Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who is Duo Maxwell? ❯ Chapter 3: Eigakan de ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey all. Its Yume here. I can't believe that I'm updating this fic!! I was going to stop, but I decided to continue. Thankyou to everyone who e-mailed me, you guys are my inspiration to continue typing. Thankyou to everyone who reviewed.

Warnings: As per last chapter (can't exactly remember what I wrote)

Pairings: Try hard 2+1. ^.^

Disclaimer: Ya know, I try to write a different one for every fic I wrote. Its getting kinda hard. How about this......... THEY ARE NOT MINE!!!!! Happy??? You made the author cry. -sniffle-

Thankyou to those who reviewed:

- Elle-FaTe2x1: Glad you enjoy it. Here's the next chappie

- Selune and Pun E'eco: Here you go enjoy.

- DreamWeaver: I know, poor Hee-chan: he never does have much luck. 2X1 foreva.

- chibi cherrie: thanks cherrie-chan. Your review was very inspiring, I'm glad that you enjoy the fic and I will take your advise. Thankies.

- Vinnie: Here ya go. I hope you enjoy

- LB: I understand. I wrote the first chapter at about 2 am and posted it then to. I'm a bit unhappy with how fast Duo moved. Don't worry he'll be slow now. THANKIES for putting me on your favorites. Wowies. I feel so loved. :-) Thanks chickies. Huggles

- sapphire: I'm glad that you enjoy this fic. I agree with Duo. Duo has a lot to learn in this series.

- Alexia Luthor: Okay. I appreciate your review. Who doesn't like to hear what their audience says? I know that I used a well-used sequence in my story. As I said to LB I wrote this fic at two in the morning and posted it at the same time. I am not overly happy with how it turned out, but I can't change that now. I know Duo came on too strong. This chapter and the more to come will put Duo in his place. I'm sorry that this fic did not please you so far, and I hope the other chapters are more pleasing. To tell the truth: when I wrote it, I found no juicy, old-fashioned yaoi on the net that night. :-) Gomen ne. -cries- Please continue reading this story and I'll take your advice into consideration. I really appreciate your advise. I like honest people and honest reviews. Thanks for reviewing Alexia-chan.

- 'chell-chan: I'm glad that you enjoy my fic, please enjoy that next chapter.

- moonbunny317: Thankyou so much. I'll try to update F.O.M real soon. ja ne

Arigatou mina-chan for reviewing. I really appreciate it. I really appreciated all of your reviews. -huggles- Love you all



(Eigakan de)

Duo waited patiently on the seat that was situated under the tree where he first met Heero last night. When he arrived no one else was in site so he decided to hand around for a while, until the other boy showed up. He was just about to leave when he saw a small figure making its way to the tree. On closer inspection the singer realized that it was Heero, albeit a little late.

"Hey Hee-man! What took ya so long" Duo questioned, as the other boy came to a halt a few feet away.

"Homework" Heero replied in a monotone.

"Well whatchya up for??" Duo questioned "I figured a movie or somethin'"

"Whatever" Heero replied.


Duo grabbed Heero's hand a dragged the boy off to a movie theatre. The whole journey Duo could feel the smaller boy trying to wrench his hand away from the iron grip. Duo just smiled and pulled the boy harder so that were walking next to each other.

"Hn baka. Let go of my hand!" Heero demanded will struggling to release his hand.

"Na!" Duo replied, shaking his head. "Nya nya"

Heero sweat dropped and thought 'what a childish immature.'

The pair kept walking for about fifteen minutes until they arrived at the theatre. On arrival they were immediately swamped by Duo's adoring fans, all wanting to speak to the star. Pens and papers were shoved in Duo's face, fans requesting for autographs and taking photos with him. Heero sighed, he new this would happen and that's why he was late on arrival. He wasn't sure if he wanted to deal with all of these people.

Duo hadn't noticed Heero's awkwardness and was talking to a fan, while still firmly clutching the Asian boy's hand.

"Waiii Duo-kun." One girl screamed, "What are you doing at the movies? And who is that guy with you?"

"Ahh, this is Heero, we just came to catch a movie, nothing spesh." Duo replied.

Small tugs brought Duo's attention back to the other boy, who he realized was trying to escape. Heero kept tugging on Duo's arm but the singer refused to release the small appendage.

"So Duo-kun." The girl caught his attention again, "Is this your boyfriend???"

Heero's head turned sharply to face the girl and then glared at Duo before he could even voice a response; clearly telling Duo what he thought of the matter. Duo sighed.

"No, he's not my boyfriend...." Duo replied and waited for Heero to look away before he continued. "He's not my boyfriend....not yet anyway." Duo then winked at the girl and she returned the gesture.

"Well, good luck Duo-kun." The girl whispered.

Duo and Heero tried to break through the pack of people, but the gathering fans were too interested in the star to move away. Just when Heero started to panic, the manager came out of some doors and addressed the mob:

"Please people, if you could just make way for Mr Duo, he and his date will be able to view the movie they requested."

"Thankyou Mr???" Duo stumbled

"Chang. Wufei Change." The manager supplied.

"Thankyou Mr Change, we appreciate the effort." Duo stated. "Could you please show us to the theatre?" He questioned.

"Of course Mr Duo"

Duo and Heero followed the tall man towards the large doors that lead to theatre number 6. Upon reaching the doors, Wufei opened them and made room for the pair to enter the room. Duo then grabbed Heero by the shoulders and pushed him into the still bright movie room. They walked down the isle and took a seat in the middle of the theatre, in a perfect position to view the large screen.

The pair remained silent until the movie started.....something about computer hackers, trying to control the world. Same old same old. Duo noticed with some satisfaction that Heero was totally enthralled with the movie, not taking in anything happening around him.

Duo grinned 'Time to make my move' he thought to himself.

Duo stretched and lifted his arms in the air, preparing to drop one around Heero's shoulders....

"If you put that arm around me...I can guarantee that you will not have any children." Heero warned, not removing his eyes from the screen.

Duo took the advice and dropped his hands into his lap, shocked that Heero had known what he intended to do.

The movie went on and on without so much as a word passing between the pair, despite Duo trying is hardest to get the silent boy to talk. The movie ended and the two walked out into the movie foyer in silence, although Duo was thinking a mile a minute. He wanted the other boy to at least talk to him. It felt as though Heero had been forced to go to the movies with him, not that he went by choice. 'aaaaggggggh' Duo screamed mentally. He was royally pi$$ed.

"So umm, wanna go get some lunch or something?" Duo asked, just to start a conversation.

Heero shrugged.

"Whatever." Duo replied and headed off towards the theatre's MacDonalds....What? Despite Duo being famous and all, he still loved to chill with a quarter pounder.

The two ordered and then sat down and waited for their meal to arrive.

'Its amazing how crowds aren't mobbing us anymore' Heero thought 'Chang probably told everyone to leave us alone. Good.'

Finally, after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, their meals arrived. After eating Duo seemed to liven up and began speaking as if there was no tomorrow.

"......And then I said to the guy. 'Hey watchya do that for? You coulda hurt me or someone else. You dickhead'". Duo talked happily, unaware that Heero hadn't even been listening for a while. He was just about to continue when Heero spoke up.

"Do you ever stop talking about yourself?" Came the nasal question.

"Eh?" Duo stuttered.

"Do you ever stop talking about yourself?" The Asian boy repeated. "Cause, maybe if you weren't so self centered I might be able to put up with you."

Duo just stared at the boy, opened mouthed, his eyes wide.

"You must learn Duo Maxwell that one cannot always have what they want." Heero hissed "When you learn this, people will like you for who you really are. Don't stuff up Maxwell, you're nice. I even admit that you're good looking. BUT, you only think of yourself. You are a self centered, selfish, prick Duo Maxwell." Heero looked at the clock. "Well this was a lot of fun, but I must leave. I have a lot of homework to do. Bye." Without another word Heero left the building leaving a flabbergasted Duo Maxwell back at the MacDonalds.

After a while, Duo snapped back to living and dashed out of the restaurant and back to his motel room. He had to talk to Quatre about what Heero had said. For the first time in his short life...what someone had said finally sunk in.

Was he really a self-centered, selfish prick?

He hoped that Heero was wrong.


How was that chapter.

I must say this now before Duo kills me: my stories always have a 2X1 ending. -don't hurt me Duo-kun-

Please R&R.
