Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ He's awake!!! finally ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else?? I'm addicted to it)

Pairings: 3x4

Warnings: sillyness

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*


I get the feeling that no one is reading this anymore... I need reviews or e-mails to see that you like this story!!! AND the more reviews I get, the faster I will update... No reviews, no updates!

Well, just wanted to tell ya... back to work:

...WOW, already chapter ten... when I started this I thought of maybe four or five parts, but oh well... it's fun to write this and it won't take to long untill it's finished (at least I hope so... but I don't know, maybe there will be a few more ideas that pop up in my head... we'll seeeee...)

Have fun here, and don't forget to tell me what ya think about it, 'k? (pleeeeaaaassseeeeeeee???????)


End of the last chapter:

"you're right, they need some privacy, how about... um *blushing* it wouldn't help if we look some TV would it?"

"Not if that's *pointing at the TV next to the couch* the only TV in this house..."

"Well, it is... what then // concentration Duo! don't jump Heero, don't jump Heero, man I want to jump Heero... but not when he doesn't really know who is jumping him... // ... hmmm ... I KNOW! I show you my CD collection! Come on Hee-chan they're in my room. Hey Q-man, were back in half an hour or so, take your time!"

Duo took Heero's hand and dragged him out of the room and up the stairs.


About an hour later:

Duo stood next to the livingroom door, listening.

"It's quiet... shall we go in?"


"Hey! Why do I have to go in first? That's not fair! You go!!"


"yeah you!"


"No not me!"

In that moment Wufei came out of the kitchen, looking a bit pale, holding a kleenex box in his hand and wiping his nose with a slightly red one.

"You can go in there, it's safe now. They even have clothes on!"

"Hey Wu-man you don't look really good... something wrong?"

"... I just almost died of bloodloss, thats all!"

"Oh, if that's all, well then, let's go in!"

And before anybody could say anything else, Duo was already gone.

"..." *sweatdrop*


Wufei looked at Heero questioningly.

*sigh* "I said, let's follow him."

"Oh, ok."

They walked into the room.

Trowa and Quatre sat on the couch together and looked really content. Duo sat in the armchair and grinned at them idiotically.

"So Tro-man, finally awake?"


"At least he looks awake..."

"He is awake Duo."

"How do you know Q-babe?"

"... he just answered your question baka, how can he not be awake?"


"Huh? Well, whatever... Tro, we need your help. Heero has lost his memories, we have to help him to remember! We tried everything! His laptop, a fight with Wufei,... well, we just don't know what else to do..."


"What did he say this time Q?"

"... are you stupid or what? He didn't really say anything he just made 'hmm'!"

*sweatdrop* "Ok... whatever you say..."


"Really Trowa? You know a way? What is it???"

"alright, we have to..." (AN: Oh my god!!! Trowa's talking *screams*)


to be continued...

What will Trowa suggest?

Will Quatre and Trowa have another session? (ya know what I mean, don't ya? *giggle*)

Has anybody seen the pink limo that drove past the safehouse? (it's getting scary, isn't it? *shudder*)

Does anybody read this questions?

And why doesn't anybody review??? (*crysomemore* not fair, injustice!!!)

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

What do you think? still funny? And for those of you who guessed it, YES, relena will find them *insane grin* muahahahahaha ha ha ha... !!!!

Oh, and I'm still asking here (I'm persistant) for all of you who hadn't done it, can you go to and look at my drawings? Any comments? Liked or don't liked it? I really want to know how they are. Please???

Well, think of it.


Onee-sama ^__^