Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Heero's escape ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else?? I'm addicted to it)

Pairings: the pairing is still there, just in the background ^_^°

Warnings: silly

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: ... read? It's cool!

have fun!


End of the last chapter:

"Alright Duo, you go and search Heero. Bring him to the backyard and I will wait there with the hose, ready to use it. I will hide behind the bushes near the backdoor."

"Alright Q-man... but it won't be very easy to get him bevore the others do."

"Then hurry up!"

"I'm already gone! See you in the backyard!"

Duo ran up the stairs on the search for Heero.


Heero ran as fast as he could, slamming doors behind him and throwing things to the ground to get away from his pursuers. They were still right on his heals. He slammed another door shut, locked it, turned around and...


The room had just one door and the other boys stood behind said door, trying to get in.

// What now? I have to find a way out and I have to do it fast! //

He walked over to the window, opened it and looked down.

// It's high, but not too high... //

He climbed out and in the moment the door gave in and the boys stormed through the doorway he jumped.

He expected to land on his behind, but instead he landed on his feet. (AN: instincts like a cat, ne? Always land on the feet... at least in this story...) When he looked up at the window he saw two angry faces staring back at him.

Trowa started to climb out, Heero stood up and ran again.

"You're really going to jump down Barton?"


"Raahh, forget that I asked. I'm going to use the normal way."

Wufei walked out of the room.

"...?" *shruggs*

Trowa jumped down, made a salto mortale and landed gracefully on his feet. Then he started to search for Heero.

Duo met Wufei, who got another pan out of the kitchen, on the way outside and ran into the backyard to find his Hee-chan.


Heero stood next to a high tree, he leaned against it to catch his breath, when he heared the most horrible, most screeching sound he has ever heared.


His blood ran cold and out of the shock he jumped up into the tree and hugged the stem above the first few branches.

"Damn, where is he Dorothy? I saw him just seconds ago and now he's gone!" She whined.

They walked up to the tree and stood where Heero leant just a moment ago.

"I don't know miss Relena, maybe he didn't hear you and walked away."

"You're right! Come on then... let's look where he's gone!"

They walked away.


"Hee-chan? Where are you? I don't want to hit you, I will help you to get away from Tro and Wu-man!"

Duo walked through the backyard. He was already pretty near at the end of it... well, there were still one mile or so, after all it was one of Quatre's safehouses.

"he stood under one of the big trees and called again.

"Hee-chan! Come out please!"


Duo looked around.

// Where did that come from? //

"I'm up here Duo. Be quiet, Relena is here!"


to be continued...

Isn't that a cruel cliffhanger?

Will Relena find Heero?

Has Heero changed into a squirrel? (wouldn't that be kinda cute? A Heero-squirrel *giggle*)


And can Duo help him back to the safehouse without getting hit with a pan?

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

Want more? Review... and look at my drawings on and write comments!!!

Just do it!! PLEASE????

Found misstakes? Tell me please!

cya next time,

Onee-sama ^__^