Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ White Day ❯ Challenge ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Pushing through the crowd of observers and quite literally bouncing over to the machine, our favorite braided bishounen watched the pair who were currently trying to keep up with the fast beat of Paranoia, but failing miserably. Booing sounds emerged from the machine's speakers and the players panicked.


The cobalt eyed pilot turned to Heero and swung his arm over his shoulders, "Come on, Hee-kun! Let's show them what this game's all about!"

A groan, "I hate this game."

"No you don't! I know you're lying because you were playing it all night during Quatre's party!"

"It's called a lack of better things to do."

"It's all right, I'll be right here to support your next move!" the machine told the girl and boy when the FAILED screen popped up.

"Heh, come on! This is our chance!" Dragging poor Heero with him, Duo jumped on top of the dance platform and inserted three tokens in both slots. Once he inputted the required information, Duo scanned through the list of songs.


Heero groaned at his friend's choice. "Shooting Star?"

"Heh, come on, Hee-chan! Basic, Trick, Manic, or do you wanna Battle?"

"Don't call me Hee-chan," Heero replied and selected Trick.

Duo frowned, "Aww, you're no fun!" and also selected Trick, "I've gotta warm up before I break out my real moves!"

At this, the Japanese boy rolled his eyes. When the music started, he listened intentively as he tried to match the dancing steps to the rhythm.

/Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Wherever you are
You're gonna see me fly
Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Wherever you are
You're gonna see me fly!
Across the midnight sky~!/

Duo was right, Heero really did enjoy this game, but he'd self-destruct first before he'd admit it.

/Where were you to hold my hand
Do the things that we had planned
Yes, I need you by my side
When things go crazy
I just need to know you care
Guaranteed that you'll be there
When I wake up in the night
Will you be my guiding light?/

The music played on and both pilots successfully followed along, the machine giving words of praise such as, "You surprised us all!", "Your combo's stuck!" and various others.

/I don't care how far
I'll take a plane tonight
Just tell me where you are
And everything's gonna be alright
Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Gonna fly
Just to be with you tonight
Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Gonna fly
Just to be with you tonight/

"This is it!" The machine said before the song ended.


Duo scanned through the list of songs until he came upon one that he thought would really impress the audience.


"All right, Heero, I'm going Manic on this one. Are ya with me?"

Again, Heero groaned.

"Sorry, Hee-chan, I'll let you choose the next one, okay? So are you with me or not?"

Ignoring being called 'Hee-chan' and seeing this as a friendly challenge, Heero smirked and chose: MANIC.

Duo grinned, "That's the spirit."

The music began and that cued the start of the dance-off.

/End of the century
Misery, can it be chaos who's the boss
Suffer a great loss
Man woman child
No longer exist
Only the good ones will be missed
Life love cherish it all
Who will be left to conquer
The end is coming
Don't start running
There's nowhere to run
Don't grab a gun
All over the land her this roar
No one know what's in store
Look for the star, he's on his way
No one knows what's in store
Love your self and all around
In a blink of an eyes
You won't hear a sound
Your heart is pounding at raided speed
Man will always feel the need for greed/

Duo thought right, by selecting this song to do Manic on, the audience watched in awe. Though most were just beginners so it didn't take much to impress them.

/Let's go for it
Now you can't miss
Beware because the end is here/

"Hey, isn't one of those guys the one who beat Resident Evil?"

"Yeah, he must live in here!"

"Well, one of them is Asian, so that's probably why."

Duo noticed his companion had heard this comment because he missed a step, cued by a "Oh no!" from the machine. He smirked.

/The sky is falling
Eyes are balling
You had your chance
To make your stance
Love is a must life don't lust
Not time to fuss
People start to cuss
cry out who's going to care
Have no doubt have no fear
Believe in me I'll show you the way/

It was fairly true, well, the living in an arcade part anyways. There was a mini-arcade and game room in the basement of the safe house thanks to Quatre's company and money. He had put it there for the boys to relax and get their minds off of other things. Although, there was a really bad incident where Wufei and Duo got so into the Final Fantasy series that they stayed up for two weeks straight trying to finish the first eight games.

/Some people think the year 2G is so scaring, let wait and see
The world will shot down most won't admit
People go crazy people catch fits
Fire breaks out
One way to stop
Play hip hop non stop stop
Remember these words
And what I said
You just might wake up brain dead

The feeling (feeling)
Is amazing (amazing)
Oh boy, I want you (come on and get me)

Some just say the world is changing
Many people will agree
Many changes we are seeing
I just say...
It's the end...
It's the end...
It's the end of the century/

"That was awesome!" said the machine.


"Okay, what song now, Hee-chan?" Duo asked, not breaking a sweat. He leaned over the end of the hardpad to look through the list.

Heero stood next to him, looking through in hopes to find a song he really liked.

"There," he said to his friend.


Duo smiled at his choice, "Niiice."

The pair positioned themselves in the middle of the hardpad, getting used to the beat and then started to mimic the arrows that flew across their screens.

/Fall in love..
Fall in love..

I need your love in every way
And I feel this everyday
Cause I have too many tears
To fall in love again
Now, I am walking around
In this side of the town I just can't hideaway
How can I look in your eyes
When I feel like to die I have to runaway/

Through the middle of the song, Duo looked over at the Wing pilot and saw that he was freestyling. "Hey, Heero! I didn't know you could freestyle!"

At the compliment, Heero blushed slightly. "I'm surprised you're not!"

"That a challenge?" he asked with a smirk and started doing some freestyling of his own.

/Dariri Ram dariram dariram
Darirari rariram
Daririram dam
Dariri Ram dariram dariram
Darirari rariram
Daririram dam

And fall in love again
And fall in love again
Fall in love./

"Nice moves!" the machine said before their scores were displayed.


“Another! Another!” One of the girls watching them yelled. She had FANGIRL written all over her, and both pilots could see it.

Duo smirked and looked over at Heero, “What do you say, Hee-buddy? Don’t wanna disappoint our fans now do you?”

Heero ignored what he said, “You choice for a song.”

“I knew you wouldn’t,” he winked at their fans and decided to choose random.

BOYS popped up on the screen and the intro began.

Duo laughed at such luck.

/Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna feel your body.
Boys, boys be my boy.
Tonight I'm ready honey.
Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna be your lovergirl,
Be my loverboy.
Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna feel your body.
Boys, boys be my boy.
Tonight I'm ready honey.
Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna be your lovergirl,
Be my loverboy./

For their last number, both boys went all out. One trying to beat the other in rhythm, coordination and freestyling.

So far, Duo was winning.

/Hot summertime always something on my mind,
A kind of magic in the air.
I'm on the road to a sunny paradise,
With crowded beaches everywhere.
I'm just a girl that's looking lots of fun.
It's time to get things started, so c'mon move your body./

The girls in the audience watched in awe as they were swept away by both boys. Among the crowd were some parents watching with their children, going "They're really good, aren't they?". Other DDR fans were even impressed about their dancing skills and how insync both boys were.

/Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna feel your body.
Boys, boys be my boy.
Tonight I'm ready honey.
Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna be your lovergirl,
Be my loverboy.
Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna feel your body.
Boys, boys be my boy.
Tonight I'm ready honey.
Boys, boys be my boy.
I wanna be your lovergirl,
Be my loverboy./

”That was awesome!” the machine blared.

The machine asked for their names for the Hall of Fame.

'ZERO' and 'DU0'

Both boys laughed at their nicknames and headed off the dance platforms and into the audience watching them.

They both recieved just the same amount of praise and high fives as Heero got from playing Resident Evil.

And of course their fangirls asked for their autographs.