Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ White Day ❯ Shiroi ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DISCLAIMER: Again, I don't own Gundam Wing. xP

/ / = italics

' ' = thoughts


"So, Hee-kun, where to now?" Duo asked once they finally made it outside, the cold air cooling down their hot bodies.

"Wait here, all right?" Heero more told then asked Duo as he walked into a shop about a block down.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Duo whispered, “I wonder why the hell he went into that packaging store..”

He was starting to feel chilly, so he pulled his hoody over his head.

"Oh, hey, Duo-san, you forgot this," one of the fangirls said as she held out the take-out bag Duo had brought earlier.

"Huh? Oh, crap, I forgot all about that!" he took the bag from the girl and smiled, "Thanks, I really appreciate it."

The girl blushed and suddenly hugged him, taking him by surprise. Once she let go of him, she blushed some more and ran inside.

"Heh, okay."

Duo carefully pulled out the white stuffed animal and held it in his hands, looking into its glass eyes.

'What the hell am I doing?'

"That one must really like you," a voice pulled him out of his thoughts -- again.

Duo blinked and looked into those Prussian eyes. "Eh, that's fangirls for you."

Heero shifted his gaze to the object in the American's hands. "Is that your gift for Hilde?"

Duo looked at the said object and nearly jumped when he realized that he was holding it out in the open, a blush crept across his face. He probably looked like a little kid, holding onto the toy like he was.

"Uhm.. I... er... No.. it's not actually," he said.

"Who's it for then?"

The pilot was so stunned at how much that simple question scared him so much.

"It's uhm.." he turned away from Heero's gaze, " it's for.. you.."

'Come on, Duo.' "Sorry, for whom?"

'Damnit, Heero, I know you read my lips, but you're still gonna make me say it again?'

"For you," he said a little louder, "It's my White Day present for you. Happy White Day!"

The braided-haired boy held out the stuffed animal towards the perfect soldier with his eyes shut.

When he didn't feel the end of a gun to his head, he opened one eye and looked at his friend.

.....he was /smiling./

He opened his other eye to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating, and found that it was true.

Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier, the coldhearted, ruthless Gundam pilot of Wing Zero was actually /SMILING./

And hot damn did it make him both incredibly sexy and incredibly scary at the same time.


"So you remembered as well," Heero said as a little noise came from under a blanket in his arms.

Just noticing the blanket, Duo's face inched closer to a particular lump in the middle, "Hey, what's that?" (A/N: Bad hentais!)

"Why don't you see?"

His curiousity getting the better of him, the Deathscythe pilot uncovered the thing in the perfect soldier's arms carefully, and he gasped.


He grabbed the white ball of fur into his hands and twirled around, hugging it and speaking in baby talk.

The smile on Heero's lips grew a little wider (if that's humanly possible, but since Heero has proved himself beyond human, we'll let it go) as he saw just how happy the puppy made his long-braided companion, "His name's Shiroi*, if that's all right with you of course."

"What do you think, boy? You like that name Hee-kun gave you?" It yelped happily in a reply and licked Duo's face to show its pleasure.

The pilot laughed.

"Shiroi it is! Heh, you're a hyper 'lil fella, aren't ya? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!"

"I think you two make a perfect match," Heero said.

"You mean he's mine?" Duo said, a glint of hope in his eyes.

Wing Zero's pilot nodded his head in confirmation.

"You bought him for /me/?"

Another nod.

"But why?"

"The same reason you bought me this white teddy bear," he said with another heart melting smile. "Happy White Day, Duo-kun."

Duo nearly dropped Shiroi when he heard this. Just having the puppy made him happy, but this.. This made him so ecstatic that he couldn't move, he felt his head spinning and butterflies in his stomach.


His mouth had become dry. He put the ball of bouncy fur named Shiroi down and looked at the boy in front of him.

"Does that mean...?"

Slowly, Heero closed the gap between them, ignoring the strange looks they were attracting from passerbys. He cupped Duo's cheek with one hand and looking into those pools of Cobalt blue, he said, "Duo, you baka, I love you."

Instantly, Duo's eyes became watery and he leaned into the remaining space between them, kissing Heero hard.

Shiroi weaved in and out of the couple's legs, yelping at them as if saying, "Hooray!"

The two boys' lips parted only to catch their breath.

"I love you too, koi*."

Heero smirked at this.

"Mission accomplished."

Duo stuck his tongue at him, "So that was the mission all along! You sly fox you.."

"It was Quatre's idea to take you out," Heero said with a shrug.



Shiroi barked up at him.

"Heeey, boy!" Duo said as he picked him up.

"You know, Heero, I was worried that you'd reject me. That was what was bothering earlier tonight."

Heero threw an arm over his partner's shoulders and pulled him in close. He lead Duo into a walk. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, because of Relena and the way you act towards me, I mean.. you know.." Duo avoided looking into those eyes by playing with Shiroi.

"I only started dating Relena because I freaked out when I found out about your feelings for me. I was hoping that by being with her you'd stop liking me, but I also hoped I'd get distracted enough to avoid you.. I was afraid of something that I didn't know too much of. Being gay was one of those things."

Duo stopped and looked over at Heero. He saw his boyfriend looking up at the artifical nightsky. "..Heero?"

"It took me a while to finally accept it, but I didn't really know how to go about it. I sought advice from Quatre and Trowa for a while, and then I remembered you talking about White Day so I figured it was a good enough time to make a move."


Shiroi didn't like being ignored so he chose that moment to start licking away at Heero's face.

"Heh, I think he likes you, koi." Duo amused.

"Ye, vut I'd ra'r ve get'n kis'z fre joo dogh."

Duo blinked at this, laughing before he pulled Shiroi away from his koi, "What was that?"

Wiping away the saliva with his jacket sleeve Heero said, "I said 'yeah, but I'd rather be getting kisses from you'."

The Shinigami smirked at this said, "Yeah, but let's finish this later," he winked.


*Shiroi - white

*koi – love (Corrected thanks to Super Poodle. ^_^; Arigato!)

A/N: Sorry that the ending was really short. --; But short and sweet, ne?