Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Looks like good old Heero is back, but... ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else?? I'm addicted to it)

Pairings: 3x4, but not mentioned and a bit 2+1 again

Warnings: silly

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Hi everyone, hmmm, chapter 13... it's a bad number for a few people... we'll see if it is for the G-boys too... *evil grin*

READ!!... please?


End of the last chapter:

"Hee-chan! Come out please!"


Duo looked around.

// Where did that come from? //

"I'm up here Duo. Be quiet, Relena is here!"


"Hee-chan? What are you doing up there in the... wait a minute, Relena is here?"

Heero nodded.

"Why do you know Relena?"

"Duo are you all right? Of course I know Relena, how could I not know that monster?"

"... Does that mean your memories are back??"

Heero jumped down from the tree and stood in front of Duo.

"What do you mean with 'my momories back'? I lost my memories? Did you hit your head or something?"

"HEE-CHAN, you're back!!!"

Duo jumped on Heero and hugged him tightly.


"come on Hee-chan, let's go back to the safehouse. We have to tell the others that you are back to normal! I'll tell you everything on the way there."

Duo took Heero's hand and dragged him back to the safehouse.


Meanwhile in another part of the garden.

Wufei walked along a few high bushes, when he heared something from the other side.


Out of panik and reflex he jumped through the bushes and hit Relena square over the head, knocking her out.

"Oh god, miss Relena!"

Dorothy ran to Relena's side and took her off the floor. Than she just walked back in the direction of their pink limo.

Wufei looked after them and then down at the pan. The thing in his hands was useless now, it had a bit the shape of Relena's head, so he throwed it away. Then he made his way back to the safehouse.


Duo and Heero aproached the backdoor of the house and Duo shouted.

"Quatre, I found Heero, and he's-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Quatre jumped out of his hiding place and used the hose to splash Heero with icecold water. Said boy fell on his back from the unexpected impact with the water, gasping in surprise.

"QUATRE STOP! He's already back to normal again!"

Quatre stopped and looked at Duo questioningly. Duo ran to Heero, who sat on the ground, trembling from the cold.

"Hee-chan, are you all right?"

"H-hn, c-c-co-col-d..."

"How did he get his memories back?"

"Shock. He met Relena." (AN: explains everything, ne?)


Suddenly Quatre (AN: Yeah, only Quatre) heard Trowa's shout as he jumped out from behind the bushes, with the pan ready to strike.



to be continued...

Will Trowa hit Heero this time?

When will Wufei come back?

Will Heero get dry clothes again?

And what's with Relena and Dorothy?

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

Sooo, I think there will be one more chapter and then it's finished.

Want to have the last one? Then tell me what'cha think about this one.


Onee-sama ^__^