Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Chapter 3

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes.

The next couple of days passed uneventfully. Trio found herself wondering how Duo survived around here. There was almost nothing exciting to do. Of course, when Trio thought about that, she figured the guys didn't find going to the mall and the movies exciting, which was what she was used to doing. Luckily, they didn't make swimming an everyday thing. Trio noticed that Quatre wasn't around often, because he had to run the Winner Corporation. Wufei worked part-time at the Preventor base located on the colony. She knew that Trowa used to be in the circus, but he hadn't been there recently, so she figured they must have been on vacation or something. Apparently Duo and Heero didn't have jobs, even though they often tagged along on Preventor missions anyway. Back on L2, Trio had had a job, but she'd hated having to wake up early for it. Now, she'd give anything to go back and talk with her friends there, and get paid, and actually have something to do.

Sighing, Trio flung her arms above her head and stretched out her whole body. She picked up the remote control and idly began flipping threw the channels. Just her luck; there wasn't even anything good on T.V. She finally settled for early morning cartoons. She was watching some guy with weird hair beat the crap out of a purple and white alien, when Heero walked into the room. He glanced at the T.V. and raised an eyebrow.

"WHAT are you watching?" he asked, looking at Trio for an answer.

"DragonBall Z," Trio replied dully.

"...Okaaay... I'm gonna go to the scrap shop, wanna come?" Heero asked. Trio smiled wryly. Now there was an idea: when you're bored, go to the scrap shop! Not exactly her idea of a good time...

"What for? The Gundams are gone, remember?" Heero shrugged.

"I've got nothing better to do."

"Thanks, but no thanks," Trio said. "I think I'll be lazy and lie around all day."

"What else is new?"

"Hey!" Trio replied defensively. Heero chuckled.

"Trowa's in his room, reading or something," he said, walking out of the room. "Be back in a few." Trio watched him leave.

"Trowa's still here, huh?" she said to herself. "I do believe that boy's been avoiding me. Or maybe he's always anti-social... oh well." Trio turned the T.V. off and stood up. "Time to go be annoying," she announced joyfully. She made her way to Trowa's room, stopping in the kitchen to grab an apple. Running up the stairs, Trio pounded on Trowa's door. A muffled, "Come in," was heard, and Trio threw the door open.

"Duo," Trowa said in, Trio supposed, greeting. He hardly glanced at her before going back to his book.

"I am SOOOO BORED!" Trio whined, throwing herself on the bed next to the uni-banged boy.

"That's nice to know," Trowa said distantly. Trio glared at him until he finally noticed. "What? Am I supposed to cure you or something?"

"You could do something other than read," Trio grumbled.

"Like what did you have in mind?" Trio yanked the book out of his hands and flung it across the room. "Hey!" Trowa said, glaring at Trio.

"Sorry, you weren't paying attention to me," Trio stated, smiling widely.

"What do you want, Duo?" Trowa asked exasperatedly.

"I want to do something outside this damn mansion!" Trio complained, flipping onto her back.

"Well, Heero just left. Why didn't you go with him?" Trowa asked, getting up to retrieve his book. Trio raised an eyebrow at him.

"The boy went to the scrap shop. The SCRAP SHOP! I didn't even know there was one around here!" Trowa smirked at her. "Besides, that's not my idea of fun," she continued.

"Oh, and what fun thing did you have in mind?"

"Uh, well, I'm guessing going to the mall doesn't appeal to you?" Trowa looked at her oddly. "Just kidding! Geez. Actually, I hadn't thought of anything yet," Trio admitted sheepishly. "Come on!" she said suddenly, jumping off the bed. "Let's go walk around and find something to do." She was halfway out the door before she realized Trowa wasn't following her. "Do want me to drag you out?" Trio asked, putting her hands on her hips. Trowa sighed.

"Fine, let me change my shirt. It's too hot to go out in a turtle neck," he said, pulling his shirt off over his head. He walked over to his dresser, and Trio got the chance to observe his well-muscled, tan back. She barely even noticed when he turned around and pulled a baggy, sleeveless shirt over his head. "Ok, let's go," he said, walking towards her. It was then he noticed her semi-glazed expression. "Duo?" he called, waving his fingers in front of Trio's face. She shook her head slightly.

"Sorry, T-man," she said quickly. "I kinda spaced out for a minute there, you were taking so damn long..." she mumbled. Inside, she was berating herself for staring at him like that. The two finally made their way outside.

"So, where are we going?" Trowa asked, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his shorts. Trio shrugged, glancing around. She was steadily regretting that Duo always wore black. Even in a shorts and a T-shirt, she was dying, and it didn't help that the shorts kept slipping down too low. Suddenly her eyes lit up, spotting a building down the road.

"We're going there," she pointed. Trowa followed the line her finger made, and raised an eyebrow.

"The arcade?"

"Yep," Trio announced, already walking away. "Come on!" She grabbed Trowa's wrist and virtually pulled him down the sidewalk.

"I can walk on my own, you know,' Trowa said after a second.

"Yeah I know," Trio said, looking at him oddly.

"Then why don't you let go of my wrist?" he asked, pointed to her hand. Abruptly, she let go, and turned away so Trowa wouldn't she the blush she felt spread across her cheeks. 'What is wrong with me?' she wondered. 'Just calm down girl.'

Sometime later, Trio was kicking the crap out of Trowa in some martial arts battling game.

"Ha! Beat ya again! You suck at these games, Trowa," Trio stated. Trowa, for his part, was actually looking annoyed. Glancing around, he spotted a two-player game they hadn't tried yet.

"We haven't done the racing yet," Trowa said, already heading towards it. Trio smiled to herself and followed.

"You think that'll be any different?"

"Yeah, it's completely different from hand-to-hand combat. There's no 'special moves.'"

"Except for the turbo charge," Trio said joyfully. Trowa groaned. Five games later, Trowa finally admitted defeat.

"You suck," Trowa grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Correction, I'm actually very good," Trio said, stretching her arms above her head. Trowa "hmphed." "I am STARVING," Trio announced, quite over-dramatically. "Do you want a pizza?"

"We can always get something at home," Trowa suggested. Trio glanced at her watch.

"Nah, it's only 4:00. Quatre won't be home for another two hours. Let's just eat something here, and then we'll have dinner later on tonight." Trowa looked doubtful.

"How can you eat that much?" Trio blinked.

"I'll pay," she suggested, ignoring the question. Trowa gave in.

" have money?"

"...Some," Trio admitted. Actually, she doubted Duo had any, but she sure did. So, Trio bought them a small pepperoni pizza and drinks, and the two sat at one of the tables in the dining area. Trowa ate slowly, using the time to observe the person in front of him. He was noticing more and more things that were different about him than usual. One, he was eating slowly. Two, he kept wiping his mouth off with his napkin, and not the back of his hand. Three, his hands looked softer than usual. Trowa blinked. Where did that come from? He'd never looked at Duo's hands before, so why would he now? And how did he know they were softer? He supposed they just LOOKED softer than they should for being a Gundam pilot, but who knew. Trio finally looked up, feeling the eyes that were focused on her.

"What?" she asked tentatively. She noticed the slight blush that spread over Trowa's face.

"Uh, nothing," he said quickly, returning to his half eaten pizza. Trio just raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "You've been awfully...quiet lately," Trowa finally said. Trio blinked.

"Believe it or not, I have nothing to say," she said. "Plus, I'm eating. I do have SOME manners, you know."

"Some," Trowa agreed. Trio glared at him and he chuckled.

"Watch yourself, bang boy."

"Bang boy? And just what do you have to back your words up with, braided baka?" Trowa asked amusedly. Trio huffed.

"Well, I could make one of those martial arts games come true and beat the crap out of you," Trio smirked.

"I doubt you could in real life."

"Is that a challenge?" Trio asked playfully.

"Nah, you know I could dodge everything by jumping and doing flips over your head. Circus skills come in handy," Trowa replied, sitting back.

"Whatever happened with the circus?" Trio asked. Trowa looked at her oddly.

"You know we take a month off from June to July," he said. Trio nodded and tried to make it look like she'd just remembered that.

"Oh yeeeaaah," she said, scratching her head. "I forgot." She looked at her watch. "It's past 4:30, we should go. Heero's gonna wonder where we went to." Trowa glanced up sharply.

"I forgot about Heero." Trio shrugged.

"Oops," she said dismissively. Trowa chuckled.

"Let's go."

They took their time going home. The colony air was finally cooling down, and there was a nice breeze blowing. Halfway back, Trio noticed a small, blonde headed girl sitting sadly next to a box. Tugging on Trowa's arm, Trio pulled him over to the girl.

"What've you got there?" she asked softly. The girl lifted up tear-stained eyes.

"Puppies," she mumbled, wiping her eyes. "Mommy says we can't afford to keep all of 'em, so I have to sell 'em for real cheap." Trio's eyes lit up, and Trowa noticed this.

"Duo," he warned quietly, but was ignored.

"How cheap?" Trio asked. She and Duo had had a puppy a long time ago back on L2. It'd been run over by an army truck, and she'd cried for days on end afterwards.

"I was starting at $5, but I'll sell 'em for even cheaper. I just want 'em to have a good home!" she said, her eyes filling up with tears again. Trio reached into her pocket and pulled out the first bill her hand landed on.

"How about $10?" she asked gently. Trowa's eyes widened.

"Duo, we can't bring home a puppy! It's Quatre's house, you'd have to at least ask," he said worriedly.

"Are you sure?" the little girl asked, ignoring Trowa. Her eyes were wide.

"Absolutely, positutely!" Trio announced cheerfully. The girl smiled.

"Thank you," she said, accepting the money. She gestured to the box. "Take your pick. You can even have two if you want."

"Really? Cool..." She kneeled down beside the box.

"No, Duo," Trowa said firmly. Trio pouted. She picked up a random puppy.

"But they're so cute, Trowa! Quatre won't mind us bringing home one!" Trowa looked at the puppy and sighed.

"I was saying no to TWO. I guess we could bring ONE home..." he said in defeat. After all, he did love animals. Trio smiled triumphantly, and looked at the puppy she'd picked up. She instantly fell in love with the white-spotted, brown pup.

"We're taking this one," she declared, not even looking at the others. She knew from experience that she'd only feel guilty if she looked at them all. Trowa nodded.

"That's Lilly," the girl said. "She has five spots on her back that look like a flower." Trio examined the puppy, and saw the spots.

"Cool," she said. "So it's a girl?" The blonde nodded. "How old are they?"

"Only three weeks. They're really young." Trio's brows furrowed in concern.

"That IS young," she agreed.

"We can take care of her," Trowa said, plucking the dog from Trio's hands. He held it up and let a smile cross his face. "She's cute." Trio nodded. "We need to go," Trowa said, holding the puppy against his chest. She snuggled into the warmth.

"Alrighty, bye!" Trio said, waving to the girl.

"Thank you!" the girl cried.

"No prob. Now come on, Trowa, let's go show Heero!" Trio once again grabbed Trowa's arm, and pulled him home.

* * *

"Hey Heeeroooooo!" Trio called, as soon as they set foot in the mansion. She was still holding Trowa's arm. "Heeerooooo! HEEEEROOO! HEEE- oh hey Heero," she said, smiling as the cobalt blue-eyed teen appeared out of nowhere.

"Don't do that," Heero grumbled, glaring at Trio. Trio blinked.

"Do what?"

"Call my that. You sound like her."

"Her? You mean Relena?" Trio guessed, hoping she was right. Heero glared at her. "Ah, and this would be...bad?" Heero shrugged.

"No, you just remind me of her."

"Aww, you miss your girlfriend, huh?" Trio teased. Heero blushed slightly despite himself.

"She's NOT my girlfriend. Now what did you want?" he asked, quickly changing the subject. "And why are you holding his arm?" he continued, pointed at her hand. Trio blinked and looked down.

"Oh, my bad," she said cheerfully. "Hey, we got something!" she said, looking really excited. She was kind of surprised Heero hadn't noticed the small pup in Trowa's arms yet.

"Where'd you go?" Heero asked.

"To the arcade. Trowa sucks at video games, by the way." Heero raised an eyebrow.

"You got something at the arcade? What, did you win a spider ring or something?" Trio laughed and shook her head.

"Hey, you made a joke. Congrats!"

"It slipped," Heero mumbled. Trio laughed some more.

"How was your trip to the scrap shop?" Trio asked.

"Fine," Heero replied shortly.

"Duo," Trowa reminded.

"Oh yeah!" Trio exclaimed. She took the puppy from Trowa's arms. "HERE'S what we got!" she said, shoving it gently at Heero, who automatically brought his hands up so whatever it was wouldn't fall. He then noticed that it moved, and his eyes widened slightly.

"What is it?" he asked. Trio laughed again, and Trowa smirked.

"It's a puppy!" Trio announced. Heero's eyes widened further, and for a brief second, something close to pain flashed in them.

"A puppy?" he echoed. Shaking himself lightly, he held it out at arms length. "You bought a puppy?" he asked, looking at Trowa for answer. Trowa shrugged.

"She was ten bucks. Duo bought her from a girl on the street who couldn't afford to keep them. He almost bought two."

"She? Her? It's a girl?" Heero asked, looking back at the dog who was currently trying to chew on his thumb. His face softened a little.

"Yep, and her name is Lilly," Trio said.

"Lilly? We're actually keeping that name?" Trowa asked. Trio shrugged.

"Sure, why not. It's what she's used to, and she's got that flower design thing on her back."

"Huh?" Heero said, flipping the pup around. Trio pointed out the black spots on it's back. Heero shook his head. "Quatre's gonna flip," he stated, as if it were a fact.

"Nah, I think Quatre likes small animals. And she's so cute!" Trio said.

"Calm down, Duo," Heero said, giving the puppy back to Trio. "You'll have to train her and all, since she IS yours. YOU bought her."

"Well then, fine. But then you all have to ask before you hold her," Trio said, sticking her tongue out. Heero shifted positions on his feet.

"I guess I could help you train her," he said after a minute, looking away. Trio smirked.

"Yeah, I hear ya." She looked at the puppy, who was falling asleep again. "Well, let's go find this critter a bed, huh?" She started walking out of the room.

"Critter?" Heero asked, looking at Trowa who had been watching Trio walk out. He shrugged, but smiled affectionately, ignoring the odd look Heero gave him.

Finally! Another new chapter! I'm doing well at getting these out, huh? Well, I would be if FF.N weren't so slow right now. Anyway, I don't think this chapter was as good as the others, but I kind of had writer's block for a while. I'll have the next chapter out faster. And that IS a promise! Remember to review!
