Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Chapter 6

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes.

Eh-heh, well, it didn't take TOO long this time...right? Well, read and enjoy!

Trio never really did find out exactly what happened that night. All she knew was that when Heero and Relena arrived back at Quatre's house, they were talking animatedly with each other, and Heero's eyes looked brighter than she had ever seen them. Trio never got a complete answer out of Relena, either. Whenever she asked, Relena would just smile and say something cryptic, like, "We just understand each other."

...Right, and that explained oh so well what had happened that night! Trio didn't get to talk with Relena much more while she was there, as she spent most of her time walking through the gardens with Heero. And whenever she WAS with Relena, Heero would always be somewhere close by, glaring at her. Geez, talk about being over-protective. Taking up the role of her brother, Trio had begun pestering Heero about his relationship with the Vice Foreign Minister. Of course, he would always insist that there was NOTHING between them; they just enjoyed the other's company. At this, Trio would snort, and Heero would usually reward her with a glare.

It was all a big cycle, she decided. Relena was leaving in two days; the time she had spent with them had gone by in a blur. Trio sighed. At the moment, she was once again lounging in the living room, staring at the ceiling. The T.V. was on, but she wasn't paying attention to whatever was on. Something about a spirit detective and a god who looked like a toddler? (A/N: Bonus points for anyone who knows the show ^__^) Whatever is was, she wasn't interested. At the moment, she had her own dilemmas to worry about. Like this whole thing with Trowa. Now, she KNEW he was supposedly the quietest one out of the group, but honestly, it was more like he was avoiding her. Every time he saw her, his eyes would narrow thoughtfully, and he would abruptly back out of the room. No one else seemed to notice, except Relena, but that was because the two girls were looking for clues such as that.

For whatever reason though, today Trowa seemed to be putting up with her. Well, he was in the same room as her anyway. He was sitting sideways in the overstuffed armchair, so that his legs were hanging over the arm, reading a book. He seemed to be completely absorbed in it, so Trio took the time to study him. Of course, she was lying on her back on the couch, so she watched him from an upside down vantage point, her head hanging off the side of the couch.

She hadn't been lying when she told Relena that he was hot, she really thought he was. Obviously of European decent, probably Hispanic or Latin, he had a natural tan that was highlighted by the soft lamp light falling on him. He had the greenest eyes Trio had ever seen, and the way his hair fell over his eyes gave him a mysterious air about him. Trio scrunched her eyes up and cocked her head to the side a bit. And damn, he OBVIOUSLY worked out (as did everyone else in the house, but Trio ignored that). Today he was wearing slightly baggy jeans with a black muscle shirt. He looked good to say the least.

'Damn it, Trio, stop! Come on, girl, you've still got a month left, don't be falling for this guy NOW!' As she was silently berating herself, Trowa finally glanced up.

"Duo?" he asked, trying to shake the boy out of his reverie. It took a second, but Trio finally remembered that for the time being SHE was Duo, and she was still staring at Trowa, who was now looking at her like she was crazy. She blinked.

"Er...hey Trowa!" she said, still looking at him upside down.

"You were staring at me," he said bluntly, sounding a little uncomfortable. He shifted in his seat a bit. Trio blinked again.

"Uh...I was?" Gah! She smacked herself mentally. "Sorry, T! I...didn't realize it?" Oh come on, she had to be a better actress than THAT. "I mean, I kind of dozed off there for a second. You know me!" She laughed a bit weakly and waited for Trowa to answer. Again, he did that little narrowing of the eyes thing of his.

"Right..." he finally said, though he sounded wary. Something was very wrong here. From what he could tell, Duo did NOT have the same body structure that he used to. Granted, they hadn't been to the gym lately, but still... In the shirt that he was wearing, he looked much thinner, and his shoulders weren't near as broad. And since his head was hanging over backwards, the shirt stretched across his chest...where Trowa could clearly see two slight, very slight, humps. (A/N: Ok, no matter how much you tape your chest down, if the shirt is flat enough against you, you'll see SOMEthing). THAT caused his eyes to widen abruptly, causing to Trio to jump up.

"What?" she asked quickly, thinking something was wrong. As soon as she stood, though, the shirt loosened up and she again looked very much the guy part she was playing. Trowa blinked. Was he just seeing things?

" ARE Duo, right?" he asked. Trio froze. Shit...

"What the hell type of question is THAT?" she asked, snorting at the end. "Duh, who ELSE would I be?" She started laughing here. "Trowa, I think you need to get a little more sleep." Slowly, Trowa closed his book and set it on the coffee table beside him.

Standing up, he said, "You're lying." Trio's eyes widened.

"Lying?! Why the hell would I be lying?!! Trowa, what's gotten into you?" She knew the answer already though. 'The truth,' she thought despairingly. 'DAMN IT!' Outwardly, she appeared quite confident in what she was saying, inwardly, she was panicking. Trowa opened his mouth to say something, his eyes already narrowed into that hard glare that Heero was famous for, but at that exact moment, the vidphone rang. Trio, being the closest to it, rushed to answer it. Anything to get away from Trowa. Knowing it was the house phone, she answered it in what she considered a typical Duo answer. No need to say that she also hoping to convince Trowa that she WAS Duo.

"Hi, you've reached Shinigami's hot sex line, how may I serve you?" she purred out in as deep a voice she could manage. On the screen, a girl with big blue eyes smiled back at her brightly.

"Duo!!" she exclaimed cheerfully, her short black hair bobbing around her face. Her eyes had a sort of pleading look in them, and Trio suddenly realized that this was the girl Duo was always going on about. Shit...her name...what was her name?!?! On the screen, the girl mouthed the word "Hilde" very slowly and Trio's whole body sagged with relief.

"Hilde!! Babe, how's it going?" Phew! She sneaked a glance at Trowa, noticing that he was still watching her suspiciously, probably because of the length of time it had taken her to get reply to Hilde.

"I'm just fine, Duo. It's been a while since you called me, you know!" On screen, she held up a piece of paper that said, "Duo's here," on it. Trio smiled.

"Eh-heh... Hey, babe, I'll call you back in a sec, I'm gonna use my laptop." Hilde nodded, putting the paper down.

"What, don't want me to embarrass you in front of your friends?"

"Naw, I do that on my own all the time."

"Alright, talk to you in a few."

"Ciao!" Trio turned the vidphone off and turned to Trowa, smiling sheepishly. "I think she's mad at me."

"I would be too, had my boyfriend forgotten MY name," Trowa said pointedly.

"I didn't forget her name," Trio said exasperatedly. "I was just surprised to see her!"

"Right," was the reply, as Trowa spun on his heel and walked out of the room. Trio stared at his back for a second, worry flooding through her, before running up to her room. Hilde answered her call on the first ring.

"Hilde! My brother's back?"

"Yes, yes, he's here," Hilde replied, laughing. "Nice to meet you too, Trio."

"Oh, God, I'm sorry. It's good to finally meet you, Hilde."

"Geez, Trio, where're your manners?" Trio's face exploded into a smile.


"Hey girl! How is everything?" Duo asked, his face coming into view on the screen.

"I'll talk to you later, Trio," Hilde said from behind him. Trio nodded and waved at the girl as she wandered off.

"Everything is a mess, that's how everything is," Trio answered glumly, plopping down in the chair in front of her desk. Duo's blinked.

"Why? What happened??" he asked quickly.

"Well, nothing YET," Trio admitted. "Relena's here, you know, for that conference thing?" Duo nodded. "And, well, she caught me coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, so I had to explain everything to her. She's been hanging out with Heero in her free time tho-"

"HEERO?" Duo cut in, eyes wide. Trio smirked.

"Yeah, did you know that they slept together back when he and Quatre were staying in the Sanq Kingdom? THAT'S why he avoids her." On the screen, Duo's jaw dropped.

"You're kidding!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Oh my God, I don't believe it! Whoa..."

"Yeah, but I probably wasn't supposed to tell you. Anyway, we went out to eat one night and left them at the restaurant by themselves to walk home together, and since then they've been inseparable. Neither of them will tell me what happened though."

"Huh, that's crazy. Dang..."

"Mhmm. Yeah, well so that keeps Heero occupied, Quatre and Wufei are usually gone during the day, but Trowa..." Trio paused.

"What about Trowa?" Duo asked, prompting her on.

"Well...I think he suspects something." Duo blinked.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he told me, quite bluntly, that I wasn't you."


"That's what I said."

"So what'd you do?"

"Well, at that exact moment, Hilde called."

"Oh, so this happened just now?" Trio nodded, pausing again.

"Yeah, but I think he's suspected something for a while. Ever since the second day I got here, when we went swimming-"

"Swimming?!" Duo cut in again, staring at her with an overprotective look.

"Yeah, swimming," Trio smirked. "Some moron asked Quatre if he could get the pool ready," she added with a glare to her brother. Duo blinked and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, that's right, I did ask him to, didn't I?" he said sheepishly. "What happened?"

"I just wore a shirt the whole time, pretending I was tired. They ended up throwing me in though, and we had this huge water fight. It was fun actually..." Trio trailed off, and Duo glared at her.

"I do NOT like the idea of you being in a pool with four other shirtless guys..." he grumbled. Trio smiled.

"Aww, thanks for caring big brother. Anyhoo, I ended up backed up against Trowa. You know, he was stuck between me and the wall. Then he pushed me away and left really quickly. Since then, he's kind of avoided me. Except for when I dragged him to the arcade," Trio added as an afterthought. Duo leaned towards the screen, resting his cheek in his hand.

"Maybe he likes you," he said thoughtfully. Trio's eyes widened.

"No way! Hello, he thinks I'm YOU! Are you saying he's GAY?!" she ended, almost angrily.

"YOU said he doesn't BELIEVE that you're me," Duo pointed out.

"Oh's confused probably. That would explain all the weird looks he's given me." There was a pause again, and then, as if in realization, Trio exclaimed, "He LIKES me!! Omigosh!" Duo blinked.

"Flashback to third grade..." he mumbled, before his eyes narrowed. "No you don't, Trio. Don't you DARE go falling for one of the guys, I warned you about that!" Trio blinked innocently at him.

"Who, me?"

"Yes, you. Damn it, Trio, stop! Bad, bad female hormones! Be gone!" Trio smirked.

"Can I tell him, that way he doesn't go blabbing his suspicions to the others?" Duo shook his head.

"Absolutely not. He probably wouldn't believe you, anyway. How would you prove it to him, rip open your shirt and show him your boobs?" Trio tilted her head to the side thoughtfully, as if thinking it over. Duo's eyes immediately widened, and he gripped the sides of the vidphone. "DON'T YOU DARE!" he practically shouted. "I was JOKING. Damn it, if I find out that you had SEX in MY bed or something!" Trio burst out laughing.

"Geez, Duo, cool your jets. I wouldn't have sex in your bed. I wasn't PLANNING on sleeping with him, God. What type of slut do you think I am? But if it makes you happy, I'll be sure to make certain that we use HIS bed." Duo's eyes narrowed.

"Not. Funny."

"No, but YOU certainly are," Trio quipped, smiling widely.

"Well, someone has to watch over you."

"I've been doing a fairly good job all these years."

"Huh, right."

"Well anyway, so what should I do?"

"Um..." Duo said helpfully. "You're,'re just gonna have to stick with it. If the others don't suspect anything, then they won't believe Trowa if he says something. Especially if Heero hasn't noticed anything."

"He hasn't, but he's been distracted."

"Then you're good to go. Don't worry, there's only a month left since my mission didn't take as long as I thought it would. And maybe I'll cut my vacation short too, just for you." Trio grinned.

"It would be appreciated. In fact, unless something extremely drastic happens, like your girlfriend getting pregnant or something, I expect you back in three weeks, got that?" she said teasingly, but paused when Duo's face flushed red. She blinked. "Oh my God... Is Hilde pregnant??"

"No no no!" Duo said quickly, waving his hands at the screen. "No, she's not...pregnant." He looked slightly scared at the thought. "No, but um..." He lowered his voice and glanced around to make sure no one was listening. "Does proposing count as something drastic?" Trio's eyes widened and she squealed excitedly.

"You're going to propose to her!! AHHHH!! Omigosh, that's so cool! I'll have a sister!!! Wait," she stopped screaming abruptly. "Duo, you're only 18. Isn't that a little young?" Duo shrugged.

"I'm gonna wait a bit, I haven't even gotten a ring yet, though I've been saving up for one. And we don't have to get MARRIED right away, we'll just be engaged. We've been dating for three years," Duo replied, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms behind his head.

"True, true," Trio relented. "Well, I'm all for it! Good luck!"

"Thanks, but I won't need it," Duo said, grinning mischievously. Trio smirked at him.

"Right. Well, I should go. I'm glad you got back safely. Seriously, when DO you think you'll be back?" Duo leaned forward again.

"Uh, I'll make it three weeks, k? Just for you, 'cause I love ya." Trio smiled.

"Well, I love you too. I'll talk to you later!"

"Alrighty. Ja!"

"Bye," Trio said, closing the line. She sighed as her brother disappeared from the screen. Three weeks...that wasn't so bad. She was supposed to have about FIVE weeks left.

Trio wandered downstairs to the kitchen, searching for something to eat. Trowa was already in there, eating an apple at the table as he read his book again. Trio had the greatest urge to run out of the room again, but that would REALLY make him suspicious. Instead, she smiled brightly, the thought that he might like her making it easier, and walked to the refrigerator.

"Hey, Trowa," she greeted, standing on her tiptoes to open the cabinet above the fridge. There were some cookies up there she wanted. Trowa barely glanced up from his book at her.

"How's Hilde?"

"She's great," Trio answered, smirking. Trying to avoid anymore questions, Trio walked over to the entrance to the living room with her cookies, stopping when Trowa called after her.

"Heero and Relena are in there," he said, closing his book and propping his sock-clad feet up on another chair. Trio perked up.

"Doing what?" she murmured suggestively, peeking around the wall. Her eyes widened. "Oh...THAT," she said, eyes filling with delight at the site of Heero and Relena, T.V. long forgotten, making out on the couch.

"Yes, that," Trowa replied, smirking. Trio glanced back at him.

"Quick, got a camera anywhere?"

"They're in that drawer over there, remember?" Trowa said nodding towards the said drawer. Trio ignored him, heading for the drawer.

"Right, right, I forgot," she said quickly, pulling a camera out. Making sure the flash was off, she quickly began snapping pictures of the two, hoping they were so caught up in themselves that they wouldn't hear anything. They didn't. "Hehe, we'll just put his back in here, and no one will know until the pictures are developed," Trio said, snickering to herself and putting the camera back where she got it. She turned around, startled to find Trowa standing directly in front of her.

"I know," he said simply, arms crossed and staring down at her. "I know a lot of things." Trio gripped the counter behind her, her eyes widening slightly despite her attempt to look neutral. She grinned widely.

"Really, Trowa? Like what?" 'Just play it cool, girl, play it cool...' Trowa stepped closer to her, and she flattened herself against the counter.

"I know you're not Duo." Trio shook her head.

"And that's where you're confusing me, Trowa. OF COURSE I'm Duo." Suddenly remembering something her brother had told her a couple years ago, she added, "I always knew there had to be more to that bump on the head you got than amnesia. You need to get some sleep." Trowa blinked at that, but didn't back down.

"You're good," he said, leaning forward so that his forehead nearly touched Trio's. "You even had me fooled for a little while." Trio swallowed. He was so close...too close. His warm breath mingled with hers as she tried to make herself one with the counter.

"Personal space, Trowa. You're crowding me," she protested weakly.

"Tell me who you are," he insisted, his lips only millimeters away from hers. Trio licked her suddenly dry lips as Trowa's hands leaned against the counter behind her, which she was still gripping, effectively boxing her in. She stared wide-eyed at him, almost losing herself in the depths of his eyes.

"I'm...I'm Duo...Duo Maxwell," she said breathlessly, all too aware that Trowa seemed to be getting even closer. "I...I may run and hide, but I never..." Her eyes slid halfway shut as Trowa finally closed the distance between them. For just a brief second, his lips brushed against hers in a butterfly kiss, before she continued talking. "Never..." Another butterfly kiss. "Tell..." Again, a kiss. "A lie..." she finally trailed off, pressing herself against Trowa and kissing him fully. Mere seconds later, he broke it off again, breathing deeply as he leaned his forehead against Trio's. Both of their eyes were shut.

"What about Hilde?" Trowa asked, in an attempt to get it out of this person who she really was (he was expecting something along the lines of, "Hilde? Hilde who?"). Or HE, but Trowa was almost positive the person in front of him was a girl. At least, he knew it wasn't Duo. Or he was pretty sure...90% sure...dropping to 80%...and then to 75%... All of a sudden Trowa felt the doubt come gnawing back at him, especially when Trio's eyes popped open. What if it WAS Duo??

"Hilde!! SHIT!" she exclaimed, and with newfound energy, she pushed Trowa away from her. What was she doing?! Risking everything?? She was DUO, that was the part she HAD to play! Kissing Trowa was NOT part of the script! She couldn't allow the others to think that...that...he would cheat on his girlfriend! Or that he was attracted to guys!! Damn it!!!

Trowa's heart nearly plummeted towards his stomach at that. WAS Duo? No, it couldn't be...wait...but he was so worried about Hilde. No, but it didn't SEEM like it was Duo. ARGH!!!

Trowa stepped back as Trio whirled on him. "Look, Trowa, I don't know what the hell that was about, but it NEVER HAPPENED. Sorry, man, but I REALLY don't feel that way about you. And I can't believe I just did that to Hilde. Shit..." Trio put all her effort into that. She HAD to make him believe that she was Duo. And it worked pretty well.

Trowa paled, his eyes widening. Crap, it WAS Duo. Now what?

Aww, poor Trowa. He's so confused!!! LOL, I would be to. Well, I don't really have much else to say, except this: REVIEW!!!!! Puh-LEEEAAASE!?!?! ^__^ I'm a normal, healthy FF.N author, I CRAVE reviews. Hehe, till next time!
