Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (5/10?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?

~Wild Thang - Part 5~

The six of them put together all the provisions they
would need for the trip ahead. The current elders of
the village gave them their blessings and the six rode

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Heero asked

"The Fates never lie." Quatre quipped.

"I hope so. For the longest time, Relena-san couldn't
get Zechs away from the office to relax. I hope this
doesn't do too much damage." Heero replied, worried.

"Fear not, this trip is something needed within his
life." Quatre replied.

"And what is that?" Heero asked.

"Love." Quatre replied cryptically.

Zechs was riding between Trowa and Wufei, so he didn't
hear the discussion behind him. If he had, he would
have turned right back around. Or, perhaps, he would
have ignored it and continued on. Who knows. This is
how it is going to go.

Unnoticed to the six, wary eyes watch their movement.
Multi-colored beings flitted from branch to branch,
following the travelers.

That night, the curious creatures decided to venture
into the traveler's camp. As the six slept, the
creatures started poking into their things, generally
making a mess. The creatures would be careful of the
one on guard however while they were doing such
curious things. They made sure that the one on watch
duty didn't even know they were there.

The next morning, the six found the camp in a total

"What has happened here? Why is it such a mess? We
certainly didn't do all of this!" Zechs screamed.

"Perhaps it was the faeries." Quatre suggested.

The strange little creatures took caution to that one.

"Nonsense, that's only in fairtales. They aren't
real!" Zechs protests.

The strange little creatures took offense to that
remark. Trowa and Wufei scanned the surrounding
jungle. Their eyes, although uncannily sharp, they
couldn't pick out any of the little creatures. The
creatures decided to warn one of their own, even if he
was a half-breed of the strangers traveling within the

Fluttering off, they found the tree house that homed
their half-breed fellow. Their melodious voices rang
out sharp and clear to the fey boy with blue-violet
eyes and long chestnut hair. The local faeries had
grown attached to the boy ever since that fateful day
that his friend left him on his own.

Luckily for Duo, he was able to pick up the language
fairly fast surprisingly. He was able to understand
the quick speech and was prepared incase the travelers
wish to come by his home. He asked the faeries to
keep watch over the travelers and see where they are
going. The faeries simply nodded their little heads
and flitted off.

The faeries didn't want their friend to meet the
travelers just yet. Soon, days became weeks and still
there was no sign of the two missing members of the

"Are you sure they're still alive?" Zechs asked
Quatre, impatient.

"The Fates never lie." Quatre replied.

"Then where are we?" Zechs demanded.

"How would I know? The map was lost on one of those
blasted 'raids'." Wufei muttered referring to the
state of their camp almost every night.

"Could it be the two lost members?" Zechs asked.
"Solo was known to be a mischief maker."

"Iie. It's not Solo." Quatre replied, closing his

"Well, then who is it that keeps doing this to us?!?
Tell me psychic! Who is doing this?!?" Zechs
demanded, glowering down upon the smaller blonde.

"The faeries." Quatre replied softly.

Zechs straightened and growled, "There are no such
things as faeries."

"Can't you concentrate and pinpoint the wayward
villagers?" Heero suggested.

"I could try, but there is much hype in the jungle
that it's hard to pinpoint him. Even with my
abilities." Quatre replied apologetically.

"Do what you can." Heero said, watching Zechs

Quatre focused his mind on locating the two, only to
find nothing.

"There is too much going around to me to find them.
Gomen nasai." Quatre replied quietly.

Zechs leaned against a tree and sighed. Suddenly, his
hand brushed up against a strange marking on the other
side of the tree he was leaning on. Swiftly going to
the other side to see the markings with his own eyes,
he motioned for the others to come see.

"Look what I found." Zechs said in awe.

"What is it?" Wufei asked.

The word Solo was marked onto the bark of the tree.
Finally, they had a lead.

To Be Continued...