Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ While You Were Married ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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The next two days seemed to drag by. The group of friends wasn't able to do much outside of the mansion, as the colony weather dictators had decided that it would be the perfect week for nothing but rain. Countless games of chess were played and books read as they waited for the downpours to stop. Kairi was a source of entertainment at times, and even Heero now felt comfortable enough to hold her in the fairly large group of people. Trio hadn't asked him anything more about the idea of marrying Relena, other than reminding him to show her the ring he had bought. It was similar to hers, nothing too big. Which was how Trio knew Relena would love it.

When Relena finally arrived, those two days later, it was a big relief. At least now there was an excuse to go out in the rain. They went out to dinner, silently agreeing not to go back to the restaurant they had gone to last time. Trio was very relieved that she was able to wear a dress this time, even though she'd never really been one for dressing up. She, Relena, and Hilde repeatedly fussed over Kairi, dressing her up in a little pink ensemble that had Duo cringing. Her hair was again pulled into the two pigtails, and they jutted out to the sides of her small head adorably. Trio didn't miss the slightly uncomfortable look Heero got every time Relena cooed over the baby. He got even more flustered when HE was the one holding the child when Relena was fussing over her. It was kind of unnerving to him...

In any case, the evening went remarkably well, and they retreated back to the mansion with higher spirits. Heero, Quatre, and Wufei were dragged off to another room by Duo and Trowa to have (another) celebration toast because of Trowa and Trio's engagement. Ever since Trio had agreed to have a double wedding, Duo had been a lot more agreeable to the whole thing. Needless to say, it was obvious that he didn't think it would be occurring anytime soon. Of course, no one else knew about the deal.

Meanwhile, Kairi had been put to bed and Hilde, Relena, and Trio were lounging around the living room, clad in old sweats. They conversed occasionally, mainly just enjoying each other's company as they, once again, watched old cartoons. Trio had always been a fan of cartoons. Currently though, she wasn't too sure if she wanted to be watching a guy who turned into a girl duke it out with a bandana-clad boy who had absolutely no since of direction. (A/N: ^__^ Any guesses? Anyone??) She idly picked up the remote and turned off the TV, turning to face the blonde who was sitting on the couch next to her.

"So, Relena, what's up with you and Heero?" Trio asked, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. Relena turned a light shade of pink, and attempted to hide herself behind her glass as she took a sip of water.

"Yeah, Rel, when're you going to tie the knot?" Hilde piped up, surprising Trio. She was right on target with what Trio wanted to know! Relena coughed lightly, clearing her throat.

"Well," she started slowly, "that's really up to Heero, isn't it? He's the one that will propose, after all." Trio blinked at that.

"You would say yes?" she asked, just to make sure. Relena glanced to her in surprise.

"Of course, Trio. I thought it was obvious the first time I ever talked to you about him that I loved him," she said, running a hand through her loose hair.

Trio scratched the back of her head. "Well, yeah, it was, just..." She trailed off, not sure what to say. So, basically, her only objective was getting Heero to propose... Hilde voiced her thoughts just then.

"So, really, you're just waiting for him to ask you," Hilde said, clearing up any doubt. Relena nodded.

"Yes, you could put it that way."

"Do want kids, Relena?" Trio asked suddenly. Relena cocked her head thoughtfully.

"Eventually. I mean, I definitely want children, but I'm so busy right now. offense, Hilde." Ah, so Trio was correct in that assumption... Hilde waved her hand dismissively.

"None taken," she said indifferently. She paused, before speaking up again. "You know, if Heero proposed to you soon, you and Trio could have a double wedding!" Trio just about fell off the couch at that.

"He told you, didn't he," Trio asked Hilde flatly. The short-haired girl smiled sheepishly.

"Am I that transparent?" she asked in return.

"Yes," Trio grinned. Hilde chuckled a bit.

"I think a double wedding would be fun," Relena mused, glancing up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Though I have no idea what you two are talking about," she said, lowering her eyes and giving them pointed stares. "Spill." Trio sighed, and looked towards Hilde.

"My baka husband-"

"-It's nothing," Trio cut in, answering Hilde's questioning look with one that said she'd explain later. If Relena knew, then she might think that the only reason Heero proposed to her, if it happened anytime soon, was because Trio and/or Trowa had pushed him to so that THEY could get married. "It's just Duo being annoying. Nothing important." Relena looked doubtful, but nodded anyway, before suddenly yawning.

"Wow, sorry guys, but I'm beat. I think I'm gonna go to sleep early tonight," the blonde said, covering her mouth delicately before stretching her arms above her head. "I'll see you in the morning, ne? Good night." Slowly rising from the couch, she started to make her way out of the room before Trio called to her again.

"Are you sleeping in Heero's room?" she asked casually. Relena smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"He's not really fond of public affection, remember?" she asked, sounding just the slightest bit sad. "Even if that just means sharing a room in a house full of people who know that we've had sex," she continued bluntly, winking at the two girls. They chuckled in return. "He's self-conscious about that kind of stuff." Relena turned and waved over her shoulder during her last statement, before disappearing out of the room entirely.

Trio frowned as she watched her go. Ok, this was more than just she and Trowa getting married now. Her mission had widened to include making one of her closest friends happy.

She and Heero needed to talk.

Just then, Trowa walked into the room, bending over Trio and giving her a quick kiss. She smiled up at him.

"Well you don't smell like alcohol," she noted, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning in for another kiss. She felt Trowa smile against her lips.

"That's because I didn't have any," he replied, before standing up. "I'm going to bed. You coming?"

"I'll be there in a bit," she nodded. "Don't wait up for me though." Trowa waved dismissively at her.

"I was going to read a little anyway. Take your time," he said, backing out of the room.

"Alright," Trio blew a kiss after him and he grinned at her, before pausing and looking at Hilde.

"Your husband, however, is having a grand ol' time with Wufei," he informed her. Hilde sighed.

"He's drunk?" she asked, not really expecting an answer.

"Wufei's drunk?" Trio opted to ask in surprise instead. Trowa shrugged.

"He is tonight. See ya, Trio. Good night, Hilde," he said, continuing on his way up the stairs.

"Good night," the latter called after him. As soon as he was gone, she turned to Trio. "Ok, explain."

Trio grinned slightly, and told Hilde briefly about what she was thinking: that it wouldn't be fair to push Heero and Relena into getting married just so that SHE could, but that she was going to push them anyway, for Relena's sake. Hilde caught on quickly that it might not work well if Relena knew. When she finished explaining, Heero and Quatre trudged through the living room on their way upstairs.

"Is my husband still in there?" Hilde asked them as they passed. Heero only 'hn'ed, but Quatre paused and nodded at her, looking a little tipsy himself.

"They're about to pass out," he answered, referring to both Duo and Wufei. Hilde nodded, pursing her lips. The two men continued out of the room. Hilde sat for only a few more minutes before giving in and standing up.

"I'm gonna go get him. I'll see you in the morning, Trio." Trio nodded distractedly, watching the staircase idly. When it finally occurred to her that she was the only one in the room, she got up and headed up the stairs as well, pausing when she reached Heero's room. She bit her lip, wondering if she should knock or not, and finally decided to.

Heero looked none-too-pleased as he opened the door. "Yes?" he questioned, leaning against the side of the wall and crossing his arms.

"Let me in," Trio ordered, quickly brushing past him even though he hadn't said anything yet. He merely rolled his eyes as he heard her sit down on his bed, and shut the door as he turned around.

"What do you want?" he asked, standing across from her. Trio scooted over on the bed, and patted the spot next to her so that he would sit down. He did so, reluctantly.

"I talked to Relena," Trio explained, noting how Heero's face flushed slightly and he looked a little nervous. "Man, you're really touchy about her, aren't you?" she asked in awe. Heero growled a little.

"I was never trained in proposing or wedding techniques, it's one of the few things I can't relate to and I don't know how to go about." Trio nodded in understanding.

"Well, anyway, if it makes you feel any better..." Trio paused, not sure if it was her place to be telling him this...ah well, she'd tell him anyway. Trio grinned. "Relena doesn't want kids right away either, but she DOES want them eventually." Heero, very noticeably, sagged in relief.

"Thank God," he muttered. Trio blinked.

"Yeeaah...but...she's waiting for you to propose to her," Trio added. This time Heero blinked.

"She is?"

"Yeah! She can't ask you- well, she can, but it's not as romantic... Heero, she's loved you since she met you, she would definitely say yes if you asked her," Trio informed him. "You love her too, right?" Heero paused.

"...Yes...I mean, I THINK..."

"You 'think'?" Trio asked flatly.

"Well, ok, how does she know that she loves me?" Heero asked. "Has she ever been with anyone else? How does she know I'M the right guy? How do I know she's the right GIRL?" he continued hurriedly.

"Is THAT what you've been worrying about?" Trio asked, surprised.

"One of the many things, yes," Heero sighed.

"You've never been with anyone else either?" Heero shook his head. "And because of that, you're not sure if you're in love with her," Trio stated more than asked.

"I DO love her, I just have this damn feeling that I'll screw something up. I've never even KISSED another girl! What if I did, and I felt something I didn't feel with Relena? What if I THINK I'm in love with her, but I'm not, it's just that she's the only person I've ever been with and I don't know what love really is, so I just CALL what I have with her, love, and-"

"You're babbling, honey," Trio cut in, smiling amusedly. Heero sighed, blushing a little. "You've never kissed anyone else?" Trio asked suddenly. Heero nodded, lowering his head slightly. "Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about." Tapping her chin, Trio bit her lip thoughtfully. "What if...what it I let you kiss ME. Just once. That way you sort of have something to compare it to. Would that make you feel better?" Heero blinked.

"Probably not, I'd just feel guilty for kissing my friend's fiancée and my other friend's younger sister."

"We're twins, I'm not younger," Trio insisted, sounding irritated.

"Whatever," Heero mumbled.

"Come on, it won't mean anything. You'll feel better, knowing that what you have with Relena is...well, for lack of a better word, special," Trio scooted closer to Heero, and he, in return, backed up, nearly falling off the bed.

"Trio," he warned.

"Trust me, you'll realize that kissing Relena is SO much better." Trio grinned. "Kiss me." Heero sighed, looking nervously at the door, and then back to the girl sitting expectantly in front of him.

"Ugh...fine," he finally agreed. Trio pouted.

"Well don't make it sound like I'm leading you to your death," she said teasingly. Heero smirked.

"It might be just as bad."

Trio mock gasped and punched his arm lightly. "Yeah, yeah," she said, leaning in and grasping his chin before he could change his mind. Her lips found his quickly as her eyes slid shut, and she pressed against him gently. She could practically feel his face heat up under her fingers, but his arms made no move to wrap around her. In return, she made no move to deepen this kiss. She waited until he slowly began to respond, before she pulled back, staring into his closed eyes. He eventually opened one eye and glanced at her.

"You're right," he said simply, opening both his eyes fully. "I like kissing Relena a LOT better." Trio pouted again.

"Am I that horrible?" she asked, only slightly curious. Heero shook his head.

"No, no you're actually a good kisser. It's're not're not Relena," he replied slowly, realization suddenly dawning in his eyes. Trio grinned.

"You see?" she asked cheerfully. He looked at her in shock, nodding slightly.


"So, you gonna ask her?"

"Erm..." Heero paused, "I may need your help on that one." Trio nodded.

"We'll talk tomorrow. Trowa's waiting up for me," she replied.

"Alright," Heero said, getting up off the bed so he could pull down the covers.

"Good night, Heero," Trio called as she made her way out of the room.

"Hey," he said quickly, before she had opened the door. She turned to face him, curiously. "Am I a good kisser?" he asked, a teasing glint in his eyes. Trio smirked.

"Well, you kinda froze up on me for a second, and while you're not NEAR as good as Trowa, you're not half bad," she replied, the same teasing look in her eyes. Heero nodded, smiling at her.

"Thanks," he said softly. She smiled back.

"No problem." Closing the door behind her, Trio made her way to her own room. She wasn't surprised when she saw Trowa sitting up in the bed, holding a book out in front of him.

"What's up?" he asked once she closed their door. Trio grinned.

"I kissed Heero." Startled, Trowa dropped the book from his hands.

"WHAT?!" Still grinning, Trio pounced on the bed, quickly silencing Trowa with a kiss.

"You're so much better, though," she practically purred. It wasn't necessarily true, he wasn't SO much better, but she had to let him think so. With the grin still on her face, Trio began explaining to her fiancé what had happened that evening.

* * *

One more day of rain passed, before the water valves were shut of due to light flooding in some areas. Artificial sun bore down on the colony, heating it up quickly. Within hours it was almost eighty degrees, so the eight adults and one baby were spending the day at Quatre's pool. Again, Trio marveled at actually being in her own navy-blue bikini, rather than Duo's swim trunks. She was stretched out on a chair, letting the sun turn her skin tan. Actually, she'd probably end up more red than tan, but what the hell...

Duo, Hilde, Relena, and Quatre were either sitting by or standing in the shallow end of the pool. Why? Watching Kairi again, of course. This was actually her first time in a pool, and she had many floatation devices on her, not to mention adults around, to make sure that nothing dangerous happened to her. Wufei was sitting next to Trowa at the edge of the deep-end, both of them idly swinging their legs back and forth in the water. Trowa hadn't minded all that much that Trio had kissed Heero, after she'd explained it to him. If anything, he was all for it if it mean they could get married.

Heero, himself, was lounging in a chair next to Trio. They hadn't talked much the day before, because there had always been other people around. Now though, everyone else seemed preoccupied...

"Hey," Trio said softly, turning on her side to face the other man. "Have you made up your mind yet?"

Heero, who'd been reading a book again, let it rest on his chest as he crossed his arms behind his head, squinting up into the sky. There were times you couldn't even tell they were on a colony...

"Yeah," he finally replied, shifting his gaze so that he was looking at Trio out of the corner of his eye. "I'm gonna ask her." There was a small smile on his face. Trio grinned broadly.

"That's awesome!" she exclaimed, careful to keep her voice somewhat low. Her grin faded a little as she, out of nowhere, started to feel guilty. "Heero, I have to tell you something."

"Yeah?" he asked, sitting up and rotating his shoulders a bit to loosen them up. Trio inhaled slowly.

"Duo made me promise him that I wouldn't marry Trowa unless we were having a double wedding with you and Relena," she admitted, exhaling when she finished. Heero froze for a second.

"Oh really?"

Trio nodded, rubbing her eyes. "So, I admit that one of the reason I was pushing the subject was for my own selfish reasons: I want to marry Trowa. But, that's not all." She paused here briefly, before continuing. "Duo doesn't think you'll EVER ask Relena, I guess he doesn't think you have the guts to go that far. So I want to prove him wrong. That's the second reason." Heero's eyes had narrowed when she mentioned that so she quickly continued. "The that I want you guys to be married. Relena wants to marry you; I know you wanna marry her... I want you guys to be happy as well." Heero smirked.

"But the main reason is that you want to have your wedding," he clarified bluntly. Trio grinned.

"Well, yeah..."

Heero shrugged. "Understandable," he said, returning her grin. Trio smiled in relief. Her smile further widened as Trowa sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"What's up?" he asked as Wufei sat down opposite him, beside Heero. Heero smirked.

"I'm gonna ask Relena," he said, grinning when Wufei nudged him teasingly with his elbow.

"About damn time," the Chinese man said, sporting his own grin.

"That's great, Heero," Trowa agreed, smiling at the other. He held Trio closer to him. "I still say you look so much better in that swimsuit than Duo's," he whispered to her, leaning down to kiss the side of her neck. Trio giggled.

"So, do you know how you're going to go about it?" she asked Heero, trying to ignore Trowa. Heero shrugged.

"Dunno. But I'm asking her tonight."

Trio's eyes widened. "Really?" she asked.

"I don't like waiting. I'll probably lose my nerve," he replied.

"So, when and where?" Wufei asked, leaning forward a bit. "That way we can make sure everyone's watching." He grinned, and was promptly pushed off the chair by Heero.

* * *

That evening, while most of the household was crowded around the TV, Heero and Relena were sitting outside together, just enjoying each other's presence. Heero suddenly stood up, holding his hand out to the girl before him.

"Let's go for a walk," he suggested, nearly drowning in her gaze as she smiled up at him.

"Alright," she agreed. "The garden?" Heero nodded, pulling her off.

Inside the house, Trio was nearly dying from anticipation. She fidgeted nervously and kept glancing out the window. Finally unable to take it anymore, she stood up abruptly and headed out of the room, mumbling an excuse. She made it out the back door just in time to see the silhouettes of Heero and Relena retreating behind some bushes. She nearly screamed as a hand landed on her shoulder.

"What're you doing?" Trowa whispered to her, staring off in the direction that she had been looking. Trio breathed deeply, trying to calm her racing heart.

"I want to watch them," she whined quietly, stepping forward. Trowa smirked.

"Trio no hentai," he scolded, teasingly. Trio smacked his arm lightly.

"You know what I mean," she said, rolling her eyes exasperatedly.

"So, let's go," Trowa said, stepping forward as well and taking her hand. Trio grinned, and they walked stealthily in the direction Heero and Relena had gone. They found them not too much later, sitting one the stone edge of an old fountain. Quickly crouching behind some bushed a good distance away, they watched the scene unfold.

Heero was, to put it nicely, nervous. He knew, or was fairly certain, thanks to Trio, that Relena would say yes. He just didn't know how to ask her. Luckily there were no crowds around, but it seemed like he would still have to get down on one knee...

Sighing inwardly, Heero turned to the girl next to him, opting to sit crossed-legged on the cool stone. "Relena?" he asked, to get her attention. She turned her eyes from the cool water that she was running her fingers through to his eyes.

"Yes, Heero?" she replied, smiling pleasantly. Heero swallowed thickly. In the bushes nearby, Trio crossed her fingers.

"Umm..." was all Heero could get out. He cleared his throat, noticing the way Relena's eyes widened suddenly. "Do you like rings?" he asked abruptly, nearly smacking himself on the forehead. What the hell type of question... Trio was silently thinking the same thing, as she exchanged glances with Trowa and shrugged. Relena merely blinked.

"Well, yes, I suppose so. Why?" she asked, curiously. She leaned a bit closer to look into Heero's eyes. A red flush spread over Heero's cheeks as he leaned back self-consciously.

"I...was just wondering. You never seem to wear any," he said slowly, mentally congratulating himself for not stuttering. Relena smiled lightly and shrugged.

"I don't have many," she said, looking at Heero almost expectantly and biting her lip. He smiled softly at her.

"Would you wear a wedding ring?"

Trio held her breath, waiting expectantly for the answer as Heero fished the ring out of his pocket and held it up to Relena. It was out of its case, since he hadn't had anyway of hiding the whole thing.

"Watcha watchin'?" Her brother's voice could not have been more unwanted right then.

"Duo," Trowa said softly, slightly surprised. "What're you doing here?" Duo shrugged.

"I followed you," he whispered back. "What're YOU doing?" he asked, shifting the-

Trio groaned quietly.

Oh God, he hadn't...

Oh hell, yes he had.

"Duo, WHY do you have Kairi with you?" Trio bit out, as Duo finished shifting the baby around. He shrugged again.

"I was holding her when I left," he answered, finally peering through the bushes to see what the other two were looking at. His eyes widened. "What the-?!" he started to exclaim, but Trio clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Not in front of the baby," she deadpanned, turning to watch the scene again.

Relena's eyes could not have been any wider. Yes, she had sort of been expecting it, but it was quite different when it actually happened. She turned her eyes from the ring Heero was offering her to look into his face. He was biting his lip slightly, something which she had never seen him do. Slowly, Relena brought her shaking hands up to cover her mouth as a half sob/laugh tore from her throat. Taking a few deep breaths, she lowered her hands, and her eyes slid shut.

"Relena?" she heard Heero question. She shook her slightly.

"I can't," she said softly, looking up into Heero's rapidly blinking eyes. Luckily, the grass was soft enough so that she didn't hear three people nearby fall over sideways in response to her answer. Relena laughed quietly, taking Heero's hands in hers as he looked at her in complete incomprehension. "I can't wear a wedding ring yet," she explained. "That comes later." Heero cocked his head to the side.


Relena smiled brightly leaning in to kiss him. "I will definitely wear an engagement ring for now, though," she said when she pulled back, still smiling. Heero blinked at her again, before understanding dawned on him and he smiled back.

"God, don't you ever do that again," he breathed out in relief, leaning forward to rest his forehead against hers. He took the ring he was holding and silently slid it onto her finger. When he finished, Relena reached up to cup his face.

"Well hopefully you won't have to propose again, right?" she whispered, ignoring the few tears that escaped her eyes. "God, I love you," she continued, leaning into kiss him.

"Did she just say 'propose'?!" Duo whispered harshly. "He just proposed to her? What gives?!" The baby in his arms started to whimper and Duo unconsciously clutched her tightly.

"Duo, hush, you're ruining the moment," Trio said, smiling broadly as her two friends whispered things to each other that she couldn't hear. Duo shook his head.

"No, this sucks! Now you can marry Trowa, that wasn't supposed to happen...yet..." Trowa and Trio ignored him. Kairi, however, really wasn't liking the tight hold he had her in.

"I love you so much," Relena was still saying, practically sobbing. Heero wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, drawing her into his lap.

"I love you too," he whispered coarsely, smiling at her.

She stared at him for a few seconds, before saying gently, "You don't smile enough."

And then a baby's wail broke through the air, startling Heero enough to make him jump and turn to find the source of the sound at the same time. But, due to Relena's added weight, he lost his balance and toppled backwards into the fountain.

"Oops," Duo muttered, holding Kairi at arm's length and trying to calm her down.

"Oh, way to go, Duo," Trio scowled, standing from their hiding spot. There was really no point in trying to get away now.

"Duo, what the HELL are you doing here?" Heero ground out as he stood up from the fountain water splashing everywhere. He gave Relena his hand, pulling her out as well. She was smiling, though, despite the fact that she was completely drenched. Duo pointed frantically at Trowa and Trio.

"I followed them, don't yell at me!" he exclaimed. "Congrats, by the way, beautiful proposal. And Relena, ya little minx, didn't know you had it in ya!" Relena grinned at the braided man.

"Thanks, Duo," she replied cheerfully, not at all upset by this turn-of-events. Heero glanced at her, and seeing as she wasn't mad, he decided to let the matter drop...for now.

Trio grinned at the newly engaged, dragging Trowa over to stand beside them. "So," she started, sending Duo a pointed look, "let's talk double weddings."

* * *

~~*~~Ten Months Later~~*~~

Trio smiled gently at her brother, leaning over to give him a peck on the cheek as he handed her off to Trowa. He smiled back at her, rolling his eyes, before stepping off to the side. Turning to her soon-to-be husband, Trio's smile widened, and she took his hand. Together, they stepped forward to stand beside the other couple waiting there. Trio and Relena exchanged excited looks, before all four people turned towards the priest.

Now, Trio had been to many weddings before, and no matter what, she always found them long and dull, as the preacher dragged on and on. They were romantic, yes, but there was so much reading to be done! She'd always figured it would be different at her own, when SHE was the one standing at the alter.

She was wrong.

Not that it was bad. It's just that, since there was FOUR of them, it seemed to be even longer. Trio simply wanted to say the "I do's" and get it over with. Screw the reception.

Trio grinned.

She had a honeymoon to get to.


Phew! Well, that's finally done and over with. Personally, I think this is rather long. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed, but I didn't want to turn it into an epic fic or anything. There's nothing to drag out, it's just a simple little wedding-type fic. I do hope you all enjoyed it though! I'm not really sure if this is the last of Trio or not, I may do some short one-shot's if I ever feel like it. Like, about any future pregnancies or something. That would be fun, right? ^__^ Well, thanks so much for reading. Be sure to review and tell me what you think!! Ja!
