Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ White Christmas ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
White Christmas

Dec. 21 AC 201

I can't believe I let Trowa talk me into this. He knows how much I hate Christmas time… Or at least he should know… at least realize it. I don't know how he talked me into it…
"Quatre wants to have a five year celebration of the peace," he told me over the phone in that monotone voice of his.
"I don't want to go."
That should have been the end of the conversation. He should have left it at that. But no. He continued on with:
"Quatre will be very disappointed; you know we really couldn't have won if it wasn't for you."
How could he say that? How could he tell me that I, of all people, saved the world?! So many people had a hand in stopping OZ and Marie Maya. It wasn't I who saved the world.
But he didn't get the hint.
"Stay at the cabin one night." I could tell that he was demanding this, not suggesting.
"I have work, Trowa."
"You'll always have work."
I couldn't read his voice this time. I felt there was a little bit of remorse, anger, fear, guilt. I couldn't tell which one he was trying to use to get me to stay up in the mountains for a week with 'the boys'. I've managed to avoid everyone for five years; there's just too many memories. I've managed to get a life of my own. I rent a small little one room apartment two blocks from my office where I program computers all day. I don't need to go back. Not to them, not to the past…
So why am I sitting here still?! That's it, the next train stop I'm getting off. I can't go back and face them again. I've finally moved on. I don't need anyone.

"Next stop Folcroft!!" the conductor hissed over the intercom speakers. Heero shut down his lap top and shoved it into his over night bag which contained everything he would need for a week. Still he couldn't remember what Trowa said to make him change his mind.
At least he couldn't until he looked out the window as he stood up to get off.
"Duo…?" there stood the answer to his question on the plat form, luggage in hand and around his feet, waiting for the train to stop so he could jump on. There stood the reason for his leaving. He knew he couldn't be around Duo… not after what he had done to Duo… Heero wished he forgotten the words he said to him… the way he looked at him that night… The tears that fell from Duo's eyes as he poured his heart out… Heero though, remembered everything. From the cent of his cologne to the sound of his voice. Everything… He prayed Duo had a memory laps for once in his life…
Heero partially fell forward as the train halted completely and Duo seemed to have spotted him through the tinted windows. "S'ko…" Heero looked down the isles to see if there where any other doors he could escape from but the doors Duo would enter where the only means of escape. "S'ko…" he cursed again as he plopped back into his seat. Realizing he needed to hide if he wanted to leave before the final stop. He turned on his lap top and pulled up his jean jacket collar.

Damn it… Why the hell does Duo have to be riding this train?! Of all the trains he would think to ride. I know he has a car why doesn't he take his fucking run down Chevy that he spent a year or two working on with Hilde? Shit… he came on this car… I don't want to talk with him… I don't want to give him a reason… I don't know the answer yet Duo… Go away… go away… don't look up don't look up.. Shit! Someone is sitting next to me… please don't be Duo… please don't be Duo…

"Mind if I sit here? All the other's are taken."

Yes I mind Duo… go away… shot…. Hide… hide… hide…

Heero bend his head closer to the LCD screen and sunk deeper into his jacket.

Oh what's he doing now?

Duo raised a suit case above his head and grunted as he placed it on the rack above. He turned around and grabbed a duffle bag and as he had it raised in the air the train lurched forward. Losing his balance, Duo fell forward, one knee landed on the seat and the other unfortunately replaced Heero's lap top, his left hand braced his weight on the back of the seat and the other gripped the seat in front of them.
"Hey man sorry-"
"Hn…" Heero still hid in his jacked and leaned down and retrieved his lap top after Duo removed his knee from a very uncomfortable yet comfortable spot.
"Hey-Your luggage fell on me!!" the man from behind tossed it at Duo and he almost lost his balance again.
"Sorry!" Duo smiled at the man and placed it on the luggage rack. After all his luggage was put away he flopped down on the three seated train bench. "Hey, sorry about my knee. I didn't hurt you did I?" Duo turned to the guy sitting next to him.
Heero shook his head.
"Good… Hey, can I have the window seat?" He didn't respond. He just kept typing away at his lap top. "Hey… you home?" Duo tapped on the man's jacket lightly. The collar of the coat moved away from his face just enough to see the person's cobalt blue eyes. "Heero! It is you! Hey!" Duo slapped him on the back. "How've you been? Man it's been five years…"
"I've been busy."
"Yeah so I've herd! You got a big position at the… ugh…" Duo placed a finger to his lower lip and concentrated.
"Softinc Corp."
"Yeah! That's it! So how is that going?"
Heero just shrugged and continued on with his typing.
"The junk yard business went no where for Hilde and me. We decided to move to Earth and see what we can do here… Still looking. She's got a part time job at a restaurant and I got a job at a ship shop. We make enough money to get us both by I guess. Don't have any luxuries. But we're saving-"

And he just keeps going and going and going… I knew he wouldn't shut up… I don't want to confront him… I know sooner or later he's going to ask. And sooner or later I'm going to have to tell him the same answer I told him last time…
The train slowly rolled to a halt as they reached the snowy mountain top. Once they started to get closer to the mountain lodge it had started to snow. By the time they stopped, they could barely see 10 feet in fount of them. Duo had kept talking on and on about what he and Hilde had done, where they had gone, and how perfect their life was going.
Heero just sat there typing idly at his keyboard finishing up some left over tasks from work. He never got a chance to escape from the clutches of Duo's tongue. Sitting there he looked over Duo's physique. All though it had only been 5 years he had grown much taller so Heero had to look up at him. His eyes seemed to have matured although his humor had not. Duo's infamous hair had grown, too, almost down to his mid-thigh's. His attire was very sophisticated. While he might not have had the money to buy new electronics or furniture, he would never pass up a chance to buy the most eccentric clothing.
"Well, time to get off!" Duo stood up excitedly and started gathering his belongings. "I can't wait to see them all again. Heheh… It's been a while since I've picked on Wu-man…" And Duo continued on his rambling.
Heero shut his lap top and stuck it in his case solemnly. He knew what he was walking into. He knew both Quatre and Duo would talk like school girls, Wufei would grumble his complaints every now and then just to make sure everyone knew he was there, and Trowa would just sit there and observe. Heero didn't mind Trowa as much as the others but, beings he dragged him into this hell adventure he was going to have to fight off the urges to strangle him.
"Oiy… Heero..? You listening?" Duo waved a hand in fount of Heero's blank face.
"Hm?" He glanced over at the owner of the hand that was blocking his vision.
"Do you know what room we are staying in? I wrote it down some where but I can't remember where I put it," he shrugged and patted his pockets.
"No," Heero stood up and picked up his bags and followed behind Duo who was over loaded with duffle bags and suit cases. As he walked towards the exit he watched in annoyance at Duo pulling a balancing act. By the time they had reached the steps he had worked most of the bags close to the tips of his fingers and he could barely hang on.
Just as he stepped off one of the more heavier ones slipped from his grasp. Duo turned around to find Heero hand flew down the stairs and grabbed it. "Thank you! If I had dropped Quatre's presents I would have died!!"
"All these are his?" The bag was unexpectedly heavy and Heero readjusted it as he started to walk in to the station.
"Yeah," Duo said as if it was strange. "This bag is Trowa's," he pointed by nodding his nose at it. "This one's Wu-man's. And this one's yours."
"Mine? For what?"
"Christmas, what else?" Duo looked at the back of Heero's head as he trudged along slowly following Heero. "Man… You really have been away from the masses too long…"
"Christmas is just a marketing ploy for big corporations to sell pointless nick-knacks and scam money from the people. You of all people should be saving up your money, not wasting it on fruitless objects."
Duo shuttered from the cold a little and shook his head. "I reinforce my statement. You have been away from the masses too long. You've forgot what the meaning of friendship and presents are for."
Heero swung around and glared at Duo with his 'I will kill you' stare. "I came only to shut Trowa up. Not because we are friends."
The stare chilled Duo to the bone but he kept walking with a forced smile, "You had to actually shut him up?"
He resumed his walking towards the lounge area with out further conversation.

"Okay… so where is Quatre and every one?" Duo said for the sixth time that hour. They had been sitting in the lounge waiting for anyone else to show up. Glancing out the window Duo could only see huge white clumps falling heavily to the Earth. Hopping beyond hope that they didn't get stalled because of the storm.
The conversation between Heero and Duo had been very uncomfortable and Duo just wanted to talk with some one who wouldn't try and kill him for asking what time it was. Duo didn't want their vacation to start off like this. After all his dreaming of seeing Heero again he didn't want the dream bubble to pop this soon. But it looked like Duo still wasn't going to get that answer he had been waiting five years to receive. And it was starting to look like he was going to spend a whole week with his attitude.
"Well… You think we should head to the hotel?" Duo looked over to Heero who was sitting with his eyes closed and arms folded across his chest.
"Might as well. I don't think I'm going to be able to catch a train back home," he stood up and took hold of his night bag and lap top case.
"Sure…" Duo stood up as well and pushed the cart the attendants had given him to lug his luggage around easily.
As they approached the check in an announcer crackled over the out dated intercom. "Attention travelers… All Train Rides had now been postponed due to heavy weather conditions… Please make reservations at the Check in counter for over night stay…. We do not know when we will have the tracks cleared again… Repeat… All out bond and in coming trains are postponed…"
"Well… I guess we know now why they haven't shown up…" Duo said quietly as he reached the Check in. "Hi, my friend had made reservations a few months ago for this week. He isn't here right now. Is there anyway I can get the room with out him?"