Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Chapter 5

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes.

*peeks warily around a corner before stepping into full view* Er...hi! Eh-heh...*waves lamely and chuckles nervously* Remember me? Yeah, I would understand if you didn't because, you know, it's been FOREVER since I updated this one. bad? Um, how about I just get on with the long awaited chapter. Hope it's to your liking! Oh, there are THREE guest appearances in this chapter for my WASWW contest. Enjoy!

The two girls broke out of their quiet talking when a loud knock sounded on the door. They paused, waiting to see who it might be.

"Duo? Lunch is ready," Heero's voice said, slightly muffled because of the door. Trio smiled and signaled for Relena to remain quiet. Quickly, she reached across and pulled the hair band out of Relena's hair, allowing it to spill freely over her shoulders. "Duo? Are you in there?" came Heero's voice again, sounding slightly annoyed. Trio swallowed to clear her throat.

"One second, Heero!" she called. She got up from the bed quite noisily, making slight shuffling sounds that Heero could hear on the other side of the door.

"What are you doing in there?" he asked. Trio gave one last glance at Relena and winked at her, before cracking open the door.

"Yes, Heero?" she asked, trying her best to sound as if she was trying NOT to sound guilty. It wasn't an easy thing to accomplish. Heero looked her over, noticing her slightly flushed face, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Lunch is ready. Have you seen Relena? She wasn't in her room." Trio glanced around, feigning slight nervousness, and motioned with a hand that Heero couldn't see for Relena to come to the door.

"Relena?" Trio asked. "Now, if she wasn't in her room, where could she be? Hmm..."

"I'm right here, Heero," Relena spoke up, pushing the door open. Heero blinked at her slightly disheveled appearance.

"Oh. What were you doing?"

"We were just talking. About...stuff," Relena said carefully, as if trying to keep something out. Heero looked at the two suspiciously. "Um...I need to get something out of my room really fast. I'll see you two at lunch?" They both nodded.

"Sure, Rel," Trio said, smiling cheerfully. Relena nodded, sharing a look with Trio, before walking off down the hall. Trio watched her go, letting her gaze linger on her retreating figure a little longer than necessary, causing Heero to clear his throat.

"What was that all about?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

"What was what all about?" Trio asked innocently.

"Why was she in your room, and why was the door locked?" Heero snapped, his glare boring into Trio. She merely raised an eyebrow.

"And why do YOU care?" she asked quietly, teasingly. He growled at her. "Relax, buddy. Like the lady said, we were just talking!"

"Hn. Somehow, I doubt that." Trio shrugged.

"Think whatever you want!" she exclaimed, walking off down the hall. "Right now, I'm thinking about getting myself something to eat." Heero stood uncertainly in the hall for a second, glancing after Trio's retreating figure, before looking down the way Relena had just gone, and back again. Sighing, he finally decided to go eat.

* * *

Sometime that afternoon, the gang was gathered around in the living room, lounging about and doing various activities. Trio and Relena were huddled together, sharing an overstuffed armchair in the room. They were chatting quietly about which actors they thought were the hottest in the movies at the moment, so of course they had to be quiet. Anyone who picked up on that conversation would be looking at "Duo" oddly for days. However, to the rest of the occupants in the room, the two looked just a LITTLE too comfy.

"Is it just me," Heero started to say to Trowa as the two played a game of chess, "or are those two acting differently around each other than they used to." Trowa glanced at the laughing pair in the corner, before returning his gaze back to the game.

"I think it's just Duo," he said, moving a knight across the board.

"No, Duo's still the same. He's just showering all his affections on Relena, and she's falling for it," Heero grumbled sourly. He stared at the checkered board for a minute before making his move.

"Are you suggesting that she's just another girl to keep him occupied while he's not with Hilde?" Trowa asked softly.

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying," Heero spat out. Trowa sighed.

"Heero, you and I both know that Duo's never cheated on Hilde since he's been on this colony."

"...Well then what's THAT?" Heero retorted, gesturing towards the two who were now laughing so hard about something that they had tears streaming out of their eyes and were leaning on each other for support. Trowa shrugged, trying to ignore the odd feeling that arose in his chest at seeing Duo like that. The way his eyes sparkled-

'Ok, stop that thought,' he said to himself abruptly. 'What is WRONG with me...' Out loud, he said, softly once more, "Is that JEALOUSY I detect in your voice?" A slight smile graced his face as Heero's face tinted red.

"Hn... No."

"But seriously, you haven't noticed anything different about Duo?" Trowa asked, his smile thinning. Heero looked at the braided teen, and then back to Trowa.

"No...should I have?" He paused for a second, scrutinizing the teen. "I guess he looks a little skinnier than usual, but then again, he's been eating less." Trowa nodded.

"Yeah...maybe that's it..." he said, more to himself than to Heero. Heero eyed him oddly for a second, before making a final move in the chess game.

"Checkmate," he declared, getting up quickly and grabbing his jean jacket off the back of the chair. "I'm going for a walk. Be back later." He left Trowa staring at the game board and headed out the door.

* * *

"So anyway, I TOLD Duo NOT to bother looking for me that night," Trio whispered to Relena, giggling helplessly at the memory. "But he must have forgotten because the first thing he did when he came home that evening was barge into my room, about to explode with news about SOMEthing." She laughed a little louder this time, and Relena's smile widened.

"AND?" she prompted.

"Well, let's just say he got a free peep show from someone he had NEVER wanted to see like that," Trio finished, smirking. Relena's eyes widened.

"Wait, what were you doing? I far...?" She trailed off.

"Oh, I was only topless. Don't worry, I'm still a virgin," Trio said, grinning. "But, my boyfriend at the time was one of Duo's childhood enemies. Way back when... Imagine, coming home for a visit and walking in on your topless sister making out with your so-called 'worst enemy.' He wouldn't talk to me for weeks!" Relena burst out laughing, Trio soon joining her. She couldn't imagine Duo being so over-protective like that! Eventually, her laughter died down.

"Still a virgin..." Relena murmured to herself. Trio glanced at her. "Can you keep a secret?" Trio nodded eagerly, suddenly all ears. Relena took a deep breath. "I'm not." Trio raised an eyebrow.

"...Not what?" she asked warily. Relena grinned, almost evilly.

"Not a virgin." Trio gaped at her in shock.

"What?! When did know...and with who..." she trailed off, making random gestures with her hands, her eyes still wide. Relena merely pointed at a certain Prussian blue-eyed teen across the room, causing Trio's eyes to widen again, more than she thought physically possible. "WHAT?!" she exclaimed, before quickly dropping her voice down to a whisper again. "When?? I'm completely confused... I mean, if you've slept with the guy..." Relena shook her head slightly.

"I'm living testimony to the one weakness he ever allowed himself to have. THAT'S why he usually ignores me. Anyway, it wasn't supposed to happen. We went too fast, both thinking that we wouldn't be alive by that time the next day anyway." Trio raised an eyebrow as Relena lifted her eyes to meet hers.

"Explain," she ordered without room for argument. Relena sighed.

"It was when he was staying at the palace in Sank Kingdom. Just before I was named Queen, remember?" Trio nodded, recalling when her face had been all over the news. "Well, I'd just surrendered the kingdom and myself, so I was pretty upset, even if I didn't show it. Heero was apparently planning a suicide mission in Germany the following day... I ran into him in the hallway...and basically...well, I kind of threw myself at him, kissing him before he even had a chance to respond." Relena blushed slightly as she said this. "I...he pulled back and looked at me for a long time. I guess he understood where I was coming from. The only words spoken between us during that night were when he told me, 'just this once'," Relena said in a vague impersonation of Heero's voice. "He was gone in the morning, and we never talked about it. Obviously, we both survived that day. How was I to know they were going to make me a queen? I thought they were going to EXECUTE me!" Trio smiled.

"Was it good?" she asked, her voice low and seductive sounding. Relena laughed.

"Well, I have nothing to compare it to...but DAMN. Let me put it that way," she said, smirking. Trio laughed and glanced over at Heero, and then back to Relena before groaning.

" offense, Relena, but I'm getting mental pictures...ugh, that's almost as bad as Duo and Hilde. GAH!" Relena's laughter grew, drawing the attention of the others in the room. "Aw man! That...just...I mean he's so uptight! Geez, Relena, you need to get him laid again!" Trio continued on around her laughter, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes from lack of oxygen. She brought up a hand to shield her eyes, as if to block out the pictures. "Eeewwww," she groaned. At that moment, Heero brushed by them into the hall, heading for the front door.

"Oh! Heero!" Relena called after him, causing him to pause and glance disinterestedly at her. "Don't be gone long. We're going out to eat in about an hour and a half. My treat, just like I said," she finished, smiling widely. Heero barely even acknowledged her, and simply turned around and continued on his way. Relena sighed, staring after him.

"Man, you'd think after what, two, three years, that he would loosen up around you at least a LITTLE," Trio said, somewhat sympathetically. Relena nodded.

"Yes, well, that's Heero for you!" she said cheerfully. Or at least, it was supposed to sound cheerful. But Trio could sense the pain behind it.

* * *

Trio discovered that evening that pretending to be Duo in public was a little bit harder than it was back at Quatre's place. Especially since everywhere she looked there seemed to be some new girl fawning over her. She didn't look THAT much like a guy, did she? The thought kind of depressed her, but she summed it up to the black slacks, black button down shirt, and black tie she was wearing. The tie was incredibly annoying, and she suddenly realized why guys seemed to hate them so much. And curse the color black! She hated it! She'd barely been Duo for two weeks, and already she was sick of wearing his colors.

Sighing irritably, Trio followed the others into the restaurant they were eating at that night. It was fairly nice, thus the reason for the tie, but not too formal. The group walked up to hostess at the front of the restaurant. (A/N: *grins* Guest appearance numero uno!) The girl was busy adjusting her curly, dark brown hair beneath a bandana when she looked up at the group from behind her glasses. Dressed in dark blue plaid pants and a black tank top with a turtle necklace around her neck, she seemed very at home, despite the busy atmosphere around her. Relena smiled at her.

"Hello...Marla," she said politely, reading the name off her nametag. "We have reservations for 5:30. There's six of us, it should be under Dorlain." Marla glanced dully at the group before her. She was pretty bored, since she'd been working most of the day. She scanned each person, as she did unconsciously to anyone who entered the restaurant, her gaze lingering on Trio and Wufei a little longer than the others.

Perking up a bit and allowing a small smile to grace her face, she said, "I'm sorry, what name did you say your reservations were under?"

"Dorlain," Relena repeated. Marla glanced down at the long list in front of her, dragging her finger along the names until she found the one she was looking for.

"Ok, here we are! Your table should be ready. If you would please follow me." She led them to a fairly large booth in a corner of the restaurant and placed a stack of menus on the table. "Your waitress for the evening is Kuruwa (A/N: Second guest appearance!); she should be with you shortly to take your orders. Fell free to call for me if you have any complaints," Marla said, speaking more-or-less directly to Wufei, since he was the one walking beside her. He simply nodded and smiled slightly at her. Picking up one of the menus, she continued, "Well then, enjoy your meal!" and randomly handed the menu to someone. The "someone" just happened to be Trio, who blinked at the hostess before sliding into the seat across from Relena. Giving the table one last smile, Marla went back to her spot at the front of the restaurant.

"She was nice," Relena commented absently, picking up a menu and flipping through it. Random sounds of agreement were heard around the table. They'd only been looking through the menus for about five minutes when a short girl with deep brown eyes and hair appeared by the side of their table.

"Good evening folks, my name is Kuruwa and I'll be your waitress for the duration of your meal. We have several specials tonight..." and she went on to list them, her soft voice rushing slightly, as if she wanted to get it over with. When she finished, she smiled sweetly and finally glanced around the table. "Now, are you all ready to order, or would you rather I just get you some drinks to-" she cut herself off abruptly as her eyes passed over a certain green-eyed teen who was still looking through the menu. Man...he was GORGEOUS. "Some...some drinks to start out...with," Kuruwa finished faintly, eyes still glued on Trowa. When he finally glanced up she quickly jerked her eyes away, blushing bright red. Fortunately for her, the occupants of the table ignored this small scene and went ahead and ordered their meals.

(A/N: Erm...coming up is the THIRD guest, I hadn't meant to put all these people in the same chapter, but I DID say I would go in the order that they e-mailed me, and I wanted to pick on Trio a bit so I needed a somewhat crazy (*grins*) Duo fan to put here, and this person just happened to be perfect! I feel kinda bad though, because it's not actually DUO, you know, just a Duo look alike...hope you don't mind!)

Sometime later, when the group was well into their desserts, Trio found herself in quite a predicament. Who would have known that her brother had fans from all over the universe?! Well, not that far, but close enough. She guessed it came from the whole being a Gundam pilot thing. Anyway, Trio had just been minding her own business, sipping her coffee, when a sudden commotion started up in the front of the restaurant and continued its way back to where she and the others were sitting.

"Aaaand my HEART wiiiiillllll go onnnnn aaaaaand OOOOONNNN!!" a voice sang out, with no particular harmonic quality, not that the person sounded like they cared at all. Two other voices (A/N: No, NOT the other guest appearances...just random people who don't even have names...) could be heard trying to shush the person singing, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Lady, hush! This is supposed to be a nice restaurant, you're gonna get us thrown out!" one of the voices scolded.

"What on earth?" Relena mumbled, casting a glance over her shoulder. Before long, three figures waltzed into the back corner they were in. Well, one waltzed, the other two walked with their heads down, trying to avoid all the rude glares they were getting.

"This is embarrassing, Lady!"

"Don't they even know their friend's name?" Heero muttered, sending the trio a dark look. The one singing stopped by their table.

"Lady IS my name!" snapped the blue-eyed, brown-haired girl. Heero blinked at her sudden mood change, and then blinked again when she switched back to her previous, happy state. "Wyn Lady Lye, to be exact. Pleasure to meet you, Mr...?" Lady trailed off, bowing deeply, before glancing up when he didn't answer her.

"His name is Heero Yuy," Trio said from across the table, chuckling at this wacky girl who'd interrupted their meal, not that she minded of course. The two girls behind Lady gasped sharply.

"Heero Yuy?!" exclaimed the blonde one.

"As in, the Gundam pilot, Heero Yuy?" asked the other, raven-haired girl. Lady stood and turned around to give her friends an odd look, before turning back to the table.

"You'll have to excuse my friends," she mock-whispered. "There a little crazy..."

"WE'RE crazy?!" cried the raven-haired girl indignantly, propping her hands up onto her hips. Lady just gave them a look that screamed "duh!" The two huffed and started glowering in the background. Lady chuckled and finally turned to face the person who had told her Heero's name. She'd meant to thank him, but all thoughts fled when she laid eyes on Trio (A/N: whom she thought was Duo...).

Eyes widened to several times their normal size, she screamed, "DUUUUOOOOOOO!!!" and promptly jumped in Trio's lap, since she was sitting closest to the aisle, and threw her arms around Trio's neck. "I can't believe it's you! It's really you!! I should have known that you would be here! I mean, if Heero's here, then you would have to be here too! You don't understand how much I've always wanted to meet you! Ever since I was on L2 and I saw that picture of you on the wanted poster! I think it was love at first sight, don't you think so? Ever since then, I fell in love with all of the Gundams and I kept up with them throughout the war and I always had the latest news about what was going on and I was so worried when you got captured and OMIGOD!! The rest are here too! And Relena Peacecraft!! HOLY SHIT!! Duo I can't believe I finally got to meet you! Waddaya say we go and elope, right now! Great idea, huh?" She managed to say all of this in one breath before her friends started pulling her off a very panicked Trio. At first Trio had thought she was supposed to know who this girl was, and she was very relieved when she found out she'd just seen her brother's picture on a wanted poster. "NOOO!! You can't make me go!!!" Lady cried, grabbing Trio around the neck.

"We're very sorry about this," the blonde girl said, trying to pry Lady's grip off of Trio. She finally succeeded, only to have Lady grab onto Trio's braid instead.

"AACK!" Trio yelled as her head was violently whipped to the side. From her sideways vantage point, she could she Wufei, Heero, and Trowa smirking at the scene while Relena looked amused at the mix-up and Quatre looked slightly worried. "A little HELP guys?!" Of course, no one moved to help her. Eventually, with the raven-haired girl's help, they managed to get Lady, who had a slightly crazed look in her eye, off of Trio.

"Really, Mr. Former Gundam pilot, we're EXTREMELY sorry!" the blonde cried again. If Trio didn't know better, she would have thought the girl thought she might HURT her or something.

"It''s alright, really. I didn't know I had such fans," Trio said, forcing a wide smile onto her face. Her scalp was burning, but other than that she was fine.

"Duo..." Lady drooled. Trio panicked again.

" want my autograph?" she asked, semi-nervously. Lady's smile widened impossibly.

"YES PLEEEAAASE!!!" she exclaimed, and pulled out a Deathscythe shaped notepad out of nowhere, and a black pen with a matching chibi-Deathscythe figurine on the end of it. She smiled proudly and handed them to Trio, who raised and eyebrow and took them warily. Trio began to sign her own signature, stopping abruptly when she wrote a "T" instead of a "D."

"Er..." she mumbled nervously, and somehow transformed the "T" into a small scythe. She had the feeling that if she had been on an anime show, she would have sweatdropped. (A/N:^__^) Quickly, she finished signing Duo's name and handed it back to Lady. Lady grinned like a maniac again before quickly ripping out a piece of paper and scrawling down a number.

"Wyn Lady Lye, phone number's at the bottom!" she said proudly.


"No problem!" Unfortunately, at that moment, a none too happy Marla stomped to the back of the restaurant.

"Do you realize," she practically growled, "that in the past five minutes I've gotten more complaints than in the entire time that I've worked here?!" She pointed at the three newly arrived girls. "I'm sorry, but you three have to leave." The three girls' eyes widened.

"What?! But we have reservations!" said the raven-haired girl. Marla shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but you should have thought of that BEFORE you made such a ruckus."

"We're NOT leaving," Lady said threateningly. Marla raised an eyebrow.

"Oh reeaally... Security!" Immediately, two large guards came marching in. With a small "eep," Lady's two friends scurried out of the restaurant. Marla gestured to Lady, and the guards moved towards her, until Marla stopped them again. She'd spotted something. "Oh...and I'm really sorry, but I'll have to take this." Quickly, she snatched the Deathscythe notepad and pen away from Lady. " could be used as...a weapon!" she exclaimed. "Yes, right, a weapon. I can't endanger the safety of my customers, now can I? Take her out of the restaurant now, thank you." Smiling cheerfully, Marla stole a glance at Trio before heading back up to her position again. Lady watched after her wide-eyed.

" autograph...NOOOOOO!!!!!" she cried out, bursting into giant sobs as the guards carried her away. Even when she was out of sight, the group at the table could hear her scream, "I never even got his phoooone nuuumbeeeer!!!!!" Trio and the others shared a glance with each other before shrugging and standing up. They were pretty sure it was time to leave.

"I wasn't aware we were so popular, especially you, Duo," Trowa stated, standing up from the booth and stretching at his arms above his head. He wasn't even paying attention when a shorter girl bumped into him.

Kuruwa had just been about to bring her last table their check and leave for the night when she witnessed a screaming brunette being pulled out of the restaurant. 'Odd,' she thought, glancing over her shoulder as she continued walking. 'Very o-" Her thought was cut off as she walked straight into a well-toned chest. 'Oops, way to be graceful, Kuruwa,' she berated herself, before glancing up into startling green eyes. 'Oh no...'

Trowa glanced down at their waitress, who was staring wide-eyed up at him. "Sorry, about that," he immediately apologized. "Are you alright?"

"Uh...yeah...YES! I'm fine! I,'s your check. Thank you for eating here tonight, please come again soon," Kuruwa burst out, before shuffling away quickly. 'Real soon,' she thought to herself, and allowed a smile to grace her face as she prepared to leave for the night.

Trowa handed the check to Relena, who had refused to let anyone else chip in to pay for it, and threw a couple of extra bucks into the tip that was already lying on the table. 'She deserved it,' he said to himself. 'Especially for dealing with THIS group. Plus, she was kinda cute.' Trowa smiled. 'Heeeey! I just thought she was cute! And she's not a guy! This is good!' Of course, then he happened to glance back at Trio, who still looked kind of shaken after the whole Wyn Lady Lye incident. 'Duo's just as good-looking tho- GAH!!' He frowned deeply and started to head out to the parking lot.

Behind him, Trio frowned also. "What'd I do?" she whispered to Relena, who had also seen Trowa look at hetr, frown, and leave abruptly. The other girl shrugged.

"No idea," she murmured thoughtfully. "Hmm..." Trio shrugged as well, watching Quatre and Wufei follow Trowa out. Noticing that Heero was still behind them doing...something...Trio quickly walked towards the exit, purposefully dropping the paper with Lady's phone number on it. As predicted, Relena noticed it float to the ground behind her, and turned around to pick it up. "Tr-er-Duo! You dropped this!" she called out, standing up quickly and inadvertently colliding with Heero as he started to walk by. "Oh...Heero, sorry, I..." and she trailed off, not really knowing what to say. Far ahead of her, Trio glanced back and saw Heero and Relena standing inches apart, with no one else around to bother them. And since they were walking home...Trio smiled and hurried to catch up with the others to tell them to go on ahead. Relena and Heero would be just fine on their own.

In the distance, clouds rumbled and lightening flashed, causing mothers to hurry their small children inside as Trio's evil laughter echoed through the night.

...Evil laughter?...*smacks herself on the forehead*

Whoa...odd chapter...I have to say, I've got this great climax prepared for this fic, the ending sort of figured out...but I don't know how I'm going to get there!! Oh well, I'll write it as I go along. Yes, this was just a kind of fun chapter to get back in the hang of writing this fic. And yes, I realize that there were far too many author's notes throughout, and that there were a lot of guest appearances and not much really happened...and that whole thing with Relena sleeping with Heero? Er...I have NO idea. Don't ask me! Blame my...uh...muse? Who I...haven't...created yet? Eh-heh, erm....yeah.

Special thanks to...uh, well...EVERYONE!! Hehe. ^_______^ Thank you guys for sticking with me through the, what, 6 months it took me to get off my lazy ass to write this? I really appreciate the continued support. Of course, since so many people told me to hurry up, I expect those same people to review for this chapter! *grins* Unless of course, they finally lost interest...*winces* oops...yeah, that would be my fault though. Anyhoo, read and enjoy, and I promise the next chapter will be out sooner! Erg, how may times have I said THAT?? *shrugs* Oh well...and hopefully it will have more to it that actually pertains to the fic! Ja!


P.S. I've been in a kind of silly mood lately, so if anyone out there cares, that Reunion Fic I was going to write way back when? Well, I've decided it's probably going to be one of those self-insertion fics written in script form...just for the heck of it. I DID promise I'd write it after all, I just never said HOW. *grins and cackles evilly* MWUAHAHAHAHA!!!!