Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ the lonely laptop ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else??)

Pairings: none in this chappy

Warnings: the 'silly' won't go away, I promise

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Hi everyone... I got a question... does anybody read my notes up here or is everybody ignoring them? I'm just curious... ANYWAY, heres the... WOW, it's already part five... cooooool *grin*

Have fun!!!


End of the last chapter:

"Don't call me that! YOU..."

"Ok ok, Wuffie, I'm really sorr-"

"Kisama!!! Stay still so that I can kill you!!"

Well... you see, Duo's pleas didn't really help him...

We will see who gives up first.


about an hour later in the kitchen (AN: I know, it's really strange, but all the dressing is gone... Don't ask me, I don't know how... scary *shudder*):

Heero and Quatre sat at the table drinking their tea, when Duo stormed in...

"He-*pant* He-*pant* lp...!"

Wufei followed suit...

"Ki-*pant* sa-*pant* sama...!"

"Want some tea?"

Duo slumped on one of the chairs.

"Al-*pant* alright Wu... I-*pant* I give up...*pant pant"

Wufei didn't get to the other chair before he slumped down on the floor trying to catch his breath.

"What *pant* do you *pant* say about a *pant* truce? (AN:Is that the right word or is cease-fire better?)

"Sounds good to me!! *already recovered* So, Hee-chan let's get your mem'ries back, shall we?"


"Yeah now!"


"No, not later!"

*Quatre and Wufei sweatdropped*


"Stop arguing! Take your laptop and start remembering me!... I mean us..."

"All right!"

Heero took his laptop and got a determined look.

"... ... ..."


"... uhm..."

"Yeah? What are you waiting for?"

"How do I start this thing?..."

"... Duo, I don't think the laptop will help Heero..."

"I agree with Quatre. A man finds to himself during battle... maybe that will help. How about a little fight between you and me Heero? Nothing serious, just a bit training."


"Great Hee-chan! Come on guys, let's go outside!"

Duo dragged Heero out the door and into the garden.



"Guess that means he said yes..."

"... looks like it."

The other to followed their friends.


Meanwhile in the livingroom:

"... *snore* ... ... *giggle* ... *drool* ... *snore*"


to be continued...

What did Trowa dream?

Who will win the fight?

Will they ever learn, what all the 'hns' mean?

Will the laptop selfdestruct because of his loneliness?

And WHY didn't I get some of the cookies ?!?!? *sniff sniff* That's really mean... *sniff*

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

Any comments? I know methods to get you to talk... *Heero's gun at reader point* (Not THAT 'gun' you hentais!!) be nice and tell me what you think and I won't harm you... ok?

cya next time!!

Onee-sama ^__^