Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (4/10?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?

~Wild Thang - Part 4~

"To confirm whether or not they still live." Heero

"Fine. Is the village psychic still living? Or did
they stone them to death?" Zechs remarked

"They live. This way." Heero replied, leading the way
to a hut.

They enter to find two blonde haired beings waiting
for them. One is a guy and the other a girl.

"Welcome. We have been waiting for you." the boy
replied. "My name is Quatre. This is my companion

"You wish to know about the two who left ne?" Dorothy

"Hai." Zechs replied, getting straight to business so
that he may leave all the quicker.

"Impatient now aren't we? Hai, you are the one."
Quatre intoned.

"What do you mean by that?" Zechs asked, alarmed.

"They don't mean you any harm." Heero informed Zechs.
"Just listen to what they have to say."

"About 18 years ago, a child was born unto this world.
He had to blood of a fey flowing within him although
he looked like a regular human boy." Dorothy started

"Faeries are not real! They are just fairytales."
Zechs protested.

"Ah, but fairytales almost always have some ring of
truth. Otherwise they wouldn't be so compelling to
the ear." Quatre replied. "And I assure you, faeries
are real."

"Whatever." Zechs muttered darkly.

"You may not believe it now, but once you open your
eyes, you will see." Quatre predicted. "As for the
boy born 18 years ago, the only difference between him
and the other boys, were his eyes. They were a
beautiful blue-violet. Such a color so beautiful that
many villagers accused him for being a demon."

"How awful." Zechs said softly.

"Unfortunately for the boy, the discovery of the boy's
difference led to the stoning and eventual burning of
the boy's mother. The elders had put her to death."
Dorothy informed Zechs seriously.

"How unjustified!" Zechs roared in outrage, standing.
"Where's the honor and justice of that?!?"

Quatre smiled, "You mind me of someone when you say

Zechs blinked at Quatre before seating himself once
more. Heero sat by the door so that they wouldn't be

"The village decided that the same fate would fall
upon the boy himself. But what they didn't know was
that another young lad decided to put the boy's fate
into his own hands." Dorothy informed him. "The young
lad's name was known as Solo, a local mischief maker
and jungle explorer."

"Seeing the injustice of what is happening to the boy
barely able to crawl, Solo stood up for the boy and
against his elders. The elders ordered for both of
them to be killed. Solo took a chance and fled into
the jungle in which he loved so much to explore."
Quatre explained. "The villagers, having no
experience beyond their small home, left the children
for dead. They left Mother Nature take its course and
be rid them of their burdens."

"Does anyone remember that time?" Zechs asked.

"Only a select few. The elders of that time have long
passed away. The adults merely scare their children
with the stories, but their memories have faded into
tales. Some of the children during that time do
remember, but most have forgotten." Dorothy replied.
"In fact, one of the few that DO remember will be your
guide. He is my cousin, Treize Khushrenada. Please,
do not be hard on him, he was just 4 years old when
this occurrence happened."

Zechs nodded his head in understanding as a young man
stepped forward from the curtains. Zechs never
noticed him there before and was shocked that he
didn't pick up on him.

"The current village elders wish to know how the two
had faired within the wild. They are planning on
expanding this village." Quatre replied. "Yourself
and Heero-san will be accompanied by Wufei-san,
Trowa-san, Treize-san, and myself."

"Why so many people? Just to see the welfare of two
deserters?" Zechs asked.

"Treize-san will be your guide. Heero-san has stated
that it is his responsibility to see to your safety.
But seeing as how is new to the surrounding jungles,
Wufei-san will act as an overall protector. Trowa-san
is an excellent hunter. And I will be able to help
pinpoint the location of the two missing villagers
easier with my abilities. Sadly, Dorothy-san must
stay here because a healer must remain at the village.
But fear not, I have learned to be a healer as well.
Besides, the less people we bring along, the easier
and quicker it will be to find the missing two."
Quatre reminded Zechs.

Zechs nodded in agreement. Heero just smirked.

To Be Continued...