Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who is Duo Maxwell? ❯ Chapter 2: Chatting ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hiya all. Well I was actually going to submit this fic last week but then I kinda ran out of time…since I'm only allowed on the Internet for ficcies on Friday and Saturday nights. .

Here is the second chapter. Duo is going to kinda act like he loves himself and is spoilt.

So without further ado….

The second Chapter….

(Chapter 2 -Chatting)

Duo walked home with renewed vigour, he had a goal set in his mind and was not going to rest until he achieved it. His mission: to find and capture Heero Yuy. He hurried back to his large motel room, ignoring the part that held Quatre's room, and made his way to the computer. He quickly turned it on and logged on to the Internet, determined to come in contact with Heero Yuy. He added Heero's address to his MSN list and waited to see if the boy would come on. Yatta!. Just his luck, the boy had signed onto the internet.

^Hello Heero Yuy^

#….Who is this?#

^Surely you haven't forgotten me already Hee-chan^

#Don't call me Hee-chan#

^Fine, Heero. Don't you remember me? We met tonight!^


^So you do remember me?^


^Come on Heero, why won't you even talk to me?^

#fine. What do you want#

^I want to see you again^


^Just as friends. Just let me see you and we can spend the day as friends^


^Oh yeah. Meet me tomorrow, where we met today, at 10 and we'll improvise from there. K.


^I better be going if I want to be up by 10, so see ya tomorrow Hee-chan^

#Don't call me Hee-ch..#

Signed out.


Somewhere else In Tokyo.

"Hn" grunted Heero, "that stupid baka."

So waddya think. Wowies.

Please review
