Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ goodmorning kiss ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else??)

Pairings: ... ... ... guess!! and no, it's not 1x2 or 2x1... sadly... but a really slight 2+1 and of course the other couple *drool* just read!! if you don't like this, just imagine Quatre as a girl (shouldn't be that big of a problem)

Warnings: silly, shonen ai, little blood (if you can't handle to see blood, don't look at Wu-wu in this fic *smirk*)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: It's time for a little fun here! And I don't just mean the fun that was in the last few chappys... read and find out!!!


End of the last chapter:

"... I mean Quatre has to wake him up." *bushing some more*

"ME?!? Why me?"

"Yeah, why him? Why not one of us?"

"... *blushing even more because of the mental image (if that's possible)* ... Quatre has to... well... he has to-"


"... Quatre has to, well... he... rrrahh, I can't say that aloud!!"

"Then say it into his ear. You can do that, can't you?"

"Great idea Hee-chan! Go on Wu-man, tell Q-babe what he has to do."

Duo pushed Wufei in front of Quatre who looked at him expectantly. Wufei blushed again, then he leant down and whispered something in Quatre's ear.

Quatre's eyes widened at what Wufei said him and he blushed even more than Wufei ever had.

"I, I, me, him? But... GOD!"

Wufei nodded. Quatre looked at him, then at Duo, who had a questioning look on his face, then at Heero, before his eyes settelt on the sleeping boy. He looked a few more sekonds at Trowa and finally nodded. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and jumped onto Trowa's lap.

"Oh Trowa, wake up honey!"

With that he kissed the boy. (AN: *drool* *faint*) First nothing happend... well, Duo and Heero stared at them and Wufei's blushing got to the maximum, what meant he got a real strong nosebleed and blacked out because of the sudden bloodloss.

And then Trowa started kissing back... and WHOAA, what a kiss that was! (AN: that's the part where you can use your imagination... *drool* mine is working pretty good... *drool some more*)


"..." *blush*

Quatre and Trowa started a real make out session. The other two were still staring.


*blushing some more* ""

"you're right, they need some privacy, how about... uhm *blushing* it wouldn't help if we look some TV would it?"

"Not if that's *pointing at the TV next to the couch* the only TV in this house..."

"Well, it is... what then // concentration Duo! don't jump Heero, don't jump Heero, man I want to jump Heero... but not when he doesn't really know who is jumping him... // ... hmmm ... I KNOW! I show you my CD collection! Come on Hee-chan they're in my room. Hey Q-man, were back in half an hour or so, take your time!"

Duo took Heero's hand and dragged him out of the room and up the stairs.


to be continued...

Is Wufei still alive?

Why didn't Duo jump Heero? *sniff*

Is Trowa really awake or is it just a pretty realistic dream for him?

Are there any cameras installed in that room?? (I hope there are *grin*)

And why can't I sell my brother?!? (tried it, they didn't want him)

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

Still reading? Sorry for that use-your-imagination thingy, I'm just not ready to write a real lime or lemon scene...yet! But I'm working on my first lemon, it will take some time until it's finished. But I'm sure you can wait, can't you? Anyway, hope you liked this chappy, cya in the next one!!

Tell me what you think about it so far, will ya?

Oh by the way, and can ya all do me a favour (if you hadn't done it after the last chappy)? go to and look at my drawings, will ya? Tell me what ya think about them, 'k? I really want to know how they are.

Ok, thanks for reading,


Onee-sama ^__^