Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ the end of it all ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else?? I'm addicted to it)

Pairings: 3x4, 2x1, 5x6x13 and ?x?... just read, and find out for yourself

Warnings: silly and the end of this story!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Are you all still there? This is the last part of 'Who are you'. I hope you all enjoyed it!! Now, go on and read! And write me what you think, k?

Here we go!


End of the last chapter:

"How did he get his memories back?"

"Shock. He met Relena."


Suddenly Quatre heard Trowa's shout as he jumped out from behind the bushes, with the pan ready to strike.



Trowa was too fast for the others to react and the pan collided with Heero's head, knocking him out.

"Trowa, NO!"


"Damn you! He was already back to normal!"


"I hope for you that he's ok."

Duo took Heero into his arms and carried him into the house and in his room.

"... and what now?"


"Oh Trowa, what a wonderfull idea! You get the cookies and I make the tea!"

They went into the house.


In Duo's room:

The fist thing Duo did was getting a towel. He took off Heero's tanktop, threw it on the floor and wrapped him into the big towel. Then he laid him onto the bed and sat beside it.

"Hee-chan? Please, wake up... Heero?"

Said boy slowly opened his eyes, just to close them again when he felt his headache.


"Hee-chan! are you all right? Trowa hit you with a pan over the head."

"That explains the headache..." He looked up at Duo. "And who are you?"

Duo stared at Heero in shock, then his lower lip started to tremble and his eyes filled up with tears.

"Duo?" Heero sat up and leant over to him. "Hey, I'm sorry, I was just kidding. Please don't cry..."

Now the tears came and Duo hugged Heero. "Don't do that ever again! *sniff* I really thought you forgot me again..."

Heero hugged Duo back and whispered softly in his ear. "I'm sorry... forgive me?"

Duo was silent.


He leant against Heero with his whole wheight and they both fell onto the bed. Duo on top of Heero.

"What-?" Suddenly Duo's lips were on his own.

At first he didn't dare to move, then he relaxed, closed his eyes and started to kiss back.

When Duo broke the kiss, he smiled down at Heero an trailed some unknown patterns on Heero's chest.

"I know a way for you to make up for this joke..."

He licked his lips suggestively and his eyes gleamed mischievously.

Heero blushed.


Duo smiled at that and leant down for another kiss.

Let's just say it was a loooong night for Heero and Duo... and the kisses were just the beginning...


Wufei was still on his way back to the house. The moment he walked onto the driveway a black limo drove up to him, one door flew open and two arms pulled him into the car.

"What the-Z-Z-Zechs?!? And Treize?!?"

"Hello little dragon." Treize smiled.

"Don't dare to ca-mmhnn" He couldn't finish his sentence, because of Zechs lips. First he struggeled to get free, but surrendered to it after a few seconds.

"We just thought you need a little fun..."

The limo drove away from the house with him and in that moment Wufei didn't mind at all.


Quatre and Trowa sat together in the livingroom, sipping slowly on their tea. Quatre leant onto Trowa and he in return had his arm lazily slung over the smaller boy's shoulders.

It was a pretty nice picture and for the rest of the evening they just enjoyed their closeness.


At the same time in Relena's estate:

Relena laid in her bed. She was still unconscious. Dorothy sat next to her.


"Miss Relena?"

"... Where am I?"

"In your room. I brought you here."

"... and who are you?"

"..." // Now, that can get interesting... hmmm... I think I can use this... //

"You don't remember me?" Her voice was small and sad and she bowed her head. (AN: She's a good actor ^_^)

"You forgot your own fiancee?" *sniffsniff* A few tears ran down her cheeks. (AN: I said she's good, didn't I?)

"Oh, I'm so sorry my dear! I'm sure I will remember you, I just need a bit time."

Relena hugged Dorothy and held her close. What she couldn't see was the big smirk on Dorothy's face that clearly said 'She's mine and only mine'.

But THAT... is another story...


to be continued... just kidding!






IT'S OVER!!! Sooooooo what do you think? Liked the end? tell me, will ya? Please???

I'm sue you know, ne? I posted a few drawings there, can you look at them and write a comment? Please? They're not bad, at least I think so ^_^°... Look at them please???


Onee-sama ^__^