Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ and what now? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^__^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else??)

Pairings: really slight 1+2 almost not noticeable

Warnings: still silly

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Hi everyone, let's go to the next round, shall we? Hope you still reading this... and I hope that it's still funny... tell me if that changed.

AND NOW have fun with ROUND 3!!!


End of the last chapter:

Do you remember anything?"


"HA! He knows his normal way to answer a question! That's a start... isn't it Q-man?"

// ? //

"... *sweatdrop*"

Wufei still hasn't stopped staring.


"whatever you say Duo... ok Heero, was that a yes or a no?"

"Tse, tse, tse Q-babe, he said he gets a headache when he's trying to remember. Do you ever listen if someone talks?"

"... Uhm... Duo, how can you hear all that out of an simple 'hn'?"

"Oh come on Q-man, I just repeated what he said, right Heero?"

"... Right..."

*sweatdrop* "Ok, so you don't remember anything. What now?"

"I know something! *proud* I'm sure it will help to let him work on his laptop! I go and get it!!"

Before anybody could say anything else, Duo was out the door and ran towards Heero'S room.



Wufei stared.

"Hey guys, I got the la-ha-haaptooop!!!"

*rumblerumble BANG*


Heero and Quatre ran in the direction of the stairs and found Duo laying on the floor.

"Duo, are you alright?"

"...Yes Mum... do I have to go to school today?"


They helped him up.

"...Oooopss, guess I should ran slower next time... or take just one step at a time *sheepish grin*... Damn stairs...BUT I saved the laptop!"

"Baka. Anything hurt?"

"Aww Hee-chan, do you worry about me?"

"Of course I do! Why would I not?"

"... ... *Heero hug* *to Quatre* Daddy, can I keep him???... *puppydogeyes* puleeaaasse? pretty please?"

"..." *sweatdrop*

Heero looked down at Duo in surprise. He had a small smile on his face.

"Now come on Duo, lets get back into the kitchen."

They got back into the kitchen and finally saw Wufei still standing on the same place and staring at the chair where Heero sat earlier.

"Hey Wu-man, what's up?"

No reaction.

Duo stood next to Wufei and waved a hand in front of the boy's face.

Still no reaction.

"Hmmm... *he snipped with his fingers and a light bulp went on over his head*"

Then he spoke into Wufei's ear in a sing-sang voice.

"Oooh Wu-hu-feeeii..."


to be continued...

What's Duo going to say?

Will it help to bring Wufei back?

Is there nothing that can wake up Trowa?

and why the hell do I write all these questions?

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

... good?... bad?... funny? Please tell me what you think... or you won't get a next chapter! *evillaugh*


Onee-sama ^__^