami ^_^

Trio scanned the letter over once more. Well, none of that seemed too difficult. She read the last few lines. 'Fall in love with one of the guys? Suuuure,' she thought. 'That would be kind of funny though. I doubt Duo would think so. He certainly wouldn't appreciate being known as gay, when he's not. Well that was nice of him to write this letter.' With that last thought, Trio put the letter into a drawer in the nightstand by her bed, and got ready to go to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Um...I actually don't have anything to say. Wow, that's new, huh? Oh well, anyway, PLEASE REVIEW! Thanks, and ja ne! One more thing, would you rather me write the next chapter of Women Aren't Weak, or Behind the Scenes next? Ok, that's all!
