Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who is Duo Maxwell? ❯ Chapter 5: The Club ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hiya peeps. I felt sorry for all of you guys who wrote telling me how cruel I was to leave the last chapter where it was. -snickers- I am an evil little thing, I definitely agree with you guys.

Thankyous: A big thankyou to Gina who has been helping me brainstorm many different ideas that I could use for this fic and others that will be coming very soon. She has great ideas and I can't wait to write her others. Luv ya babe.

Ooh and just to clear things up, the ages are definitely not going to accurate in this fic. They are as follows:

Heero: 15

Duo: 21

Quatre: 18


Wufei: (Well, he's not really featured in this fic, but just to keep him happy….), 23

Warnings: Shounen Ai

Lime (Is that Kissing?)

Pairings: -ponderponderthinkponder- I am not sure. Hmmmm. -snickers- 2+1 of course.

Disclaimer: kono anime wa watashi no mono janai!!!!

Yay, and now without further ado, I will start with the next chapter of my fic, I hope you enjoy reading it.


(Chapter 5: The club)

Duo waited

And waited

And waited.

…………..Heero Yuy is writing a reply…………….


^wahhhh. Hidoi Hee-chan^

#Don't call me HEE-CHAN.#

^This really means a lot to me. If you don't have even a tiny bit of fun this time, I won't ask to see you again. Pleeeease^

#……………………… …#



^Yay. Domo arigatou Hee-chan. Meet me at the tree at 7 pm tomorrow^


#Ja ne#

^Where are you going Hee-chan? You haven't talked to me for that long. -sniffles- ^

#I have school tomorrow#

^Oh ok^

Heero Yuy is signed out


Duo Maxwell waited patiently under the tree where they had arranged to meet, Heero was late, again. Either that, or Duo had come early again, he couldn't wait to take Heero where he had planned to take him. It was going to be so much fun.

He didn't have to wait long though because, walking along a path, heading towards the tree, was none other than Heero Yuy. Head bent to look at the ground and his hands buried in his jeans pockets.

`ooooh' Duo drooled mentally `those jeans are always so tight'

Shaking his head to remove the delicious thoughts from his hentai mind, he realised that Heero had made his way over to him and was looking up at him with those beautiful cobalt eyes.

"Naaa, Hee-chan" Duo started, "Are you ready to have some fun?"

Heero looked at him for a while before asking, "What kind of fun?"

"My favourite pastime." Duo explained, "Come on, let's go."

Grabbing the small hand, just in the way he had yesterday, Duo began to drag the young boy off to the centre of Tokyo.

After a while, they stopped in front of a large and noisy building, with bright neon lights. Music was being emitted from that building so loud that you could feel the base in your heart. Thump thump thump thump. Duo loved it, this was his favourite club, as no one knew who he was and he could do what he wanted, dance with anyone he wanted and drink what he wanted.

Turning, he watched Heero's expression as he looked up at the building in shock. He hadn't seen Heero's beautiful eyes so wide before; something in that expression told him that the younger boy had never been to a place such as this. He looked untouched and uneducated in the area of clubbing, dancing and drinking. Duo grinned evilly, `this is definitely gonna be fun………for him and for me.'

"Come on Hee-chan." Duo stated never releasing the small hand from his grasp, "Lets go in…..and have some fun."

Heero looked at him and nodded, beginning to walk into the large building


(Heero's POV)

Looking around I couldn't believe what I saw inside the building. I had anticipated lots of people and dancing, I had concluded this from the music I could hear outside. But…….It was so different to what I thought it would be. The lights were dim, people were dancing very, very, close to each other, and there was a large bar in the back corner.

Snapping out of my daze, I noticed that Duo had grabbed my hand and was dragging me off to the aforementioned bar, no doubt to get a drink. Didn't he know I was underage and would be so for at least five more years? (1)

We dodged many people and before I new it we were at the bar and Duo was ordering me a drink.

"What do you want Hee-chan?" The exited boy asked me.

"Baka," I replied, "I'm underage"

"So what," He smiled, "I can vouch for you. You will be under my supervision."

"Whatever." I replied and turned my attention back to the dance floor. `Very interesting' I concluded, `No way in hell would you catch me dancing like that though. (2)

Duo pulled on my hand, while the bartender was preparing our drinks, and indicated for my to take a seat. I was reluctant but finally agreed and sat down on a bar-stool. Duo sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulders, I glared at him in response.

He smiled in return.

`argh' he's so annoying.


(Duo's POV)

I can't help but snicker at that cute glare he is sending me. Is it supposed to be threatening???…….it can't possibly be…….its just so cute.

I'm pulled out of my little ogling session, when the bartender places a drink in front of both Heero and I. I hope what I ordered isn't too strong for the guy…..he doesn't look like the type that drinks. He looks too naive.

I watch as he takes a tentative sip of the liquid and pulls a cute face, he obviously doesn't like the stuff, but takes another sip anyway. I think he is trying to be polite or something. While he takes small sips, I skull my drink in one mouth-full and request another. He glances over at me and then returns his eyes to the bench. I wish he would hurry up and finish that drink, I want to go and have some fun with him. (3)

"Hurry and finish your drink Hee-chan," I whine, "I wanna go and have some fun."

The boy gives me a weird look, tightly shuts his eyes and swallows the rest of his drink. He opens his eyes and that cute look is on his face again.

"I don't understand how people can become addicted to this stuff," he mumbles, "it tastes terrible"

`Wahhhh!!!! Kawaii~' travels through me mind.

"Come on Hee-chan" I grab his hand as we speak and pull him from his chair, he wobbles a bit at first and then steadies himself. I drag him behind me as we head for the dance floor, although he immediately starts to protest when he realises were we are heading.

"Duo! No!" He tries to pull away from my grasp, but I'm not going to allow that now am I?

"Come on Hee-chan, we're already here." I respond.

"I can't dance." He whispers and then glares at me as I move to stand behind him.

"Then I'll teach you." I whisper in his ear and I can feel him shudder.

Moving closer to his small body, I slide my arms around his waist and place them on the front of his hips. Pulling his body closer to me, so that my groin is pressed against him, I begin to move me hips from side to side. Pulling his hips back towards me, Heero has no choice but to follow me movements. We are moving easily, my knees pressed into his forcing them to bend slightly.

"There we go Hee-chan." I whisper into his ear, "you're dancing"

He doesn't reply and he begins to move easily with me, as his body relaxes and feels the beat.

I think the alcohol is beginning to take affect.

I can feel his hips really begin to move as he presses his body closer to mine, and places his hands on my wrists, which are still resting on his hips. I loose track of time as we just sway our hips to the music. The music ends and I remove my hands from Heero's hips and turn him around to face me.

"How was that Hee-chan?" I ask, looking down at his beautiful eyes, "You can dance now."

He gives me a small smile and that just proves that what I was thinking a moment ago, the alcohol is definitely taking affect. Another song starts and we just stand there for a while, just looking at each other. I notice another boy beginning to approach Heero from behind, about to wrap his arms around his waist. So, to prove that Heero is with me, I quickly wrap my arms around his waist and pull him tightly into my body.

"Duo?" He asks, attempting to glare, but finding that the alcohol inhibits that movement.

I look up at the other boy and mouth…"He's with me." The boy shoots me a hard stare and then stalks off to find someone else to dance with.

I grin.

I won.

Holding Heero close to me, we begin to dance again, only this time we are facing each other. My knees are bent slightly so I can press my hips into his. My hands journey down from his waist to grab his gorgeous ass, pulling him even closer to my body. He looks up at me with that beautiful smile planted on his lips and I can't resist. I bend down and place a small kiss on his firm lips, attempting to draw back, I find his hand planted on the back of my head. Despite his small stature, he is rather strong and I can't move my head….Or is it that I don't want to?

Pressing my lips harder to his I open my mouth and run my tongue along his lower lip, hoping to gain entrance, even though I know he won't allow it. Surprisingly, he opens his mouth and I'm allowed access to the moist cavern. I allow my tongue to run across his teeth, his inner cheeks and then to fight with his tongue. But before I can progress any further, common sense breaks through my mind and I pause in my actions.

I shouldn't be doing this. As much as I want to. I want the boy as mine…but he wouldn't normally let me do this to him. I can't kiss him when he isn't aware of what we're doing, because alcohol is clouding his mind. I just can't.

Sighing I pull away from his lips and he emits a cute, low growl.

"Let's get something to drink, Hee-chan" I state while wrapping an arm around his waste and dragging him back to the bar.

"Same as last time." I call to the bartender, as I force Heero to lean on the bench, so that he doesn't stumble. I stand next to him and we wait briefly for our drinks. It's not along wait. This time, rather than sipping, Heero skulls the drink in one mouth-full.

Suddenly he looks up at me from where he is standing, his eyebrows raised and his eyes wide. The next thing I know, he's fallen backwards and collapsed on the floor.

`Hmmmmm, alcohol and Heero definitely do not mix' I conclude. Picking up the small body, I carry him out of the club and head back to the motel. I know where Heero lives, but it is too far……well that is my excuse.

It doesn't take long for us to finally arrive at the motel and I sneak into the large apartment. Thankfully, neither Quatre nor Trowa are around and I can take the boy to my room without question. Arriving in my room, I pull back the covers and rest the boy on my bed.

Sitting down on the mattress I run my hand through his soft hair and place a soft kiss on his forehead. He shifts slightly but then is still. I stand and cover him with the sheets and move to the other side of the large bed and lie down.

"Duo no baka." A quiet voice interrupts my thoughts. Oh wait…its Heero.

I sweat-drop.

……Nice to know he's dreaming about me.



In Japan you have to be twenty before you can drink.

-Author snickers evilly- we'll see about that my dear Hee-chan. This author can make you do anything she wants you to do. -cackles- Heero: -sweatdrop- O.O Duo………..tatsukette.

Not in that way you hentais. -grins- that will come later.

Thankyou again to Gina for helping chose the location of this date. It turned out pretty well don't chya think.

-snickers- if anyone knows where I got the scene about Heero fainting from the second drink, you win a cyber pocky. I'll tell you guys in the next chapter.

Until then.

Please R&R

Ja ne

Luv Yume