Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 23

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (23/30?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order, maybe an odd
hint of 3x5, 13x4, and 1x?)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?
Note: About that little addition to the Zechs and Duo
pairing, I felt that the others could use a bit of
romance to...spice things up so to speak.

~Wild Thang - Part 23~
(This entire part is set in the past in more-or-less
Elder Maxwell's POV.)

Elder Maxwell, who wasn't an elder, but merely
Maxwell, found a beautiful maiden within the jungle,
befriending the wildlife around her. He secretly
watched as she subconsciously summoned her spirit fae
powers to soothe any creatures. Sadly, in doing so,
she detected him watching her.

"Is there something I can do for you?" she asked.

Summoning up what he shakily knew of the human
language, he tried to answer, "I just came across."

The maiden smiled, "My name is Helen. What's yours?"

"Maxwell." he replied.

"Would you come out? I know you are a water faerie."
Helen said calmly. "I myself am half spirit faerie."

Maxwell cautiously came out of his hiding place.
Spirit faeries were known for their honest and gentle

"My mother was a full spirit faerie, sadly, she died
before I could learn the fae tongue from her." Helen

"I teach fae, you teach human?" Maxwell asked.

"That'll be fun!" Helen said, excited.

So, from that day onward, they met at the same place,
at the same time to exchange lessons on each other's
language. Day after day, their hearts became more and
more entwined. One day, after a lesson, they kissed
accidentally. The next few days, they kissed to end
lessons. Then, a week after, they spoke words
conveying their love for each other. And then, they
made love.

As the weeks went on, Maxwell noticed a new life
within Helen. He suspected that Helen knew already,
since spirit faeries would be able to know such

"You have a new life budding within you." Maxwell
commented, trying to judge her reaction.

"I know. If my mother was alive, she'd know too."
Helen said wistfully.

"What's wrong?" Maxwell asked, concerned. 'My child.
My very own flesh and blood.'

"I don't know how my father and the other villagers
will think of this. I have turned down numerous
suitors." Helen informed him.

"I love you." Maxwell said tenderly, holding Helen
close. "Live with me?"

"I love you too, but I am not of water faerie descent.
I will die. You know that." Helen said. "Besides,
the village needs me. They need me to break their
fear over the unknown. My father never knew my mother
was a faerie until the day she died. He suspected me
to carry traits of fae and I'm afraid of how he'll

"Then be brave. For us, and for our child." Maxwell

"I shall. I'm sorry that there was no other choice."
Helen wept.

"Hush, none of that, you've got a child to look after.
I'll do all that I can to protect you both." Maxwell

"Arigatou." Helen said, kissing Maxwell softly.

For the next two months, they spent time speculating
on how to go about raising their child. For the next
seven months after that however, Maxwell could only
watch from the gates for Helen to show. He can't go
in without being noticed. And Helen has the baby to
think about whenever she ventured out.

Maxwell stood at the gates, watching the accusations
thrown at his beloved, knowing that if he should
reveal himself, he would be putting them all at a
greater risk. He watched, crying as the villagers
stoned his beloved Helen to death and burned her body.
To 'purge' the village. When they turned on his
child, his son, Maxwell nearly revealed himself, not
wanting to lose the child result of his recently
deceased Helen and his' love. Luckily, his presence
was unnecessary as a youngster from the village took
it upon himself to save the boy who lost his mother
not a day after his birth.

From the distance, he watched over the two boys,
mourning when he could not save the only friend his
son had from that poisonous snake. And true to the
boy's heritage, the spirits of the jungle wept with
him. Throughout the years, he would try to keep tabs
of his son. Once he became an elder however, his time
was very limited. But he relaxed minutely when he
learned that a group of earth faeries took him under
their wing.

As the years went on, Elder Maxwell mourned the lost
time between himself and his estranged son. He prayed
for a time when he will be reunited.

To Be Continued...