Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who is Duo Maxwell? ❯ Chapter 1: Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello Minna, how is everyone???? I'm having ago at the famous/mad fan fic, except there will be a small change to it.

Pairings: 2+1, mention of 4+3.

Warnings: *scratches head* none that I can think of.

Disclaimer: I can't draw....If I can't draw could I possibly own this anime?

(Chapter 1- Meeting)

Duo Maxwell stared out at his adoring fans from where he stood on the huge stage, he grabbed a microphone and waved to the audience enthusiastically.

"Thankyoooooooooooou Tokyooooooo. You were a wonderful audience."

The audience replied: waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

Duo grinned to himself and then left the stage with a final wave, heading towards his changing rooms deep inside the building. Stripping out of his performing gear, which consisted of tight leather pants and a chest-hugging shirt, he stepped into the shower and allowed the warm water to wash away the fatigue of performing. Tilting his head, so that they spray hit is long chestnut locks, Duo washed the gunk out of his hair. Feeling the usual softness of his hair reappearing. A while later, Duo stepped out of the shower, toweled himself off and slipped into some comfortable jeans and a baggy T-shirt.

He waited until it was around mid-night and informed is manager and best friend Quatre Winner that he was heading out for a small stroll.

"Don't worry Q-man," Duo smiled, "no one in their right mind is walking around at midnight on a weeknight. They all have work or school tomorrow."

"Fine Duo," Quatre sighed, "but please....come back before sun-rise. I don't want you to be mobbed by crazy fans again. Remember what happened last time?" Duo nodded, he did remember. Everyone wanted a piece of Duo Maxwell, such to the extent that when he finally escaped all of his clothes had been ripped of, save his underwear. Duo giggled mentally. It WAS funny when you looked back on it.

"Cya Q-man, have fun with Trowa" Duo yelled as he jogged out of the changing room and into the cool, crisp night air.

Quatre chuckled as he watched the singer dash out of the room like the energizer bunny. 'Oh my, that Duo' he thought 'What am I going to do with him?' All thoughts left his head as two strong arms circled his waist and a pair of soft lips touched his neck.

"Ahhh Trowa" Sighed the blonde Arabian.


Duo jogged silently down the street slowing down to a gentle walk and made his way to a park that he'd seen earlier in the day from his limousine. He sighed happily as he realized that the park was deserted and that no one would be able to bother him. Duo walked silently through the park but came to a sudden halt when he noticed that his first assumptions hadn't been correct. The park wasn't deserted. Sitting on a bench bathed in moonlight was a young boy, head bowed as he was reading from a thick novel. Duo licked his lips...this boy looked yummy.

He walked slowly up to the bench and sat down next to the reading boy, who showed no outward notification of Duo's presence.

"Konban wa (1)" Duo stated merrily to the other boy.

The other boy looked at him from the corner of his eyes, but then quickly turned his eyes back to the book he was reading.

"Good evening" The boy replied, shocking Duo entirely. This boy spoke English?? Duo nearly fell off the bench.

"You speak English?" Duo asked. The other boy simply nodded his head, his attention not drifting from the book in his hands.

"sooo. Whatchya doing hear at this time of night?" Duo asked trying to get the silent boy to at least say something to him.

"Reading" replied the heavily accented voice.

"I know that. But why aren't you reading at home in your parents house?"

"Don't have any." replied the boy. Duo sighed, another orphan....just like himself.

Silence engulfed the two boys, while the Japanese boy continued to read his book. Duo took the time to admire his new company. Dark untamed locks were styled in such a way that the boy looked like he had just climbed out of bed. Messy bangs framed gorgeous sea-blue eyes, which held a tilt that made him look decidedly Japanese. The boy had a slim waist and long thin legs, which were tucked under him in a cross-legged position. To put it bluntly...this boy was hot and Duo wanted him. He was sure that he could get the boy once he explained who he was. Everyone wanted a piece of Duo Maxwell and Duo Maxwell always got what he wanted.

"What's your name?" He asked

"What does it matter to you?" The boy replied.

"I just want to know whose presence I am in."

"Yuy, Heero."

"Oh," Duo whispered, "I'm Du...."

"I know who you are." Heero interrupted. "You are that singer...the *wonderful* Duo Maxwell that the whole world loves. Everyone wants to be like you and everyone kisses up to you. Everyon……."

Duo wanted to shut Heero up some way and he used the first tactic that came to mind. He kissed him, hard. He forced his lips against Heero's soft lips and massaged them with his own. Heero was shocked and Duo used this to his advantage, sliding his tongue past the lax lips and into the hot cavern that they hid. He licked Heero's inner walls and tried to war with Heero's tongue, except Heero was still to shocked to reply. The book Heero was holding fell from his hands and landed with a soft thump, which went unnoticed. Duo was sure that with Heero's sudden submission he could get what he wanted…but he suddenly found himself to be very wrong. He was still kissing Heero like there was no tomorrow when he found Heero's small hand pushing on his chest, trying to push him away. But Duo was stronger. He laughed to himself as Heero gave up…but tried a different tactic. He raised his hand and slapped Duo across the cheek.

Duo stopped. Stunned. No one had ever slapped him before. No one.

Duo jumped off the bench and stood, as did Heero and they turned to face each other. Heero glaring up at him from where he stood, almost a head shorter than Duo.

"What the Hell was that for??" Duo questioned.

"How dare you kiss me." The Japanese boy seethed, cutely in Duo's opinion.

"Oh come on baby. Consider yourself lucky not everyone gets to kiss Duo Maxwell." He chuckled happily as leant down and tried to kiss Heero again. But Heero shook his head.


"But why??" Duo whined.

"You'll just have to learn Mr Maxwell, that you can't get everything you want ALL the time. That not everyone will get down on their hands and knees to please you."

Without saying another word Heero tuned and walked into the night, walking out of Duo's life. He was miserable, no one had ever turned him down before, why didn't Heero want to be with him. Any other person would have jumped at the chance to spend the night with Duo Maxwell. He pouted and looked at the ground…and suddenly smirked.

Heero had left his book. Duo picked the book up buy its cover and something fell and dropped to the ground. He picked up the small object and looked at it, his grin suddenly became wider. Duo had Heero's library card, which, incidentally, held all of his information. Including home address and e-mail address. Duo suddenly got an evil idea…he knew how to make Heero his. He chuckled happily and started to jog back to the motel, where himself, Quatre and Trowa were all staying. A brilliant idea forming in his head.


tsuzuku (if you want)

- Good evening

Whatchya think??? Should I continue??? This was just a new idea and I'm not even sure if I should continue. If you want me to though, just review and I will.

Yume Maxwell-yuy