Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Chapter 2

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes.

It was a beautiful day the next morning. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and there were no clouds in the sky. It was such a nice morning, in fact, that Wufei and Trowa had both decided to stay in bed longer than usual, just enjoying the peace. Heero, however, hardly ever woke up late, so he was already downstairs typing away on his laptop. Quatre was also up, and he too was downstairs heading towards the kitchen to get some coffee. Unfortunately, you had to walk through the dining to get to the kitchen. So, it WOULD have been the perfect morning, if an ear-splitting scream had not sounded through the air.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Quatre screamed as his trip to the kitchen came to an abrupt stop. "HEERO, TROWA, WUFEI, AND DUO! GET YOUR SORRY BUTTS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" From where he was, Heero sighed and shut down his computer.

'I knew we should have finished cleaning the dining room,' he thought, as he slowly walked towards the said room. Upstairs, two loud thuds were heard as both Trowa and Wufei rolled, or fell, out of bed.

"Ugh, shit." Wufei muttered, rubbing his head. He looked back up at the bed from his position on the floor, and then towards the door. "What the hell?" Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing a very disheveled Trowa.

"Wufei," he panted. "We have to go downstairs NOW. Quatre's on a warpath. I think he noticed that we never finished cleaning the dining room."

"Well you could have knocked y'know," Wufei stated, looking up at Trowa. Suddenly he started laughing, and Trowa gave him an odd look that only made him laugh harder.

"What?" Trowa asked warily.

"HAHA! Yo-your hair! It looks so f-funny! HAHAHA!" Trowa reached up to feel the front of his hair, only to find out that it was indeed sticking up and out all over the place.

"So, I sleep on my stomach," he admitted sheepishly. "And I didn't have time to brush it down. Besides, yours doesn't look much better." Wufei stopped laughing and grabbed a hair holder from off the top of his dresser. As he attempted to put his hair into a half-hazard ponytail, both he and Trowa heard another scream from downstairs.

"DUO, TROWA, AND WUFEI!!! HURRY UP!!!" Trowa dashed out the door with Wufei following him.

"You go downstairs. I'm going to go make sure Duo is up," Trowa said to Wufei, who nodded. Trowa went to Duo's room, and knocked on the door. Why he was knocking, he didn't know, seeing as he had just barged into Wufei's room. A very grumpy looking Duo answered the door.

"What?" Trio growled, her hair flaring out behind her. She hadn't had the time to put it into a braid yet. Trowa stood there and stared at her for a while, before shaking his head slightly.

"Quatre wants us downstairs."

"So I heard. He yelled loud enough to wake the dead." She pointed to herself. "Or at least the God of them. Now go away. I refuse to go down there with my hair like this." Trio now pointed to her hair.

"You sleep with your hair out of the braid?" Trowa asked, as if it had just occurred to him. Trio looked at him funny.

"Sometimes. However, I NEVER leave my room like this. I'll be down in five minutes." With that, she practically slammed the door in his face, leaving a bewildered Trowa out in the hall. He stared at the door for a while before turning to walk downstairs. Inside her room, Trio walked around grumbling to herself while braiding her hair.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Why now? Of all times, I get it the first full day I'm here! It couldn't have come in like, two days or something. Noooooo, it comes in less then twenty-four hours. DAMN IT!" Trio fastened the end of her braid and looked at herself in the mirror. "I guess I do look a lot like Duo. Duh, I'm his twin. *sigh* I hope they don't notice anything different, mood swings especially," she said, walking out of her room to go face a Quatre who was acting like he was on the Zero-system or something.

By the time she reached the dining room, the others were already on their hands and knees scrubbing the side of the room they hadn't bothered to clean the night before. Trio walked into the room ignoring the waves and winks she was getting from some of the maids that were in the kitchen. Her brother was obviously a ladies' man. Trio knew she should be trying to act more like Duo, but hell, as early as it was, she figured he would probably be grumpy anyway. She was too busy thinking about acting like Duo that she didn't notice the sponge being thrown at her until it hit her in the face.

"Start scrubbing," Quatre ordered. Apparently he was playing overseer of the four workers. Grumbling some nonsense about it being too early and not having any coffee, Trio pretty much collapsed onto the floor. One of her hands moved slowly across the floor with the sponge, and the other rose up to cover her mouth as she yawned. All thoughts of being tired abruptly left her mind as she found herself suddenly drenched in freezing cold water.

"Shit!" Trio exclaimed as she sat up and looked around to find the culprit who had dumped water on her. She discovered Quatre standing above her still holding a bucket, and immediately glared at him. "What the hell was that?" she screamed at him.

"You looked a little tired, so I decided to wake you up," Quatre said innocently.

'Ok, I take back anything I ever thought or said about blonde guys,' Trio thought to herself, as she looked at the others who were laughing at her expense. 'I hate them! All blondes suck! I think I'm suddenly going to become a brunette lover.'

Almost an hour later, Quatre decided that the dining room finally met his standards, and the five teens sat down for breakfast. It was towards the end of the meal that Trio heard the one question she had never expected to be asked, and it almost caused her to choke on her food.

"Hey Quatre," Trowa said, looking across the table at the blonde. "Isn't your pool open by now? We can swim in it, right?"

"Yeah," Wufei added. "Maxwell over here," he jabbed a thumb in Trio's direction, who, by the way, currently had forgotten to swallow the food in her mouth and was staring wide-eyed at nothing, "asked you about it before he left on that mission, and you said it'd be ready when he got back. I'm surprised you didn't ask about it last night," Wufei finished, looking at the bewildered Trio.

"Um," Trio finally remembered to swallow, "Yeah, well, I was tired. I'd almost forgotten about it." 'Oh shit! Please don't tell me they want to go swimming! This is just NOT my day,' she continued silently.

"Well it IS open now," Quatre said, looking around the table. "So do you all want to go swimming?"

"Sure, why not?" Wufei replied, standing up from the table. Trowa followed suit.

"I'll go change," he said as he walked out of the room.

"Yeah, sure, greeeaaat idea," Trio mumbled, as she too got up out of her seat.

"Are you ok Duo?" Quatre asked, concerned as always.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I just didn't get my full-"

"Twenty hours of sleep?" Heero asked, as he brushed past Trio. She smirked him.

"Yeah, twenty hours of sleep, whatever you say Heero. Anyway, and then I was awakened in a most unpleasant way," Trio glared at Quatre who smiled apologetically. "But I'm fine," she continued, waving her hand dismissively. "So, I'll just go change. Meet ya out at the pool!" With that, she walked out of the room and then dashed to her bedroom in record time. As soon as the door was locked, Trio began her worrying streak.

"Aw, crap! Now what? I'll just have to wear a shirt over Duo's bathing suit. Maybe I can pretend I'm still tired from the mission and then waking up early, and then they won't expect me to actually get in the water. Of course, I'll have to explain the reason I'm wearing a shirt...I'll just say that I...burn easily! Yeah! That'll work...maybe. ARGH!! Damn it! Not my day, not at all. Ya know, you'd think Duo would think about stuff like this before hand. I mean he KNEW I would be here, yet he STILL asks if Quatre can get the pool ready." By this point, Trio had found Duo's bathing suit, and was searching around in her own bag that she brought from home for some more tape for her chest. Flinging stuff carelessly around, she finally emerged triumphant. "Aha! Found it!" she exclaimed in a singsong voice. She nearly jumped out of skin when she heard the knocking on her door. Shoving the tape back into the bag, and forgetting about the other stuff she had tossed around the room, Trio casually walked over and opened the door. Again, she jumped, but this time backwards into the room as she saw who was standing in the doorway. Standing in the doorway, and giving her a VERY weird look.

'Ok, Trio,' she thought. 'Pull yourself together. You're never going to last two months at this rate.' Taking a deep breath, Trio straightened her shoulders, smiled in that way that only Duo can (well, his sister apparently can too), and turned to the boy in the doorway. Heero. A very scantily dressed Heero. 'Well, not for the occasion,' Trio reminded herself. He was dressed in a pair of red and black swim trunks, and only that. No shirt or towel or anything. Trio was suddenly finding it difficult to keep her eyes on his face, as they wanted to travel lower and take in his very well muscled form.

"Oi! Heero! What can I do for you?" Trio asked, stepping further into the room so Heero could come in. Heero looked around the room briefly before his eyes landed on Trio again.

"I was walking by and I heard you talking to yourself, AGAIN," Heero said in annoyance, crossing his arms. Trio blinked.

'He talks to himself?' Shaking her head slightly, Trio asked, "Geez! I don't talk to myself THAT much do I?"

"You have been lately," was the reply. Heero eyed her again. "You haven't changed yet?"

"Well I couldn't be rude and interrupt the conversation just to change," Trio said as if the answer was obvious. Heero rolled his eyes. They landed on Trio again for a brief second, before darting back towards the bed. Uncrossing his arms, Heero walked over and looked down at something. Trio panicked. 'Aw crap! What did he find? What did I toss out of my bag?' she wondered. Her silent question was answered when Heero turned back around, dangling an article of clothing from one finger.

Eyebrow raised, he asked, "Care to explain?" Trio paled, and then immediately blushed. Her mouth opened and closed, but no words could be formed.

"Uuuhhhhhh," was the only sound that emerged from Trio's mouth as she stared at the black lace bra that Heero was holding. 'Ok, why the hell did I bring THAT with me?!'

"Did you stop by Hilde's on the way back again?" Heero smirked, clearly enjoying the braided teen's discomfort. Trio relaxed, and sheepishly brought a hand up to scratch the back of her head.

'Ugh, mental pictures.' "Uh, yeah, I did actually," Trio said, smiling lightly. Heero dropped the bra back onto the bed.

"Well that would explain why we couldn't contact you for a while." He turned towards the door. "Hurry up, we'll be down at the pool. Tell your 'imaginary friend' you'll have to continue your conversation later." Trio gawked at his retreating back.

"Yeah, ok," she mumbled, closing the door as he left. After a few minutes, she shook her head and headed over to the dresser. She pulled out a random white T-shirt and was in the process of pulling it over her head when she stopped. "Ok, bad idea," she mumbled. "Definitely wear a black shirt in case they throw you in or something."

Several minutes later, Trio walked out onto the patio. The four that were already out there stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her.

"Took you long enough," Wufei grumbled. "I swear, you're a slow as a woman sometimes." Trio clenched her fists and gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"Like you would know," she replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wufei asked, his eyes narrowing.

"I mean it's not like you ever go out, so you've never had to wait for a woman before. How do you know how slow they are?"

"I go out!" Wufei replied indignantly.

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you went on a date? Huh?" 'Please don't say it was like last week or something,' Trio prayed silently. Wufei sputtered angrily and looked towards Quatre, as if he was supposed to know. The blonde raised his hands defensively.

"It has been a while, Wufei," Quatre said quietly.

"Well, I've been busy," Wufei growled. Then, changing the subject quickly, he asked Trio, "What's with the shirt?" She looked down at it briefly.

"Well, I'm kinda tired still, so I wasn't planning on actually swimming much today, and I burn easily, so I put a shirt on," she answered.

"Duo, black ATTRACTS the sun," Trowa stated. Trio could have smacked herself. "You should have worn a white one, like him," he finished, pointing at Quatre. Trio looked at Quatre questioningly.

"Are you sure you're Arabian?" she asked the blonde haired boy. Quatre's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I'm positive," he replied tightly. Trio shrugged and sat down in a lawn chair.

"Well, I'll just be resting here, in case any of y'all need me," she said, propping her feet up on another chair. Trio watched the others for a while. Wufei hadn't gotten in the water yet and was sitting opposite from her. He looked as if he was meditating or something, but Trio wasn't quite sure. Her attention suddenly focused on Trowa, watching as he jumped off the diving board, twisting his body gracefully in the air before disappearing beneath the water without a splash. Next to the diving board, Heero snorted and muttered something about him being a showoff before doing his own cannonball into the pool. Quatre came over and sat next to Trio, still rubbing sunscreen on his arms.

"Are you going to go in at all?" Quatre asked, lying back on the chair. Trio looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Maybe later," she replied, crossing her arms behind her head. She sighed, letting the artificial sunlight bathe her, and wishing that could be stretched out in her bikini. She was going to have a hell of a weird tan after today.

Some time later, Trio opened her eyes and blinked wearily into the sunlight. It took her a while to remember where she was. Sitting up, she looked around. It had gotten very quiet, and the others were nowhere to be seen. Had they just left her out there?

"Huh," Trio mumbled under breath. "Men." Suddenly she was jerked backwards as both her hands were grabbed and pulled out to the side. Snapping her head to the side, Trio's eyes widened as she looked into Wufei's eyes that were glinting mischievously.

"Payback time, Maxwell," he stated. Trio's eyes widened even more as Trowa and Heero came into view and grabbed her legs.

"Care to go for a swim?" Heero asked.

"Nonononono. Guys! Stop stop stop! Please? Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?" Trio pleaded pathetically as she started struggling in the four boys grasps. They only laughed and lifted her up off the chair. Carrying her over to the edge of the pool, the former pilots proceeded to toss her unceremoniously into the water. Trio gasped as she hit the cold water, which was a big contrast to the hot air. A second later she was hanging onto the wall of the pool, coughing, sputtering, and glaring at the four boys standing triumphantly above her. "I can't BELIEVE you guys just did that!" she yelled. Wufei bent down so that his face was mere inches in front of hers.

"Got ya!" he said, causing Trio's eyes to narrow.

"Got you my ass," she replied, grabbing the Chinese boy's arm before he could stand up again, and yanking him down into the pool next to her, getting a cry of "Injustice!" in return. "Ha! Never mess with the almighty Shinigami!" Trio announced, propping herself up on the side of the pool. She sat there dangling her feet in the water, ignoring the glare she was getting from Wufei, and started wringing out her shirt. "Christ guys! Now I'm gonna have to go wash my hair again," Trio mumbled. "Let go of my foot, Wu-man," she continued, kicking at Wufei who was tugging on her foot.

"Just for calling me that," Wufei replied, pulling harder on her leg, "I'm going to have to pull you back in here!" Trio suddenly found herself back in the water and holding onto the wall so she couldn't be pulled all the way under.

"Argh! Wufei, stop!" The insistent pulling of her leg stopped, and Trio relaxed slightly against the wall. Her eyes widened as a pair of hands suddenly started moving up and down her sides. Behind her, Wufei smirked as Trio tried to keep her grip on the wall without laughing. He started tickling her harder. "Ah...Wu-Wufei, s-s-s-stop! HAHAHA! P-Please! Hehe, I...I c-can't, HAHAHA, b-breathe!"

Reality kicked in when Trio's shirt started floating up around her, and she abruptly yanked herself away from Wufei's hands and pushed the shirt back down. The others hadn't noticed anything, apparently, because Trio found herself being dunked under the water from behind. She allowed herself to be pushed under, and then dislodged herself from the hands and settled at the bottom of the pool. She peered up through the water, discovering that it was Heero who had attacked her from behind. Moving so that she was behind him, Trio shot up from the bottom of the pool. As she emerged from the water, she wasted no time putting her hands on Heero's shoulders and pushing him under.

Looking up, Trio found Wufei still floating not too far away from her, and Trowa and Quatre sitting at the edge of the pool. "NO ONE messes with Shinigami," she said, smiling evilly. The others just shook their heads, smiling slightly.

"I think he might need some air soon," Wufei stated, pointing at the Japanese boy who was still struggling in Trio's grip.

'Wow, I can actually hold him under,' Trio thought briefly. Out loud, she said, "Oops," and abruptly released her grip on Heero. He shot out of the water coughing and gasping for air, before turning to glare at Trio. She only smiled and waved her fingers in front of his face, the glare not affecting her at all. "You did it to me too," she stated.

"Yeah," he said after a minute, "And I'll do it again!" Heero reached for Trio, who jerked out of the way and swam quickly over to Wufei.

"Nuh-uh," Wufei said, shoving Trio away from him. "It's every man for himself!" Trio yelped, and swam away from Wufei who had also reached out to try and dunk her. It took a lot of effort to keep her voice low so she wouldn't be screaming high-pitched. Jumping out of the pool, Trio walked over towards Quatre and Trowa who had been watching the whole scene quietly. They were both too trusting, she decided, as neither tried to move away when Trio walked behind them...and shoved them both into the water.

Quatre emerged from the water, and looked at Trio through wide eyes. "Duo!" he scolded slightly. Trio shook her head and pointed at Wufei.

"He said every man for himself!" she said. Both Quatre and Trowa turned on the poor boy who suddenly found himself trapped in a corner. Before they could do anything, they were distracted by big splash from the other end of the pool. Heero stood staring over the edge at a braided figure in the water.

Looking up, Heero said, "He forgot about me," and then smirked. What followed was an all out water war, as Trio decided to leave Heero for a minute and dunk an unsuspecting Quatre from behind. The game continued for quite some time like this. Trio found herself being held under by Trowa when one of the cooks came out and asked what time dinner should be served. No one had realized it, but they had been outside all day. Trowa let Trio up for air. As she coughed and gasped, she unconsciously leaned backwards against Trowa, pushing him up against the wall behind them.

"What are we having?" Trio asked the cook after she recovered.

"Chicken, tonight," the cook replied, turning to walk back into the mansion. Trio nodded, and shifted against Trowa who still had his hands on her shoulders.

"Uh, D-Duo?" the green eyed teen said, frantically trying to push Trio away from him. Trio eyes widened.

"Oh geez, sorry!" she exclaimed, pushing away from him. She turned to face Trowa, but he had already climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel off one of the chairs. He had a startled look on his face, which confused Trio a little.

"Ah, no-no problem. I'm just gonna go take a shower before dinner," Trowa said, quickly walking back inside.

"That's a good idea," Quatre stated, climbing out of the pool. He didn't seem affected by Trowa's weird behavior. Wufei swam up next to Trio.

"Was he acting weird? Or was it just me?" Trio asked him, still staring at the door. Wufei looked at her quizzically.

"Who? Trowa?" Trio nodded. Wufei looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Yeah, he did seem...shocked by something. Actually, I think he was...blushing? Maybe it was just sunburn though."

"Hmm..." Wufei looked over at Trio.

"You're still wearing that shirt?"

"Well, no one ever gave me time to take it off." Wufei smirked.

"Oh yeah."

"Are you two coming?" Heero asked, toweling himself off in the doorway.

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming," Trio said. Wufei pulled her back by her braid and pushed her under the water once more.

"I win!" he declared, climbing out of the pool before Trio could retaliate. All she could do was glare at his back.

* * *

Trowa stood in the shower, letting the cold water run over his body. 'Omigosh,' he thought, bracing himself against the wall. 'What the hell happened out there? What was I thinking?' Trowa ran over what had happened in his head. One second, Duo had been leaning back against him, a little too close for comfort, and the next second, Trowa had... He looked down at himself and turned around to lean back against the shower's wall. 'But...but, Duo? I mean...that's another...GUY. Male, man, boy...definitely NOT female.' Trowa had never considered himself gay (A/N: sorry yaoi fans), but ever since Duo had come back...there was something different about that braided baka. And whatever it was, it was affecting Trowa in ways he didn't like. 'Duo has a girlfriend though,' Trowa reminded himself. His eyes widened. 'Whoa! Am I telling myself he's not available? What the hell?!'

Trowa sighed and punched the wall next to him. "Damn it," he muttered, cradling the hand that had punched the wall. Sighing again, Trowa shut off the water and shivered. "I'll figure out what's different about him," he said, stepping out of the shower. He looked around, realizing that he didn't have clothes to change into since he had come straight from the pool. Wrapping a towel around his waste, Trowa opened the bathroom door...and came face to face with Trio, who had a hand raised to knock on the door.

"Duo!" he said, not expecting the braided boy to be standing there. Trio lowered her hand and looked Trowa over once. She brought her eyes back to his face and blushed slightly.

"Oi, Trowa, you ok man? You left the pool kinda fast," Trio said, staring into his visible eye.

"I'm fine," Trowa deadpanned. Trio raised an eyebrow.

"Trying to mimic Heero now?"

"No," Trowa said, still speaking in monotone.

"Well you're doing a good job of it," Trio mumbled, stepping out of the way so Trowa could walk by. However, the uni-banged boy just stayed in the doorway, staring at Trio. She shifted under his gaze. "I need to take a shower, and you know how long I take, so..." Trio gestured to the hallway. Trowa blinked and lowered his head, brushing past Trio quickly.

"Sorry," he mumbled, walking off towards his room. Trio watched him walk by.

'Ok, that was definitely a blush that just spread across his cheeks,' she thought to herself, staring at her image in the mirror. She sighed, and began undoing her braid. 'I've been here what, two days?' "Wonderful. I'm NEVER going to last," Trio told her image, and picked up her brush to get the tangles out of her long hair.

I am SOOOO sorry I took so long to get this out! It's kinda funny, because you would think that once summer gets here, authors have so much more time to write, so chapters should come out faster. I used to think that. *sigh* However, I've come to realize that I actually have less time, between vacations and camps and what not. So basically what I'm saying is that chapters for any of my stories will NOT be coming out any faster than usual. Sorry! On the plus side, I've been getting all these ideas for new fics. They won't be chapter fics though. There are three that I'll be writing, so be on the lookout for those. I also know what I'm doing next for Women Aren't Weak, so that'll be coming out soon too. I just have to get around to writing it! Thanks so much for the continued support! You know I LOVE reviews! 'Till next time!
