Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Gone ❯ Epilogue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
While You Were Gone - Epilogue

*Disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! I do, however (this so cool, I actually get to say I own something!), own Trio Maxwell.

*Warning* Um...none really right now. Maybe a little bit of language. I'll add more when it comes. (Oi, since this IS the epilogue, I don't think anything else will be "coming," ne? I really should change my disclaimers every so often... -__-;;)


Ok, this is the last part, so you all know what that means! Time for a new contest! Um, I'm going to try this again, and hopefully it'll work better than last time. *takes a deep breath and crosses fingers* Alright, here goes...

I'm rewarding the 245th reviewer (I was gonna make it 250, but I don't know if I can get that many, 245's pushing it as it is...) the chance to pick ANY TOPIC they want for me to write a fic about! Yep, that's right, I'm trying it again. The guest appearances thing worked pretty well but I wanted to alternate between "prizes." Anyhoo, the 245th reviewer gets to pick what they want me to write about. A couple of guidelines, though:

- The topic has to be fairly broad, so I have something to work with.

- It has to be something I can write about in a one-shot fic.

- You MUST leave your e-mail address (actually, I advise most of you to do this, cuz you never know if you'll be the 245th reviewer or not) so that I can get in contact with you if I have any questions, or if I need to TELL you that you're the winner.

- If for some reason I can't reach you within a week, I'm moving on to the 246th reviewer (and then the 247th, and so on). Sorry, but I don't want to be stuck waiting for months because I'm too brain-dead to think of anything to write about and I can't get in contact with you. ^__^

Yeah, well, that's pretty much it. I can't make any promises on when I'll have the fic posted, but I'll get to work on it as soon as possible. With that said, be sure to review so you have a chance to win!!! Now, onto the epilogue!

Duo had lied.

He hadn't meant to, but it seemed Hilde had been getting impatient with him anyway.

Rather than waiting for a year like he'd told Trio, Duo proposed to Hilde only a few months after the whole mission incident.

...Not that Trio minded.

The wedding was small and quaint, taking place in an old church on L2 that had somehow managed to escape the Eve Wars fairly unscathed. It was old and looked it, the white paint more of a light gray and in more places than not it was peeling. The air that wafted through the drafty halls was think and smelled musty; and thank God it didn't rain on that special day, or the groom wouldn't have been able to see the bride as she walked down the aisle, either because of the lack of light or the fact that umbrellas would have been blocking his view. Despite the obvious setbacks, the old chapel had a regal air about it, and the stained glass windows that lined the walls let in the spray of sunshine that did indeed grace the day, lighting up the room with splashes of colors.

Hilde thought it was beautiful and knew it was the perfect location for the most important day of her life.

Duo didn't notice, as he was too busy hopping around nervously and trying NOT to get cold feet.

"Would you calm down?" Heero growled out exasperatedly from his place beside Duo at the alter. He had his hands clasped lightly behind his back, more to keep them from trying to strangle the braided pilot than anything else.

"I can't help it Heero, I've never gotten married before," Duo whispered back, shifting from foot to foot as he glanced anxiously over the crowd, waiting for the procession to start.

"It's not that bad, really," Wufei commented lightly from his spot beside Heero.

"Wufei, you didn't even know Meiran before you married her," Trowa said quietly, smirking at his Chinese friend. Wufei turned his nose up at him slightly.

"That's not the point."

"Duo, stop fiddling with your tie, it's going to come undone," Quatre spoke up, sending his friend a sideways glance.

"Sorry, sorry," Duo said quickly, lowering his quaking hands and holding them behind his back like Heero. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, before blinking and straightening up as soft music began playing. Rocking back on his heels gently, he muttered, "Ooooh boy, here we go..." Heero glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes and jabbed him lightly with his elbow, smirking playfully.

"Duo's getting' married," he sang quietly, his baritone voice rumbling deep in his throat. He turned his eyes forward again as Relena stepped onto the aisle, decked out in her light blue bridesmaid dress. "And he's gonna be a father," Heero continued, glancing at Duo again.

"She's pregnant?" Duo hissed quickly, ignoring the fact that Heero was actually being playful for once, not to mention he was SINGING, and only focusing on what he'd said. He looked startled and panicked all of a sudden. Heero smirked again, rocking back on his heels like Duo had and glancing towards the rafters.

"She will be eventually, and then I'll get stuck babysitting or something." Duo exhaled in relief, shooting Heero a glare and digging his heel into the other man's toes.

"Don't DO that. Damn it, you're making me nervous again." Heero shrugged, sending Relena a small smile when her eyes met his.

"That's my job," he replied. The next bridesmaid stepped out into view then, and Duo inhaled sharply, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Shit, who picked out those dresses again?" he growled quietly, leaning over just a bit towards Heero.


"I'm gonna kill her, she did that just to spite me."

"Duo, your sister's quite capable of wearing a dress like that. It looks good on her," the Perfect Soldier commented, quickly running his eyes down Trio's form. The dresses Hilde had picked out were indeed very beautiful...they were just something that any overprotective brother or father wouldn't want to see their sister or daughter in. The straps across Trio's shoulders were thin, and didn't seem to be any help in holding the dress up. The front cut low in a slight V-shape, but didn't show an indecent amount of cleavage. It was fairly tight, not leaving much to the imagination from Trio's neck to lower waist, where it suddenly flared out slightly. The back of the dress had crisscrossed straps going about halfway down, and there was a slit on the right side of the dress that went to mid-thigh. All in all, it showed too much skin, in Duo's humble opinion anyway.

"She's too young to be wearing something like that," Duo muttered, trying not to cross his arms and glare at his younger sister. He also had an urge to find the nearest coat and run out into the aisle to cover her with it.

"Trio's eighteen, Duo," Heero reminded him. Duo scowled.

"No she's not." Heero raised an eyebrow at that.

"She IS your twin, is she not?" Duo mumbled something incoherently before sighing.

"Yeah...yeah she is," he said quietly, letting a proud smile overtake his face as he gazed at his baby sister. Trio beamed up at him in return.

A few people down, Trowa was looking Trio over with quite a different glint in his eye. Unlike Duo, he happened to like the way the dress fit her, and he liked it a LOT. And damned if she didn't look a hell of a lot better in a dress than she did when she was dressed in Duo's slacks and a tie...

* * *

The ceremony continued perfectly, ending with the typical, "You may now kiss the bride." Soon, the reception was in full swing. The speeches were said, first dances as man and wife were over with, and Duo was just about ready for the honeymoon. Hilde hadn't yet thrown the bouquet though.

Trio and Relena had been swing dancing together, trying to show Heero how it was done, when all the women were called over. It wasn't long before a decent sized throng of females was eagerly awaiting the toss.

"So Heero, you think Relena will catch it?" Trowa asked casually as he walked over to stand beside the shorter man. Heero snorted.

"Do you think Trio will?" he retorted lightly. Trowa turned away slightly, unable to stop the red from creeping into his cheeks. Heero chuckled a little before Duo popped up behind him and answered his question.

"Trio?" he snorted, throwing an arm around Heero's and then Trowa's neck. "I don't think so." He watched Hilde turn around and cover her eyes with one hand as she held the bouquet with the other. Vaguely, he noticed Trio and Relena hanging around the back of the crowd, and sagged a little with relief that they didn't seem to be very serious about catching the flowers.

Of course, it didn't help that Hilde had noticed as well.

"Alright, girls, on the count of three! Oooone....Twooooo...THREE!" the raven-haired girl cried, throwing the bouquet up in a high arc towards the back of the room. Duo tensed briefly, until he saw Relena get in position to catch it.

"Of course...Relena might," he said cheerfully, slightly raising an eyebrow. Before he could blink, Heero was gone from beneath his arm and by Relena, snagging her wrist and pulling her up against his chest.

"What- Heero?" she asked, turning slightly and facing him with questioning eyes. He cut her off, quickly kissing her rather sloppily on the lips before smiling.

"I think I'd prefer to ask you myself when the time comes, rather than having a bunch of flowers decide for me," he said softly, eyes twinkling in the dim light. He caught site of Trio out of the corner of his eye, stepping into the spot Relena had previously been standing, and gently catching the bouquet as it fell into her arms. Relena grinned widely up at him, before she placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down to meet her lips.

"Works for me," she said quietly when they broke apart from each other. Heero didn't get the chance to rely as Duo appeared next to the two, arms crossed and foot tapping the floor agitatedly.

"Way to go, Heero. You let TRIO catch it, baka."

"Oh hush, Duo," Trio said, stepping up to him and pulling him into a hug. "Your lady awaits. You still have the garter to throw," she reminded him. He sent her a mock grouchy look before smirking and heading off to the front of the crowd.

"All men over this way!!" he called out. No one seemed to notice the evil glint in his eye. Heero, having spotted Quatre and Wufei off to the side, went over to stand beside them, leaving Trio and Relena to themselves.

"What, you're not trying to get the garter?" he asked as he came up to them.

"...You do know that Trio caught the bouquet, right?" Wufei asked, crossing his arms. Heero nodded.

"I was there." Wufei glanced at Quatre briefly, before the blonde spoke up.

"Oi, Heero, it's a tradition at American weddings for the man who catches the garter to put it back on the woman who caught the bouquet." Quatre nodded as a look of dawning realization appeared in Heero's eyes. "Wufei and I would prefer not to meet our deaths by making Trowa jealous and sending Duo into his overprotective mode." Heero smirked at that.

"That would explain why Trowa is still in the crowd then."

Back where the girls were standing, Relena and Trio had noticed the same thing.

"Man, Trio, that boy has got it bad for you!" Relena commented giddily, giggling at the thought. Trio grinned despite herself. She had no doubt that Trowa would somehow end up with the garter. She just hoped her brother didn't pull out a gun when he had to put it on her...

Sally walked over to join the two younger girls as Duo proceeded in removing the garter from Hilde, taking his sweet time while doing so.

"Nice catch there, Trio," the blonde woman commented, and Trio smiled at her.

"Thanks Sally, I thought so too." Without warning, Duo used the garter like a slingshot and fired it above the crowd, quickly jumping out of the way as a mad scramble for it ensued. Trio couldn't stop the blush from spreading across her cheeks as Trowa somehow emerged victorious from beneath the pile, grinning like a madman. Her blush deepened as Sally and Relena turned mischievous smiles towards her.

"So, Trio, when's the wedding?" Relena said teasingly, still grinning at her friend. Trio sighed almost wistfully, unconsciously clutching the bouquet close to her bosom. She smiled softly, catching Trowa's eye across the crowd.

"Sometime soon, I hope..."

¡(the real) END!

WOO-HOO!!!! I finished it!!! Took me damn long enough, ne? Hehe, well guys, it's been great with this one. I absolutely loved writing these last few chapters. Thank you so much for all the continued support, even in my long lapses of time from writing. Remember to review and tell me what you thought!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
