Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ the fight ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else??)

Pairings: none... maybe a tiny little itzy bit 1+2, but really not much

Warnings: not very silly this time, but the next chappy will, promise!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Hi everyone (always the same, ne?)!!! Did ya miss me? This chappy is not very funny and I'm sorry for that, but I had to write it like this. Hope you don't mind.

Enjoy the fic!!


End of the last chapter:

A man finds to himself during battle... maybe that will help. How about a little fight between you and me Heero? Nothing serious, just a bit training."


"Great Hee-chan! Come on guys, let's go outside!"

Duo dragged Heero out the door and into the garden.



"Guess that means he said yes..."

"... looks like it."

The other to followed their friends.


Meanwhile in the livingroom:

"... *snore* ... ... *giggle* ... *drool* ... *snore*"


Outside in the garden Wufei and Heero prepared themselves for the little fight.

Duo and Quatre stood a few meters away watching them.

"Hey Q-man, how about a bet. I bet five bucks that Heero will win!"

"Hmmm... // I could win this bet. Heero didn't know how to use his laptop, maybe he doesn't know how to fight, too...// ... alright Duo, I say Wufei will win."

"We'll see... GO HEE-CHAN GO, I know you can win!!"

Wufei stood in a fighting position, while Heero looked a bit uncertain.

"Ready Heero? Try to throw me to the floor and you win, ok?"

"... uhm, I guess so..."

"Ok then, let's start!"

With that Wufei aproached Heero and started to attack him. He threw a few punches and Heero jumped out of his way to avoid them. They repeated this little game a few times until Wufei spoke up again.

"Heero, stop that and start fighting back!"

"Hee-chan! c'mon, you can win! But you have to attack him, to do so!!"

Heero jumped out of Wufei's path again and turned in Duo's direction.

"But Duo, I-"


Out of reflex Heero got in a crouching position so that he won't get hit by wufei's fist. Wufei, who was too fast to stop his attack stumbled over Heero, flew and crashed, chin first, into the ground.

Heero looked up from his crouched position and stared in disbelieve at the chinese boy, who turned around to lie on his back with a grimm expression on his face.

Heero stood up and wanted to walk over to the boy in order to help him up, but was forced to stop when a joyful bundle of energy jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Hee-chan, you won!! I knew you could do it, I'm proud of you! OH, and by the way," He turned his head to Quate. "Q-babe, you owe me five bucks."

Quatre grumbled something to himself.

Wufei stood up and walked towards the door, mumbling something about ice for his chin. They stared a few seconds after him and finally they followed. Quatre first and Heero right behind him, still carrying Duo in his arms. Said boy didn't complain, he was happy with his position.



Wufei walked straight to the freezer and took a bag with ice out to cool his aching chin. He sat on the table and sulked over his defeat.

To Duo's disappointment Heero sat him down in one of the free chairs and sat himself on another one next to Quatre.

They all were silent for a while, until Quatre spoke up.

"So Heero, did the fight help?"

Heero just shook his head. He looked disappointed.

"Aw Hee-chan, don't worry! We will find a way, I promise!"

Heero just nodded, not really convinced.

"What now?" Wufei spoke up for the first time since the fight.



"Hmm... Duo's plan with the laptop didn't work, the same was with Wufei's fight... right now I don't know what else we can do... We need some help, but who..."

Three boys looked at each other and everyone could hear the wheels turning in their heads and then, three lightbulps went on at the same time before all three of them exclaimed in unison.


"Of course, why didn't we think of him earlier. He himself has had amnesy once. I'm sure he knows a way to cure it!"

"What are we waiting for then? Let's search him!"

"Last time I saw him, he was in the livingroom, let's start there."

All stood up and made their way to the livingroom.


to be continued...

Is Trowa still in the livingroom?

Will we find out what his dream is about?

Can they wake him up or will he sleep forever?

What will they try next to help Heero?

What should I eat for dinner?

And why do I write such strange questions?

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

Well... ... I know, there's not so much silly in here, but hey! The next one will definitely be much more fun than tis. They will try to wake Trowa. That will be a hard task for the boys... but read for yourself in the next chapter!!

Cya all!

Onee-sama ^__^