Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Chapter 4

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes.

"A puppy?" Quatre asked, eyeing the small thing in Trio's arms. "You brought home a puppy?" Trio nodded happily.

"Isn't she the cutest, Quat? Come on, you have to let me keep her! Pleeeaaaase???" Trio pleaded with big eyes. Quatre sighed.

"You can keep her, just so long she's trained and you take care of her." He tried to look stern, but failed miserably when the puppy started whimpering and squirming around in Trio's arms.

"Thanks Quatre!" Trio exclaimed, just barely catching herself from throwing her arms around the blonde. Quatre chuckled.

"I wonder what Wufei will think of it," he mused, and then shrugged. "Guess it won't really matter." He followed Trio back into the living room where the others, minus Wufei who was still working, were.

"We're keeping her!" Trio exclaimed. Both Heero and Trowa suddenly looked like they were trying to hold back smiles.

"Well, dinner should be ready by the time Wufei gets back, so we'll be eating soon," Quatre said, sitting down on the couch. "Oh, Heero, I just remembered. I talked to Relena today and she wanted me to tell you that she says hi." The only acknowledgement that Heero'd heard was a slight nod of his head. "She, uh, well, you know she's coming to that conference next week, right?"

"Yeah," Heero replied.

"And you remember that she's staying here for that week, right?" Trio looked up from the floor where she was playing with Lilly, her eyes wide. No one noticed.

"...Yeah," Heero answered slowly. He glanced at Quatre out of the corner of his eye suspiciously.

"Well," Quatre continued nervously, "she was telling me that she was planning on taking a vacation after the conference, and she asked me if I knew of any good beaches." Quatre paused for a second. "I told her she could stay here instead, because I'm due for a vacation sometime soon too. We figured we could all hang out or something." Trio's eyes widened even more and she paled, as did Heero.

"She's staying here for TWO weeks now?!" he asked, turning on the poor blonde. Quatre flinched.

"Well, actually, two and a half. She's going to come up early too. She'll be here tomorrow," he said quietly. Heero smacked his forehead. Trio, who'd momentarily forgotten about her worries, was enjoying Heero's unusual outward display of emotion.

"Aw, Heero, you know you're glad she's coming!" Trio exclaimed, smiling widely. "You get to see your girlfriend again!"

"She is NOT my girlfriend, Duo," Heero growled, glaring at the braided teen. "She is not now, nor will she ever be!"

"Just keep telling yourself that, Heero," Trowa commented quietly. Heero turned his glare to him.

"Don't you start," he growled, his face going slightly red.

"You know it's true, Heero," Quatre said calmly. "You shouldn't be afraid to-"

"Geez, what is this, gang up on Heero day?" Heero asked, cutting Quatre off. He sunk down into the couch.

"Sounds good to me," came of voice from the doorway. "I was getting kind of bored of always chasing Duo around anyway." Heero barely glanced up.

"Shut up, Wufei," he said simply. Wufei laughed and walked into the room, still dressed in his Preventor uniform. Lilly, upon noticing the new person, started barking in that cute, puppy way. Wufei raised his eyebrows.

"What was that?" he asked, looking around. He glanced down when he felt a slight tugging on the bottom of his pants. His eyes narrowed.

"Uh, Trowa and Duo bought a puppy today, Wufei," Quatre said, reaching down and removing the puppy before she accidentally tore Wufei's pants.

"...You mean we're keeping it permanently?" Wufei asked, plucking the dog out of Quatre's hands. He held it up and looked into its beady black eyes.

"She's not an it, she's a her!" Trio said from her position on the floor. Wufei lowered the puppy abruptly.

"You bought a weak girl dog?!" he exclaimed. As if hearing the comment, Lilly immediately bit Wufei's thumb, hard. Wufei yanked his hand away and started shaking it. "Ow," he muttered. "Here, take your puppy back," he said, dropping the dog into Trio's lap. "I'm hungry, are we eating soon?" Quatre chuckled.

"Long day, Wufei?" he asked, getting up and walking to the dining room.

"Too long," was the reply. Quatre continued laughing, and the group went to eat dinner.

* * *

Sometime the next morning, way too early, Trio was awakened by someone pounding on her bedroom door. Groaning, she rolled over in the bed towards the door.

"What?" she called out, her voice thick with sleep.

"Duo, get up!" came Quatre's voice. Trio groaned again and pulled herself out of bed. She flung open the door and glared at the blonde, who didn't seem at all affected by her appearance. "Sorry to wake you, Duo, but Relena's going to be here soon so I thought I should wake you up." Trio blinked a couple times until what Quatre had said sunk in. Her eyes widened.

"Uh, ok, thanks Quat. I'll be down in a bit," she mumbled, shutting the door without waiting for a reply. Shit! She'd completely forgotten about Relena. Just great, now she had to deal with the ex-Queen of the World, who'd she'd never met before and was supposed to know pretty well, for two and a half weeks! Trio threw on some clothes and quickly braided her hair before dashing out the door. Running down the stairs, she almost ran smack into Wufei.

"Watch where you're going, Maxwell," he said, scowling.

"Sorry, Wu-man," Trio mumbled. She followed him to the kitchen where the others were all gathered around a table. "So what time is she getting here?" she asked, getting everyone's attention.

"In about twenty minutes," Quatre replied, glancing at his watch. Trio smiled.

"Cool. So, uh, how long has it been since we've seen her now?"

"Well, I see her at these conferences every-so-often, but I guess the rest of you all haven't seen her since, what, her Christmas Party? And that was about six months ago," Quatre said. Trio nodded like she knew what he was talking about.

"It'll be good to see her again," Trowa said from his seat at the table.

"I could care less," Wufei said.

"Wufei!" Quatre scolded. "I know the two of you don't get along real well, but please be polite to her." Wufei hmphed. Suddenly bells chimed really loudly overhead, causing Trio to flinch and glance around like they were under attack or something.

"She's early," Heero said, glaring at Quatre like it was his fault. Quatre shrugged and walked towards the doors. Trio paled a little, and followed everyone else out. She was thinking of a way to get out of hugging Relena. Spotting something brown sleeping under the table, Trio sighed in relief and scooped up Lilly. She peeked around the corner just in time to see Quatre open the door and let a smiling Relena in. It was a little overwhelming, seeing her in person. After all, she had at one time been a big celebrity. Trio got over the feeling quickly, and walked over to greet her.

"Quatre!" Relena exclaimed, throwing her arms around the blonde. He returned the hug without hesitation. In the background, Heero scowled and leaned back against the wall.

"It's good to see you again Ms. Relena," Quatre said, pulling back.

"Oh please, Quatre. It's just Relena. How many times do I have to tell you that!" she scolded playfully.

"Well you know me, always being polite like that." Relena laughed.

"Of course," she replied. She turned to Trowa, who opened his arms to her. Smiling, she hugged him too. "How's work with circus going? Oh wait, you're on vacation right now, aren't you? My bad," she said, before Trowa got the chance to say anything. He just smiled and nodded. Relena turned to Trio, who thrust the puppy in her direction.

"Check it out! We got a puppy!" she exclaimed, smiling widely and hoping she didn't look as nervous as she felt. Relena's eyes widened.

"Awww, she's so cute! It's a girl, right?" Trio nodded. "Well, don't think that holding a puppy is going to get you out of a hug. I know you too well, Mr. Maxwell," Relena said, wrapping an arm around Trio's neck and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. Trio blinked, and rubbed her cheek.

"You caught me, 'Lena," she said teasingly. Relena chuckled and turned to the last two.

"Heero, Wufei, it's good to see you two again," she said, still smiling, though it looked a little forced. She turned back to Quatre. "You don't know how much I needed this. It is so boring back in the Sank Kingdom, especially since my brother is still on Mars and he took Noin with him."

"Well you're welcome to come up anytime. Now let's go get your stuff," Quatre said. He had his servants bring Relena's bags up to her room. "How about we go out back and talk for a while, catch up on things." Relena nodded eagerly.

"Sure, just let me go change into something more comfortable. I'm staying in the same room as usual, right?" Quatre nodded. "Ok, I'll be right back." Trio put the puppy down and watched it run after Relena. She turned to Heero.

"You could have been a little nicer," she muttered, glaring at him. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I was plenty 'nice,'" Heero said, his voice low.

"You obviously didn't see the pain in her eyes when she turned around. A simple hug is not a difficult thing to manage."

"And you were obviously seeing things, Duo," Heero growled.

"Get over yourself man!" Trio exclaimed. "The war is over! OVER! Forget whatever shit happened in your past and get on with the present! You've got a girl head-over-heels in love with you, and you just brush her off. She's not going to wait for you forever. One day she won't be there anymore, and maybe then you'll realize what you missed out on."

"The day she's not there is when I'll start smiling like you want me too," Heero snapped. Trio blinked.

"God, he was right. You really can be an insensitive bastard sometimes," she grumbled. It was quiet for a couple of seconds, before Trowa spoke up.

"He who?" Trio froze. Shit, had she really just said that?

"He...he, my imaginary friend he," she said quickly, throwing her arm around the air like it was a person's shoulders. Trowa looked at her doubtfully. "Meet Bob guys. If you ever happen to hear me talking to myself, it means I'm having a conversation with Bob. Heero over there knows what I'm talking about." From the top of the staircase, Relena started giggling.

"You're too much Duo," she said, walking downstairs. Trio whirled around, hoping she hadn't heard anything else before that.

"Hey babe! Looking good," she yelled out, trying not to really think about what she was saying.

"Thanks Duo," Relena said. She was wearing a light blue V-neck tank top that clung to the curves she had recently acquired. Beneath it was a pair of white shorts, and blue flip-flops adorned her feet. Her hair was free of the braids and pulled back into a ponytail. "So, we were going to go outside?" she asked.

"Yep, let's go," Quatre said, leading the way. They sat around the pool and talked for a while, about things from the past and recent events. It was quickly becoming close to lunchtime, and Trio was starting to burn up. Once again, she cursed her brother for always wearing black. So, doing what she figured her brother would do, she announced that she was hungry, rather loudly, as an excuse to go inside.

"Guys, I am starving! Can we go eat now?" Trio pleaded. Quatre glanced at his watch.

"Actually, it is lunchtime, I'll tell the cooks to prepare something."

"Something light, Quatre," Relena said. "I want to take you all out to dinner tonight."

"Don't you think we should be taking YOU out?" Quatre asked. Relena shook her head.

"Nah, I'll be here for two and a half weeks. You can do that later," she said, smirking. Trio smiled. She was beginning to like this girl. If she weren't pretending to be Duo, Trio would probably try to befriend Relena. She'd probably make a good friend. Trio stood up and stretched.

"Well, I'm burning up, so I'm going to go inside now. I'll see you all in a bit!"

"Why don't you just take a dip in the pool and cool off?" Heero asked.

"Huh?" Trio asked, looking at him. Before she could do anything, Heero reached out and gave her a quick push into the pool. Ok...he was obviously still mad about what happened earlier. Trio broke through the surface of the water gasping for air. "B-bakayaro!" she exclaimed angrily. "Now I have to go change." Pulling herself out of the pool, she ignored the laughing Wufei and smirking Heero. She'd get back at them later, somehow.

"Are you ok, Duo?" Relena asked worriedly.

"Fine, fine. Don't worry about me. A little water never hurt anyone," Trio said, smiling again. She waved her aside, and stomped through the house directly to the bathroom. Grumbling the whole time, Trio stripped off her wet clothes and the soggy tape around her chest, before unbraiding her hair and rinsing it off quickly. Seeing her reflection in the mirror, Trio paused. She turned to the side and put an arm under her chest. "You know, I was never that big to begin with, and this tape isn't helping any," she mumbled. "Duo owes me big time." Sighing, Trio glanced around. She cursed softly when she realized that she hadn't brought any dry clothes into the bathroom with her. Oh well, all the others were still outside.

With a towel wrapped around her, Trio cracked the door open and glanced out. She didn't see anyone, so she opened the door all the way and took a cautious step out. Still no one around. Walking quickly down the hall, Trio kept glancing about to make sure no on was there. She was looking everywhere but in front of her, so she didn't see the person walking around the corner in front of her until they ran into each other.

'Shit...' Trio thought, glancing at the person she'd run into.

"Oh geez, sorry Duo," Relena said, getting ready to step around her. "I had to get something out" She stopped and stared at Trio, who was still standing there wide-eyed. Relena looked her up and down once, and her eyes widened more than Trio thought was physically possible. "Oh. My. God," Relena breathed. "You're...but...I the others...I're a girl!" she exclaimed. That brought Trio back to her senses, and she immediately dragged the still shocked girl to her room.

"Go in!" she ordered, shoving Relena into her room. She followed and locked the door behind them.

"Duo?" Relena asked, trying to get her face back to neutral. "I mean...well, are you really Duo? Oh my God, I can't believe this. You're really a girl. All this time...One of my best friends, and he's a...SHE'S a girl. I...ewww!" she cried, making a face. "How can you really be a girl! You flirt with other girls all the time! And you've got a...oh my God...Hilde...does she know?! Am I the only one that knows?!?" Relena continued rambling and by now was pulling at her hair.

"Relena! Quit it! Calm down, let me explain," Trio said, trying to keep her voice sort of quiet. Relena stopped talking and glanced up.

"You'd better explain," she growled. Trio smirked.

"Uh, you have to SWEAR that you won't breathe a word of this to anybody," Trio said, sticking out her hand. Relena looked at it for a second before taking it with her own.

"I swear," she whispered. Trio's shoulders relaxed.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not Duo." Relena relaxed visibly.

"Thank goodness," she muttered.

"I'm his twin sister."

"Oh ok, that...what?" she asked looking up.

"Trio Maxwell," Trio said, holding out her hand again. Relena took it slowly.


"Let me explain," Trio said, and quickly told Relena her situation. Relena listened intently.

"So, Duo is on a...mission right now?" she asked when Trio finished.

"Something like that. Professor G sent him on it, but it's also related with Preventors or something. I don't know the whole story."

"Wow, this is amazing. Duo has a TWIN sister. You're doing a great job by the way. I had no idea. I don't think any of the guys have noticed anything either."

"Thank goodness. I don't think all of their lights are on upstairs though. I mean, I was in the pool with them, and they didn't notice anything!" Relena's eyes widened. "I had a shirt on," Trio said quickly.

"Oh ok," Relena said, nodding. "You're lucky. Two months with them! I think it'd be kind of fun."

"Living with four guys? I don't think so. Especially when they're ALL good looking, and I keep wanting to flirt with them."

"That's true," Relena said.

"I'm gonna get dressed real fast, so..."

"Oh, sure." Relena turned around so she was talking to the wall. Trio quickly pulled on some underwear and put a pair of Duo's black gym shorts on over them.

"Look at this, I've been taping my chest down, and it's annoying as hell," Trio muttered, pulling out her tape.

"Oh I bet," Relena said. "Must be painful."

"I got used to it." Trio finished with her chest, and pulled white tank top over her head. "All done," she announced. Relena turned back around.

"You know, it's so obvious now. I feel kind of dumb."


"That you're a girl!" Trio smiled.

"Well, that's a relief," she said, picking up a brush and running it through her hair. "Man, Relena, let me tell you. That boyfriend of yours is-"

"Oh I wish," Relena said glumly, cutting Trio off and sitting down on the bed. Trio raised an eyebrow. "I wish he was my boyfriend," Relena said, clarifying herself. Trio nodded.

"That boy makes me so mad sometimes. He was bored yesterday, so you know where he went? The Scrap Shop!" Relena burst out laughing.

"That is so HIM! I don't know what I see in him sometimes, I swear."

"You should fall in love with one of the others, like Trowa or something," Trio said, putting a rubber band around the end of her braid.

"Hmm, too quiet for me, though he is quite good looking," Relena said thoughtfully, resting her chin in her hands.

"That's an understatement. The guy is H-O-T hot! And he's extremely well built," Trio said, sitting across from Relena on the bed.

"Oooh, Trio's got a little crush, huh?" Relena teased. Trio blushed, realizing what she had just said.

"Well I didn't know I did, but I guess I do," she replied, scratching the back of her head.

"You look so much like Duo when you do that," Relena said. Trio smiled. Relena smiled back, and then frowned suddenly. "I wish Heero would like me back," she mumbled, and then blinked. "Gah, I sound like an eighth grader or something." Trio chuckled. The girls sat quietly for a while. A plan was forming in Trio's head during that time. There was a way she could get back at Heero AND get him to finally admit his feelings to Relena. She smirked.

"Relena, I think I've got an idea," she said. Relena looked at her, noticing the evil smile. She returned it after several seconds.

"Tell me."

And yet another chapter out! *bows to the crowd* Thank you! Thank you! You like me, you really like me! *ahem* ANYway, stay tuned for more soon!
