Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Chapter 8

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes.

Last chappy, guys! Enjoy!

It took a second for Heero to register what exactly he was seeing, but when it finally did he nearly fell off of Trio as he quickly scrambled to move away from her. Blinking his wide eyes rapidly, he sat in the dirt, legs sprawled out in front of him, leaning back on his hands. Trowa's facial expression was nearly identical to Heero's and he'd abruptly released Trio's arms when he saw the tape wrapped tightly around her chest. With her newly freed arms, Trio covered herself by crossing her arms, glaring up at the boys surrounding her indignantly.

"What are you staring at?" she muttered darkly, breaking the uncomfortable silence that now surrounded them, though it didn't affect their stupefied expressions at all. From where they were standing, Quatre and Wufei both wore similar looks of disbelief as well, but Quatre was the one who recovered first. He gently removed Wufei's arm from his shoulder and set the Chinese teen on the ground, being careful not to jerk his injured leg around. Quickly he rushed to where Trio was, pushing Trowa away.

"Give him-HER some room guys," he ordered, watching as Heero and Trowa numbly nodded and did as told, backing up a few feet. Ripping the sleeve from his shirt, Quatre rolled it up into a ball before looking down at Trio. "Hey," he said softly, "I've got twenty-nine sisters, so I'm used to dealing with women. Do you mind if I touch you?" Trio smirked, averting her violet eyes from his aquamarine ones.

"Quatre don't go acting all mushy on me now," she said. "Touch away! I'm fine with it." Quatre nodded before pressing the material to her wound, trying to stop the blood flow. Trio winced briefly, but that was it.

"Duo?" Heero questioned warily, still not believing what he was looking at. He was rapidly trying to remember a time that he'd seen Duo shirtless, but was coming up blank at the moment. Was Duo really a...a girl?

For probably the first time since she'd started posing as her brother, Trio reacted to the name immediately, as if it was her own. "Hmm?" she replied, tilting her head to the side to get a better view of Heero, who had just paled several shades. She also heard Trowa draw in a quick breath from behind her.

"Aww, fuck," Heero muttered, running a hand through his hair disbelievingly.

"No way," Trowa also mumbled, his mind blowing up with all sorts of questions. In any case, he was relieved that he hadn't kissed another guy... Quatre sent him a hard look, as if telling him to be quiet, as he continued holding the shirt in place. At least the blood was starting to slow.

Wufei was still sitting about ten feet away, staring in shock at scene before him. One of the Gundam pilots was a WOMAN?? Wufei was so deep in shock and thought that he somehow managed not to hear the sound of the small space shuttle landing awkwardly amongst the rubble of the blown-up base. No one else heard it either, nor did they hear the second shuttle landing closely after it. It wasn't until he heard the rustling of leaves behind him that Wufei finally realized someone was coming. He glanced back curiously, yelping as he noticed a figure barreling towards him. He ducked quickly, but it wasn't enough, he soon figured out, as Duo, who apparently wasn't watching where he was running, tripped over him and went flying for about three feet before he hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Itai..." Duo mumbled, sitting up and brushing the dirt and leaves off of his shirt. Wufei's eyes widened again as he sat up, shook his head dazedly, and stared at the newcomer. "Eh, sorry Wufei!" Duo said as he stood up finally. He quickly gave Wufei a two-fingered solute before he dashed off to the other four. Wufei only stared after him in shock, blinking a few times before he heard someone else call his name.

"Wufei?" Sally asked, stepping into view and kneeling beside the Chinese teen. "Are you ok?" Wufei blinked at the older Preventor. Would wonders never cease?

"Uh, yeah, yeah I'm fine," he mumbled, attempting to stand up. A searing pain in his leg abruptly reminded him that he was indeed NOT fine, and he plopped back onto the ground. "Actually no, I'm not alright," he said, wincing. "I think I broke my leg..." Sally cringed slightly.

"Well, don't move it, ok? I'm going to check and see what's going on over there, and then I'll come back and set it for you, alright?" Wufei nodded as Sally began to stand up.

"Wait, Sally, was that...was that Duo?" he asked, peering up at the tall blonde. Sally smiled.

"Yeah, it was, why do you ask?" Wufei just shook his head.

"No reason...except that I'm horribly, horribly confused." Sally chuckled.

"Oh yeah, Duo told me what's going on. Everything will come together in a few minutes, just wait." With that, she hurried to make sure everyone else was ok. Wufei stared after her.

"Something's going on?" he mumbled, raising an eyebrow. He sighed. "Whatever..."

Duo, after leaving Wufei, had quickly rushed to where his sister was. He slid to the ground beside her, as if sliding to a base in baseball, and looked her over worriedly.

"-The hell?!" he heard Heero exclaim from his right. Across from him, on the other side of Trio, Quatre was doing double takes between the two braided twins, and his eyes promptly rolled back in his head as he fainted. Trowa could only sputter nonsensically as he looked back and forth between the two as well.

"DUO!" Trio exclaimed, ignoring all the others around her as she reached up pulled him down for a hug. Then she abruptly pushed him away and slapped his shoulder. "Where the hell have you been?!" Duo smirked.

"Lo siento, chica, I know I'm a little late. You ok?" Trio just shook her head slightly, her eyes welling up with tears, before the dam finally broke.

"Oh God, Duo! I was SO scared! There were so many people and they were firing at us and bullets were flying past INCHES away from my HEAD!! I thought I was going to DIE!! And I got so tired and I actually had to KILL people!!!" Trio wailed, hugging her brother's arm close to her. Duo smiled softly, hauling her into his lap just as Sally appeared next to him.

"Shh, it's ok, I'm here now, Trio. It's all over," he said gently, wrapping his arms around her. Trio continued to sob as Sally silently checked over her wound. "It's all over," Duo continued, rocking her back and forth. From where he was sitting, Trowa scratched the side of his head confusedly.

"Trio?" he questioned, when Heero crawled over and sat next to him. Heero shrugged.

"I have NO idea. ...The one holding her is Duo, right?"

* * *

The next hour flew by in a confused blur. Duo was busy fretting over Trio's injuries, despite the fact that Sally had told him repeatedly that she would be fine. Wufei's leg was wrapped up in a makeshift cast/leg brace, and with the help of Heero he'd managed to hobble over to the aircraft they were using to get out of the area. Still deep in shock over the latest turn-of-events, Quatre continually was asking if Trio was REALLY Duo's twin, and was wondering aloud why Duo had never told them about her. Sally had called in Preventors to sweep the area for any sort of clues that might show if there was evidence of any other bases of the group, so they left the shuttle Duo had hijacked for them to deal with, and piled into the one Sally had flown down. By the time Trio and Wufei had been strapped down and the others' minor injuries had been dealt with, the sun was setting and a cold air had crept through the forest.

And it was at this point that Duo was forced to explain, finally cracking under the pressure of four irritated and confused Gundam pilots' glares focused on him.

"So...let me get this straight," Heero said slowly sometime after the explanation, fighting to keep the growl from leaving his throat. He glanced at Trio briefly, noticing that she busy twiddling her thumbs and looking out the window, feigning innocence to having anything to do with the whole matter. "This...GIRL, is your...TWIN sister?" When Duo nodded, he continued, "And she's been posing as you since you've been gone on some sort of mission that the rest didn't know about?"

"Uh, yeah, that's about the sum of it," Duo said, nodding again as he crossed his arms behind his head. He was sitting directly across from Heero, shifting nervously in his seat as the other boy stared him down. Quatre cocked his head to the side thoughtfully from his spot beside Heero, and next to him was the other fidgeting braided twin. Wufei was taking up the two seats beside next to Duo, since his leg was propped up on one of them, and he was muttering something incoherently under his breath. Sally was in the cockpit, piloting the shuttle, and Trowa was sitting in a single seat at the back of the carrier, looking slightly troubled, but not really upset, like Heero. Actually, Trowa had been awfully calm about the whole situation, Duo noted vaguely.

"How long have you been gone?" Quatre asked quietly, shifting his gaze to Trio as well. Duo scratched his head, scrunching up his face slightly in thought.

", Trio, how long?"

"About a month, a little more maybe," Trio answered distantly, still staring out the window. Quatre snapped his eyes back to Duo in shock.

"A month?!" Wufei asked before he got the chance to. "Damn it, why didn't any of us notice?"

"Because we look so much alike?" Trio shot back, finally turning away from the window to glare at the Chinese teen. "It's not a real ego booster, lemme tell ya, when a bunch of guys have no idea that you're a girl."

"Ano...but, you don't really look alike at all," Quatre said softly, glancing back and forth between the two of them. With the two of them next to each other, it was easy to see the differences. Duo was definitely more broad-shouldered, while Trio was slightly petite looking. Her hair was actually a shade lighter, as well, but her eyes sparkled the same violet. "Well, maybe you do," Quatre amended, "It's just, well...I don't know, it's easy to see the difference!"

"Maybe it's not that Trio looks like Duo, but that Duo looks like her," Wufei spoke up, crossing his arms. "I mean, what with the braid and all." Heero snorted in agreement.

"Yeah, that MUST be it." Duo sniffed, turning up his nose up at the others with a "hmph," while Trio chuckled.

"I was really nervous you guys would find out," she said, glancing at Trowa out of the corner of her eye as he shifted his gaze to her briefly before turning it forward again. Trio sighed, before continuing, "I mean, I thought the whole pool thing would be a dead giveaway." It took a second for the incident to register in the others' minds, but when it did, Heero promptly smacked his forehead with his palm, gritting his teeth in frustration, while Quatre and Wufei let out groans simultaneously. Even Trowa's eyes had widened when he remembered exactly what had happened, and for not the first time the day he let out a breath in relief, sagging back in his seat.

"Guys, we're getting bad, we should have picked up on SOMEthing a long time ago, especially THAT day," Quatre chuckled, burying his face into his hands. Duo snorted.

"Yeah, that is pretty pathetic, guys," he said cheerfully. He was rewarded with more glares.

"Yuy, she was able to hold you under," Wufei commented, cocking his head at the other boy. Heero scowled.

"Relena figured it out the day she got there," Duo spoke up again.

"She caught me coming out of the bathroom in a towel," Trio said flatly, throwing a pillow at her brother half-heartedly.

"Relena knew?!" Heero asked in disbelief, snapping his eyes towards Trio. "Why didn't she say anything?"

"Uh, gee, maybe because I asked her NOT to?" Trio replied sarcastically. "It was nice having another girl around. We had some interesting conversations..." Trio trailed off, smirking at Heero, who blinked at her in return. "VERY interesting..." Trio's smirk widened as Heero's face flushed a soft red.

"What do you mean, 'interesting'?" he asked warily. Trio glanced innocently towards the ceiling.

"Oh, we just talked about some things that happened during the war," she replied, throwing a glance towards Quatre. "When she became queen, and before that when you and Quatre were staying in the Sank Kingdom..." Again she trailed off, thoroughly satisfied when the blush in Heero's cheeks deepened and his eyes widened almost comically.

"E-eh, s-she told you?!" he exclaimed, his voice cracking towards the end of his outburst.

"Told her what?" Quatre asked, trying to remember something important that might have happened during their stay. Wufei leaned forward slightly in his seat waiting for an answer.

"N-nothing!" Heero said quickly, darting his eyes about the room. He coughed slightly, clearing his throat. "It was nothing." This time, Duo smirked.

"Oh please, Heero, don't be so modest!" he drawled out. "It was a pretty big something, after all." Heero's widened eyes narrowed dangerously as the color in his face flared up again.

"You told HIM?" he hissed at Trio. The braided girl shrugged.

"It might have slipped out."

"Shit," Heero swore, ducking his head in a futile attempt to hide the blush that everyone had already seen. "Of anyone you could have told, you told HIM. Now I'll never hear the end of it..." Trio chuckled.

"Would someone please tell me what you're talking about?" Quatre asked exasperatedly.

"Isn't it obvious, Quatre?" Trowa finally spoke up, causing the others to jump slightly at the unexpected voice. He smirked at the blushing teen. Heero glared at him.

"Damn you for being so perceptive, Trowa," he glared out. Trowa shrugged.

"I was already on your bad side with this whole Relena thing, so I figured another comment wouldn't hurt." At that moment, Wufei blinked owlishly, realization dawning in his eyes.

"Ooooooh," he said, resting back in his seat. "I see." Heero turned his glare towards him.

"See WHAT?" Quatre cried, turning towards Wufei now. Wufei spared him a glance, before chuckling and shaking his head.

"I always thought Relena would be the type to wait until marriage," he mused. Quatre practically choked at that, wide eyes swinging towards Heero, who was currently turned around in his seat and banging his head against the wall.

"Heero!! You- while we were- but- Heero, what if she had gotten pregnant or something?" Heero stopped banging his abruptly.

"Well she didn't!" he said, sounding alarmed. Quatre shook his head.

"But she could have!"

"Guys, calm down, nothing happened so don't worry about it," Trio said, smiling at the others' antics.

"I can't believe she TOLD you," Heero muttered, sliding down in his seat.

"Uh, Heero, while she was staying at my two didn't...?"

"No, we didn't," Heero bit out, glaring at the blonde from beneath his bangs. Quatre held up his hands in a placating gesture.

"I was just wondering..."

"I still don't understand how she managed to find out the day she got there, and we didn't know anything until just now," Wufei muttered, glancing again at Trio. The girl shrugged at him.

"She WAS a very good actor," Quatre answered, looking at Trio as well.

"Trowa noticed," Duo spoke up, turning to look at him. He was slightly surprised to see that Trowa's eyes had widened a little and he suddenly looked somewhat uncomfortable.

"Eh, Duo-" Trio started, also looking nervous, but Heero interrupted her.

"What do you mean, he noticed?" he asked, sending an annoyed glance at Trowa. Duo shrugged.

"Trio told me that he told her that she wasn't me." This time it was Trio who slapped her forehead, blushing slightly. Heero raised an eyebrow.

"Trowa?" he questioned. Trowa flushed a little.

"Well I TOLD you I thought 'Duo' seemed different," Trowa said defensively. Heero nodded.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell us you thought he was a GIRL." Trowa shrugged.

"I wasn't really sure..."

"How would you have noticed she was a girl?" Wufei asked, staring at him suspiciously.

"I...spend a lot of time observing people..." Trowa said, fidgeting slightly in his seat. Trio had buried her head in another pillow at this point.

"You HAVE been acting a little odd around D-Trio, recently," Quatre added to the conversation. Trowa's blush deepened.


"Trio? What happened?" Duo asked bluntly, his voice almost dangerously low. He narrowed his eyes at her flustered appearance.

"N-nothing! Nothing happened!" Trio assured him. Duo groaned.

"Trio, didn't I tell you NOT to have sex with him?!"

"DUO!" Trio exclaimed, whipping yet another pillow at him. "We didn't! Nothing happened! I convinced him that I was you, honest!" Quatre had nearly fallen out of his seat by this point, while Trowa, Wufei, and Heero all looked a little shocked at what they were saying.

"Well how did you convince him?" Wufei asked, slightly confused. "It's not like you had any real way of proving it..." Trowa and Trio both became unnervingly silent, completely avoiding looking at each other.

"Trowa, what the hell did you do to my sister?" asked Duo a little resignedly. Trowa didn't answer. Instead, he slowly glanced over at Trio catching her gaze and holding it. The two had a silent conversation through their eyes, before Trio smiled softly and shrugged. Trowa inhaled deeply, smirking at her, before slouching in his seat slightly and looking upwards. He gestured with his hand towards Trio, who lifted her chin and looked at Duo evenly.

"He kissed me," she said bluntly, watching amusedly as the gravity seemed to increase, causing everyone but herself and Trowa to plummet towards the floor.

"You just said you convinced him that you were me!" Duo cried.

"I DID!" Trio yelled right back. "...After he kissed me."

"But..." Duo started, before trailing off, the gears in his head working furiously. "But then...then he would have thought that..."

"That I kissed YOU?" Trowa asked, crossing his arms and looking at the American pilot. Duo nodded. "Yeah, that IS what I thought. It...kinda freaked me out."

"Why the hell did you kiss her?" Heero asked, looking at Trowa oddly. The unibanged boy shrugged, blushing a bit again.

"Er...because I was trying to get her to admit that she WASN'T Duo. And it's not like she didn't kiss me back!"

"You kissed him back?!" Duo asked Trio disbelievingly. When his sister nodded, he sighed. "I knew it. I KNEW you would fall for one of them. Damn it!"

"Hey, I didn't 'fall' for anyone! He just surprised me, that's all!" Trio said quickly, the color rising in her cheeks. She winced inwardly when Trowa stiffened a little, staring at the floor. "I-I" She was saved from having to say anything else by the shuttle landing suddenly with a light thud.

"Are we there already?" Quatre asked nobody in particular, glancing around. He was answered when Sally walked back to help Wufei and Trio get off the flight.

"We're here, guys, everyone out!" she announced cheerfully.

"Where's 'here?' I thought we were going back to space," Duo said, pulling himself out of his seat and stretching his arms above his head. His back cracked a few times with the action.

"No, the Sank Kingdom's much closer and has a good hospital I can take you all to," Sally replied.

"We're at the Sank Kingdom?" Heero asked, not sure if he'd heard correctly. He let out an exasperated breath when Sally nodded. "Go figure..."

* * *



"So, you kissed Trowa?"

"Damn it, Duo, would you let that drop already?" From where he was straddling a chair beside Trio's hospital bed, Duo chuckled. It was late into the night now, and the six of their little group were staying in the hospital for the night. The other four guys had their own room, but Trio's was next to theirs and Duo said he'd stay in there for the night.

"You know, I was thinking it over," Duo said softly, gazing at his sister, "and from Trowa's point of view...I mean, the poor guy's probably confused as hell. First he thinks you're me, but then he notices some differences, then he figures out that you might be a girl, then he gets attracted to you, then he kisses you...only for you to somehow convince him that you're NOT a girl. So then he thinks he's attracted to a guy. But now he knows you ARE a girl. So what's he supposed to do?" Trio sighed, averting her eyes.

"Don't you think I thought of all that already?" she asked. "I mean, I feel bad for what happened, asked what he's supposed to do? Well what am *I* supposed to do?" Duo shrugged.

"It's your move." Sighing again, Trio decided it was time to change the topic.

"Have you decided when to propose to Hilde?" she asked, grinning at Duo when he blinked at the sudden question.

"Uh...I dunno, in a year or so."

"Can you wait that long?" Duo paused.

"...I can try..." he said weakly, smiling abashedly. Trio chuckled. She was about to say something else, but a knock at the door cut her off.

"Come in!" she called. She wasn't too surprised when Trowa appeared behind the door.

"Duo," he nodded at the other teen. "Can I speak to your sister?" Duo grinned.

"Sure thing, Tro," he replied, standing and heading out of the room. He paused as he passed the green-eyed boy, sending him a meaningful look out of the corner of his eye. And he looked as serious as Trio had ever seen him. He waited until Trowa nodded before continuing on his way. "I'm gonna go get some coffee," Duo called as he disappeared around the corner. The room was uncomfortably silent once he was gone.

"Sit down," Trio finally said, gesturing to the abandoned chair. "What do you need?" Trowa sat slowly, cocking his head as he gazed thoughtfully at the girl who had unknowingly given him so much trouble. God, she was beautiful...

"You," Trowa blurted out, before abruptly widening his eyes and slapping a hand over his mouth. Crap, that WASN'T what he'd wanted to say. He'd meant to say something along the lines of, "I think you know."

Trio simply blinked at the outburst.

"That's not what I meant," Trowa said quickly, lowering his hand from his mouth. "I...what I wanted to say was...I mean-" He was cut off by Trio's soft chuckling. The other girl had repositioned herself so that her elbow was resting on the railing around the bed, and her chin rested on the top of her closed fist. She smiled gently at Trowa.

"I lied," she said softly, almost so that Trowa couldn't hear her. He blinked, relaxing slightly in his seat and leaning towards her a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"When I said I hadn't fallen for anyone...I lied," Trio repeated, sending a surge a hope through Trowa that settled as a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. He swallowed thickly.

"I'd hoped so," he admitted, allowing a small smile to grace his features. "I...look, I don't really know you very well, since you've been acting like Duo, or maybe that IS what you're like...but what I mean you planning on going back to L2?" Trowa finally got out, cursing himself for stumbling over the words like that.

"Should I?" Trio asked. "The only things waiting for me back there are my friends, but I've made more here. I quit my job." Trowa let out a breath.

"Well, Quatre's house is big enough, I'm sure you noticed. If...if you wanted to stay there for a while with us...with me...I'm sure he wouldn't mind." The only answer Trowa got was Trio lunging forward to capture his mouth with hers. He froze for all of a second, before leaning into the kiss. How long had he wanted to do this? The rest of the world blurred out around him as he focused only on the girl in front of him. He vaguely noticed her hands clenching the front of his shirt, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered when his arms had wrapped themselves around her.

"Hey, have you seen Duo-GAAH!" Heero's voice interrupted the two, breaking them apart immediately, though their hands and arms remained where they were. Trowa turned slightly to see Heero with a hand over his chest, eyes closed as he took in deep breaths. When his eyes opened, he glanced apologetically at the two. "I thought that was Duo," he explained quickly. "It scared me for a second." Trio snorted and buried her head in Trowa's neck. Trowa unconsciously rubbed his hand in circles on her back.

"Thought who was me?" Duo said as he popped up beside Heero, sipping from a large mug. He nearly spit the coffee out when his eyes found his baby sister wrapped up in Trowa's arms. As it was, he choked on it in his hurry to swallow. "What is this?!" he cried, gesturing wildly to the two. "Honestly, I leave for a minute and you two are already making out. Good Lord!" Trio lifted her head slightly to stare at her brother. Smirking, she unclenched her hands from Trowa's shirt wrapped them loosely around his neck, causing him to lower his gaze back to her. Gently, she pressed a kiss to the curve of his neck, smiling widely as Duo visibly twitched. Oh yes, she definitely knew how to provoke her brother.

"Something wrong, Duo?" Trio asked sweetly, disregarding the fact that Trowa's face had gone slightly red at the act.

"If you weren't already injured..." Duo trailed off, narrowing his eyes at the two. "Just wait till I get you back on L2." Trio grinned widely, causing Duo to eye her warily.

"Oh but, Duo, I'm not going back to L2," she said innocently. "I'm staying at Quatre's for a while." Duo's hand clenched around the mug.

"Who gave you permission to do that?!" he exclaimed.

"Who said I needed permission?" Trio shot back at him.

"I DID!"

"Oh calm down, Duo. It's not that big a deal," Quatre spoke up as he walked up behind the two in the doorway. The blonde smirked. "She has MY permission." Trio grinned and stuck her tongue out at Duo.

"Ha, so there!"

"Who asked you, Quatre?" Duo grumbled out. Quatre shrugged.

"No one, I was going to get Wufei some coffee, since he can't get up, and I heard you all. I'll let you continue your argument now, while I go tell Wufei the good news." Before Duo could say anything, Quatre walked off again.

"See that, Duo, you've been outvoted," said Trio. Duo let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Fine, fine," he said, as if it really WAS his decision to make. Trio grinned again, before pulling Trowa down to her again, picking up where they'd been interrupted. "Hey hey hey! None of that!" Duo ordered, stomping over to the two.

"We're going to have to make sure they have two rooms in two completely different hallways," Heero mused quietly as he watched Duo try to break his sister and Trowa apart.

"Noooo!!! My baby sister's all grown up!! She won't even listen to me even more!!!" Duo cried out when it finally registered that they were completely ignoring him. He fell to his knees and keeled over sideways, clutching his heart as if he was dying. "The horror!!" he continued, looking extremely pleased with himself as Trio finally broke away from Trowa so that she could throw her head back and laugh out loud.

"Your sister's a good kisser, Duo," Trowa commented idly, knowing it would set Duo off. He ran his hands down Trio's sides again.

"HEY! HANDS STAY OUTSIDE THE CLOTHING!!!" Duo yelled, sitting up and glaring at the circus performer for all he was worth. Trowa just laughed at him, and even Heero had to chuckle from the doorway. Just when they were all calming down, an outburst from Wufei in the room next to them set them off again.

"You mean she's STAYING?!"


Hoo-boy! And that's the end! Well, not really, go read the epilogue! And be sure to read the Author's Notes, they're important! Thanks for reading, REVIEW!!!
