Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Wufei's comeback ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else??)

Pairings: none again

Warnings: the 'silly' won't go away

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Hi everyone, still there? Man, you can be persistand... That's really cool, y'know!!

Enjoy the chapter!!!


End of the last chapter:

Duo stood next to Wufei and waved a hand in front of the boy's face.

Still no reaction.

"Hmmm... *he snipped with his fingers and a light bulp went on over his head*"

Then he spoke into Wufei's ear in a sing-sang voice.

"Oooh Wu-hu-feeeii..."


"Oooh Wu-hu-feeeii... ... ... ... damn, i forgot what I wanted to say!"


"Can't we just keep him like this and use him as... as a... A statue!! That would fit, a memorial for the honour of the great Gundampilots!! *laugh*"


" *laugh giggle* Hm?"

"you did a good job in waking Wufei up, but... if I were you, I would run..."


He turned around and was face to face with a very very angry looking chinese boy... a chinese boy with a katana in hand. (AN: Huh? where did that came from? It wasn't there before... oh well... on with the fic)

"Oh, heh heh, Hi Wu-man... nice weather, ne?"

"KISAMA!!! Maybe Heero won't kill you, BUT I WILL!!!!"

"I have a feeling this happened before... Wufei, watch out for any of Q-mans dressing on the floor, will ya?"

That was the last they saw from Duo and Wufei for a while, because they dashed out the door and into the garden behind the house.



"... Hey Heero, want some tea?"


*sweatdrop*"... does that mean yes or no?"

" *sigh* I said, sure, why not."

"Great, I get the tea and you look for some cookies for us, ok?"

"Uhm... where?"

"Oh, I forgot... sorry. Look in the livingroom, the top drawer of the sekond cupboard."


Heero started to search for the cookies, while Quatre happily made tea.



Wufei was still chasing after Duo, who tried everything to calm the raging boy down.

"Pleeeaasse Wu-man, I'm sorry."

"Don't call me that! YOU..."

"Ok ok, Wuffie, I'm really sorr-"

"Kisama!!! Stay still so that I can kill you!!"

Well... you see, Duo's pleas didn't really help him...

We'll see who gives up first.


to be continued...

Who will loose?

What sort of tea will Quatre and Heero drink?

Looks like there's really nothing that can wake up Trowa...

What's with the laptop and Heero's memories?

And why is there a sentence without questionmark between my questions??? *scream*

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

Who would have guessed that Duo forgot what he wanted to say? Well, I not. ^__^°

cya in the next chapter

ja ne!

Onee-sama ^__^