Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 24

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (24/30?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order, maybe an odd
hint of 3x5, 13x4, and 1x?)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?
Note: About that little addition to the Zechs and Duo
pairing, I felt that the others could use a bit of
romance to...spice things up so to speak.

~Wild Thang - Part 24~

"That is what had happened." Elder Maxwell said

"Oh father! I never knew! Had I tried, I would have
found you long before this." Duo cried, ashamed of

"Nay my son, I should of had the courage to face ye.
But I don't mind this course of fate." Elder Maxwell
said. "I do enjoy the prospects of a son-in-law. And
judging from his noble behavior, ye and he haven't
made love yet?"

"Father!" Duo gasped.

"Hm? It is true right?" Elder Maxwell asked, arching
an eyebrow.

Duo blushed, "Hai."

"No worries, but I would suggest this." Elder Maxwell
said, grabbing a tube of lube.

"What's this for?" Duo asked.

"To make it easier for ye as well as him. It will dim
down the pain even more so." Elder Maxwell explained.
"It's lubrication. It's slippery so that he can slide
in easier."

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation." Duo
muttered, blushing still.

"Believe it me son, all children go through this sex
talk." Elder Maxwell replied. "Is there anything else
that I may satisfy ye mind with?"

"Will it hurt much?" Duo asked.

"If he stretches ye out, he should have no problem.
Ye might find it odd or uncomfortable, but it will
soon ease to pleasure." Elder Maxwell answered.

"And how would you know this? I thought mother was
the only one you loved." Duo said.

"She still is. But at times, parents request an elder
to be the one to give their child the sex talk. I've
had to ask the other couples how male-male and
female-female sex goes." Elder Maxwell informed him.

"So you're not mad that I chose a man to be my life
mate?" Duo asked.

"Nay, love is love. I don't care what gender as long
as they love ye for who ye are." Elder Maxwell
replied. "Now shoo. Go back to ye love. I'll be
here for a long time yet. Faeries age differently you

Duo swam back to the shore where the others were
camping out. Duo smiled at the lovely sight of Zechs
sleeping, facing the lake. Waving at Wufei who
currently on guard duty, Duo slipped beneath the
covers alongside Zechs. Zechs stirred slightly, only
to pull Duo closer to him and settled down once more.
Wufei gave Duo a wink and Duo falls asleep.

The next morning, having awake watching his love,
Zechs awakens Duo with a kiss. They snuggled together
as Quatre handed them their breakfast. Feeding each
other, Duo decided to test out Zechs' control by
suckling on Zechs' fingers. Often enough, Zechs
forgot to retrieve his fingers to continue feeding his
lover, contented by watching his fingers disappear
into the warm cavern of Duo's mouth. Zechs would have
continued watching, if it wasn't for the intrusion of
Heero reminding him that they need to eat.

"Not now nymph. Tonight." Zechs promised.

"Will we be using this?" Duo asked, showing Zechs the
tube of lube his father gave him.

Shuddering, Zechs breathed, "If you are a good boy and
we have time."

Duo pouted, straddling Zechs' hips, rocking against
the erection he found there.

"Have time?" Duo asked innocently.

Groaning, Zechs pulled Duo hard up against his body
and created more friction, "We'll make time."

"I think we'd better take care of that." Duo stated

Moaning, Zechs brought Duo's hand down to the top of
the shorts he worn to bed and made Duo reach inside
for his arousal, "This is just a taste of what is to

Duo grasped the cock and rubbed its length, delighting
in every twitch of the organ and every moan from
Zechs' mouth. Sliding the shorts down to view his
Zechs' erection, Duo leaned down to lick the white
fluid that escaped. Zechs' hips bucked up, which made
Duo swallow more of his cock. Sucking the head, Duo
heard a sharp hiss and his mouth was flooded with the
salty liquid he lapped up from before. Swallowing,
Duo released Zechs' cock and watched Zechs as he tried
to calm down.

"Nymph, seductress. And right after meeting your
father." Zechs teased, panting.

"I got tired of waiting." Duo said, kissing Zechs.

They looked around and noted that the others were
gone, leaving them by themselves.

"What do you think they are doing?" Duo asked.

"Same as what we did no doubt." Zechs chuckled, fixing
his clothes.

No sooner had he said that, Quatre and Treize emerged,
a little flushed, but fine. Next to emerge was Trowa,
carrying Wufei. And lastly, Heero walked back. They
sat around the dwindling fire refused to meet each
other's eyes.

"So, what now?" Quatre asked, breaking the
uncomfortable silence.

"We go back to the village?" Trowa suggested.

"We take care of the White Fang." Zechs growled.

"I agree, the White Fang should be eliminated." Treize

"It would be justice that Duo live in safety. The
White Fang must fall." Wufei said.

"We go back to the village and recruit Dorothy's aid
in the riddance of the White Fang." Heero proposed.

"Sounds good! Then I want to follow Zechs home and
see what's different from the village." Duo piped up.

To Be Continued...