Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Why didn't you tell me? ❯ Never ending love ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Why didn't you tell me?

Chapter 2 Never ending love

A/N: I don't own Gundam Wing or the characters. So don't flame me about that. This fic is still dedicated to Anime Freak.

Pairings: 1x2

Events: No Evil Relena! Yaaaayyyyyy^_^

Disclaimer: After the incident with Relena. Heero went under deep depression. What will Heero do when he finds an unexpected visitor knocking at his door? What will happen when Heero loses touch with the other three pilots?

It has been four weeks after the incident with Relena and Heero had gone under deep depression two weeks later. The habit of wearing black made Heero more depressed than he already was. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Heero ignored calls from Quatre and Wufei. Wufei got tired of calling Heero to see if he was ok. So Wufei went to visit Heero. Wufei didn't like the weekly visits he did. Heero either kept quiet or stopped Wufei in a middle of a sentence just to get Wufei out of the apartment. Duo watched all this in the shadows. Duo's thoughts always contained the same question `when will it be time to see Heero?' Duo was tired of waiting. Would he either wait till Heero try to commit suicide or just wait till Wufei left?

Wufei walked out of the building with a frown that tugged at his lips. Heero was worse than before. Heero almost went crazy when Wufei accidentally said Duo's name. It was getting ridiculous.

Duo stood in the shadows as Wufei walked down the street and turned the corner. Now was the time for Duo to go. As Duo entered the building something hit Duo. No it wasn't a person or an object. It was the strong emotion that came up stairs from Heero's room. Duo went up the stairs two at a time. As soon as got to the floor where Heero's apartment was, Duo was already running to Heero's door. When Duo got there, he heard a familiar sound that came from inside the apartment. The sobs were heard from the outside and any passerby would know that the person living there was not a happy person. Duo knocked on the door only to have it flung open quickly and a pair of Prussian blue eyes staring at him.

Heero couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. He had to be dreaming because Duo Maxwell would never think about tracking him down.

" Hey Heero! Long time no see"

" What are you doing here?"

" What do you think I'm doing here? I came to see you."

" But…"

" Listen Heero. Lets talk inside, I don't want everyone to know what I'm about to tell you"

" OK"

Heero stepped aside to let Duo in only to hide behind the door as the braided pilot walked in.

" Duo?"

" Yeah"

" Why did you come here?"

" I came here only to tell you I'm still in love with you"

" I love you too. I loved you since the first time we met"

" Why didn't you tell me?"

" Because I was afraid you would reject me"

" I get it"

" Duo? What will happen now?"

" This"

Heero yelped as Duo grabbed him and kissed him hard. When he broke the kiss so that he could breathe again, Heero had a pretty good idea how Duo felt because he felt it on his leg.

" Ok…I…think…I…got the…picture now" Heero said between breathes

" Really? Would the picture be clearer if I asked you to marry me?"

" Duo?"

" You Ok Heero?" Duo chuckled

" Yeah"

" Yeah to what?"

" Yeah to both questions"

With that done Heero and Duo lived together peacefully until they had to tell their friends. Well that's another story.


A/N: That was so corny. This is my first non-rated R or NC-17 fic. So if you think it was corny, please tell me. I will agree with you.