Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ White Christmas ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
White Christmas

Dec. 22 AC 201

Sitting alone in the darkness with just his lap top, Heero sat next to the roaring fire in the huge marble fire place. Duo had managed to con the resort manager into letting them get their room. Quatre had gone all out and got the biggest place that was available which was the Master Suit. Sitting on top of the mountain over looking the frozen lake it was majestic. All though it was a log cabin on the out side, it was a modern architecture master piece on the inside. Four large bed rooms complete with large bathrooms, large dinning room which hung a beautiful crystal chandelier. The kitchen was themed in a yellow and had a large antique stove and enormous fridgerator which they where thankful for it had food. The den was very open and had large bay windows that opened up to the lake. Residing in the living room was the large stone fireplace in the middle of the 'cabin'. Out the back door you would find two nice hot tubs and barbeque pit.
The wind howled out side and Heero curled up closer to the corner of the dwarfing couch. He welcomed the warmth from the dying fire and hum of his hard drive. It was very peaceful. "Maybe I did need a vacation…" he told him self as he looked out the window and was hypnotized by the falling flakes.
Duo had went to bed after he ran around the house like a child in awe at their surroundings. He found he couldn't get to sleep as he laid there and watch the snow fall to the ground. Heero still had that coldness in his heart that Duo wished would have disappeared. No matter how much time passed he knew Heero's heart would still be stained from the blood of war. So would he. Duo shook his head and sat up his long hair flowing around his body as he wrapped his arms around his legs and pressed his knees against his chest. The war had defiantly took a toll on all of them. Duo hated falling off to sleep. His dreams usually consisted of blood and death of all that was close to him. Tears threatened to fall down his face but he ignored them and stood up and put a robe around his small frame covering his bare chest and silk shorts.
He crept down the stairs finding Heero staring blankly out the window. "Pretty isn't it?"
Heero looked over at Duo and nodded before going back to his computer.
"You don't ever see it on the colonies," Duo walked over to the window and looked up into the trees that where barely lit by the dim moonlight trying to peek through the thick gray clouds. "That's why I chose to live here ya know?" he turned and looked at Heero sitting on the couch.
"Hn," Heero agreed glancing at Duo standing next to the window. His hair flowing down his body in a dark brown wave highlighted by the blue light pouring through the frosted window.
"Whatcha doin'?" Duo walked up behind the couch and leaned over Heero shoulders and took a look at the screen.
"Work," Heero said with his heart starting to race. Duo's breath was brushing against his neck softly. His cheek could feel the warmth coming off of Duo's face which was right next to him.
"Work?! We're on vacation!" Duo reached his arms around Heero's body and shut the monitor screen. With his hands on top of the lap top and his chest against the back of Heero's neck he started to laugh. "You need to relax a little!" Duo was so tempted to enclose Heero into his grasp and hold his body against his. But Heero stood up even before he could tell him self no.
Heero turned and looked at Duo who was leaning over the back of the couch and looked up at him with his amethyst eyes glittered with the dancing fire light. "I was relaxing. I can't just sit around and be non-productive."
"Mou… That's no fun…" Duo stood up and placed his hands on his hips. "You haven't changed at all."
"Neither have you," for a second they both just stood there looking each other in the eyes trying to read the others emotion. But they both had learned and learned well how to mask their feelings.
"Well-Well I'm happy with who I am," Duo smiled brightly not enjoying the silence at all. There was something unsettling with the way Heero was staring at him. As if he had resented the fact that Duo stayed the same.
Heero shook his head and turned away from him. "I'm heading to bed." And with that Heero disappeared up the stairs leaving Duo standing in the darkness with the fire burning it's last flames.

Duo was sitting at the dinning room table enjoying some eggs and toast when Heero had walked past the door frame. "Mornin' Sleeping Beauty!" Heero stopped for a second and looked at Duo then continued on by. Duo sighed heavily and scarffed down the last of the yolk and rushed out to catch up with Heero. "Yo… You know it's not going to be a vacation if you just keep ignoring me."
Heero turned around and looked up at him, "I'm not ignoring you."
"Yes you are. And have been for the past five years. You've never returned any of my calls or emails."
"I've been busy," Heero looked away and out the window where the snow had covered up half of the window sill.
"So busy you can't even tell Trowa or Quatre or Wufei to say 'hi' to me. I guess you where so busy talking to them you forgot about me."
"I didn't forget about you, Duo," a little resentment left Heero's voice.
"I understand," Duo's tone turned solemn. "You don't need to tell me. I get it… I can take a hint…"
Heero turned just in time to watch Duo turn and head up the stairs. Watching him go into his bed room he was left standing in the foyer. He stood there looking at the top of the door frame for a few minutes. He was surprised when the door swung open and Duo started back down the stairs. He had put on his heavy sweater and thick jeans. Walking by Heero he put on his thick jacket and started to slid on his boots.
"Are you leaving?" Heero started to worry.
"I can't. We are stuck here if you remember. And no, I'm just going out side to play in the snow for a little while. You want to join?" Duo bent over and started to tie up his brown boots.
"No," Heero turned and walked towards the kitchen door.
"Kay," Duo said as he walked out the door and slipped a hood over his head, his brown braid hanging to the side.
"Mou… He's so stiff…" Duo kicked through the snow as he found a nice level spot to play in. He bent over and picked up a handful of snow and tossed it at a near by tree. "Sigh… Why won't he give me an answer…"
Duo held his hands out to his side and fell back into the snow. Laying there he looked up at the falling flakes that fell around him from the gray sky. A few birds flew by twirling as they passed. "Maybe I need to make him answer me…" he started to make a snow angel by moving his legs and arms to and fro. "Yeah… Help him figure the answer out." He stood up carefully nearly loosing his balance and falling on his face.
He smiled menacingly towards the house and continued to play in the cold snow.

As Heero ate his breakfast he watched Duo fool around in the snow like a child. He was covered head to foot in white. He kept running back and fourth with a ball of snow, building it up as he pushed it along. What Duo was trying to do was out of Heero's sight.
"Immature…" he said as he stood up and cleared the large table of his and Duo's left behind plate. Taking it into the kitchen he placed it into the dishwasher. As he stood up he spotted the coffee maker and sitting next to it was a jar or coffee and hot chocolate mix. Knowing Duo would be cold when he came in he decided he should make some for him and his self.
While that was brewing he searched the cabinets for something to eat along side of the chocolate. The only thing he could find was ginger bread cookies in the cookie jar that was shaped like a cow. As he set out two cups and saucers he heard Duo trudge into the house his wet boot souls squeaking with each step.
"Take everything off before you go any further," realizing exactly what he had said after he said it he turned bright red. "I mean what's wet!"
"'Kay!" Duo's voice traveled through the foyer and into the kitchen where Heero was pouring the hot chocolate into his mug.
"I made some hot chocolate," Heero said as he grabbed a cookie and headed into the living room from the side entrance.
"Ooooh goodie!!" Duo was now heard in the kitchen along with the pouring of his own drink. "Do we have any marshmallow's?"
"Marshmallow's? For what?" Heero placed his saucer on the coffee table and went to turn the fire place on.
"What? For what?!" Duo appeared at the side living room entrance. "For the chocolate!"
Heero turned the switch and a nice fire roared on, "It will melt before you get a chance to eat them."
"I don't want to eat them… Ga… Never mind…" Duo went back into the kitchen and Heero sat on the couch and started blowing on his drink in his hands. Once Duo returned he had four cookies and his hot chocolate had whip cream on the top. Walking carefully around the couch he sat on the other side of Heero. "I like whip cream…" Duo slid his tongue out and licked the white cream off the top of the cup.
Heero turned to him, "What's the point of putting that on top if you are only going to eat it?"
Duo smiled and shrugged, "Dunno. Just gives me a reason to have some!" And he stuck his tongue out again and slowly licked around the top of the black mug before he took his first sip. "Ai… It's hot…."
"You've got some on your nose…" Heero sipped from his mug and flipped open his lap top.
"You wanna get it off for me, my hands are full," he showed Heero the mug and saucer in his hands and smiled.
"You know you want to. I've got such a cute nose!"
"Duo-What?!" Heero's eyes grew wide as he starred at the screen in fount of him.
"Hmm?" Duo leaned over and took a glance. "That sucks…"
"A memory dump? Fuck!" Heero started to type wildly on his keyboard and cursed several more bad words before he tossed the lap top on the recliner next to them.
"Is it bad?" Duo had gotten the whip cream off his nose and downed two of his cookies.
Heero turned to him with a scowl, "Yes, Duo, a memory dump is bad."
"I know that! I mean how bad is it?"
Heero folded his arms and leaned back against the couch, "Everything is gone… All the projects I have been working are gone."
"Do you have back up copies?"
"So why is it that bad?"
Heero turned and looked at Duo sourly, "Because my copies are at home."
"So?" he took a sip of hot chocolate and left a whip cream mustache behind.
"I can't work on them now."
"But you can work on them later," he dipped a cookie in his cup and bite off the soggy area.
"But now I'm stuck here with you and nothing to do."
"Have another cookie," Duo offered him his last cookie on his plate and smiled. Heero just looked at him in the eyes not having to tell him the answer to that question. "Fine fine… But there is plenty to do here."
"Like what?"
"Build a snowman… build a snow fort… Hey I know!! We can have a snowball fight!!" Duo put the empty mug and woofed down the last cookie. "Yeah… Daf woow 'e 'un!" He swallowed it in one gulp. "And who ever wins-"
"I don't like playing war games," Heero still was working on his chocolate.
"Well… We could go sledding… or ice skating or skiing… Even though I don't know how to ski… But we could still try it."
"I'm going to go read a book," Heero stood up and walked over to the book shelf and started looking though what was there to choose from.
"Anything good?" Duo got up and looked over he shoulder. "Oh! 'War and Peace'! That's a good one."
"You've never read it."
"Yes I have," Duo nodded in protest.
"Prove-" Heero was cut off by a loud booming noise from out side and everything in the house shut off and they where both left in the living room that was only lit by the dim light coming from the window.
"Guess you can't read now…" Duo turned and walked away putting his hands behind his head. "You sure you don't want to go outside?"
"No," Heero glowered and went back and sat on the couch and closed his eyes.
"What are we going to do about food?"
Heero shrugged. "Why don't you eat it all before it goes bad."
"Damn it Heero lighten up a little," Duo walked over and looked down on him. "Let's us the hot tub before it goes cold."
One of Heero's eyes opened up and looked at him curiously.
"That's an order Mr. Yuy!" Duo grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the back door.
"I don't have swimming trunks," Heero tried getting out of his grasp but Duo had a very firm grip on him.
"Neither do I. That's what our boxers are for, they reached the door and Duo flung him out into the snow following close behind. Guarding the door he ordered Heero to strip.
"Out here?"
"No one's around. Plus you've got nothing to be ashamed about," Duo winked at him and Heero pursed his lips together. "Look I'll go first. It's cold and I don't want to catch pneumonia standing here."
Heero watched as Duo started with his shirt, his chest was ripped with muscle that he had never thought Duo would have, his nipples where hard and Heero started to feel pressure in his pants. How was he suppose to get undressed in front of Duo now with one of those? Duo continued the show with his pants after he took off his shoes. Heero observed that he had extremely long legs, his black boxers stopped right before his mid-thy.
"Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold!!" Duo whizzed by Heero and splashed into the tub. Luckily the two hot tubs where enclosed in a screened in patio and hadn't been touched by the snow. "Ah… Now it's your turn Heero. This is a better place to meditate, you know."
"Fine," Heero took his own shirt off and then his pants. Heero, unlike Duo, was glad it was cold. Climbing into the tub he sat across from Duo. "Hm…" Heero laid his head back and closed his eyes.
Duo changed positions a little and his feet accidentally brushed against Heero's lightly. The second of touch sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. "Heero…"
He looked up at Duo and saw an expression of introversion, "What Duo?"
Duo looked into Heero's cobalt eyes and took a deep breath, "Did you ever find out… I mean… Did you ever figure out what you meant that day?"
Heero knew the question would come up. He still wasn't ready to answer it. He didn't know what he meant that day five years ago. That day he told Duo that he loved him. It just slipped out with out him realizing it. He didn't mean to say it and he was sure that he didn't mean it…